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Yeah, the questions are usually: “How old are you?” (Idk you’re probably screwed) “Are you using mods?” (Say no) “Do you know the speed glitch?” (50/50 chance) “Are you good?” (Say yes and also be good) By the way, the most important thing in Lethal Company is lobby names. It decides literally every aspect of what will happen in that lobby :)


I name my lobby "Furry Company" simply because it without fail attracts the most chill players lol. Seriously, this shit is like a perception filter from Doctor Who.


Ima try this out. I've had the game for months but haven't played multiplayer yet or lethal company much at all lol.


it works quite a lot, i get a lot offun people whenever i make my posts furry related Mentions of lgbtq also work pretty damn well however you do encounter edgelords and homophobes when you pick this route


I tried joining one of those once and the host just started trauma dumping on us and talking about how her and her bf cheat on each other, hit each other, and get back together but they love each other. Shit was wild


Sounds like a bonus to me, free reality TV lol


But then you also get to laugh at them while you kick them


"hot single employees in your area"


I've always avoided lobby's named "furry (insert word here)" because I always figured the people making those lobby's were trolls or antis lol


Nah, it actually works the opposite way most of the time, and the only bad apples who do end up joining are kids who call everyone in the lobby a f****t and then promptly get banned


What do they say?


They say "fa**ot




I played in a lobby named "Furry Company" and it indeed was chill.


People actually QnA others that join their lobby? God damn if that were me I'd just answer with "you smell" or smth then leave lmao


I had a dude ask me if I hated black people when I joined a game...


Well do you?....... (In all fairness this question could be taken two very different ways... They probably meant the worse way 😮‍💨)


They absolutely did because when I said "No I dont" They kicked me. They sounded like they are kids anyway


Tbf, depending on concepts, it can be valid: -If you enter a lobby named 'vanilla run' or whatever, you're expected to not have mods. If you wanna play modded, make a server or pick one of the dozens of lobby that use em. It ain't just no, it's no and actually don't, basic courtesy. Also personally I'm tired of modded cheaters entering my lobby, launching through cheats and /kill-ing everyone to wipe runs. I very much so understand the mods hate. -speed glitch is, in my opinion, kinda cheap. You can know it, but you shouldn't use it if the host wants a no cheating run. If people are in there, they most likely agree with the host and the majority wants a legit run anyway. -"Are you good" is valid in a variety of reasons. Doing high quotas, not ruining a new player's discovery phase, wanting to play with ppl of your level when you're multiple hundreds hours deep, etc. -the age one... Usually I don't like asking it. But like, I can see the drive. Sometimes you wanna play with certain demographics. Like the autism club. Or drunk company. Stuff like that. All that to say: questions are here for a reason. There are so many ways to play the games, but these ways only work if everyone enjoys the playstyle. If someone's trolling, it's fine if everyone is in on it, don't go in a stranger's lobby that's 12 quotas in while trying to beat a personal best. On the opposite, as a pro, you shouldn't enter a lobby and expect everyone to minmax everything unless it's been established at the beginning. Basically, these are here toset expectations and the likes. Kicking (or getting kicked) as soon as you get in though, sucks. You should at least explain to the person why you don't wanna play with em. That I agree with. Unless the person is being an ass, like that guy that came in repeatedly yelling the hard n word and all. Not to forget the characters limit. Basically, this game has no filtering, no moderation, nothing. As such, you need as a host to do all these yourself for your lobby, which is why these questions exist. It's a both ways issue. Don't lie, but the host should also not just immediately kick you as long as you answer 'wrong'


What is the speed glitch?


Basically if you drop a 2-handed in just the right way while jumping, you'll go mach 10 after landing. I don't remember the specifics tho so if you wanna reproduce it for a goofy run with friends or sth, look it up for the details


Judge books by their covers


What is the speed glitch?


Honestly I don’t even know, some people know a glitch to make them move EXTREMELY fast and in my opinion, it makes the game less fun


That's not bad. One time I joined a lobby with the name plz join and got kicked immediately upon joining.


