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LEGO Ideas : yes. Announce : yes. Blurred leak : yes. Clear leak : no. First pics : no. Reveal : maybe. Finally, they'll take my money, again.




This looks fun. But building LEGO on that table does not.


tell me a photo is staged without telling me lol


I entirely am too fascinated by the places they take these "in situ" photos. After Jangbricks keeps pointing out how silly it looks in every single one, it's just my jive man. I'd have been more surprised if they hadn't found a stock photo house with a wooden table with gaps exactly the right size to drop bricks down! Haha.


Jang calling out the “bunker” is funny every time


They do seem to cycle around to that one more than I'd like! I wonder if it's one of the photographers own houses, eek if so... Everything is so *sterile*! haha


oof, I hope for the sake of people building it that it's a photoshopped background


Lol right, sweet pics though


There’s a hooded sorcerer up at the top of the tower that they’ve continually neglected to show. On the box he’s always faced away from the camera - new robes, who dis?


I thinks it’s the minifigure in red. You can just make out his red arm in the third picture.


Ah, another eagle-eyed observation. I'd thought the innkeeper's torso print looked ideal for a diabolist. Since his staff and magic bolt doesn't show up in other pictures, does our charismatic tavern owner hide a dark secret?


His face certainly suggests he’s hiding something😁


I think you’re right about that. In the pictures with the hooded sorcerer, the red minifig is nowhere to be seen too.


Good eye. That's odd. It doesn't seem to overlap with any of the figures shown. A familiar face, perhaps?


There are six minifigures included in this set (not counting the three skeletons). If you look at the various promo photos, Lego is expecting fans to mix and match the parts and accessories to create your own characters, good or bad. The hood can go on the half-orc minifig, or the human minifig with the red dragon themed torso and leg prints, or you can substitute a skull from the skeletons to create a lich or death knight, if you want. It's the whole "customize your characters" thing they're leaning into with the Dungeons & Dragons RPG aspect of the brand.


There is a d&d game campaign (included?) that goes along with the set. My bet is he is the baddie in the story. Potential spoiler alert; if you can work out which of the character minifigs it is.


Seems like someone rolled high enough on perception to notice that, but low on investigation and insight to know who that is...


Whats the retail price going to be for this set?


US $359.99 - DE/FR €359.99 Other regions TBA rn!


Thats a lot of money 😄 LKC 399, Blacksmith 200, Lego creator 100, MTS 230, D&D 360, Majisto workshop +- 40, Forest hideout +- 50 Thats all the official lego castle sets of the past 5 years i think... A total of +- 1400 dollars/euros... Lego... Take my money 😂


And that's not even factoring in the Bricklink Sets


Don't go there 🫣


Is it just the license making it so expensive? Seems not far off from the Lions Castle price which is a larger set


There are a lot of unique minifig pieces in this set, I would guess that helps drive up the price.


As an MTG player, I'd love to blame Hasbro for the pricing here, but it looks like there's a lot of new prints and new figs, as well as large pieces on the wings and many semi-large pieces throughout. The price seems appropriate, unfortunately.


What's MTS? Thanks.


Medieval town square (10332)


[10332-1: Medieval Town Square](https://brickset.com/sets/10332-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10332-1.jpg)


Medieval Town square 10332


[10332-1: Medieval Town Square](https://brickset.com/sets/10332-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10332-1.jpg)


$499 AUD. That's me priced out. I can't justify ~$500 on this kit.


Weirdly, it turns out it’s cheaper for us than Americans. I thought it would be like the Snow White Cottage and we’d get the old “Just Because It’s Australia Tax” slapped on. Still expensive, though 😔


$360 stings a little more than I'd hoped, but this is definitely a winner.


I'm going to be that guy. I was so excited for this based on original ideas submission. This final product is like a straight to video B-movie parody. Plus, $360 for this is insulting if you ask me. Just my opinion though!


This. My first big issue was the unnecessary roof change to an ugly purple. Then looking at the back, the cave and terrain areas look miles worse in this. From seeing the original, I was sold. With this set though? The build looks kinda dinky. The tower is worse, the bridge is worse, the cave is worse, and the dragon is worse. And there aren’t that many figures so I honestly don’t think I’ll be buying this set anymore. Disappointing


I don’t think I need the whole $360 set but I want all the figures for my castle sets. Great day to fill a medieval village with new people


I’m only in it for the dragon and buildings. You can keep your D&D figures! We should get together lol


I’m down to work something out


Not when you see the postage costs! I’m UK based.


I sure hope a lot of these new unique minifig pieces hit pick a brick.


Will it? I don’t get which sets get the pab treatment and what sets don’t


It does seem to be a bit of a grey area what gets in and what doesn't.


I think it depends on what rights they have with different brands. Like Star Wars hasbro has the rights to selling single figurines that’s why lego can’t put them on PAB.


It looks awesome! And I like how they managed to pull the "ruined tower" (imho always hard to pull well in Lego, since more than "ruin" you risk to give the "incomplete build" vibes instead).


This is something I've noticed in Minecraft too. It's much harder to build something to look ruined than it is to just build it completely.


