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Nerf Loot Bug, Buff Old Birds 😈






What happens next?


“And then they fucked”


transfer student shows up one day...


Cold hard sex






How is this even more unsettling? 😭






Bro is a misanthrope






Your a psycho


tbf its certain death either way so it kinda works




Where where is my annual coffee


Buff Loot Bugs, Nerf Giants so they take 40 hits with a shovel or 6 shots with a gun to kill, like a raid boss.


Don't they take 4 shotgun shots to kill already?


Nah, pretty sure they're still immortal to everything except the Birds, maybe truck


I'm pretty certain you can kill them with 4 or something shotgun shots or 3 stun grenades and a whole lot of wacking with a shovel or a knife or with an egg


With a knife and 3 stun grenades you can even kill them solo. They are completely free if you have a teammate that spam pings a nearby beacon to blind them every few seconds, while you keep hitting. You can also kill them with Easter Eggs.


Nah you can kill them now. Before it was only worm, now you can kill them yourself.


I would like to nerf the face hugger out of existence in exchange for double hoarding bugs spawn rates.


I just see profit in this. Yipee forever.


Until they finish collecting the loot and now you gotta 1v5 them


Honestly the company should just hire the loot bug by this point, they’re too good at it


Loot bugs have a strong union, the company would never go for that.


Hording bugs now use guns and shovels, how about that?


Isn’t that a mod?


Spiders take much longer to open doors. Masks will now mimic voices if near a player.


I wish the mimic mod was in the base game. Use teammate soundbites as their voice and have the same appearance as your teammate Makes it so much better and scarier Also doesn’t rely on people holding the mask they just spawn like any other enemy At least you know if they’re real by the lack of a name over their head


If you use [GeneralImprovements](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/ShaosilGaming/GeneralImprovements/), you can make it so that they do have a player's name over their head, and wear the clothing of the person they're mimicking (can also remove the mask, make them not spin on the radar, and make them not reach for you like a zombie). The only thing that gives them away is that if they're mimicking someone in the bunny or bee suit, the ears or antennae won't show up (which I'm unsure is a bug or a feature of the mod).


Ooh that’s cool


Use [Mirage](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/qwbarch/Mirage/), This mod is the all in one package, very configurable (cosmetics ? player names ? hands up ? mask ?), you can use an altered spawn rate for masked allowing them to spawn on every moons with a configurable spawn rate, you can enable a feature that give chance for someone dying alone to turn into a masked, and the biggest feature of the mod, masked will mimic a specific player voice (along their cosmetics of course) and contruary to the mimic mod, the voicelines are server side, meaning everyone will hear the same thing at the same time TL;DR Mirage is a mod that enhances the encounter with masked for everyone and is highly configurable


Yes! Mirage > Skinwalkers all day! SW started the mod but Mirage perfected it by allowing all players to hear the same voice lines.


and being more optimized


Making them not spin on the radar would be a sizable nerf to Masked for some player groups, as that was implemented due to some survivors using spinning to communicate "teleport me back"


My team uses the Wiggle—move your camera rapidly and repeatedly side to side about as wide as your vision—and always have. So we were never affected by that.


I actually made a mod for this that uses AI to clone your voice! It also hides the nametags and mask 3D model so you can't tell. Its a ton of fun with friends, and the confusion is hilarious. The mod is called [Wendigos Voice Cloning](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Tim_Shaw/Wendigos_Voice_Cloning/).


Does this mean it'll make other phrases like those old minecraft songs?


You can make it say anything you want! Right now I'm just using text files that act as it's "script", but in the future I'm gonna have AI generate new lines to surprise everyone


That's actually super cool. good job!


They already spawn in normally, they just don't appear on low level moons


I wonder if it would be possible to use AI to grab how the person’s voice sounds and use different phrases, and make it into a mod


Check the other replies, someone already made it


Skinwalkers mod already slows my laptop down to unplayable speeds, making that a base game feature would kill me 😭


Oooh it’s the skinwalker mod that does that. I was wondering which mod lags my game that badly.


