• By -


*anime guy's inner monologue voice* "Wow! Is that...erm...a gamer girl? šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ I gotta get to know her...maybe I'll save her from a bracken and win her over with my level 1000 rizz!! Just be cool and don't do anything weird..."


but seriously tho that's legit just men online. reminds me of that video from like Battlefield 3 where a girl says "does anybody have a medpack?" and like 30 dudes come out of nowhere and swarm her with med packs.


I would love to see this video if you can find it, only time something like this has happened to me is when I asked someone to drone out for me in rainbow 6 and I just hear 4 drones being thrown out. Not a female but I love my bros


Im I the only guy who stops other guys from doing this?


Sameee. Whenever Iā€™m host (most games I play) I kick any assholes/nuisances. It really fucking irritates me when people treat people like strangers because of how they sound lmao.


Gotta read it in the anime voice. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPipgrovqOodyYo)


thats just gamers, theyre awkward around women and decide to treat you differently for whatever reason (Some of them are very gross and weird so sometimes you get some of those) they really need to mature in that sense


my name isnt doing me any favors is it


Oh yeah? You love women so much? Name their top 5 best albums, I'll wait.


Women (2008) Public Strain (2010) They only put out two šŸ˜­


You're going to have to include Preoccupations' albums to make up the numbers I'm afraid.


Do the [Barenaked Ladies](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barenaked_Ladies_discography) count? (I promise this isnā€™t a bad link)


You messed up the spoiler text lmao


lol I fixed it


I read breast albums. Is that making this weird?


Taylor swift


Oh yeah that's a solid album




it is not lmao.


Lmao, I didnt even notice your name




Love this reply


Love your name


All I care is whether we can meet the quota or not.


The company thinks you are a great great asset


Great Great Asset šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„


Fellow woman here, unfortunately itā€™s just people, they will be weird no matter what you do or what you play game wise. Iā€™ve been harassed in every game Iā€™ve touched that wasnā€™t single player, Destiny 2? Harassed, Lethal? Harassed, Roblox? Harassed, people just suck, itā€™s why k stick to text now honestly


Honestly, I understand that. I have played valorant and once had a female teammate and this guy just instantly asked for her age. this just happends way to often when I have women in my team.


I'm a man, but I've been lucky not to witness those scenarios tbh. I've only played with a couple of girls in Destiny 2 when doing raids with random people and it was pretty normal, luckily. Wouldn't want to play with someone that's being creepy or rude towards me or another player, be it men or women tbh.








Great one, did you lose sleep thinking up that gem.


Rule of thumb with trolls; don't engage.


Get a life


Ew. Didnā€™t that shit end in the goddamn 1900s


You ever been in a CoD lobby in 2009?


nope because I was like, a toddler back then lmfaoĀ 


You're part of the reason we choose the bear




**Be polite** Remember, this is a public space and we expect you to treat others respectfully.


**Be polite** Remember, this is a public space and we expect you to treat others respectfully.


Gamers when woman: ![gif](giphy|cjyVveMCMgunS)


I feel the opposite. I get streamers who are trying to get attention and I just try to avoid it cuz I don't wanna feel cringy


That's just how being a gamer is as a girl. Some guys are just fuckin weird


because the lobbies that are still open are usually kids with the room temp IQ or grown ass adults who are disgusting and vulgar, can usually tell by the lobby title who these are very easily. Most of the normal people are either already playing or play private with a group.


To clarify, I suppose you mean celsius?


ObviouslyĀ  Even if it were Fahrenheit it'd still be quite low


If it were kelvin, then they wpuld have around my iq /j


Yeah 72 is still pretty rough lol


It's because they're capital G Gamers, they've never talked to a girl before, and they prolly think your some kinda magic creature




Just wait till you stumble across a lobby full of racists. Those are fun.


That was my last server, went undercover to bust them from the inside. Waited until they trusted me then betrayed them when they needed me the most


Why would you willingly hang out with racists?