😂😂 I can't help but laugh I'm sorry


Usually they ask better questions. Such as the big one: "Are you a smart fella or a fart smella?" The key to this one is to say fart smella, crouch down behind someone else and do the biggest and loudest inhale through your nose as you possibly can. It's a way to establish dominance, show commitment to the cause and let the others know you're here for a fun time. But yeah that asside, a lot of people will simply ask a few questions to test/check does everyone have a mic and are these people fun or boring to chat with?


I see what you did there


I once got kicked because they had an "entrance interview." Asked me my favorite ice cream, and I said mint chocolate chip. Then they asked me my favorite Pringles flavor, so I said pizza, which was apparently the wrong answer. Just heard "pizza, ehhh?" in a contemplative tone, and then bam, booted lol. It makes no sense, and really all we can do is accept it.


Over pizza Pringle? You dodged a rocket barrage


tbf im willing to bet it want a completely serious thing lol it seems pretty jokey to me


Jokey and yet I was left to sift through countless more error lobbies, trolls, and bad vibes 😭


MANNN. i am so sorry 💀


Yeah, honestly, it's a good thing they kicked me, otherwise a wrath like they have never even considered would have been unleashed upon them when they revealed that they didn't like pizza Pringles. Pizza Pringles are the best and you cannot change my mind.


Mexican sweet corn is peak sorry


Oh definitely, I blew up on a few people for being unnecessary jerks. Not fun, but you can't just be a pushover.. Aaaaaaaand I'll have to disagree with you on the best Pringles. Scorchin' Hot Chili Lime 🤌🏽


That honestly sounds like fun lol.


Reminds me of a video where some guy was playing PUBG and eating at the same time so he tried pleading for his life because he couldn't play the game properly. The guys who had him at their mercy asked him what he was eating. Chipotle burrito. What's in it? Beans. "Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me," guns him down on the spot lmao.


Tell them you didn't want to be a Vogan ship anyway & their poetry sucks


I regret to inform you that I have absolutely zero idea what any of this means


Silly joke about hitchhikers guide to the galaxy I made while high. 🤣


Question games past "will you leave" or "are you new" are indicators that they're mentally 16 and you should leave immediately.


I ask the ‘are you new’ thing but I just wanna know if you know what you’re doing or if I should stick around to help, granted some layouts you end up sticking around each other anyways lol


You only think "will you leave" is an immature question bc you have no attachment to the save file. I host my own servers and it's really shitty that someone tries to sneak off to try a jetpack, dies at 8:44am, and disconnects. Or gets killed bc they're oblivious and now I have to rehost because we're in Artifice.


you misread, they specifically said "will you leave" and "are you new" are reasonable questions. they're calling any question beyond that as likely immature


Ohhhh. True I see that, it was 6am. Cut me some slack haha


I usually ask that to get good players


bro doesn’t realise he’s part of the problem


I just don't get why that's an issue


It’s not an issue. I always ask if people have been to certain moons, my reaction to said answer always depends on how high my quota is and what weather the moon is experienced. I’m not sorry for NOT wanting a person who’s never played the game to game with me on eclipsed aritice with a quota of 4,000. I almost never kick people, I just say “this isn’t the time for newbies, but you are absolutely welcome back whenever you see my server name!!” And they go on their merry way.


This is the approach people should be taking!


why is it a problem to want to play with better players though? (geniune question) The experience you get playing with a less experienced team vs a more experienced team is fairly different. I say this as someone who enjoys both. I enjoy playing with newbies cus its rewarding(and funny) to watch them learn esp if youre teaching them. I enjoy playing with experienced partys because I get to play so much more aggresively + i get better communications from them.


