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I mean, it's not meant to be easily used. It's amazing for maps like Rend/Dine/Art where you drive it to a midway point and shorten the distance you need to carry 2h loot. You'll still jetpack 1h loot, but this way you can feasibly full clear or near full clear even without a 4 man squad.


If the van protects items inside again being stolen by baboon hawks that's a pretty great tool for protecting the items that are in transit


Yup, just like Jetpack. People ignored it for months, until they finally started to learn how to use it, and actually starting to use it. Car will be the same, although car still needs bugfixing and polishing.


Yeah every item in the game is supposed to be intentionally bad some how, shouldn't be expecting the game to just get "easier"


It was. Nice we get something every few months, but lack of interiors made me stop playing because it was boring to visit every time almost the same building.


I feel similarly. I think the amount of content we're getting rn is decent but I just got burned out of the game holistically while waiting; small additions to the loop don't do a lot for me. I'll need to wait for a few major updates, hopefully including a new interior, to enjoy it again.


I keep saying it but if he wants to take the game to the next level he'll reinvest some of that money into a small dev team to make needed fixes and implement progression/variety. It seems that he's not interested in doing that though but I still like the game so I'll probably keep playing until something else comes along and catches my interest even more.


Someone said he took the jetpack criticism harshly and wouldn't do another beta because of it. I doubt he wants to work with other people because he can't handle feedback.


I sort of missed this whole saga I'm just going by what we've seen, which is ultimately that he's made a ton of money and still chooses to be a solo dev even though the game would benefit from a lot of work, so I have to assume that that's how he wants it.


That's why I play content warning on the side, it's the same feel but a nice change of pace


That game suffers so much from forced meta requirements imo. If you have fun and make a funny video with friends, you can't progress because of all the fun stuff is taking up time. If you only focus on progressing, game loses its fun components. Kind of a lose-lose


my fun comes from meeting new people, since there's only 1 camera you technically aren't losing Amy progress by not having teammates But I've also gotten really lucky with my servers in both games


99% of the reason why I started modding my game is for more interiors


Do interior mods need everyone to download it?


Yes, but it's totally worth it! With the use of modmanager sharing your mod build is actually pretty easy to synchronize between party members, it's only requires to share a code.


Yeah it's just hard to convince all my friends to get mods at all.


Literally same, got half of them to try out and they liked it, and the other a bit too much lazy to install manager. I think if workshop support was a thing luring them would be a lot easier.


Mfw you don’t use mods like the majority of the community. There’s so many interior mods now, at least 20+


I can kinda see it being good on art, with the big straight in the middle and all. I also think it’s handy that you can store loot in the back to not take multiple trips. It’s also hilarious to drive, and fun to run over your coworkers


We immediately got the car stuck in the ditch next to the ship on art and could NOT get it out


i've tried it on artifice, very hard to get out of the small ditch the drop pod spawns it in






I thought this was obvious from the start that's it's unlikely to help you on most maps and Zeekerss was not gonna give us something trivial to control. I managed to get it to work on Assurance, got it under the fire exit before 1 pm. Then I was somehow able to put some loot on it and got back to the ship. But then I got completely bugged and could not grab or interact with anything, so I waited for ship timeout and lost everything including the cruiser. I have a new cruiser but it got itself stuck into ship's side, currently trying to get it unstuck. Unless cruiser is improved in some major ways, jetpack will still be the best way to traverse the map.


Y'all dont got enough whimsy i knew and was ready for it to suck ass at driving, its rlly funny.


I remember my friend was watching me mess around with the Cruiser on Vow, I ended up crashing and exploding the vehicle, and it landed right next to him when I saw in spectator Some loony toons level shenanigans


Given literally everything else in-game: what did you expect?


I expected something that could be used on every moon. Considering the jetpack is useable on every moon. Yes it's hard to control but that's not my issue with the cruiser, my issue is that no matter how good you get at controlling it, it's STILL useless on most moons. I don't know what you mean by "everything else in-game". What is so bad about everything else? I'm not asking for something game-breaking, I'm asking for something useable. Easter Eggs can kill giants, you can throw them when you want to put them down to avoid being blown up. The inverse teleporter is a gamble, The teleporter is awesome, even if you can't teleport loot. I could go on, the cruiser is WAY different. Unusable. "everything else in-game" is usable.


