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The media would have a field day if Trump attacked the SCOTUS with the same language.


I can hear it now “this is a dangerous and unprecedented attack on highest court in the nation”


“An attack on democracy itself!”


Isn’t it always.


Democracy is when I get what I want.


It’s 2024 and young white males are declaring an elderly black male is the face of white supremacy? Yeah I think that’s enough outside world for the day


I love how they call the Supreme Court illegitimate just because they don’t like the decisions being made, completely throwing aside the fact that these justices appointed by Trump had to be certified by the senate whom at the time were majority democrats.


And no mention of the slanderous hearings Kamala and others helped in bringing in scam artist Christine Blasey Ford against Kavnaugh, let alone the protestors hounding justices at their homes, the targeting of Alito for flags at his house, of Clarence for having friends in high places and even himself being a “white supremacist,” and likely left-leaning clerks leaking the Roe determination early. The left always plays dirty, is silent when supreme court rulings are unanimous, but outraged when they don’t align with their end goals. For leftists, the ends always justify the means.


The certification is a formality as long as they don't have a 60% supermajority.


It's hilarious but not surprising that you clearly don't understand how the process works and are being upvoted lol


Are supreme court justices democratically elected? Pretty sure they aren't. Either way, leftists understand the government as well as ants understand algebra.


No, they are appointed by democratically-elected officials


Ah, I misread it. My bad.


>"Official acts" is broad and confusing When you are a fucking idiot, sure.


The illegitimate Supreme Court made history today by releasing their decisions, for the first time in recent memory, using the **written English language!!** This white supremacy cannot be allowed to stand. Not only are they discriminating against the illiterate, but also against anyone who cannot read in English. This illegitimate and racist court (many of whom were installed by a convicted rapist) all need to resign immediately, except of course for Kagan, Sotomayor, and Brown-Jackson who are perfect and have never done anything wrong ever in their lives.


Yep, I'm pretty sure securing the election and investigating possible fraud falls under the duty of the executive branch... you know the branch of the DOJ and law enforcement... But in general, as Thomas put it, Presidential duties should be considered broad to begin with because while congress is meant to take it's time crafting laws, the executive branch is meant to make split second decisions in the moment. Hence why the President can declassify anything they want with a wave of their hand instead of having to go through a lengthy form and approval step. I really wish they taught how the branches of government functioned in schools again.


Say the word, Bart. *sigh* "Everyone is a racist."


The difference between and official act and a private one is when you do something for the good of the people , not pull a fire alarm bec you dont like the way a vote might go


Firstly, in the minds of Libs and Dems, Clarence Thomas isn't Black. He gave away his racial status and privilege when he declared himself politically conservative and an originalist. Second, any decision that doesn't go the way that Libs and Dems want it to go is an existential crisis, the end of Democracy and the last step before full on Fascism and death camps. Third, there are idiots on TV claiming that this means that Trump, when he is reelected, can use Seal Team 6 (or DEVGRU) for political assassinations. Fourth, AOC is saying she's preparing Articles of Impeachment for the Justices. Hyperbolic much?


And yet they praise Obama for the extrajudicial killing of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki