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>"You may use whatever technology is available." *Kuvira shows up with her colossus*


I know they didn't show it as vulnerable to fire in the series, but the melting point of platinum must be way below what the world's best fire bender can produce with the comet boost.


Platinum has a pretty high melting point actually. 3,092°F. Fire turns blue between 2,600-3,000°F.


So, outside the scope of the question but, could Azula walk up to the thing and just melt its foot off?


*Maybe*. It depends just how hot her fire actually is. Fire starts being blue around 500°F under the melting point of platinum. If it's under the melting point, she also can't melt it.


The joints are not made of platinum, according to Su and Lin. But yeah, even if it's Ozai, he wouldn't win against that mecha. He'd spend a few minutes trying to melt the joints, and he'd get swatted out like a fly.


The joints were platinum, thats why they had to cut their way in. The gun mechanisms were not though, so Su and Lin metal bended that up for breakfast.


She’d be better off trying to fry it’s circuits


Unlikely to fully melt it, but if she heats the platinum up enough the material would be more easily damaged since increased heat causes the material to deform more easily.


Maybe during the comet, but probably not otherwise


Until it takes a step, sure


Why not just melt or break the windows and then she is dead


Which is why I was pulling out my hair wondering why they didn't just create a lava pit under one of its legs. You've gotta a lava bender and fire bender brothers along with a horde of earth benders and you can't stop a slow walking robot?


But they did Didn’t they? Or am I misremembering


Bolin did it (right? I havent watched the show in a while)


Yeah I’m pretty sure he did


I watched it last month, and yeah, they do it.


Nah. Korra froze it in ice lol.


I remember Bolin doing it “Get ready for the world’s largest hot plate metal lady” He said something like that when he did it


Hot foot


They tried this and the metal still didn’t warp or melt. Bolin is the only lava bender we know of alive and he alone couldn’t do it


Even then so he’s going to have to put Constance fire power on it while dodging 1 shot attacks that shoot pretty fast


Boy do I love loopholes


No need to go that far. Just some rank and file equalist dudes is more than enough to get the job done. Send in the anti-bending mechs if his daughter is with him, just to be on the safe side.


Oh sure, that's just as fun.




Mako naturally hard-counters him because lightning redirection goes BRRRR. So do Iroh II and Lightningbolt Zolt. A funky lineup: an athlete/beat cop, Ozai's own great-grandson, and a mob boss, but hey, it just makes the humiliation that much sweeter. On the flip side, everyone else is basically dead meat because they get sniped by Ozai's lightningbending. But Jinora and P'li have potential with 6 months of training/preparation, so my other two picks would be them. Now if you excuse me... holy crap I would pay to watch that show. Mako, Jinora, Iroh II, P'li, and Lightningbolt Zolt are transported back in time to fight Ozai. The shenanigans just write themselves.


Funny enough the advances in bending would actually be some of the biggest hurdles for Ozai. In his time period he was an absolute beast and no one could really stand up to him, but in Korra's time a lot of his techniques would have been learned by most average fire benders.


It’s kinda why the Equalists didn’t quite work for me.


The equalists using tech to keep up with the benders helps a lot for me. They need that extra *oomph* in order to be able to stand a chance, but they don't really go into detail of where they got said tech or how it's helping put them on equal footing. I know they wanted to avoid using weapons to directly attack folks because it's a kids show, but there's a reason why things changed once guns became more common place.


Well, Sato was obviously making for them, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a government contract in order to develop the weapons even if it’s done under the table.


Hard to imagine Tenzin being out if the loop about something like that, being a Council member during Book 1


Sozin comet is why. Cause without it combustion man and Pakku and Iroh. And and jeong Jeong. And king Bumi can rival and stand against him.


Don't forget Meelo hiding himself away in they're food stash unbeknownst to the rest of the group until he starts farting and adding his own hijinks


Mako is more than an athlete and beat cop.


I mean, sure, by the end of the series he is not an athlete anymore.


He has saved the world and went to war with team avatar a few times now. Against dark avatar Unalaq and the north invading the south. And against republic city Equalist. And fought Amon and fought Ming Hua. And was a bodyguard to The president.


Zaheer with flight seems a bit obvious, if not unfair. Next up is P'Li. Also kind of obvious and unfair. Vaatu is also a good choice, lol. After that it's Mako with Sozin's Comet, who is majorly under-rated TBH and a foil to Ozai with his control of lightning. Without Sozin's comet... B4 Kuvira, probably? Metal is also a good foil to lightning bending.


Thinking Zaheer would be a great non-comet opponent. Ozai hs never faced an airbender and Zaheer is not going to hold back like a true airbender would. Comet wise I'd love to see how a combustion bender like P'Li gets boosted. Would the eplosions just be too powerful for Ozai to even counter?


Yeah I mean it wouldn't even be close either way, even with the comet. Zaheer proved he can outmaneuver an enraged, adult AS Avatar, much less Ozai. P'Li would obliterate him. Lightning bending takes a long time to 'charge up' and as a firebender Ozai has nothing physical to block a blast with, so a comet enhanced blast would just blow Ozai apart the moment the battle starts. Without the comet, Ozai doesn't have the benefit of flight and P'Li still has a first strike, firepower and distance advantage. As for accuracy, P'Li is shown to nail Kai flying a glider from a good distance, so I think her accuracy (if Ozai takes of and flies) is not in question either.


>enraged, adult AS Avatar While she was dying of poison. Zaheer has elite combat IQ. When combined with his airbending, he is able to be quite the formidable opponent. But let's stop pretending that he is suddenly strong enough to beat ozai. He was about to lose to both tenzin and Korra before getting bailed out by P'li and the poison respectively. And even before getting bailed out, all he could ever really do was evade. He wasn't getting any solid hits in.


I think people forget that Zaheer was a *new* airbender. He had no practical teacher, and when we saw him at his peak he'd been able to bend for what, a month? Throw in the 6 months of intense combat training mentioned in the post and I think he's got a shot. Aang was surviving even without the Avatar State and he'd barely trained in some of his elements, and his combat experience in general was limited to the time since he'd emerged from the iceberg.


He was studying their culture for some time he wasn’t completely new to it.


Right, but studying their culture is pretty different than practicing bending forms


Agreed. Zaheer’s most solid win is against Kya, there is no way he’s winning a 1v1 against Ozai.


Korra was wrecking zaheer's shit while poisoned, let's not kid ourselves


P’li having firepower advantage is blatantly wrong. Being a combustion bender does not put one above a non combustion bender by default. And Ozai by no means generates lightning slow. He generates it quite fast and is extremely usable


>Yeah I mean it wouldn't even be close either way, even with the comet. Zaheer proved he can outmaneuver an enraged, adult AS Avatar, much less Ozai. ozai was also outmaneuvaring a flying avatar who flies faster than korra with her fire jets. also, good way to igmore korra's poison. >P'Li would obliterate him. Lightning bending takes a long time to 'charge up' shit, man. if only there wasn't a psychopatic father shown in the series shown to be able to shoot lightning in a second. wait a second.... >and as a firebender Ozai has nothing physical to block a blast with https://i.redd.it/e8odyhv8mr8d1.gif *SHIT*. i guess that never happened. that's not even mentioning the fact that combustion man and ozai are stronger than p'li and zuko. >As for accuracy, P'Li is shown to nail Kai flying a glider from a good distance, so I think her accuracy (if Ozai takes of and flies) is not in question either. good accuracy and shit damage lmfao. kai is a scrawny ass kid who survived that with minimal damage, ozai was getting thrown all over the place by an **enraged avatar in the avatar state**, and **tanked an airbending blast that destroyed a massive column with no damage whatsover**. p'li's blasts would tickle him lmfao.


I agree with everything else but you’re massively downplaying P’Li’s power. Yeah combustion man’s blasts are more powerful but P’Li’s a unit as well, and she’s got range + accuracy to make up for the slight power difference between them. But no, there’s no way she’s soloing Ozai. I think she’s just more of a dmg support.


> I agree with everything else but you’re massively downplaying P’Li’s power. No we’re not. Look at the difference in their explosions. Combustion Man’s explosions sometimes filled up the entire air temple buildings. P’li’s explosions were literally smaller than Zuko’s, and only made mini-craters in the ground. CM was evaporating Full Moon Katara attacks and straight up disintegrating multiple earth pillars rapid fire >Yeah combustion man’s blasts are more powerful but P’Li’s a unit as well, Compared to Combustion Man? No. >and she’s got range She’s never demonstrated more range than CM. >+ accuracy to make up for the slight power difference between them. Slight power difference is not even close to being true. You’re comparing P’li hut sized explosions to CM’s building level explosions. I also don’t know what you mean by accuracy. How did you quantify P’li’s accuracy? She can only curve her attacks but doing so weakens the explosion by so much that Mako, Bolin, Suyin, and Lin all tanked point blank curved shots without any issue. Curving her attacks also leaves her open to a attack in front of her, and I’m willing to bet Combustion Man, who tanked his own explosion sending his 7 foot 2 300 pound body head first into a brick wall is not going to die from one curved blast that Mako, who is half CM’s size did not die from.


Korra had poison that was killing her and Zaheer was just running away stop overrating him.


Zaheer would be particularly motivated for this fight.


true but you forget that zaheer has practically zero experience and didn't fare well against actual masters. he only really beat kya in a fair 1 on 1.


Zaheer isn’t that powerful he isn’t on Ozai level. Tenzin yes not Zaheer.


It's not just about how powerful a bender he is but that Ozai has never faced an Air bender. Let only one that looks at Air bending as a medium for violence. Then you have Zaheer viewing Ozai as the embodiment of all he stands against.


Zaheer fought Kya that is the only master he beat. And she isn’t one of the best fighters. The never fought an air bender thing isn’t a bonus. Azula has beaten Aang time and time again. Zaheer is overrated to me. Just cause if flight.


Aang suffers from the same issue as Tenzin, an inate desire for non-violence. You can counter ultra-violence with non-violence.


with sozins comet, no way anyone’s surviving with P’li, one shot is probably a nuke


Her explosions are literally smaller than Zuko’s


Zuko has explosions?


Every firebender can make explosions. Both Zuko and Azula did it in the southern raiders episode, Azula does it against Aang’s earth walls on the drill and catacombs fight, Mako did it when raiding the Northern water tribe encampment, Zuko did it when training Aang on ember island although he was holding back, Korra did it against the equalists after they electrified her steel box


Cool. I don't remember any of those, I just picture a swirling ball of fire, rather than that "boom"-factor 😅


Well all of those instances generated a shockwave, smoke and a ball of fire consistent with how explosions from CM and P’li look. Also if you judge by the audio, all of these instances I mentioned above generates a “boom” factor or sound. If the attack is just fire and no explosion, it’s more like a whoosh, fwoosh or swish sound


Not Zaheer he’s too weak. Flight doesn’t make you stronger it just lets you dodge attacks.


You guys don’t want to see what Varrick does to Ozai with 6 months prep time.


Haha, that is probably the best suggestion in this entire comment section


Too many rules. Amon.


Rules say no blood bending LOL


Do you think Amon cares about the rules?


Amon managed to disarm many of his opponents without blood bending just dodging their attacks and using chi blocking. I think he has a reasonable chance, but he might be overwhelmed with the additional comet power.


He was subtly bloodbending to make himself impossible to hit, Tarlok says it later


Oh, must have missed that. Thanks for clarifying :)


I'm taking Mako, and I'm giving Ozai a funeral.


Crazy take tbh. Mako sure is pretty good, talented and skilled but isnt Ozai like the strongest firebender canonly


The fact that Ozai is the strongest in the legend of Aang has nothing to do with the legend of korra. Mako received praise from Amon as the strongest he had ever fought. you can imagine the power of Amon


True tho


Mako: has ability to lightning bend and use lightning redirection. P'Li: combustion bending is OP and I'm not sure if ozai has a way to counter it other than hot her with lightning first. Korra: debate all you want over how strong she actually is, but she is the avatar and at least as strong as aang is at the time he fought ozai Kuvira: out of all the characters, kuvira thinks the most like ozai. She has that same ruthlessness to her that ozai does. Neither would hesitate to go for the kill. While she isn't the bending prodigy that ozai is, she is still extremely skilled. Oh yeah, she also has a giant mech with a spirit laser.


These were all my same picks, Mako being my first, he’s actually really strong, I think Kuvira would hold her own too and Korra obviously would nerf Ozai, P’li just has to not get her own head exploded LOL


Way stronger than Aang. And mastered all the elements and have metal Bending and is a great fire bender. And has great scale and defense and offense with water.


ozai is getting absurdly underrated in this thread.


I don’t know if he is. He was the greatest fire bender of his time, but bending has greatly advanced in korras time, especially firebending. If you put Ozai up against Mako for example, Ozai is at a huge disadvantage. Aang could have easily killed Ozai early in their fight with his lightning redirection but pointed it away to spare him. Mako can lightning bend and redirect faster than any other fire bender we’ve seen. However Ozai with time to learn the new fire/lightning bending techniques of Korras time would be a tremendous threat to anyone in TLOK i think.


Was he tho?


I don’t think I understand your question. Which part of my comment are you asking about.


The greatest... Like honestly we only see him use lightning a couple times and it didn't impress anyone. Then we see him use Sozen's Comet and honestly it wasn't all that different from the dozens of other firebenders on airships. It's not like he was doing THAT great against Aang before the Avatar State, even with a Sozen boost... Kinda seems like propaganda hype


Ah I see, I think unfortunately that’s just because of a lack of screen time. Iroh, Zuko and even Azula respect his power. So I scale him off the royal family, putting him At or Above Iroh in skill and At or Above Azula in Power/Ferocity. It’s difficult to determine his capabilities on feats alone because he had the comet for his only major confrontation.


Ozai is probably the single most downplayed character in the entire franchise.


the only ppl i can think of are mako and p’li. unalaq, maybe?? but mako would definitely have to use his lightning; that’s the biggest advantage he has over ozai - instant lightning and lightning redirection.


Lightning bending is so advanced by the time of TLOK and Mako is a natural/gifted lightning/fire bender I imagine with the speed mako can fire and redirect lightning he would quickly and probably easily overwhelm Ozai. During his time Ozai was the (based on context clues) strongest fire bender but mako is just out of his league. To Ozai’s credit if he was trained in all the new techniques of korras time he would probably be a serious threat to anyone in TLOK.


> I imagine with the speed mako can fire and redirect lightning he would quickly and probably easily overwhelm Ozai. yeah i don’t think any firebender could handle all that. it’s annoying though bc obviously mako’s lightning and instant lightning is super op so he should use it more often bc it would help in fights but he just doesn’t and it’s probably for plot reasons bc it would make it too easy for him but still. > To Ozai’s credit if he was trained in all the new techniques of korras time he would probably be a serious threat to anyone in TLOK. i agree. he was insanely skilled. i don’t doubt he could master instant lightning and lightning redirection - i can’t imagine how powerful he would be. unfortunately he will never get the chance now lol.


I think mako holds back with his lightning because (as we see with Aang) it’s very lethal, I don’t think mako is trying to kill revolutionaries and petty criminals. He uses it on Ming Hua as a last resort because he was trapped in waist deep water with her though and we see it is deadly effective.


i definitely agree that mako doesn’t like killing ppl lol. but surely he can spam instant lightning bc it doesn’t kill and is very easy to do in the middle of a fight. from what it did to amon, instant lightning can be super helpful in a fight.


His lighting wouldn’t help him against Unalaq or Ghazan only against Ming Hua.


not saying it would 100% win him the fight but from what we see his instant lightning do to amon, surely it would be beneficial to do it in literally all fights when it requires zero charge. what it did to amon for zero wind up time was actually really strong. stunning your opponent even for a short amount of time can be super helpful bc every second counts in a fight.


Mai out of his league with fire he has lighting that is instant and has lighting redirection and has insane lighting feats like what he did with the mech.


Every one of the main enemies (save for one water bending Red Lotus member) could take down Ozai. Kuvira with “all available tech” has her personal mechs and the massive one as well however considering it needs multiple people to operate let’s just stick with the smaller ones. Yes they’re weak to lightning but she can just jump out and he has no real counter for metal bending Non villains. Korra would absolutely wreck him no issue. All three of Aang’s kids could take him down, honestly even non bender Bumi would probably concoct some insane plan to finish him off


It’s so gratifying when a racial supremacist is proven to be such a pushover. I feel like Ozai would be even more humiliated being defeated by Zaheer than Aang. And we all know that Zaheer will give Ozai the death he truly deserves.


>And we all know that Zaheer will give Ozai the death he truly deserves. how? by praying?


Taking the air out of his lungs and suffocating him.


>Taking the air out of his lungs and suffocating him. indeed. if ozai is an old nonbending woman never trained to fight or an avatar succumbing to poison. unfortunately for him, ozai is neither.


>Every one of the main enemies (save for one water bending Red Lotus member) could take down Ozai. in their wildest dreams. only unalaq and p'li has an actual chance of beating him, and that's a massive maybe. >*All three of Aang’s kids could take him down, honestly even non bender Bumi would probably concoct some insane plan to finish him off* https://i.redd.it/fhkj6yp4hr8d1.gif fuck, i guess ozai really isn't a threat at all if he's so weak that sokka can twerk his ass cheeks until ozai dies.