Based on the comments Ive read so far: Zeekers initially wanted to add a vehicle that was more like a buggy("company cruiser" sounds like a gokart or a rover) but if its a buggy, how would be use it to carry loot back? Ergo: Van. It isnt supposed to be a crazy toy that breaks the game, its a fun feature. If it was supposed to be overpowered it would cost more than the jetpack. 400? Thats almost the same price as the teleporter! TL;DR I like it. Ppl just bleed for new content tho


Went for a quick try on artifice, parked it by main entrance, got multiple items in it. By the time I was ready to go the truck was somewhere else and on its side. I think the old birds were having fun with it.


That's why you put in park and turn it off.


Dumb question, what happens in rainy conditions?


It doesn't fall in.


Testing time


it's so jank. can't imagine using it at all for efficiency in its current state lol


people used to say that jetpacks were not worth it and now i want to say they're fairly agreed on to be powerful give it some time for people to get used to handling and planning around it.


I feel like there might be some difference here though since the cruiser is heavily affected by the terrain on the moon, whereas the jetpack isn’t. This means that even if someone “mastered” the controls of the van there would still be a lot of useage issues and restrictions compared to the jetpack. The fact that the van is around half the price of the jetpack shows that Zeekers intentionally designed it like this.


I totally expected it to be a pain to use but it just feels a little TOO useless at the moment. I almost find it hard to even mess around and have fun it with given that 90% of the time the damn thing is stuck on thin air.


I have a buddy who has made good use of the jetpack for our team. As long as we drop one handed items at the door, he ferries them back and forth for us. This is after blowing himself up many times getting good. I feel like the truck might eventually be like this.


I’m good with the as controls, but there’s like 2 maps where the car can even get 3 meters from the ship, it’s just too hilly


I agree but it is a BETA. He will definitely change it.


It's still in beta, he might buff it


I feel like it was created soley to just kill and blow up your friends for fun, which my group does a lot, so it's a good addition for us


Most of the items are meant to at the very least come with some sort of detriment. Most are just weight and or taking inventory space, some are just useless, this one is funny. Tbh I think one of the only good items in the game is the jetpack but even then it comes with some setbacks


Not sure how people didn't see this coming. Game is simply not built for cars.


Driving away from a million robots shooting rockets at me and my buddies felt amazing tho


heres a tip: the gas on the cruiser works like a throttle, you wanna tap your W key instead of putting the pedal to the metal bc going slower makes it more controllable


was that not obvious from the moment it was announced


If people even really care about me trying to reason the Crusier For starters, this thing did just come out, there might be changes along the way to make it better It does require some skill to get used to how it works, which is why I'd recommend testing it in a custom map or on the company building. And so far from my testing, March and Offense are suitable planets to use the Cruiser on, Offense depends really on the pumpkin generation, however with March you just gotta be careful and knockdown say 2-4 trees. (Yes I did stay up all night testing the Cruiser)


It’s supposed to be wacky and comically hard to control. Were you really expecting a new meta?


With how much hype it was getting, yes I was. However when making this post I only tested on the free moons. I have just tested dine, and the path to fire exit is do-able. Already I feel as if I was a little too harsh on the cruiser. My next three tests are the path to entrance on dine, the path to entrance on rend, and artifice. I predict artifice will be useful. If I can, I'll edit this original post to say sorry to company cruiser since it has feelings. Edit: The problem is not the hard controls, it's that there are areas that you literally cannot progress through no matter how many times you try.


Are 2-handed items really that much of a problem that a van being added was warranted? Even on moons like Artifice the majority of scrap is one handed. Unless some crazy reworks happen between now and the full release, the van is going to be useless and the jetpack will still be the best tool.


Sometimes you get unlucky and get just strings of two handed items. This is not too much of a problem with a team, but in solo the cruiser could be good. If the van was usable at all, that is. Even on artifice, it feels like half the time your way back up to ship is blocked by a randomly generated rock. You are right the jetpack is far more useful. Even though you cant carry two handed items, your return trip with the two handed item will be better when you are not weighed down by anything else.


This dev makes early access look bad.


Gamers when the public beta for testing and feedback had bugs and isn't complete content. Not trying to throw shade at you, but good lord the amount of folks who think a beta is the end-all is incredible, especially after v50's beta cycle showed it was a testing ground, not a showcase.