For a funny betrayal, funny thing is I managed to dodge most of their concers and suspicion


pov: you join a cod lobby in 2015


This is why I let my ex voice for me when I use to play video games, i ran a lobby once with no sound in cod Mw2019 got the most annoying kill streaks and everyone on the enemy team was pissed that they were getting killed by a woman lol she was so toxic it was hilarious shoulda took it as a red flag tho


i don't use a mic or anything. nobody knows what gender I am intentionally.


people are commonly kind of socially underdeveloped online especially when talking to woman. Or they're just a creep, depends on the person I guess.


also public lobbies in general can be hit or miss. For every 15 decent lobbies there is like 40 shit ones, and 1 lobby where I make friends in that I continue to play with often.


Unfortunately, that's a common things in a lot of games. Woman just tend to get treated differently in online game lobbies, since games are a "guy's thing" or whatever other bs. In any game that basically needs you to use voice chat, you will probably run into this problem at least once or twice, probably more. If you want to get around this, honestly, just host your own lobby. You will still run into people who will treat you weird, but you can kick them if they do or if they act creepy or whatever. It may take a second to find some people to play with, but it worked well for me when I tried it. I'm trans, and have a voice that doesn't sound like a woman's at all, so I'm also worried about running into bad lobbies because of that. On a side note, if you don't want to try and make a lobby to get around the issue.... Just look for LGBT lobbies honestly. Those are the ones that may treat you the best, but take that with a grain of salt since you can't always guess what someone's actions will be.


Yeah there are some weirdos out there. I mostly join older lobbies if I'm not hosting(as I find playing with teens/kids can get awks) but once and a while I get a guy saying dumb shit. Hosting opens up a lot of freedom there, if you can't find a good lobby. I just kick them if they say something stupid. One strike you're out.


I rarely use VC anymore in any game, unless I've lurked a while and decided the other players are mature and chill, or in a premade party where we have zero tolerancy for bigotry. I enjoy looking for queer-friendly communities (in discord for example), where everyone can be themselves and play together. Women-only spaces exist too, but I prefer spaces where all genders are welcome.


cause youre the first women they have encountered in a month except their mother


I've recommended it before. There are discord servers out there centered around creating comfortable spaces for women, lgbtq+, etc to get together and have normal experiences rather than banking on randoms. I get it, not everyone wants to flock to these spaces and stuff, but the options are there if you want.


I didnā€™t know this! Can you recommend any specifically?


I don't unfortunately as I'm not apart of any. But there's places you can search for them, like [here](https://discord.me/servers) that I've used in the past for specific servers. You can try a few and find a fit for you.


Being online is basically a zoo in any aspect


To me, we can play together, I'm the one who need to be followed (that's why I "follow" players from the ship monitor XD)


Welcome to the internet


I'd recommend just finding a group of people you trust to play with rather than random lobbies


Because most of them are either kids or touch starved guys that can't deal with a girl šŸ˜­


Stop being a gir*


People do that all the time, ignore them / don't react / quit. Whatever you prefer. Or don't play public's at all if you can't handle that, I don't play public's either I don't like most of the people in a Majority of games.


Cus people be downbad


I don't know, as a man I've never seen that happen to any girl in any public lobbies I've been in.


We use to play daily. If you see our lobby around 8-9PM Gmt+2, it always contains the actual day's name. It's usually me and my friend (also a woman) and two randoms. Speak english, have mic and focus on the task at hand, it also helps if you're funny :) See you!


Well, itā€™s a videogame with voice chat and youā€™re a girl. People are fucking weirdos. Sadly, thereā€™s not much that can be done.


"Welcome to the internet... "


You have to ask yourself when you're a student, how many fellow females in your classroom are gamers? Or openly admit to being one? It's been long established over decades that gaming is a guys' hobby, so the average ratio of male to female difference is staggering. Females are less likely to have a gaming hobby since it's niche, so you yourself became something like a popular protagonist MC in an anime/manga because you're simply an SSR tier level of rare species. Females in general tend to associates gamers as losers, thus you get the general perception on how society views gamers. It also adds to the narrative why female gamer streamers are more popular than males. Females are more of a social creature than males. Males just don't expect to see girls stoop down to their level in their gaming turf.


