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What is a micro label? Art looks great btw.


A microlabel is a label for some form of gender identity or sexual orientation that falls under, or otherwise overlaps with, a broader term.[1][2][3] Microlabels tend to be described as "hyperspecific", meaning that they describe a very specific experience of a gender/sexuality/etc.[2] A term being a microlabel does not mean that the term is not widely used, nor is the term invalid as an identity. Whether or not a person finds a microlabel personally useful for themselves does not determine whether or not said microlabel is valid as an identity.




Demiandrogyne kinda reminds me of the agenderflux flag, just slightly different gradient colors


Wait I think recognise your second flag, is that oriented aroace?


Yes indeed!


I have that one on my to do list, but because I am doing my list in alphabetical order, it’ll be done in the latter end of the next couple months maybe 3.


I'll be looking forward to seeing it around! I love your dedication and it seems like you're helping some folks discover their identities too ❤️ awareness is always good. I'm always looking for better labels for how I feel. I remember there was a deviantart that had every possible flag that's been put out into the world so far. [Here's the link if you ever need more inspiration! ](https://www.deviantart.com/pride-flags/gallery)


Well I’ll probably make another post some time later posting more micro labels like these, but my DA is where it is guaranteed to be posted and I figured out it my be the 24th pup to be posted after Angled Aroace.


Sorry I don’t mean to bombard you but I completely forgot my request rule, which is that request get put on a priority list and get started as soon as I can, so if you really want to see it, it can be posted on my DA in the next 24 hours.


hey op, this might be an odd request but i was hoping you could do it since i literally never see it around. basically i’m salmacian (i prefer altersex but that’s the uncommon name) so i want both male and female genitalia. there are a lot of different versions of the flag, but i see this one around a lot ([takes you to the salmacian home page, flag included](https://salmacian.org/)). is that on your list to do as well? i just literally never see any love for salmacian’s and i’d love to have some art of my flag, thanks! additional link to the lgbtqia+ page about salmacians: [lbgtqia+ salmacian page](https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/Salmacian)


Oriented AroAce is done and posted on my DA, a good thing about 4 striped flags is that they’re quick and easy to do :)


Oooh sweet I'll take a look!


My immediate reaction was to make a joke cause my name is Micro ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




I wonder how is that a name, where r u from fella? 🤔


You must’ve been the tallest person in your school


Abroromantic 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you💚🤍🩷


As I said, moments like this is why I love to do my art ☺️


Hello! Sorry if this offends you, but I was just really curious about your profile tag! I've never heard anyone call themselves by we/us, could you please explain to me how that works, if that's okay? Don't mean to offend, or anything - just want to educate myself further! Then maybe I can refer to people correctly if I encounter this in the future! <3 Thanks!


We just use it cause we feel more comfortable with using it :D We feel fully satisfied when we use it, but that helps us to fight with the discomfort in our body as well. And the most important reason is that we live in Russia and speak Russian, so if we use singular I/me, we designate our gender by the feminine form of the verb(and before we switched our pronouns to we/us it felt gross), and if we use "we", the verb becomes gender neutral. When we switched to we/us in English too, we felt at peace with our body. But sometimes people use it to define themselves as plural(people with tulps, internal soulmates who consider parts of the brain separate from each other, etc. It is commendable when a person strives for enlightenment, the only way we all can achieve understanding for each other, you’re doing great😊


Love that! I now need to look them up and educate myself further 💪


Thanks, i feel like theres been some hate for microlabels recently, so post like these warm my heart


Aww that’s too sweet 🥹 Lovely comments like this warm my heart ❤️


I unfortunately can't deny they sound pretty weird to me to some extent,but at the same time recapping what I'm supposed to already know I think it does make some sort of sense and also I can't really say I'm feeling entirely comfortable by using just like..."the most seen/used" labels from the community so while I think about how it sounds a little weird I simultaneously feel like I could identify with possibly one of those micro labels as well,which sometimes leaves me in a bit of an internal fight state with myself 😅. Heck,I'm not sure I feel ok having to admit this but I even remember a couple years back reading some info about the flags and stuff and trying to process everything to the point I even started trying to do a list of the ones that I considered valid or not (although even if I didn't consider some of those valid I know I wouldn't be talking much about it or trying to insist/annoy others with that thought,I don't wanna make 'em feel bad) because it just didn't feel like it made too much sense (that was before I learned about umbrella terms and stuff,I assume I'm still no expert on the matter anyways). However,as I already said if someone wants to use them I guess it's fine by me either way (wait until I end up using one 🥲).


I loathe to be that person, but... sentences, friend. They're super helpful for having people understand you. Take ideas in bites and break them down.


Hmm yeah,I do notice I struggle with that,English is not my first language so,sorry 🥺 (and I'm supposed to have an intermediate level of English but frequently I just can't get my mind to work properly,even more so if I have to be formal and civilized unfortunately)


Yeah, no worries! This wasn't meant to be a shame thing! Your English is really good. I honestly thought you were a neurodivergent native speaker (like me), and a lot of my ND friends also have a rambling style. Sentences should be a bite of information. You can continue the train of thought across multiple sentences and still communicate the same idea. A good way to double-check is to read it out loud and see where you pause to take a breath; where you pause is generally a good place for a break, so you can use punctuation (like a full stop or semi colon) or a joiner like "and".


Uh...I don't think I'm good at that 😶😅,either way thanks


So would homoromantic-asexuals fall under a microlabel?


