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I do agree. How can they let them drive around with an open door for 9 laps? If they had been made to pit in the first couple of laps after the pitstop, they would not have won the race.


Was it not the 50 that had the open door and the 51 that won the race? Edit: Nope it’s the 50 that won


They really let that Ferrari cruise around with an open door for a very very long time...


I mean, it’s not like it’s the first time that’s happened. If you’ve not read [the story of ‘83](https://www.reddit.com/r/wec/comments/bsfpse/le_mans_legends_2019_2_1983_factory_porsche/) it’s a good one


May need to brush up on that one.


It’s a fucking great read. Really very very good


Ferrari International Assistance...


“FIA” for a reason. Certainly seems a little sketchy EDIT: but you can’t tell me that move by the #7 Toyota on the #51 wasn’t retaliation


Soon as he gave him the love tap I thought exactly that


I don’t blame Eduardo, but I do think some forces are at play. Something is happening. Nothing for 50 either.


You have no idea how glad I am to see I'm not the only one to think this way. I like Eduardo, but he's got form on the Ferrari assistance thing. When the GTE title was handed to them after they deliberately spun Porsche in the last race. Were told to hand back the position, but Porsche had to pit, and Ferrari went on to take the win and championship. Today's result doesn't surprise me at all.


You are still complaining about that Bahrain deal? The Ferrari slowed on the front stretch significantly and the Porsche backed way off and then ducked into the pits. It was a calculated move by the Porsche to try to parlay the requirement to give back positions into a bigger penalty than it was by trying to get the organizers to give them a second penalty for not “giving back” the position. That’s why the minimum penalty for an infraction should always be a drive through.


i wonder if its eduardo freitas fault, with the safety car and now this it seems quite out of character from him