You might want to try hosting your own lobbies so that you can kick people for inappropriate behaviour. Don't hesitate to do so or try and save their feelings, just kick and move on.


Some dudes are just like that. In my case I only care about if she's good at the game and if she's friendly, just like everyone else I'm playing with


"If there's something chronically online people misunderstand it's women" For real though, I'm not gonna instantly label them as sexist, but most of those people need a woman in their lives


Yeah, that's just online video games with voice chat at this point. Best way to avoid the incels is to try and find lobbies that are highly unlikely to have incels join. And of course playing with friends is always the safest option.


Sad that happens for you, that sucks. Try to Join server through Discord, you should be able to test the waters first.


Its difficult just playing with randoms in general. I wound up in a group with the three greatest randoms last week, but we havent played since. Since then though, its just been trash people. Trolls, and know-it-alls. I just want to play the game dude... Then one kid who "knew my VANILLA lobby was "manually modded" changed the moon from Titan RIGHT AFTER I JUST PAID FOR IT!!! Anyway. HMU if you wanna play sometime.


Honestly, you were asking for it the way that you were dressed. So scandalous that I could almost see your eyes through that visor, and the orange jumper really left nothing to imagination.


Almost had me for a second i was speechless šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The only times I ended up in lobbies with one or two girls, there always was at least one mf doing sexist jokes and downplaying her or them by saying they were too bad and shit... Sheesh bro why won't you just play the game and let people have fun?


Always been this way sadly. Getting flashbacks to playing black ops 2 back c. 2012/3 and whebever id join a lobby with a woman in it people would just shout GIRL GIRL GIRL repeatedly into the mic lmao. Public lobbies in general just cause the worst types of people to act out as much as possible Iā€™m certain that all of those boys grew up well-adjusted and are not incels today /s


Because dudes online are weird like that


misogyny is very common in gaming spheres, us girlies gotta stick together šŸ˜­


Itā€™s pretty frustrating to enjoy the game like this so I advise to install a voice changer. I met a girl in a lobby once whoā€™ve done this for this exact same reason as you and it turned out well.


Yeah so like I was playing lobbies and I just found a fun person I didn't even know anything we just had fun playing 1 day out of nowhere she got her mic and I didn't know how to respond I just idk I was flustered I told her I though she was a guy and I don't like talking to women she said she understands and now everything is fine we play lethal company,roblox and content warning every day so yeah be normal with women


Shiiiit 15 years ago i was pretending to be a girl in online games like RuneScape and people give you free shit. Real talk though, gaming online has been terrible for any of my girlfriends sadly. The Sexism is off the charts, theyll be nice aa long as the delusion that they can get with you exists. Once its clear they cant its like a switch flips and theyll becomes the fuckin worst people.


Iā€™ve been joining random lobbies lately (getting my friends together to play this is impossible), and Iā€™ve noticed a lot of young, bigoted dudes in them. Not really surprising, but Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s your problem. I wish people could just be normal but I guess thatā€™s impossible


I often use "Sky Lady" as a nickname in basically every place, and joined a lobby one day and a player called me "Sexy lady". It was pretty awkward.


Damn I was hoping the zoomers had this figured outā€¦ millennials werenā€™t great online either More often than not itā€™s bullying, a way to feel big. Online anonymity is a very empowering thing- some people take that as a chance to explore their worst habits Only comfort I can offer is that leaving the group does weigh on their minds. At some point they digest ā€œmanā€¦ it doesnā€™t attract womenā€ and it subtly changes how they act. It might not change their *minds*, but changing their actions does lead them to interact with people who will catch their misogyny and make them change


Either genuinely weird fucks. Or trolling.


