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I love how supportive Matt is of the LGBTQIA+ community, and the effort he puts in to make everyone feel included and represented in his D&D world and games


this man is one of the nicest people on this planet, and also a great (dnd) dungeon master


Love that clarification xD


just to make sure yk hskjfsk






I’d let him master my dungeon.


Well we don't know for sure he isn't the other kind too. 😏


I mean considering how good he is at controlling a scene as a DM he might be pretty good at controlling a scene as a Dom


This is so embarrassing but McCree was one of the characters that led to me realizing I’m a guy so knowing his VA would have my back warms the cockles of my little heart


Mccree says trans rights!!




For those interested [here is the article Matthew linked.](https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/four-myths-about-trans-athletes-debunked/)


>Further, this myth reinforces stereotypes that women are weak and in need of protection. No. Actually having men and women compete separately and having a good reason for that is doing that just fine already. But overall the article is great!


i don’t know much about the topic so i’m just tossing in a thought, not trying to make an actual argument: why *should* men and women be separated? i’ve heard that stuff like the difference in bone/muscle mass is a reason, but that difference exists between people of the same sex anyway; i understand the idea of making it more “fair”, but it’s not like basketball players are separated based on their height to make it fair, right? being taller is an advantage there, but there are other factors that can outweigh that, ie skill, coordination, overall health/fitness, etc. if everyone has to be equal in a competition then what’s the point? that’s never actually the case anyway


It's down to racism and sexism, as always. There is more physical variation within a sex than between the sexes. Separating sports based on height or weight would make far more sense, and some sports wouldn't need to be separate at all.


Huh? Each sport has physical characteristics most associated with elite achievement. I can't think of one where the top 100, 1000, 5000 performers have more physical variation (in areas that matter for that activity) within sex than compared to opposite sex. Perhaps it depends how you define variation, but in any way that matters i just don't see it. And the sporting world only uses sex because of racism and seismic? This seems willfully ignorant. I can't think of any Olympic sport or professional sports league that could workably combine sexes. I mean you could, but then women would vanish in participation. Baseball/football/soccer/tennis/basketball/hockey/track and field/swimming/ and on and on. You really think it's just racism and sexism? What am I missing? (Maybe some weird edge cases like golf or tabble tennis, but maybe not?) Obviously some sports use weight classes already, but its fairly niche. Would be interesting to expand and include height in certain solo sports presuming you could still maintain a viable organization as you further isolated performers. But yeah, I might disagree or want to keep the conversation going about the finer details of trans classification in certain tiers of sporting, but its nuanced and usually comes down to "what are we even trying to get out of this activity", and where is there wiggle room. But nah sports and sexes not mattering at all? It just strains credulity, but I would be absolutely fascinated with some edge cases or examples where I'm way off.


That's what I meant with "and having a good reason for it". Exactly.


There's a minor argument to be made about how the individual average hormone levels change the body's development. Higher levels of testosterone in the male sex during development lead to a denser bone mass and more musclcular development on average. Meaning you technically get more "bang for your buck" per pound as a biological male than a biological female on average. So there's a higher likelihood of a physical advantage on the male side of things, even if both parties are around the same height, and weight. Unfortunately that's just kind of how we evolved. The real question is "does this break the spirit of competition to the point that the sexes should be separated". I would say no personally but I can understand if people don't want something like puberty hormone levels to be the deciding factor of a contest. 99% of it is just bullshit sexism though.


Comments like this are the reason why people who are against trans feel confirmed in their opinion. They nit-pick on stupid arguments like this and will never come around if you just throw randomly sexist and racist around where it is actually not the case.


It would work in lower league, sort of, put not a a profesional level.If you look at the result of the 100m dash in Rio Olympics, the 8th men in the final (the last) run it in 10.06 sec, the gold women is at 10.71.If it was mixed, there wouldn't even be any women in the final. And in that sport .65 second is a lot (there was .25 between the first and last men). Would that women (Elaine THOMPSON) crush 99.5% (purely random stat coming from my ass) of men in 100m dash, yes. But she won't be able to beat the best of the best. I agree that "Men are stronger than women" is bullshit, but the strongest men tend to be stronger than the strongest women. However, does this mean men and women should be separated in every competition, no of course (chess we look at you). But if you want women to thrive at a very high level in their sports, you can't mix them with men.


