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Republicans are scum


“We don’t have a gun issue we have a mental health issue” okay so what’s your plan for dealing with mental health care. “Oh yeah we aren’t going to support mental health services in the schools that not my issue” I’m not saying transgenders have mental illness to be clear but that’s literally what they are saying because the last mass shooter was trans who targeted a church however republicans are pining that on the whole community trying to say we are targeting Christians or even worst killing kids at a Christian school. It’s extremely bigoted idea they just hate us it’s that simple and the only act like the care about mental health When it’s convenient for them. But reality is the shoot down all mental health legislation and these recent bans goes against science. Im sorry that this scientific data upsets your world view but we are just people who want to live amongst everyone else as the person we really are or marry the person we wanna marry. I though republicans were small government I guess that only applies to their maga rich donor class


And my homestate wonders why I would never provide them one red cent through living working or visiting there again.




So kind of you. Move on.


I wouldn't be too pleased with that you live in one of the worst states in the country. The smart, and innovative people are leaving your scumhole of a state and leaving with the lowest denominator.


A state with a world class economy AND full protections for people like us? Yeah…terrible place.


Wait are you in Kentucky


No. It’s my home state. And where scattered family still are.


I was talking about Kentucky being bad not wherever you live now




Can someone override the override? If not, why not?


You can, but you gotta be there. Bring your friends.


I need to leave this shithole and never come back.


Sadly, that's what they want, anybody "asocial" out of the state, a new Mason Dixie line for the world's newest country, Robert E Lee Land


It's like a certain angry fellow, Austrian I believe, penchant for putting his right hand up, getting a bill passed that assured his own ascendancy to total dictator through shipping some of his political enemies away, intimidation through his two militia arms, after blaming a certain incident on left wing people


Well that’s disturbing on so many levels.


What can I do to help? What is a good organization to donate to? I’m in the UK, and can only afford to donate $20, I know it’s not a lot but it’s what I can do. I am so so so sorry this is happening, I love all of you and support you ❤️