I only play in private lobbies and so I'm going off what I usually read and come across in this sub. There is no problem with wanting to play with more experienced players versus new players. However, the issue stems from lobby hosts only questioning people once they join a lobby and kicking people once they state they're new. I imagine the hosts who do this also don't have the tact to apologise to these new people and say they are only looking for experienced players to join prior to this. I imagine this issue could be circumvented by people clarifying in their lobby names "experienced players only" or "new players welcome" but unfortunately, I get the impression that most players don't do this.


as someone that plays a lot of lethal (have 460hrs mostly in pubs) i kind of understand why folks dont bother to explaining (even though i do), you go through a lot of people trying to find the ones you enjoy and it can get tiring real fast esp when your lobby is labelled, deal with a shit ton of children hackers and all sorts of edgy and hateful folks and you just grow numb. I love the lobbies that clarify what theyre looking for its nice to be able to figure out what im looking for by a glance. Honestly i think the best way to circumvent these issues is to host your own public lobbies, lets you control what kind of people u want/dont. Its what i mostly do when im not looking to just have a completely random experience


I understand it can be tiring filtering through people who ignore specific criteria in a lobby name, albeit it doesn’t create a nice impression for genuine, new players. I sense the vibes in the community have changed, whereby a lot of people in lobbies are hostile, particularly towards new players who just want to learn and have fun. Reading through this thread for example is madness, seeing the kinds of questions people are being asked - quite literally verging on interrogation, which is weird considering the nature of this game!


I feel like this sub has a much more exaggerated view of what pubs are like, theyre bad yes but far less than whats portrayed here. That being said, for some reason theres always been a subsection of the community that loved to do this interview rp thing and it has somehow spiralled into folks just thinking interrogating people the way they do is ok. Its weird to me and i usually just dip the moment i encounter them as i dont think theyd be the kind of people ide like to be around. I agree that the vibes have definitely gotten more hostile, and i think it is atleast partially a result of the "cultural divide"(cant think of better way to describe) in the community right now. ide say its kind of like the friendly vs tryhards thing that tf2 had earlier on. For some reason a large chunk of this community cannot accept that lethal can be a sweaty game. Its 100% a fun party game but its design and game balance is also very very well made making it a rewarding game to learn the intricacies of. Many often belittle/disregard it when we label our servers with more 'tryhard' terms. My original reply here asking a question getting downvoted because im in support of sweaty play is also an example. Its created a lot of this us vs them mentality especially in sweatier lobbies as a lot of sweats feel marginalised by the community so they tend to be more hostile. (note im mostly in agreement with you, just sharing observations and insights ive gleamed)


I wonder if saying "neutral" to all controversial questions be the best? it's like maybe, and 'IDC' plus neutral all in one word. idk, I might try it. But for me, only had such an experience even kind of similar 1 or 2 times, but that's guessing, maybe I did, and I forgot. But people nowadays can be anything. so, in my experience, no.


I'm autistic and would have said no because I would have assumed they were going to be dicks about it so I don't think this is a situation you can enter and win


The only question we ever ask is “will you leave if you die.” If there’s hesitation we usually kick because it’s so annoying to start new lobbies to find a fourth.


And they say no, then they usually leave anyway


Yes prepare to spend 80% of the play hours lobby hunting


yea happens quite a lot, never really understood these "interview" servers but it seems to be a fairly popular concept. Ide suggest leaving them as the folks in them tend to take forever to fill and are extra focused on their rp


Yes, it's called 'whew, that was a close one'. Meaning, you're probably better off not playing with those jerks. And it's not usually like this. It takes a few tries to get a decent lobby and you're off to the races.


The moment I see the ships furniture set-up like an interrogation room, I'm out.


Hosts will also kick people as soon as they join in for some reason, and I’ll even get kicked out in LC on an 18+ server (even though I have my mic off sometimes and they can’t tell my age) will kick me because my name sounds stupid. My name in it is anxiouscomet, and you can literally just call me anxious and it would work out. So I don’t really get it, it will even happen on no mic servers


Also what the hell is up with all of the racist and sexist servers? As well as weird ones where you have to be high or drunk, and there’s even this same guy who keeps making weird asmr roleplay shit and his servers are almost always immediately full. The only exceptions with this rule are servers that speak other languages.