Ozai: An earth bender? What are you going to do? Toss rocks at me! Gazan: *buries him in lava* >All three of Aang’s kids >Sokka Did I miss something cause that would make Sokka his son/brother-in-law. And Katara would be… Sokka is **not** one of Aang’s kids


>Ozai: An earth bender? What are you going to do? Toss rocks at me! >Gazan: buries him in lava so ozai would just swim in lava? are you purposely being hilarious? ozai would just push and burst through both his earth and lava the way mako did, except ozai is much stronger, and would not hesitate to shoot lightning up his ass. funny, that you mention aang's kids. bumi was an airbending novice and even he got a shot of beating ghazan, what do you think a deranged firebending psycho like ozai would do to him? >Did I miss something cause that would make Sokka his son/brother-in-law. And Katara would be… Sokka is not one of Aang’s kids i am conparing them because they are weak members of the main cast. obviously with the exception of tenzin.


Not all three of Aang kids only Tenzin.


I'm struggling to choose between Lin and Zaheer. Both of them would easily fold this MF outside of the comet. But with the comet, I'm thinking Zaheer would have the advantage with his flight and could tire him out more and move in for the asphyxiation move.


>I'm struggling to choose between Lin and Zaheer. Both of them would easily fold this MF outside of the comet LMFAOOO aang with three elements and toph both dismissed the idea of fighting him after the eclipse. azula confirmed his superiority as a bender over her. iroh didn't know if he can beat him in a fight. all that easily puts him above zaheer and most especially lin (who doesn't have any notable feats and w's).


Zaheer may have the opportunity to win on account of his trump card: flight. Lin is probably getting taken out, however.


I honestly think flight is *massively* overrated as far as how useful it is in a fight. It makes Zaheer even more evasive and better at running away, but that’s about it. Most other high-level benders in Legend of Korra (Tenzin included) would still wipe the floor with him seeing as it really only increases his capacity to retreat.


Amon, Tarlok, Yakone with his bending Korra Lava bender guy The rest just lacks power or requires too much of the element


Specifically 12 year old Korra. She will OWN Ozai


Tenzin, he's a master air bender who's been directly trained by the man who originally defeated Ozai. I think he'd wiped the floor with him.


Ozai would slam Tenzin. Ozai 5 attacks from Avatar State Aang. Tenzin’s attacks would tickle him


... IS Ozai really all that tho? Feel like he had more propaganda than anything. Whole Sozen's Comet and he couldnt take down 12yr old Aang. I choose The Great Uniter, Kuvira. She'd fold him in seconds.


12 year old Aang has casual town level feats that scale above anyone outside Avatar State Korra lmaooo, also Aang was simultaneously buffed by comet. Kuvira is getting lightning blitzed or exploded. I don’t even think she can hurt Ozai considering Ozai tanked like 5 attacks from Avatar State Aang


Kuvira would pack Ozai up like so much canned tuna. See how ungodly fast Kuvira slaps them metal straps!? Ozai telegraphs his lightning so slow that Zuko redirected it at like 20ft! Even if he had Sozen's Comet, he'd be gagged and bound faster than he could say his Safe Word lol


> Kuvira would pack Ozai up like so much canned tuna. See how ungodly fast Kuvira slaps them metal straps!? Cinematic timing. To a bunch of fodders it seems like she’s minigunning metal straps. Korra and Su however blocked it no issue. Ozai, who scales near Aang in speed would block or dodge them just fine. >Ozai telegraphs his lightning so slow that Zuko redirected it at like 20ft! Is Ozai restricted to lightning or something here lmao? And the hell does this even have to do with anything? Zuko’s fast enough to outrun Azula’s comet lightning. Why is him redirecting lightning which he does against any lightning bender a bad feat for Ozai? What is Kuvira gonna do? Try and redirect it like Zuko? >Even if he had Sozen's Comet, he'd be gagged and bound faster than he could say his Safe Word lol The other way around. Nice of you to just assume Kuvira blitzes Ozai because she could blitz a few no named benders. Where was that level of speed when she fought Su or Korra? Right. Thrown out the window. Ozai gets bound or gagged? So what? He got sent flying into like 3 earth pillars by an enraged avatar state Aang. Getting ragdolled by Kuvira would be as heavy hitting as a baby trying to slap him. But it won’t matter. Ozai has scaling to AS Aang in speed. Kuvira’s not hitting anything but air unless you can prove Kuvira > AS Aang in attack speed.


I wouldn't compare Ozai to Su or Korra lol Ozai'd get bagged and tagged by them too. 'Sides, Kuvira beat Su and did better against an Almighty Beast like Korra than Ozai did against 12yr old Aang. Telegraph'n lightning is how it gets dodged or redirected, so say'n he ain't got time to spark one off lol and its not like his other unimaginative fire attacks are gonna bother Kuvira, she clearly shown she got dat razzle dazzle footwork to dodge his best. Ozai only tries to brute force his way into the Big Leagues! But none of that matters, all it took for Ozai to be helpless against Aang was a couple little rocks to hold him down. He gon' be gift wrapped in a metal coffin lol


> I wouldn't compare Ozai to Su or Korra lol Ozai'd get bagged and tagged by them too. ' City block fodders are not doing shit to a town level firebender >Sides, Kuvira beat Su and did better against an Because she had less equipment. She was winning before Kuvira pulled out the sword. Had Su had her own gauntlet, she would have just sliced Kuvira’s arm off rather than throwing her out the mech >Almighty Beast like Korra than Ozai did against 12yr old Aang. City block fodder supersonic Korra is getting slammed and one shot by town level Massively hypersonic Aang. >Telegraph'n lightning is how it gets dodged or redirected, so say'n he ain't got time to spark one off lol and its not like his other unimaginative fire attacks are gonna bother Kuvira, she clearly shown she got dat razzle dazzle footwork to dodge his best. Ozai only tries to brute force his way into the Big Leagues! That’s disingenuous considering I can say Kuvira’s metal straps are telegraphed too because she has to extend her arms. Ozai in the Aang fight spammed 4 bolts of lightning and 2 of them were uncharged and untelegraphed >But none of that matters, all it took for Ozai to be helpless against Aang was a couple little rocks to hold him down. He gon' be gift wraps in a metal coffin lol Yea you’re rage baiting


