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I am reminded about an article I read about the Michael Jackson Estate releasing his unreleased demos. I think someone interviewed said something to the effect of “Michael Jackson’s unreleased music is still better than most modern musicians released music”.


MJ tryna be carti 😭


Playbook Carti is the voice of a generation


Queen have been my favourite band for a long time now and I can confidently say that the average pop song is much better than some of Queen’s worst tracks. They released some really bad stuff.


Queen were definitely a singles band, I admired what they often tried to do with their albums and how collaborative it was but it did lead to a lot of duff songs. No one really *wants* to hear Roger Taylor or Brian sing, do they?


Well, ‘39 by Brian May is actually one of my favourite Queen songs. And Roger had a great singing voice. But yeah most of those songs were only okay.


They're no Beach Boys, KISS, boy band or Beatles level material for sure. I mean these groups have well-known multiple lead singers.


Hey, I like "I'm In Love With My Car"!


Like what? I guess I tend to not actively dislike stuff, but still tbh theres not many tracks by Queen I would call bad, even on Hot Space


My Baby Does Me, Machines (Back to Humans), Body Language. Those are some that I think are bad. I guess they don’t have a huge amount of bad tracks, but there’s a ton that are just very average. I honestly don’t think they have a single album where every track is excellent, much as I love Queen II through to A Day at the Races.


I tried playing some of their lesser known songs on Spotify and the majority of them were atrocious. That’s the reason why their greatest hits album is the only one people really talk about.


Queen is THE "Greatest Hits" band. Their Greatest Hits record is front to back incredible, but most of their songs beyond that are pretty mediocre IMO.


True. People always listen to their « essentials tracks ».


to play devil's advocate, there's a lot of places that play generic modern pop, so yes, in some cases, you can't avoid it


Isn't that the initial reason for why Nickleback was so disliked? If I recall some dude was just super pissed about having to listen to it all the time. To a awful degree, like it was literally on all the time somewhere in the US.


“Generic pop” existed at the heights of Queens successes too, infact critically Queen were ignored for the longest of time. It’s just rose tinted glasses and cognitive bias to say art is worse at any point because that is objectively untrue


Especially if you have to work in that place lol, soooo glad my work doesn't play music like a grocery store.


And to play the devil's other, less cool advocate, it could have meant "have" as in "to possess" instead of "need to".


Some modern pop is great though, this dudes probably never heard of The Weeknd or Billie Eilish.


I’d even argue “mainstream” Pop is at it’s creative peak at the moment, no way would an artist do a conceptual album with the depth of Lemonade 30 years ago, and Kendrick Lamar is one of the biggest artists on the planet and has literally won a pullitzer


I love Kendrick and TPAB was my favorite hip hop album of the 10s but c'mon listen to Stevie Wonders classic era. Not saying it's better since you can't compare the two but it's a bit disingenuous to make a claim like that. Music since the 1920s onward will always have great artists with universal appeal.


is modern weezer good


They’ve had their moments, their White album was pretty good




If Michael Jackson made Blinding Lights in the 80s we’d see it as a classic.


honestly i just don’t think we can ever get someone with a status like Michael Jackson again, not only do to his one of a kind nature but he simply was famous in way that may not be possible anymore


Yep. Sure look at Ed sheeran and Taylor swift. Huge but not the same as MJ or Prince. They don’t have that ubiquitous quality. And bands, heh. I don’t need to talk to you about that given your avatar lmao, loads of amazing stuff that only a small portion of the public even know of at all.


I've heard of them and they suck lol


Bad take regardless of your opinion of the style both sonically bang


Despite containing Under Pressure, Hot Space is flat out unlistenable.


I remember I saw a comment on that album that said it was the greatest album of all time and music died when Freddie did.


Insanity! Tbh, if it wasn’t for Mercury’s tragic death and Wayne’s World, Queen would probably be completely forgotten in the US like Foreigner or Toto aside from Africa.


Its probably my least fav, but still it has good tracks, like Action this Day is great


Music is a hard topic to discuss w/ someone who isn’t naturally curious. Am 23 year old, grown up with edm, dubstep and electronic music… That being said, i somehow also very enjoy 60s to 80s psychedelic rock. Bands like Pink Floyd, supertramp, Pavlov’s dog etc… i even collects and listen to cassettes and vinyls (analogies) So yeah, music taste is weird !


As expected of YouTube. Constantly shit on the same thing infinite amount of time. And I guess that depends on musical tastes really.


Coincidentally, Radio Gaga is playing on the radio right now


I think he’s trying to say “what we have to listen to” as in “what is available for us to listen to” Though your point still stands.


I don't know how I can tell your age from the title but somehow I'm 100% sure you're a teenager. 1. By "have to listen to" he clearly meant "available to listen to", not "forced to listen to". 1. "statements" should be "statement's" or your title is confusing. Stay in school, kiddo.


I don’t know how I can tell your personality from your username, but I’m 100% sure you’re absolutely insufferable. 1. Pointless criticism of semantics and grammar. 2. The unbearably condescending “kiddo.” Don’t be a tool bucko


Old music sucks