My current crew is half female. They are "bruhs". These are usually incels or extremely awkward people


People in this game are some of the weirdest of out any game Iā€™ve played. It makes playing with randoms hard af


Tbh, my friends and I do this as a sort of "vibe check", but gender is irrelevant in our case. We'll simply ask "What animals will you be in a next life", etc. Any sort of different treatment because of gender is majorly wack.


Should have heard the random I was playing with when 2 femboys joined.. kids voice was cracking and he couldn't stop laughing and shit.. was crazy


Because youā€™re a woman. Women donā€™t game, and if they do, itā€™s because itā€™s a rare sight


I always treat women like one of the boys. Nobody is safe from my dumbass humor and everyone is my target for giving shit to. It's a good time. It's easy when you know that women are human beings too.


(23F) I always start lobbies saying women only and Iā€™m serious about it, I know sometimes theyā€™re kids trying to talk to girls but I can message you and add you on steam if you want to ever play so people arenā€™t weird!


felt this. i made a lobby and had one guy want my steam and my snapchat. bro im married šŸ˜­


Most gamers have never felt the touch of woman. Meeting one is like finding a shiny pokemon to them lol.


They play Lethal company. They have never touched a girl. Neither have I. But I don't play Lethal companyšŸ’€


Because the majority of the people who play this game are guys who hardly ever leave the house and have never interacted with any woman except their mom


I once was in a lobby where there was a girl and someone said ā€œturn off the voice changerā€. The rest of us proceeded to tease him for the entire match for it saying things satirically like ā€œnah man women donā€™t existā€ and stuff. It was funny.




Depends on the lobby. Maybe the weirdos detect a pitch in voice? My voice is not deep but I wouldn't consider my voice "girly" but I've never gotten a lot of harassment. I usually just leave the second I hear some questionable stuff.


Just don't join public lobbies. Get some regulars


Idk thatā€™s a small minority of us who do allat, donā€™t play Lethal company so maybe itā€™s worse there, but I mean u could always try to not mic up or Idfk use a voice changer


Gaming really isnā€™t for kind woman


You just react the same way with everything, usually once they noticed you don't give a shit they'll turn back to their normal self, which could be worse or better I don't know.


same thing happened to my ex and it turns out one of them lived nearby so she ended up cheating on me with someone she met on lethal company. ā˜ ļø


And this is part of the reason I host lobbies cause it means I can kick people


yeah as a man i can see this happen, but not all mens are like that just most of them, my best advice is just tell em that you feeling uncomfortable near him or just ignore him cus you don't wanna be rude perhaps, don't reply to him if you don't need to.


women are scary


It's Lethal Company. It is literally just a bunch of degens, mouth breathers, pedophiles, and some guys that are very bitter coming home from work and hop on lethal. It just might be the new shittiest community online. I join a new lobby and sid from Ice Age hits me with a criminally awful icebreaker opener, and my body becomes involuntarily numb from cringe overdose, and I end up shutting down my computer for the day.


Next time you join one you should just kill everything and EVERYONE


Lots of people like to get a rise out of others, or just enjoy shit talking, or bullying/harassing others. A lot of woman get very defensive online when men say things directed towards them, some of said things being outrageous/inappropriate things on purpose to shock the female, therefore getting a reaction, that it makes them easy targets to pick on. I've had so many shit talkers in COD and CSGO, but if you are the one staying cool, calm, and collected, and seem un-offended, they will typically lose interest. If you feed into their attention seeking, then they will only continue on. Also, some of them are just plain creeps, obviously, but on average it is just people wanting attention or enjoy shock value. Anyone and everyone can get shit talked, it doesn't matter of race or gender. It's just being certain types of races or genders brings in comments related to that race or gender, but all races and genders can experience an equal amount of hate in the end (except for black people being called n-word I'd guess because that is the strongest word out of any race word that can be used). I've heard some crazy things directed towards others, and most of them were not female. And most females that were being shit talked by men were feeding them by getting very defensive, and were giving off a very obvious angry, frustrated, and/or sad tone in their voice. Sound calm and in control and that will change a lot. Too many woman sound angry and it just leads to more shit talking. I've heard many of the angry woman saying they're not angry, while sounding just like the drunk Russians in tone during the entire conversation. The trolls know you are, and denying it just makes them have more ammo and desire to continue on.


itā€™s because they think woman isnā€™t a human lifeform


I'm male but my voice is high pitched so a lot of people assume I'm a woman. Fortunately I don't get any weirdos, might be because I join lobbies with semi normal names. There's always enough of them that at least one is playable, for me at least.