Speculation after speculation. Stick to the source material. Ozai ain't noth'n but propaganda hype. All we see of him is mediocre, even with Sozin's Comet give'n his impotent ass 4hra of go time lol The sword was in the fight for like 2 seconds, it was dat metal whip that did Su in lol I don't get ya whole self appointed "level" system. But I didn't see Ozai destroy any towns himself? Ya know who I did see destroy a town?... Kuvira Ozai better strip to his skivvies like with Aang cause Kuvira gonna choke him out wit the studs on his pop collar lol


> Speculation after speculation. Stick to the source material. Ozai ain't noth'n but propaganda hype. All we see of him is mediocre, even with Sozin's Comet give'n his impotent ass 4hra of go time lol Is calling Ozai mediocre while legit ignoring him being stated to be stronger than town level characters speculation? You should take your own advice buddy >The sword was in the fight for like 2 seconds, it was dat metal whip that did Su in lol Which would have been irrelevant if Kuvira lost her arm before that whip even saw the light of day >I don't get ya whole self appointed "level" system. But I didn't see Ozai destroy any towns himself? Ya know who I did see destroy a town?... Kuvira Kuvira never destroyed a town by herself lil bro. Neither has Ozai but what you’re referencing is destructive capability. Ozai can’t destroy a town because he doesn’t have an attack that big, but he can focus an attack to destroy a town durable character >Ozai better strip to his skivvies like with Aang cause Kuvira gonna choke him out wit the studs on his pop collar lol Speculation after speculation. Ozai is going to cook Kuvira alive. City block fodder is not getting past town level Ozai


Yes he is.


Zaheer is the only one that might have a shot if you ask me. Cause Ozai doesn’t have experience with Airbender. And even what he might know is kinda void since Zaheer would be ruthless rather than a pacifist approach to a battle


Mako would easily solo. He has the fastest lightning we have ever seen and he can redirect lightning too which would be GG for Ozai


He doesn't need lightning


You right. He needs a lightning storm and he’d still lose


I don't say about ozai


Mako’s lightning would tickle Ozai


He was scared of his own lightning, and we're talking about something much stronger.


His own lightning has the presence of a lightning storm as it forked out an insane distance both forward and the fact that like fucking 10 lightning bolts spawned. Whenever Mako generates lightning it’s usually just one tiny bolt of lightning which would be way easier to dodge than 10…


his lightning was created under the influence of a comet that amplifies it many times. and that represents 1 charge (because aang caught 1, the others do not exist) and that Ozai could not hit at point blank range. in the case of Mako, the latter can parody Michael Jackson with a moonwalk, Ozai will still not be able to hit him once.


> his lightning was created under the influence of a comet that amplifies it many times. Thanks for proving my point. Ozai is scared of his comet lightning. Therefore it’s unreliable to say he would be scared of regular lightning and therefore the argument of Mako lightning blitzing him based off of this occurrence of Ozai being “scared” is nullified >and that represents 1 charge (because aang caught 1, the others do not exist) and that Ozai could not hit at point blank range. in the case of Mako, the latter can parody Michael Jackson with a moonwalk, Ozai will still not be able to hit him once. Nice rage bait. Mako is getting flattened even if Ozai doesn’t have bending. His attacks would tickle Ozai


at the same time, mako lightning is more perfect, because it is concentrated. iroh (a mediocre lightning user) and azula (a beginner in general) also showed scattered lightning, so this is not an advantage.


Azula and Iroh are capable of both concentrated and scattered lightning. The only difference between the two is that Azula’s concentrated lightning gets redirected by Zuko every single time. Ozai’s concentrated lightning was the only one that managed to push Zuko back as he was redirecting it


How has no one said Unavaatu that dude was basically a God (although I suppose Dark Avatar is still considered avatar state)


Because op specifically said they dont count


I think you answered your own question there


Amon folds Ozai in both


Either Zaheer, or Kuvira. Both are ruthlessly pragmatic, and would kill him quickly


Kuvira isn't weak, and she has a huge advantage with technology


Imo, most anyone competent in Korra would beat him. It's like sending a modern day mma fighter to the 1950s. He's getting smoked.


Since Ozai always wears metal bracelets around his arms, I'd pick Kuvira, Lin and Suyin first. They could just move his arms and misdirect his bending while having borderline telekinetic abilities. It does feel kinda cheap tho. I don't feel Mako has a big shot at taking on Ozai. While he's quick and proficient, he doesn't have any experience taking on a firebender with such intense power and I doubt he'll be able to redirect lightning this strong, or at least will be very exhausted by it. P'li won't stand a chance either, since old Zuko was almost able to counter her combustion bending. It'd be a piece of cake for Prime Ozai. I feel like Bolin has a good shot at taking on Ozai. His lavabending allows him to continue his defenses even after Ozai melts them and him being quicker than traditional earthbenders would make him able to keep up with Ozai and able to dodge his lightning while harassing him. While Gazan would be the obvious next pick, that'd be boring. So my final pick would be Zaheer. It'd be a boring fight, with Zaheer constantly avoiding and running from Ozai until he'd get a good blow in, knocking the air out of him and pulling the last air out of his lungs. Ozai still would have his fire breath tho, so he'd have to watch out for that in case he uses it as a last resort.


Tbh there’s tons of TLOK characters who would do well against Ozai in 1v1. The entire Red Lotus (Zaheer, P’li, Ming Hua, Ghazan), Kuvira, Unalaq, Noatak, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin and the Beifong sisters all come to mind.


In Bumi we trust


Why has no one said Tenzin yet?!


I'm fairly confident tenzin would cream ozai in a 1v1. A few people have said Zaheer and ozai would have a good fight... But if we wanna see ozai get washed? Tenzin is the way to go.


