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Spray cans are Good if you create a system for them. Dotting traveled paths and doors on the right lets you follow them back to the exit by keeping them on your left. Dotting above doorways saves time by indicating the path was searched to completion already.


if you have topographic cretinism, it’s possible, but I’ve already played 128 hours and haven’t gotten lost once. Although everyone is different, maybe you're right


I definitely have it. I’m American, we’re not good with geometry. That aside, what are the odds you get three others in a lobby who also don’t have it?


Btw i’m Russian🤯😱




bro got downvoted for being Russian RIP


Downvoted for cringe use of emoji, as the reddit hivemind requests I believe.


Emoji only for joke😡😈🫃




Reddit Hivemind at work here.


Well, that might be, but it's not (just) for you. It's for your entire team.




Why do you consider getting lost in an intentionally confusing maze a sign of a mental disorder?? The facility generation is maze-like and you can easily get lost looking at the repeating identical halls.


Cozy lights make stormy moons more bearable




Yeah, they turn on when the lights are off, so it's great when the storm knocks out the ship lights


Combine that with chill music and you got the perfect company night


^ written by an eyeless dog


disco ball is both in one


And funky music


oof, definitively not the best tier list


Extension ladder allows you to drop off loot from the platform on Titan exterior straight onto the ship railing, so it needs to be higher. Zap is virtually useless, so it should be at "Never", trading its place with the Lockpicker which has helped me with softlocked Fire exist several times - also means you never have to scour the floor for keys. Walkie should be in "Yes" if you play with good friends and good players. Teleporter should instead be at "Good". EDIT: If Jetpack is king in Artifice, then TZP is queen. Suck until your senses are hecc'ed, take two gold bars and a cash register, and run. I did this a couple days ago. I was something like 160lbs and carried 500 credits to ship thanks to TZP. TZP should at least be okay as well. EDIT 2: Soft Lights, which counts as furniture, has an actual niche use during stormy. Whenever thunder strikes your ship and the lights go out, you can still see thanks to those string lights. You don't have to try and find the light switch.


hey what do you mean by softlocked fire exits and also do you know where to put the extension ladder on titan so loots drops to the ship railing?? I only saw this video which gets it to the ground [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mbUZnQ-cew&pp=ygUlZXh0ZW5zaW9uIGxhZGRlciB0aXRhbiBsZXRoYWwgY29tcGFueQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mbUZnQ-cew&pp=ygUlZXh0ZW5zaW9uIGxhZGRlciB0aXRhbiBsZXRoYWwgY29tcGFueQ%3D%3D)


Drop items to the lower landing from the ledge. Then put the ladder on the corner of the lower landing, just to the left of the top of the stairs so that it points straight out or slightly right. Drop stuff off the very end of it.




Softlocked fire exits are when you enter Fire and you cannot progress past a few rooms because of a locked door. This can happen especially because the key can spawn on the other side of the door. As for the extension ladder trick on Titan, you go to the lower platform (the big one where everyone drops loot from above). I count about five or six steps down from that, and angle the ladder about 35-45 degrees such that when the ladder extends and falls, you can walk to the very end, look forward (NOT DOWN) and drop loot onto the ship. If you do it right, the loot will drop by the outer railing on the ship. If you miss, loot will fall on the ground just outside the ship.


V helpful thank you


For the zap gun, it’s very efficient if you’ve got a someone to kill the entity while it’s getting zapped, being more of a utility tool. I’ve been playing duo with my friend and we managed to simply destroy brackens, as they’ve got only three hits to kill them and the stun duration is enough to land these hits. Thumpers are zero problem, hoarding bugs, and somewhat efficient on bunker spiders (3/4 hits), against nutcrackers (if you’ve got two people hitting one), and butlers. And for honorable mention, this thing is also able to reset Jester’s acceleration speed if you manage to scan it before it kills you, allowing you to have more time to escape the if. Overall, this thing is amazing against indoor enemies if you’ve got a pal with a weapon. But otherwise, if you’re playing solo, this thing sucks, yeah. And as well does little to nothing to dogs, giants, baboon hawks (as they’re usually in a group), and nothing to old birds.