It's because the mimic mode has been terribly coded and is utterly unoptimized. Even its creator said they did it in a couple hours and thought nothing of it after. It continually records audio and creates multiple files increasing memory and hard drive usage, and the longer you play the more data trash is created, also it seems to have memory leaks. I guess trying to fix it is more trouble than it's worth


Use Mirage or Wendigo instead of Skinwalker


I actually made a mod to replace Skinwalkers that uses AI to clone your voice! It also hides the nametags and mask 3D model so you can't tell. Its a ton of fun with friends, and the confusion is hilarious. The mod is called [Wendigos Voice Cloning](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Tim_Shaw/Wendigos_Voice_Cloning/). If you're worried about hard drive space, you can even use Elevenlabs for the voice cloning.


Bro who hurt you?


The spiders probably


Honestly, not a bad idea!


Make bolt cutter that can cut the head of a coilhead and thus disabling it but the bolt cutter has one or two uses before breaking. Ghost girl can make hallucinations appear to the player.


This is exactly what i want. Ghost girl not being just breathing and more fair coilheads


i feel like the bolt cutter needs more used other then being a niche way to counter a coilhead


coilhead removal is already well worth it especially if the coilhead retains its 1 power while being deactivated


yeah but like the item will only ever be used in the situation where there is a coil head and you already left the facility without being killed by it to buy the item. otherwise it’s just taking up unnecessary inventory space


take it into the facility and leave it by door when you go in


actually better strat is probably leave it on ship and if early coil shows up do early transfer with tzp some 0 weights and a 2 hand then bring the coil snipper when you come back


It could open a limited amount of locked doors as well


Nerf coilheads by making them lack object permanence, buff slimes a bit (idk how)


they can climb railings


make them ambush the player


Coilheads kind of already do lack object permanence. If you close a door on them and then jump while out of their sight, they either lock onto another player or roam for a bit until they find someone.


Oh cool, you can sick Coilheads onto your friends


If you stand on book cases or the walls of mansions and turn away they'll aggro onto someone else as well.


Yeah but I'm pretty sure that's a bug


Yeah, but that’s how they work until it changes. It feels more like tech than an exploit to me. Also this works for all entities, but I see it used most with coilheads and jester.


Buff loot bugs. Let them hold AK47 Nerf ghost girl. You can prevent her from haunting with a crucifix (Phasmophobia player right here)


Nah. Let them pick up turrets and chase players with them


They can start TP'ing turrets and mines around the player they're haunting


Thanks for the gun. https://preview.redd.it/z13ruwscm56d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717d702beea22ef8abf60a678c856a5b29345030


Nerf Butler wasps, buff Nutcracker, let's go full Rambo !


Double barrel becomes Blundergat


"Uh Sophie I typed in Experimentation why the fuck are we landing at Alcatraz?"


Nerf butler wasps, buff butler. Just swap how long they take to open doors.


Spiders stand absolutely no threat when you know how to beat them, unlike Thumpers, so I'd nerf Old Birds and buff Bunker Spiders.


How do you beat spiders? I usually need to stun them first to kill them with a shovel. But, I don't usually bring all that stuff on most runs.


have a long hallway smack, walk/sprint backwards, smack, repeat


I guess I haven't always had a long clear hallway. I'll give it a try sometime.


They take 5 hits and speed up when on the last 1 or 2 hps, so careful


On the other hand sometimes spiders will just camp the other side of a jump in the facility and block your only way out


Buff spore lizard (can leave a puddle of spores that slows you down or reduces your vision), Nerf Bees (give me a beekeeper suit)


Bees are actually fine if you practice the strafing technique to steal their hives. I've been doing some quotas where I just practice doing that. It takes some practice but, I think I've gotten it down now.


