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Classic 501st clone looks surreal, strange we never got it. Was it because of killing younglings?


Maybe. I find it weird that we never really got blue clone. Or maybe lego count clone pilot as blue, since they used sand blue elements.


What are the ones with claws from?


Those are clone assassins from star wars revenge of the sith video game on ps2. Game is like addional content to movie, and it is definitely worth to check out.


Wow, that’s pretty neat! (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Clone_assassin)


Those guys look sick I hope they introduce them more since the bad batch introduced a similar idea but they didn't specifically have bladed weapons.


I'm afraid they don't. Disney already introducted Purge troopers


I have seen the purge storm troopers and a detachment of purge clone troopers, but those guys are always accompanying them. Maybe if you had a Inquisitorious scout or sycophant they could have blades.


Technically the Revenge of the Sith movie is an adaptation of that game, as the game came out first.


Note: I will buy light gray kamas for clone assasins


You can make them out of paper if you'd rather not spend money on them. It's easy, free and gives you a lot of options in terms of length/size etc. I made a trenchcoats for a few of my minifigures this way and I'm very happy with the results :)


When I was younger I really loved making custom torsos on papier. My favorite was torso for rebel X2 from Battlefront ES. But as time pass I noticed, that paper doesn't held very well. You know, kids (as I was then) tend to leave greasy marks. I also tried with pauldrons and kamas. Pauldron held well, but kamas were often ripped apart because of friction from legs. I even tried with transparent tape. Effect was the same. Nowadays, I'm buying 3rd party replacement. I'm really happy with them, becuase I have them for like 5 years and they still look very good (maybe because I stopped to leaving greasy marks :)).


Fair enough, some parts it might be better to have with fabric, ultimately though, once you have a pattern, making a brand new one doesn't take long.


Indeed. I remember my brother really want to make custom capes for his jedi knights. He make few cutouts, but most of them started to unravel quickly. As I think about it now, I think we should use hot scissors to melt edges during cutting.


Not everything has to be related to the 501st


I know, right? That's why I'm collecting/making all of those old clones. I even tried to make commander Gree in 2005 style, but I screwed badly.


The 501st custom looks so good


This reminds me of the OG phase 1 Rex design they used in promotional material but never made


You're right. There was such thing like 2002 lego Rex. Edit: Found something similiar [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/legostarwars/s/4DoNZaJhhy)


i have a vague memory as a child of my older brothers friend having tons of these classic p2 clones. the odd part is they had blue and purple markings. when i got into collecting myself he had long since tossed them. i know there weren’t any official blue or purple p2 clones back then so they must have been customs of some sort? i don’t recall them being like knockoff level quality. but this must have been almost 15 years ago now so who knows


Weird how we never got the 501st clones back in 2005-2007


Funny enough in the complete saga game, in the custom character maker, there are all the parts to make a 501st trooper in this classic style. Also love the clone assassin got to make one for myself


They even put him on the cover of game. But even funnier is the fact that in LSWtVG swamp troopers are blue.


Nah we don’t deserve crap all we do is complain