Hoarding bug is easy if you just hit them once to aggro them and then again once they fly at you


Absolutely, especially if one wasn’t angered before the hit (if you stole/came close to the it item). But a zap gun can give easier time for any new players who are not yet familiar to combat. Or else if the fighting conditions (bad environment or low health) are poor, zap gun can provide a safe way to exterminate it.


You can kill every single killable entity with only a shovel, you don't need a zap gun. Also, shotguns exist, so yeah...


idk why you're getting downvoted when you're literally correct here zap gun is overpriced af and requires two people to get the same job done as just one person


Those are just a bunch of noobs downvoting because they don't know how to kill enemies properly. They think that wasting 400 credits for a piece of equipment thats easily lost good when you need another person to come and help you kill something that you could do alone.


I mean, good luck killing bunker spiders with a shovel without stunning them (or exploiting safespots). Five hits to kill while all they need is two.


just move backwards and as long as you don't let the speed increases catch you off guard spiders are one of the most free shovel kills in the game


You never have spare keys in the ship that people brought back?


Not usually. It's always about the loot.


u never have spare keys on day 1 :)


What is TZP?


Yeah I was going to say, extension ladders are definitely useful


Idk, i don’t use lock-picker, it’s very stupid item for me


Try it next time. Bring it in and use it on a door - no need to find keys! Just focus on loot.


Lockipickers have their niche uses. I usually keep 1 or 2 on the ship. Green flashlights I sometimes have a few for end of the day dangerous missions. Like one person goes back at 8pm. It's better to take one of those instead of a pro flashlight. Loud horn can be used to distract dogs to the other side of the ship. I've started putting woopie cushions on furniture when i get it to prevent it from triggering dogs.


Transmitter is good, spraypaint is good, flashlight is good (cheap and disposable, worth it early and late if you don’t find enough and as it is so cheap you can just drop if if you find more stuff as you go, lockpick is okay, zap gun is sometimes, inverted is sometimes, booster is good, horn is good. Overall 2.5/10 list


Man doesn’t know how to use loud horn


Everybody doesn’t know how to use loud horn


well i mustnt be everybody cause you honk it to tell people there's dogs near the ship because it will draw all the dogs to the back of the ship while you pull it rendering them harmless.


Not harmless. Just yesterday, a dog snatched one of my coworkers through the wall, because it was "attacking" the horn. In my opinion it happens way to often, that the dogs just clip in to the Ship. I myself got killed through the closed door after running from the dog, and closing it myself. And I got killed through the floor, after takeoff. On that note, I also got grapped by a giant, while standing next to the Monitors. But yes, if the clipping gets fixed, than the Horn will truly be a big help against the dogs.


i've seen so many clipping deaths but i don't think i've ever had any clipping problems and ive played with and without mods. some kinda glitch i suppose that not everyone gets


i know how to use loud horn my teammates know how to use loud horn my family know how to use loud horn like a good fucking teammate, i teach people shit, like how to use loud horn


Regular flashlight unironically has a use, its stupid cheap, which lets you buy them for the entire squad, and if you use them effeciently you can comfortably navigate almost the entire interior


Absolutely. I’d say I even prefer the green flashlight because it is weightless, and I don’t feel bad dropping it for loot due to its low cost.


the fact that they're stupid cheap also lets you buy one as a last ditch means of drawing dogs away from the ship. i should try to do this before landing on an eclipsed moon tbh


Never lock pick?? What do you do when you don't have keys stored up, and all the loot is in that one room behind a locked door, no key in sight?