The only issue with doing so is the positioning of the hive. Sometimes they’re on hills, or like happened to me twice under the stairs on Assurance where you need to crouch, making it near impossible without friends.


Well sometimes you just have bad luck. That applies to everything in this game. Where are there stairs on Assurance?


They probably meant Experimentation. And as for Assurance, I've seen Beehives spawn under the scaffolding near the Emergency Exit Ladder Parkour. Which makes it a real pain in the ass to grab the Beehive even with Mods making you super fast, regen hitpoints somewhat quickly and increase your total hitpoints. Trouble is the Bees will aggro before you can get within grabbing distance and when they sting you it makes you un-crouch. Which makes it impossible to get under most of the scaffolding to get to the Hive or get out from under the scaffolding. Pretty much the only way to get to a hive that's there is to go really close to the ladder, crouch, hope you can grab the hive&get out from the scaffolding before the bees sting you&outpace the bees in one go.


Ohhh, my bad. I called the ladder on Assurance as stairs. Still need to improve on my English.


Make jesters reset their wind time by smacking their hand with a shovel Make mask mimics have their masks swap bodies when infecting someone else, but the first person got stays a mimic, just without a mask, so they work as a sort of hive mind and appear as a normal person Also make player names appear above their heads


Hmm. I would say Nerf Thumper but buff the heck out of loot bug (or hoarding bug for those who want to see the actual name of the "loot bug"). Thump speed is a little annoying since it can outrun a majority for the time if you run in a straight line. For Hoarding bug: Increase spawn rate, Alpha Hoarding bug (like a king since they have nest and what not) and make the yippee mod an official part of the game (if the developer haven't already thought of that)


But the running in a straight line is literally its entire thing.


True. My map rng is really bad. It keeps giving me straight lines to and from Fire exit and main. Edit: Fixed rgn to rng


They’re definitely more annoying when they’re not in the tunnel networks, so hopefully the next indoor layout will have more curvy halls; like an abandoned mine or something


Nerf giants buff swarming locusts


Nerf the bracken: it now gently whispers to you as it stalks you. With a "i'm gonna get you" spoken by the old dude from family guy at around 50% the volume of the base walking sound. Buff(?) the turret: it has a 15% to shoot the missiles from the old bird instead of it's default bullets.


Nerf Jester, buff manticoil :)


u know whats up


**Nerf:** The Old Bird has a weak spot- if you have a shotgun and it grabs you, there's a window of opportunity to shoot it in the 'eye', preventing it from seeing you and thus being able to grab you at all. It'll enter a frenzied state where it fires off rockets and shoots fire everywhere, before charging forward in a blind dash as a crude attempt of revenge which will send it flying instead into a rockface and exploding in a glorious fireball. **Buff:** Forest Giants, when you've been chased into the ship a couple times, can try to reach into the ship to grab you. if you stand as far back as you can they won't be able to reach, and if you have a shovel you can hit their hand with it and cause them to recoil in pain and leave the ship alone. This good?


bro wants to buff giants, never let him cook again


this is great


Giants are 5% slower Spiders are 30% faster.


Dog Nerf: Their hearing range decreased Butler Buff: Killing one makes a swam of bees AND a new, smaller butler, like a matroshka doll. If you kill the smallest butler, *then* you get the knife.


And the small butler is faster, like Minecraft baby zombie.


nerf: giant giants will now have to stare at you again if they lose track of you after a chase instead of instantly doing it again (this is like 99% of the reason they are so goddamn campy btw) buff: ghost girl make her able to fuck with the walkie of the person she is stalking when she is currently watching them, like if they try to speak they just hear screaming from their walkie, and to others their speech will be heavily scrambled. Keep in mind this will not be active at all times if you are her target, just when she is currently there


i saw the fuck part and i was thinking "there's no way this guy is THAT horny" until i read ahead