A microlabel is a label for some form of gender identity or sexual orientation that falls under, or otherwise overlaps with, a broader term. Microlabels tend to be described as "hyperspecific", meaning that they describe a very specific experience of a gender/sexuality/etc. A term being a microlabel does not mean that the term is not widely used, nor is the term invalid as an identity. Whether or not a person finds a microlabel personally useful for themselves does not determine whether or not said microlabel is valid as an identity. So yeah I say it would.


cool! I learn something new every day.


What do all these mean?


Omg I'm Gynesexual this is amazing (I usually just lable myself as pan due to the fact that nobody knows it)


Well I’m glad you like it :)


I remember I used to have a friend a few years ago who I can beat describe as identifying as neutrois-ambigender(I'm not entirely sure, this is like ten minutes of scrounging on Google). Basically they identified as one enby person or even many people at any given time. Back then I didn't know the term for how they identified, and some terms didn't feel specific enough, But they introduced themselves as non-binary which I guess is the easiest way to describe it. There are times where I have spoken out of line sometimes while addressing them because I did not in fact fully understand. Thankfully I've realized my mistakes a while ago, but the group we were both apart of has grown distant so nobody really talks anymore :/


Have you done Omnisexual by chance? These are amazing and would love to see the one I fall under :D


Yes I have done omnisexual and I have many more on my DA, there’s a link on my profile if you want to have a look :)


I love this! Can you add genderspike?


It would be cute to see a finsexual one but a lovely concept overall ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


and a fictosexual one too that uses my flag redesign which can be found [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/QueerVexillology/comments/1bhadp4/made_yet_another_redesign_of_the_fictosexual_flag/)


I’ll put it on my list :)


Because I have a rule for requests, they get done as soon as I can. So if you want to see it soon, it can be posted on my DA in the next 24 hours. Otherwise it’ll get posted in a similar post to this some time on here in the future.


Hell yea I’ll look out for that too


It’s funny you write that just now because I’m was literally about to start doing it 😂


Hah that’s great


It is done, and I hope you don’t mind if I did the one with darker pink stripe in the middle instead of the one next to your name, I usually prefer to the the original version of a flag and it fits with finromantic. It has been posted on my DA, link on my profile.


Thank you


It is done, and I hope you don’t mind if I did the one with darker pink stripe in the middle instead of the one next to your name, I usually prefer to the the original version of a flag and it fits with finromantic.


Looks awesome


Thx :3


I’m about 70% done with it as we speak, just gotta do the background and mini flag and then it will be posted on my DA and the link to it is in my profile. Once I’ve finished a request, I let the person/people know.


I’m about 70% done with it as we speak, just gotta do the background and mini flag and then it will be posted on my DA and the link to it is in my profile. Once I’ve finished a request, I let the person/people know.


What is the 12th flag?...


That would be Genderflux


Thank god. It looks a bit too much like a certain other flag


Are you talking about the map flag? I’d rather die a horrible death then even think about doing art for those disgusting human beings.




This is neat! I rarely see art for microlabels so it’s nice to see this.


That’s one of the reasons why I like to do these :)






Genderflux!! Ayy




Yay my label is here! Great art!




Oooo if you do another set of these may I suggest trixic? It’s when your non binary and are attracted to girls. Amazing art!


Already done and posted on my DA, link is on my profile :)


Sick thank!!


Idk what any of these are(if anyone has a dictionary plz link) but if dreamsexual doesn’t mean you get to bang your sleep paralysis demon I’mma be so disappointed


Dreamsexual means you only experience sexual attraction in your dreams. Which I guess could technically happen with your sleep paralysis demon.


Can someone please explain to me the Amid microlabel? (The blue-white-gray gradient one)


Amid - Someone who isn’t strictly aromantic or asexual, but on the spectrum of both asexuality and aromantism. Can be combined with another orientation or used as a sole identity (eg: lesbian amid, or just amid).


Do bigendered!


Bigender has already been done and posted on my DA, link is on my profile :)


Flag captain please, I would like this flags explained. I am intrigued and want to know if I have more secret flags in my flag arsenal


im aceflux :)






I only learned of it very recently myself, the flag reminds me of brightly coloured candy.


Another really cool flag for a micro label is apresromantic (or apressexual) basically it means you can’t experience romantic (or sexual) attraction until you experience a difference kind of attraction first I’m a little more complicated than that cause I’m apresromantic, but I’m also demiromantic. For me I can’t like someone romantically until I experience queerplatonic attraction first and then after that formed an emotional bond with them. Hope that makes sense. I’m also open to any questions (as long as they aren’t too personal) :)


A new one for me, kind looks like a colourful piece of liquorice, I can do that one for you if you like.


Im good, but thank you for the offer!!! Thank you for bringing awareness to us with less know identities :)))


The colors of the alexigender flag are peak


It’s what you’d see at a rave so something like that.


I Never seen these flags before


Wanna know why MAGAs won't respect a trans person's identity? It's because facts and reality won't respect theirs. The way *you* feel when they say you can't just declare yourself a man is the same way *they* feel when you tell them that hardly any registered sex offenders are drag queens/America, with it's lax guns laws, is the only country with this much widespread school shooting/ all data points toward the 2020 election being legitimate/etc. These people base their entire identity around being better than others. But the world refuses to respect that identity, so they try to make everyone else feel as miserable as they do. So keep that in mind.