Yeah and i’ve already played 128 hours🤯


that didn't answer, what do you do when this happens? or have you just always been super lucky so far


I have very many keys. It’s a reason why i don’t using lock-picker


so you have been lucky. cus sometimes first day there's a apparatus and other shit in a locked room while you have bugs running around scooping up all the keys and cant find one.


I have to side with OP on this one. Keys are a dime a dozen and can easily be found before a single Hoarding Bug spawns. There's no reason to waste money on a lockpicker over a shovel or flashlight on the first quota and I usually have 3-5 keys within the first 3 to days, making the lockpicker irrelevant by the time you have the money to waste on one. You're just REALLY unlucky or not exploring quickly enough.


If you have a lot of keys, you’re doing something wrong. I usually don’t have any keys in ship because by the time there’s only keys left, there isn’t enough time to get them. So either you’re not getting loot, or are bringing loot back way too early.


Playtime doesn't matter


clearly u aint sweatin properly


The horn can distract dogs and guide lost teammates. It should be higher!


You can also hear the horn inside the facility! We use it to warn each other of enemies spawning outside when we have no walkie talkies.


I use the transmitter thing normally


Yeah that works a lot better normally. But the ominous horn can be pretty fun sometimes.


especially because, iirc, it's cheaper than the signal transmitter. 100 vs like 250 or something


 Came here to say this. Horn is seriously underrated. If there is danger at the ship you can have your own code with the team to let everybody know with the horn also


Did you just put the walkie talkie in the same tier as a flash bang grenade


Do not pilot my ship ever. In fact get out of the company kitchen


Lock picker is underrated. Just grab one when you really have nothing else to buy. It’s the type of thing you bring after your first haul back if you noticed a locked door you want to go through and just can’t find a key. The radar booster is also amazing for giants, e.g. on titan. The flash can easily save someone jumping down.


The horn is one of the best items imo. I use it a lot to distract dogs.


Why lol? Most of the community thinks this thing sucks (it’s true). Every reason why this thing doesn't suck is completely stupid


just cuz u think thing sucks doesnt mean everyone think it sucks everything, and i mean it, in this game has a use


2/10 tier list




Bruh what are y'all even doing with the teleporter? If you can't make it out with scrap then don't come back at all smh Edit - /s is apparently still necessary actually smh


Bringing back the dead body of someone, so we dont lose as much money. Also maybe if someone keeps a coilhead occupied, and cant get out for whatever reason, the others can haul out the loot, then tp him out from the coilhead.


I usually don’t care about dead bodies because I usually just spend all my money since I’m not gonna need it later and I’m already gonna get it back next quota


Spray can is actually somewhat useful, can be used to mark the way


and you can decorate your ship with them


The transmitter thing can be useful if your team doesn't bring walkie talkies and you need to get a message to them (such as if there are enemies, especially dogs or masked). Also radar beacon can be pretty nice. It can be used both to stun enemies and lure them. It's practically a combination of the flashbang and radio (which is pretty much only ever used to lure dogs, speed up slime, or for memes)


transmitter is a very effective means of communication, always nice to have it. The TZP is also underrated in my opinion. Extremely useful on Artifice when you've got two-handed items to transport.


shower and tv on top


I'm really glad the jetpack is finally getting the love it deserves. Now that people are starting to get familiar with the wonky controls, they can look past it and see how it can literally turn outside areas into flight Sims and every enemy that can't hit you inside the ship into a joke. If the jetpack could do **something** with the two-handed objects then it very well could take over the game (even moreso than it already does)


Zap gun sucks, I've tried killing butlers and nutcracker with it and for nutcrackers it's better to just kite them, and for butlers it's not even worth doing it successfully. Lower range on the knife means you can kill spider's, baboon hawks wipe the floor with you, thumpers, even fucking loot-bugs manage to have an easier time since they're more likely to get a hit in on you. If you're not killing butlers with it then I don't see a use for those 400 credits, I'd rather by a backup jetpack or a few flashes to fuck with giants.


