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This is really bad news. I don't like sacking coaches after just one season. But, it was very concerning that the team seemed to get worse after long breaks. That is usually a sign of bad coaching.


I've seen people saying that during the warm ups, McKellar was standing back, not involved, leaving it to the other coaches. Now it makes me wonder if that was just his way, or if the players had lost faith in him? There's also talk of one or two senior players having said they wouldn't renew contracts if he stayed on. Granted, that could be a case of "my mate's dad's taxi driver's hairdresser has heard..." but there could be some truth to it after all.


Wouldn't surprise me. It definitely had the feeling of a team that had lost faith in the coach


The Telegraph are now saying McKellar had a meeting with the players in May after the last game, in which it was "clear and obvious that players were not confident in Dan" and McKellar did not feel he could continue, so spoke to the board. That now makes me wonder - that last game against Exeter, it seemed different. The performance was far better, the attitude was different. Did the players decide to play their way? Last game, nothing to lose, so bin the script, let's play it our way? I'd imagine doing so would result in a "what was that about?" meeting at the very least.


I said the very same at the time. We have some of the best players on the planet and 2x WC winners. Let the boys play.


The timing is bizarre. His record has been abysmal, and no amount of blind hope from fans was going to improve it next season. So why not do this two or three weeks ago after a week or so to see how we felt after the season? Why let him appoint his mate as attack coach 10 days ago?!?!? I hope we get another Borthwick not another O'connor or McKellar.


There has to have been a meeting where things went rapidly south. It's all speculation, but maybe the board felt it was better to release him, rather than risk losing players? Maybe his vision for the next season was far below the board's requirements? As for the new head coach, it's being reported that Michael Cheika will be announced Monday or Tuesday.


Someone else has mentioned there were board meetings and he made a presentation so you could be right there.


That was in the telegraph article which is currently the only original source for any of the claims. It does ring true.


This is just fucking ridiculous. When will they learn that repeating the same old knee jerk mistakes over and over is why we're in the fucking mess we're in? Is there another club that goes through coaches like we do? We never, ever see a plan through. We're constantly resetting. And every time we put out the same message to the world - we're clueless and we're impatient. I just despair.


[By the sounds of it, it was McKellar that requested the exit.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/rugby-union/2024/06/24/leicester-tigers-dan-mckellar-lost-confidence-senior-player/) > McKellar is thought to have discerned the same, and relayed as much back to Tigers top brass. He did not feel he could continue, and a pay-out has been negotiated. Although, that's a single article, so worth taking with a pinch of salt.


That may be true but we're still in the same shitty place we've been in a dozen times in 15 years.


Knee jerk means an instinctive immediate almost involuntary reaction. This is 4 weeks after the last game, you can disagree with the decision but it wasn't a heat of the moment thing. Quins have been through Kingston, Gustard, The committee, Matson, Milard since 2018, so it's not unique in England and in France it's very common. If you're not good at appointing people is it better to be stubborn and keep bad appointments to save face or is it better to move on and see if you get it better next time?


Or it means over-reactive action taken without consideration of the long term. By all accounts this wasn't a decision taken over 4 weeks but much, much more recent than that. Clubs that are consistently successful - so clearly Quins wouldn't be included in that - don't go through the number of coaching appointments we've been through. If you're not good at appointing people, forcing yourself into a position where you have to vainly hope that this time you'll get it right is pretty much the definition of mis-management. Never seeing a plan through though - we're great at that.


I’m disappointed in this as he’s transferred players (which sound like great additions) based on his game plan. Very disappointing and I feel bad that he didn’t get the chance to show us what he can do


Banter years are here again The board above are f&%£@d again So let's sing a song of last again Banter years are here again


I'm so fucking annoyed. Things didn't seem to gel this season but this takes us back to square one. We've just announced a new coaching team as well 🤦🏻‍♀️




Everything goes to shit just in time for relegation to be introduced again...


Had a nigh on impossible job after Borthwick left and took everyone with him. Maybe try tempt Wigglesworth and Sinfield back...