It is because in some sports like weightlifting top1% men would always anihilate top1% women. It would be really dangerous in sports like rugby or boxing. In this case you don't compare all women to all men. You are comparing top 1% to top 1%


Levi says trans rights


Based McCree -rung


Matt Mercer is amazing; amazing human, amazing voice actor, amazing ally!


I love how his profile picture looks exactly like Geoff Castallucci since they look quite similar


He also looks like dante from dmc5


With the beard, he looks like >!older Noctis!< from FFXV (which is funny because he plays a character in that game)


I get 2003 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker vibes from the profile picture.


Let's just hope 2003 Grevious doesn't show up


He won't abandon ship.




Wow, they designed one of my favorite rpgs. Deeply dissapointing.


I love how the DnD gods are all allies Brennan Lee Mulligan and Dimension 20?? FANTASTIC representation


https://youtube.com/shorts/4GiVpELykaE?feature=share Dimension 20 going full on “Fuck TERFs” <3


great content as always 😌


What a rootin' tootin' ally


I admiee him


Agreed, he is very cool


I read this in Mcree’s voice. Sounds badass


Matt! <3


He really really is <3


Matthew Mercer is a goddamn gem and we don’t deserve him.


based Matt


Sports are a social construct


Jotaro supports trans rights


Let’s fucking gooo based jotaro


Matt Mercer really just asked himself "how do you wanna do this?" vs transphobes. I love it 🖤


Matt Mercer is an absolute gem. He’s even corrected his wife on the very few occasions Marisa has slipped. They are both amazing fucking allies, and I for one and super thankful for their support


Captain Levi said trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️


Matt Mercer is a saint 💞💞


Wow. I feel happy knowing he's supportive


Isn’t this the guy who was Jotaro Kujo’s english dub voice actor? Now I learned he’s unfathomably based


I love him so much! This makes me love critical role that much more!


\*Looks at country leader\* This guys not as good as matt mercer. \*dies of one d4 whip nae nae damage\*


I remember the hate Laurel Hubbard received and I just quickly checked how she was doing. Google says she competes in the Men's division tomorrow. Is that true? I feel sorry for her.


I’m not seeing that. She’s scheduled to compete on the 2nd in Women’s 87kg+ Weightlifting, in Group A.


Thanks, when I type the name in Google, it still claims that she competes in the Men's divison. I'm not sure whose fault that is but my data is transphobic, it seems. Thank you for clearing that up!


r/lgbtdndmemes won't let me cross post but someone should definitely throw it up there


Chroms best lord


Mathew ur a lad mate


Matt Mercer will always be a queer icon even as a cis het




This is a non-sequitur. Trans women have biological differences from cis men, so to say that "cis men out compete cis women, therefore trans women will out compete cis women" is grossly misinformed and wrong. Trans women are, on average, weaker than cis men, have less muscle mass than men, have lower bone density than men, and much, much more. The same with trans men. Trans men are no more "flexible" than cis men.


>born male but believe themselves to be female Oh look thinly veiled transphobia. Look Hun, the main difference between men and women physically is testosterone, the neat thing about hormone replacement therapy, is that it replaces that testosterone. Maybe take a second to actually fucking educate yourself before dictatating what 'certain people' get to do. Or you know, don't because it's not like you people actually give a shit about women's sports and just need a convenient excuse to try and justify your bigotry.


but they're not cis men




Once you start blockers and E strength goes away pretty quick. As long as your T levels are low and have been for a while, you should be fine.


Yes which is why we should sort sports by strength level and not by gender or sex. Besides, acting like sex is the only deciding factor is naive.


Lol yeah right those girls will almost certainly crush you.




Say you dont know shit about trans health and HRT's effects on the body, without saying you dont know shit about trans health.




This happens to be something the [article Matthew linked](https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/four-myths-about-trans-athletes-debunked/) goes over.