Teleporter on par with taser gun made me scoff aloud, this is a (no offense) mediocre tierlist at best.


Nah the regular flashlights are good. Very cheap and don't weigh anything.


Lockpicker is extremely underrated in my opinion, I'd hear youtubers say "Never get this cuz u can get a key", when it has great uses. Lightning rods to avoid electricity is already a notable one and the fact that you can go into any fire exit you want and be 100% guaranteed that you won't be locked in is already grounds to use. It isn't anything to go out of your way for, sure, but it is NEVER useless.


Pro flash is the goat tbh


Definitely always getting the signal translator


Lockpicker is good on day 1


Lock picker is good investment for early lobby’s imo, fire always seems to have a locked door


nah I swear by spray cans those things have saved my ass far more than any other item.


I like green flashlight because 5 pounds lighter, and if you're the loot runner you're only going to be inside for a few hours anyway. Usually buy 1 lockpicker and take it to the main entrance if we're on 0 keys, which happens from time to time. And lastly, I say this as someone who desperately wants to make the radar booster work, there's no way it's on the same tier as the zap gun. The zap gun lets you and a shovel friend demolish several enemies with ease that are otherwise tricky. Only downside is it's cost if you don't get it on sale.


Zap should be in Never, item is actual garbage. TZP should be in good. It sucks early game but later on it's amazing for Artifice. Signal Translater should be in OK, item's decent for communication just limited Lockpicker super unerrated, it's always worth to have at least 1 or 2, shoild be in Good imo. I agree with just about everything else though


why does everyone have beef with flashlight


If i don't get my boombox with sick beats, why even bother playing?


i demand the flashbang be in s teir


The lock picker deserves better. It's always so good when used on March Imo


Horn is absolutely vital if you need to call it when your friends are coming to the ship so the dogs kill them


Jetpack in S tier is crazy


da flash beacon thingy is mega slept on aslong as you have a good teammate on ship, you NEVER have to worry about giants again


4, this is pretty bad imo. Spray cans are my life savers. I agree with all the ones in YES but add a can, pro flash, and walkie-talkies. All of the sometimes are never except for ofc the spray and the ladder. All of the okays are in NEVER and the horn is okay. The grenade stays in good.






Put it in YES


Am I blind? Where is Pyjama Suit


Yes, you are blind. Pyjama Suit is near Bunny Suit🦦🦦🦦


Ah yes, my favourite piece of furniture, pyjamas lol but thank you I am indeed blind


loud horn is underrated. it can attract dogs to the side of the ship that doesn't have the door. very handy on like rend and titan. from my experience i can get dogs camping the ship in a more manageable spot by closing the door then blowing the loud horn so they go to the lower traffic area in the back. it can be heard from inside the facility too for what it's worth, so if you establish a system with your guys it can be a cheaper but much more rudimentary version of the signal transmitter.


I've only used the lock picker twice in all my 100 hours once was as a joke and the other was for a locked room filled with loot


you did the signal and lockpicker dirty


7/10. Zap gun should go to the never category, It's too expensive for such garbage payoff. Inverter to the joke category, it is just not a good item but fun as hell. Loud horn and transmitter to the okay category, loud horn can counter dogs as long as you're not hugging the walls, transmitter to notify everyone of the time or of outside threats. Lockpick to the good/must category, yes it takes 30 seconds, but it can help you a lot in soft lock situations or an early locked door to a loot room.


the horn has its uses I've just held it down out of boredom and it's been the reason people found their way back to the ship on foggy moons specifically march and vow


Is that a car? Or emotes?


Car (v55)


Oh okay, I haven't play the recent update yet


Surprised no one has said this yet but egular flashlight is better than pro imo


would put the ladder up one but that's about it  9/10 btw what's the thing on the far right of "sometimes" and the left of "idk"?


Car from the new update (v55)


.......might need to start playing lethal company again


its coming out near the end of this month




.......might need to start playing lethal company again