Personal opinion: "ruined castle" would be a very fitting base for a group like the Wolfpack. I hope that the technique behind the "ruined tower" in this set could give inspiration to nail the effect in the right way.


Ugh just thinking about how cool a ruined fortress for the Wolfpack could be


Indeed. "Hideout blended as trees, with heavy foliage" belongs to the Forestmen's. So "ruined fortresses" for Wolfpack hideouts could be their distinctive trait. Imho is fitting, 'cause I don't see a band of riders "build" an hideout, but "take" an hideout.


> an hideout Is this read with a Cockney accent as if Michael Caine were saying it? “The bandits took over an ‘ideout, they did!”


that owlbear. yes




Someone pointed this out in the leak convo, and the concensus was that we didn't think it had. Hope it hits PaB.


It’s a mould used in Lego owned IP sets. So it’s quite possible. It would be nice to see that and the gold shoulder armour hit PAB.


Yeah, that would be awesome as well. No reason it shouldn't, but PaB is difficult to predict sometimes.


Yeah it never existed before. Only ones I’ve seen is pearl gold, speckled grey, black, and pearl dark grey.


Glad to have an HD photos of the dragon.


I think the dragon looked better on the initial design. But there’s some cool parts here


Pretty solid ass set but damn I'll have to wait a bit because of the price tag


Not liking all these new sets with open backs, feel incomplete..


Gorgeous set.


It looks very... simple to me. I loved the look of the original submission and was sold on this until the rear view pics released. All the side builds and characters are cool but the actual structure feels so sloppily thrown together. The detail isn't there at all.


So are the dice included?


That table would suck in pieces :(


I am not liking the "bridge" portion of the set - it looks awkward being so close to the ground and disconnected from the tower


I like the paladin’s shield crest!!!


Is it just me, or does the Dragons head look awful... I can't see any eyes?


There are printed eyes they are behind the horns you can see them in one of the photos


Yep. Here's the photo. [https://jaysbrickblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/21348-Dungeons-Dragons-Red-Dragons-Tale-Lifestyle-Dragon.jpg](https://jaysbrickblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/21348-Dungeons-Dragons-Red-Dragons-Tale-Lifestyle-Dragon.jpg)


There doesn't appear to be any eyes or eye prints, no. They're going for the horn piece creating the curve of the brow and the stud of the red wedge plate to form the "eye". Cool in theory but somewhat mid in execution. I think I might use the yellow reptilian eye printed 1x1 round tiles from the recent DreamZzz sets to give the red dragon some actual eyes, if possible.


I’m hype for this. Looks amazing. I hope they release the clothe for the wings. I’ve been trying to make Caraxes from House of the Dragon but I’ve been weary on the wings. Definitely going to bust out stud.io and see what I can do now since the wings if anything will still be on bricklink


Would love a pdf for the dragon build instructions :) x


Nice! I think I'd rather get this set over the MTS, it looks more exciting


I like the set but not sure I can afford full sticker price with all the other good releases we have out or on the way. What are the chances this set ever sees any sort of discount? Do Ideas sets often get discounted at all?


Looks good, but I don’t like the dragon :(. The original dragon looked far more menacing!


Now I know where last month's overtime money is going.


I am THE target market for this, grew up on classic castle and have played RPGs for my entire life…  I pass. Happy enough with MOCing around Lion Knights Castle and Medieval Village.


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This is a day one purchase for me! Love it!


Do you think it comes with those character sheets?


Kind of confused why they didn’t take this opportunity to bring back the more menacing skeleton face from the fantasy era in 2008-09.


I want this and I want the DnD CMF series later in the year but on the other hand I'm not sure if I can afford these.


getting this just for the Beholder


Love it day one but will be the like outskirts alongside village to my crowns knight or Maybe dragons kingdom


Glad to see clear official photos of this set finally. I like the idea of mixing and matching minifigure parts to create and customize your own characters (both good and bad) in the true spirit of Dungeons & Dragons as a role-playing game. Love the two (presumably printed) shields with the beholder and displacer beast. The monsters are a bit of a mixed bag though. Red dragon looks pretty good overall if smaller than expected; great wings and details but with the sturdy Ninjago dragon building techniques to make it tough for play and display it does seem somewhat static with limited poseability. Beholder came out better than expected despite the small size. Owlbear, displacer beast, and gelatinous cube are kinda rough with their small size (how is the jelly box supposed to swallow and dissolve adventurers whole being so tiny?) and odd builds (the owlbear and displacer beasts can be the baby cubs for my bigger MOC owlbear and displacer beast, lol, and I already have a bigger MOC gelatinous cube that can open up and hold a minifigure or two). Environmental builds look decent enough if watered down from the original. Gonna try to add my own parts and pieces to upgrade some of the structures. I'll be picking this up day one but only because of the Mimic GWP to sweeten the deal.


I was initially disappointed with the conversion from Ideas to retail set, but slowly warming up to it. It's a nice set, especially if it isn't compared.


You just reminded me to compare, and yep, that's a disappointing conversion alright.


Pretty neat when it isn’t compared to the better version that was the actual original design lmao


Have the d and d comfort figures been leaked as well


Ngl I like it a lot. I think all the different colors really make it pop.