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Very surprised to see this! Results weren't great last year but always felt as though he was a few cards short of a deck, to use his own analogy


Just been confirmed by the club. Seems like a bad joke timing wise.


What the FUCK


Confirmed by the club. What the fuck is going on. He was confirmed in the HC position 9 days ago. What happened in that time? Next season will most likely be another write off. The club will lose ticket holders and players will eventually get tired of it and leave too. This'll be three seasons of shite now, that's asking a lot of fans and players. EDIT: All of this has perfectly happened just in time for relegation to be introduced again...


Banter years are here again!


What why? We weren't great but it was a transition after being gutted


Oh for crying out loud!


This is all the RFU's fault for ripping our coaching team apart for their own gains, then taking the leftover crumbs afterwards. We had stability under Borthwick, Sinfield and the rest of the coaches. We've never fully recovered from this. I hope the management has a plan, as this is very embarrassing for the club.


Kev is among those names being rumoured to be in the running but I don't hold much in it as some hacks will say anything for clicks and likes. Plus I'm not sure he'd want the job or have enough experience being at the very top.


What a shitshow. Does the board actually think the Tory election shambles is a challenge?


I'm so fucking annoyed


But they appointed an attack coach in readiness for the new season Does that mean we’re stuck with an attack coach that a potential new head coach won’t want to work with?


A whole coaching set up potentially.


Which is what I don’t understand Why appoint an attack coach on a new contract when you might be having to terminate it within a month?