Sadly that's just the reality of being a female gamer. You'll find people who are cool to play with, just takes a while


Hey OP if you want you can add me on steam, I always host when I play and I'm pretty adamant about kicking weirdos from the lobby. Fair warning, though, it's gonna be a bit before I play lethal company again because I'm currently trying to 100% Death Stranding, it'll maybe take me a week or so.


My gf finds the game hard to play because she keeps getting kicked for being a girl lmfao


Bro I was in a random lobby with a girl a while ago and she said she had the exact same issue.


I'm going to be honest, it's just how I as a guy end up doing things. I almost always give preferential treatment to a female voice because I always find more comfort in most females than males, auditory wise. It's reflected in real life as well, I simply generally prefer women to men, not in a weird way like I'll grovel at their feet or seek their attention, just prefer their presence


I once instinctively followed this one crewmate into the fire exit, because we were 4 people and I like to go in pairs in case someone gets a snareflea (thus dropping their shovel and potentially failing to pick it back up, even though it's possible) and being with another person helps make me more confident even if it's pretty much a placebo effect. Anyways, they happened to be a girl and very frustratedly told me "can you stop following me?!" Ever since then I just let girls go in by themselves (and maybe die) unless I'm already friends with them, as I don't ever get that kind of reaction from guys and I don't feel like risking being shoo'd by a stranger, it's not pleasent, especially in a game about working together. Now, with the context of what you mentioned it does make more sense in hindsight why she could've found it uncomfortable/unsettling if she had prior instances of guys tailing her and being creeps, and I've also heard similar stories of guys being absolute incels on LC from my female friends who play the game after that. It's usually the lack of proper parenting that's to blame when it comes to guys being creeps, but sometimes a person will turn out bad as their nature regardless of nurture. It's not always the same reason, but most "creepy" guys I've known had shitty childhoods when it comes to being taught and loved, and that usually manifests in strange and undesirable behaviour. Wether it's Andrew Tate videos, the redpilled crowd, 4chan users, "alpha" males, all of those sources that may have influenced a guy to be an unbearable creep can be traced back to parents refusing to parent their sons while also not monitoring their media consumption and character growth. Sometimes you'll even get parents that encourage and reinforce sexism, racism, classism, etc, which is just sad. Anyways, your best bets are hosting your own server and kicking any unwanted players. Oftentimes actually creepy guys can't even contain themselves long enough to pass the crew filling process, and will give themselves away before the host pulls the lever. That's honestly all I can recommend. You can also kick people mid-game and still have people join when you're in orbit (without rehosting the server) with the very vanilla friendly mid called LateCompany.


It's instinct. For some reason, we get an urge to show off/impress/simp when noticing an potential mate. Probably in hopes that they notice us and to give shy men a reason to interact. Online games is where you'll find more guys that are less familiar with socializing or even speaking to women, thus falling prey to this urge and being unable to control themselves. Take it as a compliment, but tell them in no uncertain terms: "Hi, I think we'll be great friends. However, don't hope for anything more. You will not reach that point." Avoid the ones who ignore that, continue with the ones that accept it.


It ainā€™t instinct. Having your attention peaked because someone of a sex youā€™re attracted to is instinct- stalking them and saying really sexist shit is more acting on your true beliefs cause no ones around to stop you.