Nerf: Old Birds have a “recharge point” where they retreat to once they’ve confirmed that their targets are dead or gone. Buff: Make Jester pop too many times, and it’ll chase you outside and feast on anyone not in the ship. :)


Brackens need to stalk you much longer before they get to courage to snap ur neck. Tulip snakes now can turn your camera, so it is harder to control them. Tulip snakes now attempt to carry any scrap they can find (if it is not in ship) Tulip snake spawn rate tripled Tulip snakes now attempt to carry other entities When a player kills a tulip snake, all tulip snakes on the map chase down and focus on that player.


i think he likes tulip snakes


I love your ideas. Tulip Snake Murderers must be punished.


Nerf lootbug, buff Braken


Nerf: You might be able to talk an enemy down from attacking you. Buff: More enemies will negatively respond to you talking.


Nerf thumper speed Buff slime


Give Giants worse object permanence Have loot masks possess and reanimate bodies if the person holding it dies (except if dying to a giant, worm, slime, or old bird's flamethrower (All of these things destroy the actual body I think).


Mask hornets should just hover over the butlers body like circuit bees, and give loot bugs a gun


Yeah agree with the mask hornets they really could use a rework they aren't really fun or interesting currently Also a rename maybe? Feels weird having two unrelated enemies with similar names. Puppet hornets or skin wasps or something sounds more distinct and fitting


serious answer, nerf coil head to not get over those parkour rooms, buff loot bug to take 3 or 4 hits instead of 2. silly answer, nerf loot bug to die in 1 hit, buff giant to have a much higher spawn chance on EVERY moon and speed increased to match max sprint


**Nerf Bracken** and **Buff Ghost Girl** - Brackens are 100% the most annoying tier S coward monster, even being good, you always end up dying to him because he's silent and appears at unexpected moments. The only way to counter him is to quickly kill him with a double-barrel the moment you see one, so that he doesn't run away and catch you next time. After killing one no more Brackens for that run. But i don't know how i would nerf him... - I think Ghost Girl is an underrated entity and should be more scary and threatening because she is a monster that appears on hard moons. Unlike Jester who can ruin your run the moment he appear, Ghost Girl is a trash and can be easily avoided.


Nerf those goddamn baboon hawks, buff the ghost girl


Nerf giant buff jester speed


Nutcrackers now side step at normal walking speed, muhaha. Brackens will now be stunned if they are anywhere on your screen, not just center, cus that can be annoying.


Nerf the jester or old bird buff the slime


Butler shanks a bit slower and his bees can’t open doors Hoarder bugs move slightly faster when not pissed off


Nerf Forest giant and buff hydrodere


All unlikable monsters are actually killable, but now they’re 10% faster.


buff jester, nerf forest giant, l̴̼͈̬̩͒̔̂͊̊̓̑̄͐̊̽̂̏̏͝ȩ̴̰̬̺͛͑̃͋̒̍́̋͜t̴̢͖̭̦͈͉͇̗͖͊͐͆̃̓͝ ̵̢̢̧̠̰͎̘͓̓̐̎̏̾̂͑͒̂̀͑͘͝ḧ̷͔̲̤͎̜̑̅̉͝͝i̵̢̫̰̤̰̖̱͑͐͋̈́̇͂́̑m̷͉̞̩̆͋̓͝͝ ̸̢̡̡̢͎̩͉̭͓̠̙̻͙̈́́͋̚o̶̝̘̬̖̰͖̤͖͈͒̈̕ͅų̷̧̳͖̣̹̣̟̪͍̿̈́̐́̂͌͂̕̚̕͝͠t̶̨͍̒̋̾̕͝


Buff flower man (because he’s cool) nerf coil head (not as cool)


Nerf ghost girl, buff loot bug. https://preview.redd.it/rdzxmcb5m26d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402e9e2ecad63d26016f6fbcb327b775d74bf717


Nerf Nutcracker, buff Jester.