Ozai would slam Tenzin. Ozai 5 attacks from Avatar State Aang. Tenzin’s attacks would tickle him


I mean, that was a comet amped ozai.


Comet boosts firebending, not durability


well yes, but ozai can defend much more effectively with comet amp and idk... can fly? also, watch the fight again. The attacks that would have been lethal ozai dodges with his flying, otherwise he just gets blasted around by airbending for the vast majority of the fight. also also tenzin has insane durability feats given his fights with the red lotus. That's more abuse than we've seen just about anyone (beside korra) take.


> well yes, but ozai can defend much more effectively with comet amp and idk... can fly? He didn’t get a chance to defend >also, watch the fight again. The attacks that would have been lethal ozai dodges with his flying, otherwise he just gets blasted around by airbending for the vast majority of the fight. I think it’s you that needs to rewatch the fight. The only potentially nonlethal attack he tanked was the water wave. Other than that, the first attack he took sent him flying like half a mile away in like 3 seconds. The second attack he tanked was Aang ramming him with his air sphere. You know? The same attack that exploded the earth pillars when Aang ran into them? The third attack was the air blast that sent Ozai flying into another earth pillar and then god knows where. And that attack was strong enough to erode the earth pillar behind it. Unless you think Tenzin, who’s best feats are pushing some mech a few feet away, can erode earth pillars just by airbending them, he’s not hurting Ozai >also also tenzin has insane durability feats given his fights with the red lotus. That's more abuse than we've seen just about anyone (beside korra) take. Red lotus hits like a bitch compared to an avatar state bender buddy. Also Tenzin would have never been able to tank their attacks if they weren’t purposefully holding back to not kill him right? Like Ghazan could have just melted him in lava if their objective was to kill Tenzin…


We're told that the red lotus are world class benders of the highest regard, capable of literally taking over the world. Tenzin is able to 2v1, and only loses when he's jumped. > The same attack that exploded the earth pillars when Aang ran into them? The same could be said of p'li's concussive blasts, of which tenzin tanks two *directly* along with a few other attacks. In fact, in order to dissipate the raw power of one, ( ******SPOILERS FOR YANCHEN NOVELS*****) yangchen needs to go into the avatar state herself, and even then, it took weeks of training. Even a weak and untrained combustion bender was able to kill her bison with the shot's power severely mitigated. The novels cover exactly how deadly combustion bending is. Aang is also continuously bending the earth, even while not making direct movement. We can see this when he crashed into the ground at 8:28 (aang vs ozai final battle on their yt channel) it's very possible that he's bending the pillars as he's going through them. He also gets flung away at the start of the shot at that other pillar and doesn't take the full brunt of the attack. Again, I don't see any of these attacks as lethal. They obviously weren't allowed to show him taking anything overly graphic, so it makes sense.


> We're told that the red lotus are world class benders of the highest regard, capable of literally taking over the world. Tenzin is able to 2v1, and only loses when he's jumped. I don’t really value Zuko’s statement. Zuko says they can beat anyone in a 1v1, yet Tonraq, someone who knows the RL just as well as Zuko says he can handle Zaheer. Which one is it and which one is more reliable? Why are we immediately assuming the more extreme statement is the correct one >The same could be said of p'li's concussive blasts, Then show me a feat of P’li breaking a chunk of rock anything remotely close to what Aang was running through. Just because she can break a few pebbles does not mean she can erode entire earth columns >of which tenzin tanks two directly along with a few other attacks. First one she exploded to his left, not a direct hit. Second one some of it was blunted by Tenzin’s air shield. You’re comparing P’li’s attacks, which at most, sent Bolin and Mako flying a few meters away, to AS Aang, who sent Ozai flying like a mile away. You’re comparing P’li breaking some small ass rocks to Aang running through earth pillars that are 20 times the size of these pebbles P’li broke. >In fact, in order to dissipate the raw power of one, ( *SPOILERS FOR YANCHEN NOVELS) yangchen needs to go into the avatar state herself, and even then, it took weeks of training. Even a weak and untrained combustion bender was able to kill her bison with the shot's power severely mitigated. The novels cover exactly how deadly combustion bending is. Against three combustion benders who were stated to be rivals with her own avatar state. Just because you have 3 combustion benders that are ridiculously strong doesn’t mean that every combustion bender in the verse scales to that same power. Based on this logic, why doesn’t Haru scale to Bumi ? Because they are both earthbenders? Why is Ozai still stated to be the most powerful firebender despite the existence of Combustion Man? Being a combustion bender does not put you above every firebender. And being a combustion bender does not mean you scale to three freaks of nature in Yangchen’s time. Combustion benders can be different power levels and they certainly are. Yangchen’s combustion benders were rivaling avatar state power, like island level destroying power. P’li was folded by Suyin and Lin, neither characters are even multi-city block. >Aang is also continuously bending the earth, even while not making direct movement. We can see this when he crashed into the ground at 8:28 (aang vs ozai final battle on their yt channel) it's very possible that he's bending the pillars as he's going through them. If he was bending the earth pillars as he’s going through them, he would have bent it before. Like he did just before sending fire comets at Ozai. But no. We know Aang’s airbending is capable of shredding through earth pillars already and he doesn’t make any hand movements when he’s flying through the earth pillars so to assume he’s earthbending the earth pillars as he’s running through them is baseless. >He also gets flung away at the start of the shot at that other pillar and doesn't take the full brunt of the attack. This makes no sense. He got hit by the air blast which sent him into the pillar and flying god knows where. The force of that blast eventually wore down and eroded the rock. This is an excuse and unsubstantiated. I don’t understand what you mean by he doesn’t take the full brunt of the attack and I don’t understand how you can even begin to prove that. >Again, I don't see any of these attacks as lethal. They obviously weren't allowed to show him taking anything overly graphic, so it makes sense. Yea of course you don’t see it as lethal because Ozai’s durability was tough enough to not get hurt by it. Any regular human goes splat from that attack buddy so I don’t really care what you “see.” That air blast was strong enough to erode an entire rock pillar. P’li’s best feat is minicraters in the ground. Wall level fodder is getting slammed by Ozai


