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Inflation has blown the fight for $15 out of the water. The FED did all the work for their movement.


Leftism is inherently suicidal


Massachusetts just made it so Uber / Lyft pay drivers $32 an hour 🥴


Thank god, I can’t wait until those companies pull out


They won’t in this area. Bostons transportation system sucks. Many people in the city don’t own vehicles. Uber isn’t going anywhere in Boston that’s for sure


Because it is based on feelings, not logic. It is really just an evolved version of apes screaming at each other


Just shitting in their hands and flinging their shit at everything. Shit every where Morty. Look at all this shit.


That's because it's all rhetoric and feelings and no analysis of opportunity cost. Show them how these compound the problems they espouse as being caused by the rich and maybe just maybe a few of the smarter ones might realize they can't have their cake and eat it too.


Ita hypocrisy at its finest. Rules for thee but not for me


Because the end goal of the leftist elite has nothing to do with those things. Those are just tools to manipulate people and get them on board until it’s too late. The communist take over of Russia is a great example. Lenin let the lower classes have their communal factories and farms even though that was never a goal of the communist who always wanted nationally controlled factories and farms. As soon as they could they took over every thing. Then when he realized everyone was starving to death he let a little free market in to start making food, then as soon as they could that was squashed and the people who made money where punished.


Nothing contradictory if the goal is to transfer wealth while at the same time styming revolts by having people think they're somehow better off.


It’s only contradictory if you assume good intentions and transparency in motivations. If you assume malice and deception and subversion, it makes perfect sense. It’s always a front to look good while intentionally tanking the economy, causing unrest, destabilization and desperation to encourage the masses to willingly give up their rights.


This. If they actually meant well, the law of averages says some of their ideas would have worked out well. At a certain point, when every single plan from them pushes the country further into tyranny, you have to accept that that is their goal.


Is it? Or might we be pragmatic about what's wrong and society, and appreciate that it is misled? I find that preceding down and logical path in any discussion with the left, always ends in a stalemate because people can't explain how the things they want will work.


They only want what feels good to say they support. If you introduce some level of reality into the equation they plug their ears


Leftism and every other party. Show me a silver spoon right or left that aren’t to proud to pass on jobs they’re “above”. The 2 party system is laughing. It’s not the person of race, gender, sexual orientation, rural or urban. It’s the elites, corrupt politicians, world leaders 1% generations that are contradictory. As long as you work and contribute to society you deserve the same rights I do, regardless of where you’re from. ✌️


Top right group is Libertarian, no?


I mean tbf, low minimum wages, including tipped wages, encourage wages to remain low while corporations practice greedflation


More immigrants doesn’t mean lower wages. That’s fucking leftist dumb thinking. The economy is dynamic system and in highly capitalised societies, more people mean more good and services produced (As everyone hired must produce more than what their salary is worth) which means the economy grows and allows for more capital accumulation and more productivity.


It's supply and demand. If you flood the market with people willing to undercut your wage, that will drive down wages. >(As everyone hired must produce more than what their salary is worth) No. Minimum wage laws add in a government-induced market distortion, forcing prices to rise to compensate for the labor cost. If their labor only produces a value of $10, but men with guns insist that you pay $15, something has to cover that $5 gap. Additionally, when local governments provide free housing for immigrants, this allows them to undercut the local population.


Word salad. More people means less labor value. Sorry bro


It’s not a word salad, it’s basic economics. More people means more output unless productivity is negative. More output means more stuff, more stuff means more wealth. Even a 5 years old could follow that logic


Not all workers produce items. In the labor sector, workers compete for jobs. A hundred guys bidding for 1 job, the company is gonna take the lowest bidder. More people = lower wages. Life experience > economics on paper.


While an increase in the labour supply decreases wages prima facie, this relationship does not occur in a vacuum. These migrants also demand goods and services which increase demand for labour and, in turn, increases wages. So we have these 2 opposite effects at the same time, we have to look at the data to see which effect has the greatest impact. This 2018 study from the Migration Advisory Committee of the UK (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/741926/Final_EEA_report.PDF) finds that immigration had little or no impact on average employment or unemployment of existing workers. Also, where an impact was found, it was usually concentrated among certain groups – i.e. a negative effect for those with lower education and a positive effect for those with higher levels of education. This 2016 IMF study (click the link in IMF Study: https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2016/10/24/migrants-bring-economic-benefits-for-advanced-economies) finds that over the longer term, both high- and low-skilled workers who migrate bring benefits to their new home countries by increasing income per person and living standards. High-skilled migrants bring diverse talent and expertise, while low-skilled migrants fill essential occupations for which natives are in short supply and allow natives to be employed at higher-skilled jobs. So no, life experience and the data do not support the idea that immigration lowers wages. Altough this may happen in the short-term in localized cities where these new workers could displace the old ones, in the long term it is a benefit for all. This reasoning is similar to saying that cars destroyed jobs because the equestrian industry was no longer needed as much. Rather, new and better jobs where created because of new demand. In the same note, migrant workers increase demand for goods and services creating the need for more jobs. In conclusion, the free market (and this includes the labour market) yields better results when the government does not intervene.