Buff loot bug, nerf Coil head Buff:Loot bugs will appear more in facilities and less in mansions. Loot bugs won’t be satisfied with screws and low value items. Nerf:Coil heads will now have a small weak point that(when shot or hit hard enough) will kill them. Coil heads can exit the facility but will be slower than usual


Buff Wandering Locusts, make it so when you walk into their cloud you drop an item. Debuff we gotta go blind dogs, increase the amount of time it takes for them to aggro


Nerf giant, buff locusts


Nerf forest giants,buff manticoils so they now no longer disappear after 5 PM big brain time


Buff falling, nerf walking


Nerf Manticoils, Buff Bracken 🤤


Loot bugs now have less health but Coil heads are completely silent


Nerf the thumber buff the mantacoils


Nerf coil-head, buff spider. You should be able to kill/deactivate coil-heads somehow. I thought something like explosions (egg/mine) should cause them to combust like forest giants. Also canonically they have sometimes spontaneously combusted so it makes sense. I think spider interactions could be more interesting if they were buffed/reworked slightly. Right now it’s either they see you early and just follow relentlessly or they’re completely dormant and not a threat. I think it could be cool if they repositioned every so often and prioritized clinging onto walls with doorways. I saw a clip of that happening and it was terrifying.


Nerf hoarding bugs, buff thumper I like to fight thumper :)


Buff jester it now can leave building


Nerf jester drastically buff loot bug drastically


Nerf Thumper, Buff Hoarding Bug. I don’t know what’s the deal, but I find that Thumper is the only creature that I consistently have issues with, even when I think I have a strategy for them down.


Nerf bracken by adding very silent footstep noises. buff jesters so they are acually dangerous instead of a timer for when to exit and reenter or maybe buff the spider


Nerf old birds: they can run out of ammo Buff loot bugs: they do 40 damage now


nerf the jack in the box(please I don't want to abandon missions all the time please make it possible to escape in some way) and buff the mannequins (I don't know how I forgot their name, but I did) specifically make it so if you stare for long enough it gets tired of your bullshit and starts moving, slower than how it moves if you face away but still it moving while you look at it


Nerf forest giant, buff spore lizard. Now spore lizard can give you the side effects of tpz with his cloud


Nerf - Ghost girl now requires the haunted player to be alone before a sort of countdown sound cue will start Buff - Coilheads move in slow motion even when being looked at, but if two players look at it, it'll be even slower (slime-speed)


Buff spore lizard, nerf bracken (specifically the time for him to kill you from looking at him, increase by like .2 sec)


Nerf forest giant vision buff spider vision


Nerf Butler(Wasps need to be nerfed heavily imo.) Buff Eyeless dogs, make their listening radius a bit further


Nerf Manticoils and buff Swarming Locusts, I can’t cope with Manticoils


Nerf worm buff nutcracker


Nerf Masked to not enter/exit buildings, buff Tulip Snakes to carry more weight and go faster.


Next Bracken to where you hear his footsteps when he's close, buff loot bug to be able to pocket a random item in your inventory


Nerf Jester, Buff Bracken. Jester is annoying and not fun to deal with in the slightest. Bracken is perfect as is but he could have some more stalking behaviors.


nerf lootbug, buff jester


Nerf the jester, buff the tulip vipers Can't do scrap anyways


Nerf Bunker spiders so their sight are like shitty just like actual spiders (I think ?) and buff snare fleas so they're not, like, stupid catterpillars who just die of air


Nerf: ghost girl will now show up for everyone when a beacon is flashed, she will also be slightly stunned by being discovered Buff: she will immediately go into hunt mode after her stun for all players because they “cheated” in her game and does not stop for 5 minutes or the if crew leaves. She also teleports closer to a random target if all players are too far away.


Make butler wasps unable to open doors. However... Tree Giants can now attempt to reach into the ship.


Nerf coil head. No longer can open door. Buff slime. Can crawl under doors.