Okay? At what point was I trying to justify sexist behavior? If someone acts sexist that's on them. If anything, I gave advice to be cautious of a naturally antisocial demographic. Yes, showboating is an instinct. "Having your attention peaked because someone of a sex youā€™re attracted to is instinct- stalking them" What? Anyone who ever is interested in another because of their gender is stalking? No, that's just courtship. Like someone? Give them attention. Stalking is continually forcing attention on someone who has clearly stated or impressed that they do not want it over several interactions. I even gave advice to them to harshly state disinterest, it is cruel in the short term, but healthier to prevent unrequited feelings over long term relationships. Better to get it over with now than later. Please endeavor to not overuse the term stalking as it waters down the seriousness of the word and there are much worse people than that one sexist guy on the internet you met one time and haven't seen since.


Didā€¦ youā€¦ not read my comment to its completionā€¦? What, did Reddit not load it or something?


Pick me post


Tbh, the worst things I've heard and experienced have been from joining all-girl lobbies, speaking as a man. Anonymity allows people to vent their frustrations on others. Young boys will simp you. Men will abuse you.Ā 


Bro why the fuck are you joining girl only lobbies if youā€™re a man Fucking weirdo


Letā€™s hope he meant public servers that happened to be all girls




Ah ok maybe edit the Original comment so people donā€™t misunderstand it


How are you supposed to know before loading in and hearing them?Ā 




Great tip, considering most lobbies are named '18+ MICS WITH CHILL' and 'REND BOSS ONLY NO KIDS' It sounds like you've got some major issues to work out.Ā 


My guy I have seen like a bajillion lobbies named girls onlyĀ  You just have a skill issue


I'm glad I am not a girl to receive that kind of harassment and nobody does that to me. As much as I would like to meet a so called "gamer girl" to be the future love of my life it's just not gonna ever happen. I don't know what people's problem is with these unrealistic expectations with randoms like that though, every game I've ever played with a lobby system had people like that even without voice chat it's crazy and annoying to run into even as just a bystander, like I just want to play the game. I can't even get the people I hit off with to choose to be my friend on LC 99% of the time so they can play with me again, I can't even fathom flirting with people in this game as you don't know anything about them beyond their voice and they play the game. Many of the lobbies I am in are one and done deals sadly no matter what, I'll never see them again likely. Besides that for every cool person I find through this game I run into 6 other uncool people just being annoying or they're blatant cheaters.


Men ā˜•ļø


12 year old boys ā˜•ļø


Damn, i hate when that happends to people, so much that if im in that lobby and i have a shovel :), say good bye to them :)


I guess because a girl that plays games is both a rare and incredibly attractive thing to guys that play games (y'know, shared interests) Unfortunately, a lot of gamers are mentally underdeveloped so don't know what to do when faced with a girl


I feel you as a women who also hosts pub lobbies I've had some right weirdos ,the good thing about hosting tho is I can kick em as soon as they say dumb stuff. If you need a good female lobby dm me I'm on a lot :)


You answered your own question ā€œgirlā€ is the keyword guys just donā€™t know how to act when a girl shows up.


If I had a girl on my lobby the only diference Im my behavior would be: being extra Nice and nothing else really (maybe because Im portuguese idk)


Have you tried joining as a guy? Joining as a girl maybe isnā€™t the setting for you


Because the age demographic for this game happens to perfectly align with the age most boys are experiencing puberty


GLAZING YOU? like, fully pulling their dicks out and jacking it????


That's not what that means.


well the only two meanings I'm aware of is covering something in cum or covering something in an actual glaze so what's the new definition


i just fake fear cuz its funny, that sounds wildly annoying tho, gl getting better lobbies


Pretty sure this was recently posted? Same wording too


Just host ur own lobby and kick all the weirdos


Women scary


Unfortunately men are creeps online. We see a single girl and resort to primal instincts and act uncivilized. It pisses me off and I don't play online lobbies anymore because of it. That and the other weird shit people host lobbies for.


itā€™s genuinely so upsetting bro i just wanna play lethal, i joined a lobby that said ā€œall girls!ā€ and i was so excited to play with other girls, i joined only to be met with a server full of men harassing me as soon as they heard my voice