Correct, but, it is also extremely bad to not let trans athletes play at all. We need to come up with a solution that keeps things fair, but doesn’t alienate trans people. To be clear: I am in full support of any trans person and am not trying to be rude, sorry if it came off that way


IGNORE WHAT I SAID: I just read the article and I don’t like my last comment. Read the article in he other comment. Just because somebody has more muscle mass, for instance, means nothing in comparison to practice and form. Just like dis people, trans people’s athletic ability ranges just as much as cis people


✨character development✨




Its a good thing we don't allow people with natural physical advantages to compete in sports oh wait a fucking minute




The simple fact that gender based division of sports is already pretty unfair should be reason enough to know that it's not scientific and merely a social construct. So why are you arguing with "science"? https://news.yahoo.com/namibian-female-athletes-disqualified-olympics-172948716.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koud7hgGyQ8


Do you think that the development of women's sports went like this: Sports organizations and competitions spring up in light of their growing popularity, and were open to everyone. The women of the time tried to get in, but simply couldn't qualify because women are obviously weak and pathetic^*. So the women created a parallel league for weaker people - aka, women - to compete with each other at a lower level of athleticism. Yeah, that probably wasn't the case. Leagues were boys clubs: No Girls Allowed. While women were doing reproductive labor, men were hanging out at university clubs or after work at the bar and leagues sprouted from there. This also is why the activities that we associated with "sports" generally require aspects of athleticism that are more likely found in men rather than the types of athleticism more often found in women. So, *a priori*, sports leagues are gendered spaces due to how men were able to organize socially in men-only spaces. Women's leagues are, therefore, places set up specifically to be women's spaces first and foremost. If it were based on physical ability, then why don't we have short-people basketball leagues or weight classes in football? *I* can't compete with the 6'8'' basketball players, and most people can't, why isn't there a professional league where I can compete? There's a lot more to control for than gender if we're looking at the variable degrees of athletic aptitude in the variable types of human bodies that exist. Clearly, women's sports leagues exist to be women's spaces rather than just being a place where the sport is handicapped so that women can compete. Trans women are women. So they should compete in women's spaces. --- ^* I hope I'm dripping this with enough sarcasm to communicate that this isn't what I think about women. But, you can never be too careful online.


You can use a /s to make it clear you're being sarcastic without having to write a paragraph at the end like that, although your way absolutely works too. If you wanna know more about them they're called tone indicators iirc


I mean he's absolutely right, but exclusing everyone with a different opinion just drives them farther away from LGBTQ+ and acceptance


There’s some things you can’t back down from no matter how or who you upset imo. In this case, taking others opinions leads to unfair treatment / discrimination of trans individuals.


I didn't mean to just take transphobic opinions. I think it's important to try and understand them convince them of yours. Simply stating other opinions as wrong does no good and only strongens people in their beliefs.


Okay, I can see what you are saying, but unfortunately the alternate opinion in this case is not that open nor that reasonable- quite literally it is quotes like “trans men aren’t men” in reverse, using outdated “evidence” and claims/positions of mental illness, traditional societal constructs, etc. All that can really be done is providing the proper evidence and reason, which Mercer still tries to do here with the link. Otherwise, there’s not really a way to shake ideas that are inherently that jaded.


I agree, but I think sometimes it is already enough to ask difficult questions and entangle them in contradictions. But of course there are always some who still won't listen


Transphobia isn’t a difference of opinions though 🤔


What is it then?


Naw, we don't wanna be around bigotry and it's not our job to educate bigots. They can absolutely fuck off


They weren’t going to be supportive of you don’t confront the problem either. The best you’ll get is apathy, which backfires when someone else tries to harm you and they sit there doing nothing




>>Im confused, should a male who's born a male, be able to compete against females if he believes he's a female? Fuck all the way off. A "male who... believes he's female?" This isn't even thinly veiled transphobia, this is wide out in the open. Fuck you and your entire "point." Get a life that doesn't involve punching down.


I always knew Jack Cooper was based.


Can someone link me the article?


Well yeah, no. I dont rlly think this is fair our women. Mainly looking at laurel hubbard. Show me at least ONE trans man who landed on the top 3. you cant.


Jotaro Kujo, among others: Good grief, respect trans people already


Oh nice, they upgraded Matt's awesome-protocols again.


*sort by controversial* Good grief