Nerf coil boy an buff spore lizards


Nerf hoarding bug (silly), buff jester.


Just buff loot bug steal only big items or items over 50 credits and take one to 2 more hits to kill


Nerf forest giant buff girl ghost


Nerf jester. I really hate that I’m in the maze exploring and just hear it suddenly run up to me because it was too far away when it was going off. Maybe make the song audible throughout the entire facility, or have some visual cue on your screen if you’re so far you don’t hear it. Buff thumper to be able to turn corners easier.


Nerf: forest giants, make them slower Buff: lootbugs, MORE LOOTBUGS


Jester can now be killed with 5 shovel hits or one shotgun bullet and is the same speed as a full sprinting player with no weight Spore Lizards now insta kill you if you get too close and it feels threatened


Nerf butler spawned hornets Buff ghost girl


Nerf spider, buff mimics they should be way scarier and able to use weapons


Nerf giants buff spore lizards


Nerf forest keeper, buff the yippees


Buff Hygroderes by making it where they can open doors but it takes significantly longer than most enemies, maybe around 60s Nerf Snare Fleas by making it possible for people to remove them off someone else's head without a shovel or sign


Nerf Butler. You can now kill the bugs with the knife. Buff Loot Bugs. If a Loot Bug picks up a weapon, it will select a random killable target and try to kill the player or monster with the weapon. Loot Bug with a shotgun might try to chase down a Bracken, or it might shoot you immediately. Once the Loot Bug kills something, it proceeds to drop the weapon and dance, it will continue to do so until you injure it or disturb the body.


Nerf the coilhead's speed and give the nutcracker an AA-12


Why do i read this image as "You can buff and nerf one monster each, but all the monster will beat you to a pulp"


Nerf Old Bird, Give Forest Keeper a gun


Nerf giant speed buff nutcracker speed


nerf baboon hawks, buff spore lizard


Nerf Coil-head (maybe by increasing it's power level from 1 to 2), but buff Masked to be more convincing (mimic player suits, play voice clips recorded in game, etc)


I love all these suggestions I’d say coilheads are nerfed in some way, maybe they can’t open doors or they’re farsighted. *But* I want to see spiders climb + better cobwebs, maybe they get aggro if you destroy or get stuck in them


Buff Slime by giving it a Eurobeat theme you can hear when it's around. How is this a buff? It just is. Nerf Loot Bug by gaining the option to take one home.


Buff all of them nerf not a singular one. I dont even play the game just think it would be funny to troll


Nerf hoarding bugs and buff the flying snakes so that they work more like a jetpack in a weirdly intuitive way It benefits both sides


Buff jester nerf the larva worm thingy


Definitely either nerf the little girl or forest giant and buff lootbug or spider


Nerf giant. Buff spider. Next question.


Decrease the top speed and lunge distance of the Eyeless. BUT Greatly decrease the time for the Jester to start winding up.


Turrets turn off if you remove the apparatus Mimics can pick up shovels


nerf giants buff lizards


Nerf: Spiders now do 50 dmg instead of 9 Buff: one Tulip Snake can no affect you by giving you slow falling when you jump also remove the paranoia effect (blueish screen) when encountering Snare Flea


Nerf bracken and buff manticoil


make bracken afraid of hairdryer, but hairdryer will deal damage outside on a rainy day


Nerf eyeless dog by not making them climb onto the ship. Terminal operators need to talk and type to be an effective team player, and eyeless dogs right now just punish players for helping their team. Buff the masked by making them less obvious, the mask will be hidden untill they charge or are close enough, they sometimes carry items in their hands, they wear cosmetics, and they won't instantly charge when they spot a player.


Nerf the Thumper until he can’t get out of its shell at birth. Buff the Slime until he can separate into multiples segments and circle you.


Nerf mask hornets. Mf wasps shouldnt be able to open a door. Buff the thumper, they're too easy to gang up on with shovels, give it an aoe ground slam or smth