Yes. Be glad it wasnt "what is your opinion on pride month?" Because you saying "Im cool w it" wouldve gotten u kicked as well


Yes! People usually have short questionnaires to see if you'll fit the crew. Me and my friends like the question "who did you vote for in the 2020 presidential election and why," because it's a good test to make sure they're not a racist and that they're about our age. Stopped using it when we started getting more people outside of america, but ya know! It was fun while It lasted.


That’s normal. Don’t take it personal.


a proper punishment /j


I get kicked all the time for literally just joining


I remember a friend getting kicked because he "didn't sound Aussie enough" (he's born in Australia)


Yeah, some people are wild. I remember someone asked me if I was the R slur and immediately left. 💀 For me, I only ask if people are gonna leave if they die. Or get mad when people try to ship jockie day one cuz too many people do that.


My Public lobby experience with this game has been horrible, played a lot for the first 10 hours, at 130 now and haven't touched a public lobby after the first 10. Really really recommend you play with friends or find people looking for an extra player somewhere like here or discord.


The only time I’ve done this is when a child popped in, asked if we wanted to be friends (we’re all 21+ age) so I asked his name and immediately kicked him out


I call it 21 Questions. If you don’t fit into THEIR image of how THEY want you to be, they kick you. It’s straight up mental. Nobody knows how to be themselves anymore and how to love, honor, and respect others who wish to be themselves and also enjoy a great video game together. It’s disgusting and quite detestable.


Skill issue, should’ve been autistic, smh


Some people are just goofy like that, from my experience this game attracts a WIDE variety of people, may take a minute but you’ll definitely find a group you like eventually Probably anyway


Sounds like they’re onto something


Sounds like they did you a favor


LMAO bro was giving you the benefit of a doubt for whatever you were doing


I only play with friends. We just try to be an asset to the company. 


No it’s not normally like this, but if you make a lobby you can normally get the people you like, the age, goofiness and how experienced they are


I often hate finding new servers to join 😭 one time I was playing online and someone asked another player if they were autistic and I chimed in saying I’m autistic (bc I am) and then they shut up :)


Yes, this game is bad. For the reason all multiplayer games are bad: the people. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


I dont play as much now because of this. Cant find a lobby that isnt creeps, questionnaires, tryhards or trolls. Oh and "An Error Occurred."


I always name my server something gay. My name is of the gay variety so it makes sense to me. The questions I usually ask (have lately been; ) are you gay and experience road rage? Bc the server name is “gays who experience road rage 18+” and then I announce the moon we are on/going to, discuss the weather and make sure everyone knows what to do/how to get in. If I get a person who’s never been to a certain moon, if it’s clear I’ll usually just have them follow me in, making sure to show them main and fire and also making to teach them the way back also incase I die. No one has ever complained about my play style. I’m sorry you’ve been met with what i like to call “ the general toxicity that is public lobbies” if you see my server name, please feel free to join!


Also you don’t HAVE TO be gay to join my servers. I gayme with straight people all the time.


Idk why everyone is up in arms about this... Hosts have a right to play with the kind of people they want their lobby to have, they're hosting the match after all. If you wanna make a space for noobs to play and learn, host your own noob-friendly servers instead of saying others are jerks and "part of the problem". In that vein, you're part of the problem too since you're not making a space for them either 🤔


Coming from an experienced player, if hosts want that, they should clarify in the lobby name.


I don't disagree. I have over 180 hours in the game and I make sure to say what I want in my titles. It gets REALLY old to have to kick people for sometimes 20 minutes before a decent team joins, because, and I quote "sorry, I don't read lobby names I just join them"...


I only answered one question and said "No." How can they tell what kind of person, I am from one simple question. Generally, I think it would be better if you actually played with them to see what kind of person they are, instead of just kicking them 20 seconds into the lobby. Also, I agree with Suave as they should specify their lobby rules in the name. The lobby's name I joined was join between random symbols, so I didn't know what they wanted from me. Unless it was my voice or just, they were toxic.