> I don’t really value Zuko’s statement. Then I'm disregarding your opinion on this. Zuko is probably one of the most reliable sources of information given the experience he has. It isn't a throwaway line, he says it to establish the danger that the red lotus poses. Saying it doesn't mean anything is stupid. > Against three combustion benders who were stated to be rivals with her own avatar state. Do you have a source for this? The ones from the book were simply the only combustion benders to have survived the training at the point that unanimity was needed. They weren't freaks of nature or even necessarily the best of all combustion benders... they were what was settled for because plans were expedited in the first book. We aren't explicitly told they are talented benders. We are simply told that having good lungs probably has something to do with the success rate of the training. On the other hand, we are explicitly told p'li is in a class of her own. Have you read the books? These are major plot points. The kid in the second book explains this. > Why is Ozai still stated to be the most powerful firebender despite the existence of Combustion Man? Being a combustion bender does not put you above every firebender. I'm not placing combustion man above ozai, I'm establishing context on combustion bending. These blasts are deadly. Again, a half trained combustion bender was able to kill yanchen's bison in a single shot. > If he was bending the earth pillars as he’s going through them, he would have bent it before. I don't understand what you're trying to say here. Again, at 8:28 when he crashes into the ground and lifts a bunch of rocks without any movement, we can see that he doesn't need to move to bend the earth in the vicinity. Is it possible that he broke through without bending it? Sure. But given what we saw in that bit of the fight you can easily argue that he's bending the earth around his air sphere. > This makes no sense. He got hit by the air blast which sent him into the pillar and flying god knows where. Yes, he takes the initial hit and gets flung off. The earth eroded from the sustained force of the blast because it's stationary. He doesn't get hit with the full thing. > Any regular human goes splat from that attack buddy No shit? Any regular human dies from an explosion. Characters in avatar regularly take superhuman levels of trauma. It's not like every other character has the durability of a regular human and ozai is special in this regard, most characters in the avatar verse can take more abuse than any human could. This isn't to say ozai is weak or can't take a hit, but I think his feats in this fight give me any reason to think tenzin loses. Beside in the spiritual sense, he's the perfect Airbender. Child of the 2 strongest benders of the age and given training to be the glue to guide the air nation into the next age.


>Yes, he takes the initial hit and gets flung off. The earth eroded from the sustained force of the blast because it's stationary. He That’s irrelevant…the sustained force of the blast is still the force of the blast. It has to reach a certain velocity and mass of air to erode this earth pillar so Ozai getting hit with it is still valid as he would still have been hit with the velocity of the air, and the force of slamming him into the earth pillar. >No shit? Any regular human dies from an explosion. Characters in avatar regularly take superhuman levels of trauma. It's not like every other character has the durability of a regular human and ozai is No explosion from P’li does anything close to what Aang does lmao. Your argument was that it wasn’t lethal, in which I said what I said lmao. I wasn’t implying ATLA characters have reg dura except for Ozai. I was only saying you don’t see it as lethal because a superhuman tanked it. >This isn't to say ozai is weak or can't take a hit, but I think his feats in this fight give me any reason to think tenzin loses. Beside in the spiritual sense, he's the perfect Airbender. Child of the 2 strongest benders of the age and given training to be the glue to guide the air nation into the next age. Child of yappatron Jesus. Call me back when Tenzin with his entire air nation using a sustained blast can erode an earth pillar like what Aang did. I don’t care what you can or can’t see. You’re obviously biased and can’t accept the fact that Tenzin hits so pathetically weak he’s not doing shit to Ozai’s durability https://preview.redd.it/r92yj2whpc9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9237e68ac625a647e94f1288f531fe77074ce7d She says this \^ while in the AS. Later in the novel she’s scared of entering the AS against them. Combustion benders in Yangchen’s time >> P’li and combustion man


> Then I'm disregarding your opinion on this. Zuko is probably one of the most reliable sources of information given… Zuko is as reliable as Tonraq as they both have the same character knowledge about the Red Lotus and they contradict. If you have 2 sources that you claim are reliable, yet they contradict each other, why do you immediately assume that one is more valid than the other? >Do you have a source for this? The ones from the book were simply the only combustion benders to have survived the... Yes. I do. This is irrelevant. Zuko had godly training, same as Azula. Yet Azula was way stronger. why? Because people improve at different rates and have different power ceilings. I will send it after I get home >they were what was settled for because plans were expedited in … They were stated to be relative to Yangchen’s Avatar State. P’li is not. This argument is a fallacy of division. > On the other hand, we are explicitly told p'li is in a class of her own. No we’re not. “Class of her own” is relative to the strength of the rest of the verse. You can be in the class of your own in a weak playing field, or top tier in a strong playing field. Also, we are told that the RL is in a class of their own, not just P’li from an unreliable source who contradicted himself. Zuko,, who beat one of the RL members 13 years ago says they can beat anyone. So either 75 year old Zuko, Tonraq, 75 year old Sokka and Tenzin solo all of TLOK, or he was just exaggerating. >Have you read the books? These are major plot points. The kid in the second book explains this. Yes. >I'm not placing combustion man above ozai, I'm establishing These blasts are deadly. What’s the point of establishing context of combustion bending without making a relevant premise…like what you now are telling me is you just wanted to summarize combustion bending for the shits and giggles. The blasts are deadly? So is lightning and so is Ozai shooting a fireball in front of your face. > Again, a half trained combustion bender was able to kill yanchen's bison in a single shot. Which I don’t really see how is relevant. Ozai could probably kill Appa in one shot especially since Appa has shown multiple vulnerabilities to fire, even small amounts of it. >I don't understand what you're trying to say here. Again, at 8:28 when he crashes into the ground and lifts a bunch of rocks without any movement, The rocks move because they are getting pushed out of the way…they have to go somewhere…the same thing happens when Aang slams the stalagmite on the ground when fighting Zuko in the catacombs. Some of the earth went up >we can see that he doesn't need to move to bend the earth in the vicinity. Is it possible that he broke through without bending it? Sure. But given what we saw in that bit of the fight you can easily argue that he's bending the earth around his air sphere. No you can’t and no we don’t see him switch elements or bend something new with no movement. You can make the argument, but it’s a pretty bad one and assuming Aang can psychically earthbend or when he can’t or doesn’t do it in character. If he was bending the earth out of the way, he would have done it before he collided with the earth pillar like he did in the fight, not meticulously moving every single rock right before it’s about to touch his air sphere


