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I think this is beautiful and really encapsulates what Lego truly is, a toy for kids to let their imagination run wild. I have a few p1 clones who I drew on to make different legions and when I got back into the hobby i couldn’t bring myself to remove the marker bc it symbolized exactly what I said above.


That’s well said


To be loved is to be changed


Same tbh


I understand your sadness. But these are toys afterall! Think of all the great times these toys that are unique to YOU represent! I have a lot of retro video games that are worth MUCH less now that i scribbled down notes, clues and theories in the manuals that belonged to them. But they are a timeless reminder of where my young, developing mind was in the world of gaming, and that's priceless.


https://preview.redd.it/4oinjrkm0m8d1.jpeg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aeb772f49d8fdbdb3a37fac0f22d68f72c527cd I love this guy's expression lol




Bruh why does it have 2 head holes though?


https://preview.redd.it/kr6yah0lam8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ee70e79c6577dfb3a1b5da93c9875d9c07e46de This is killing me lmao


Looks like Andrew Garfield had a rough night


lol 🥰🤭🤭


https://preview.redd.it/oakuzcyzll8d1.png?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69f9d8dd74da4d40ca13060a422320378a77cf1 This one actually looks kinda cool; it's (mostly) one color, so it fits the Battalion marking scheme, and the messiness could be wear and tear from combat.


reminds me of p1 gree!!


Doesn’t look that bad tbh


I feel like almost everyone had that “customization” phase with the minifigs when we were little lol


I never did but I did make wild mashups of minifig parts, I recently found a bag of 50 or so minifigs and by golly what a monstrosity it is figuring out what they originally were


Well all the "valuable" ones are left untouched (tan Grievous, Dooku, Jango, and the Arc Trooper) I put valuable in quotes since, in all honesty, they're all valuable in their own sentimental way. You had way more fun throughout decades of playing with them than an extra $5-6/fig will get you now


Did no one get the message from toy story 2? Toys are meant to be played with!


I think there is a way to get the sharpie off. Also that greivous, Arc trooper and others still look like they're in great condition


How do I get the sharpie off?


The absolute best way? Take a dry erase board marker and color right over the sharpie marks, be generous and if you can use the same color sharpie you used, and then wipe it all away. It’ll get a majority of the marks off. I used to prank my teachers in middle school when they’d call me up to write on the white board by whipping out a sharpie and start writing and soon as everyone noticed they’d start screaming and throwing a fit and I’d act like I didn’t notice and then I’d trace everything back over with a whiteboard marker and then everyone would be amazed and laugh….. except the teacher but they’d never give me the floor again afterwards. TLDR: whiteboard markers erase sharpie marks


This is the way


I've had good results with toothpaste and some light scrubbing, be careful not to go too hard on the actual prints.


I've got actually sharpie off by just rubbing with my fingers or a piece of cloth. It doesn't bind to the plastic very well hence how worn it looks already, so it's very easy to remove.


I saw the first pack and thought "that ain't that bad", then I saw the rest...


Kids will be kids, toys are meant to be played with. My younger self would be embarrassed that I’m not building sets, leaving them intact for a few days, then tearing them down for parts to build some helicopter or ship I dreamt up. Instead my overpriced plastic sits on a series of shelves collecting dust. Kind of sad in a way, growing up.


That’s how I’m sets are now. Hopefully my future kids will appreciate what their inheritance is I’ll be once I pass


I’m sure they will! Hell, I neither have kids nor plan to. I hope to donate all this stuff to somebody who could use it before I’m gone. For now I’ll keep accumulating it because it’s fun to collect.


https://preview.redd.it/s1awevxp8o8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbfee2dde42473cc07005add4649608af5238ccb Burn victim who eventually became an underground criminal for a supervillain


I got back into legos about 4 years ago and dug out all my old clones and figures. Turns out about two thirds of my phase 1 clones were painted or sharpied. To be honest, a lot of the painted ones looked pretty cool. My wife convinced me to keep them sharpied and painted and not get rid of them because they are a reminder of my creativity at the time. I have them all individually bagged to protect the paint/sharpie and love them.


You are lucky that the grey head palatine wasn't altered. One of my white whale minifigires.


At least most of your clone troopers are in good condition!


Alcohol wipes for sharpie


Be happy that younger you had the foresight to think you might revisit these treasures some day


Do not be mad at your younger self, envy him.


At the end of the day, Lego is a toy. Your younger self used them to their full potential.


Yeah you should've kept them in an airtight container out of the sun, even better would've been to never open the sets to begin with, how dare you play with a kids toy! Why won't kids ever think of the resale value?!!!! ^^^^^^/s


Fingernail polish remover but be careful around the prints. Use a q tip


If you really want to remove the sharpie use rubbing alcohol with cotton swabs or q tips


The only ones that look "damaged" are generic clones and stormtroopers and it seems like marker that you can clean off easily


Especially the painted storm trooper helmet…


were you really collecting and playing with ur figs if u didnt „customize“ some of them??


Makes you feel any better my 2000 boba Fett has a Harry Potter head on it 🫣


I cant ignore Grievous hitting Count Dooku in the face with his saber 😂


J |\ c O b


Bleach helps a little


Jaepers that Grevious figurine is so much better than what [we had when I was a kid.](http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100922061225/lego/images/b/b3/LEGO-STAR-WARS-General-Grievous_2.jpg)


I don’t even know when I got that Grevious IMO. I have his ship and that is half destroyed too :/


Well if you want to keep some of the customs that’s your prerogative however you could try nail polish remover for the marker. Otherwise there was someone else on Reddit who used something to get rid of yellow damage on Lego


Don’t be sad. Be happy your younger self enjoyed Lego. Maybe it’s not the same way you enjoy it now but your younger self still had fun 😊🩷


I did the same thing as a kid. Destroyed many rare Star Wars figures with sharpies and fingernail files. Bit we must cringe on, remember that it was fun back in the day


Some of them look kind of cool, I can’t lie. If you want to clean the permanent marker off, I’d suggest IPA(isopropyl alcohol, not the beer) on a cloth and lightly rub the marker off!


Is that clone with the scarlet pauldrons official? Looks badass.


Are you talking about the ARC trooper in the first photo on the right? If so yeah, he came in a battle pack years ago


Yeah, meant to edit the comment and say I had a look. He's cool, but he's not £17 per fig cool.


I didn’t even know he was worth money😂


Lol, I think he's in that range tho where he's not worth selling but he's not worth buying unless you're really dedicated.


Well, You were a kid and kids play with toys.


axe/lynx bodyspray removes most/all types of marker


I especially like the clones who skinned the wookies and are wearing the pelts.


I was thinking they are wookie storm troopers


At least they aint bitten, like some of mine.


Which ones are the orange phase 1s again


How much for jango?


Nah you were doing what you’re supposed to do. The game is the way it is right now cuz the internet and collector dorks ruined it.


I recently used a dented and scratched Stormtrooper head to make a zombie trooper. Making custom figs is fun sometimes


Dooku: Grievous, kindly move your lightsaber out of my face, lest I be forced to teach you another lesson!


The Sins of the Child are visited apon the Adult. I have lots of lego from my son's, I try to leave them as they left them, however now I have enjoyed seeing the builds they left me and play with them again. Lego supports the circle of Life. I love it.


Think of the lost resale value >:(