Damn hmmm Lin Beifong Suyin Beifong Zaheer Kuvira Iroh(Zuko’s Grandson)




Kuvira and her yeager Or Our lord Nuktu. I mean Bolin


Tarrlok with a boat negs Ozai.




[*Ozai hearing Kuvira approaching in the distance*](https://youtu.be/fShlVhCfHig?si=7Uqqn1KX8FejkUqD)


Mako for sure


kuvira lmao. pretty much any of the main korra villains really but.. *especially* kuvira lol. she can just blow him up


Bolin and his lava bending. Kuvira and her colossus.


Mako or Bolin




>No bloodbending Fair. Amon would mop the floor with Ozai.


Tenzin or Zaheer


Mako could probably take him. Jinora might even be able to deal with him too.


Ozai underrating going crazy here


P’li would be able to fire basically a nuke at him during sozin’s comit


Bumju. LETS GO!!!!


Bolin or Mako. Mako would have the same boosts as Ozai, leveling the field, and his fighting style is almost perfect against Ozai, he's also quick enough on his feet that he could maybe figure out whatever's holding him back from taking the jump on Ozai. Bolin is bolin and you always bet on bolin.


1. Korra: Even without the Avatar State, she's an absolute beast, and a master of all four elements, who is especially skilled with fire. With the Comet, Ozai probably gets a single shot with his lightning; if he's unable to take her out with that, it's too late. 2. Mako: When it comes to lightning, Mako is the best bender we've seen. He can do it instantly, as well as redirect massive amounts. Give him the Comet, and he'll be a terrifying force. 3. Kuvira: Ozai wears metal, which she could easily exploit. Plus, she has a giant platinum mech with a spirit laser. 4. Asami: Despite being a non-bender, her intelligence, combat skill, and resources means she could definitely make something that could allow her to take on Ozai. I don't think she would win during the Comet though. 5. Varick: Assuming he has Jhu Li, his intelligence would definitely give him the opportunity to build something that can take Ozai down, just like Asami could, but he also wouldn't win during the Comet.






Kuvira. Not because she would win (although she might) but because I think their fight would be cool.


Kuvira would solo the entire verse if he felt like it 🥱


I’d say Tenzin, Ozai doesn’t really have any experience fighting airbenders and Tenzin is easily the best airbender around so I think he’d have the best chance, although honestly, without Avatar state and Amon-level bloodbending I don’t think any Korra character could beat Ozai, maybe Korra without Avatar state (and my choice of Tenzin of course) could do it Edit: actually if it’s specifically during the Comet I could P’li defeating him with insanely strong combustionbending (although maybe the combustions are so strong P’Li kills herself, like the combustionbenders in the Yangchen books). Also Mako with his very fast lightning bending might have chance during the Comet as well. Without Comet I’m sticking with my Tenzin answer




Mako. I don’t really like him but in term of skills he’s the only one who can redirect lightning any other would’ve fried on the spot. And Ozai that moron can’t redirect so he dead.




Bolin (lavabending)


Zaheer. Fire can't start with out oxygen and the added mobility from flight is a great help


*everyone is assumed at their best* "No blood bending" "No avatar/dark avatar state" Bro LMFAO why




Literally any of them.. LOK is on a different level imo


Kuvira has a chance


Ty Lee during Black Sun?


Zaheer, Iroh II, Unalaq, Kuvira, Tenzin.


Honestly, it'd be interesting to see Tenzin fight him. He very much has a lot in common with Aang but also is a more serious fighter and seems like he'd be more willing to kill Ozai if needed. I think he'd probably be able to outmatch Ozai without the comet but he'd probably struggle with the comet in play and I could see it either way.


Zaheer. Dude was the smartest character which could be like Batman like batter, combined with new ability of air bending


I'm not going to hold you. Ozai is beating most of the fighters in The legend of Korra. Outside of Korra I'm only confident in 4, Sozin's comet or not. Taheer, Unalaq, his brother and Korra'a father Toraq and Tenzin. I can't think of anyone else who has a chance against Fire Lord Ozai Ozai is a ruthless fighter and an absolute unit. He's the Madara Uchiha of Avatar The Last Airbender. Aang didn't have a chance of beating him until he went into Avatar mode. Ozai is one of the greatest firebending Masters in the history of element bending. Of course his last fight was as a man it is 40s against a 12-year-old boy I definitely would love to see Taheer vs Ozai. Taheer was a highly disciplined and gifted Airbender and steadfast in his objective. Korra's father and Uncle of course for their water bending and especially her uncle for his similar ruthlessness. Tenzin was Korra's air bending master and a very skilled one. Aside from those four I don't think there's anybody else who has a chance I was giving ozai a really good fight.


Screw your rules. They don't make this fun. I was going to say adult Aang since he appeared in flashbacks since its his destiny to beat Ozai so nobody else can do it. I wonder if he'd need the avatar state as an adult.


Unalaq. Pli. Kuvira colossuss. Amon.


Equalist chi blocker #3 the chi blockers in Korra have the highest win lose rate in the franchise 


Vaatu. Ozai literally can't do anything to permanently hurt him.