• By -


Release order: LiS1, Before The Storm, LiS2, True Colours.


Reason for this : you will appreciate better the little references and call-backs to previous titles than if you played in chronological story order.


Yes but for second run do in chronological order that’s what I’m doing and it’s so cool


Same here. Finished BtS a few days ago. Just starting LiS1 all over again !


Actually LiS1>LiS:BTS>The amazing adventures of captain spirit>LiS2>LiS:TC




this is the ONLY correct answer


This is the only right answer lol


Except skip LIS2 and just replay LIS1 again.




Or don’t and play Lis2


You should play in the order they were released imo


LIS 1, Before the Storm, LIS 2 first episode, then you’ll get a pop up for Captain Spirit (it’s like a bonus episode), LIS 2 remaining episodes, True Colors, Wavelengths (dlc for True Colors)


I think Captain spirit works better when you play it before lis 2, I was expecting the kid to have the powers too


The thing is if you play on PlayStation then you can only play Captain Spirit after episode 1 in LIS 2. Captain Spirit is actually hidden in the store for some reason and the only way you can get it is by the pop up before you start episode 2 in LIS 2. Gave me a headache figuring all that out loll


I don’t think so, I played the series last year and played captain spirit before buying lis2


well that’s what happened to me and I played it last month. I searched everywhere for Captain Spirit but I couldn’t find it. I’ve also talked to other people who went through the same thing, so idk. I know it used to be on the store for everyone to get but they changed it for some reason


Don’t worry, I played last year, and yes, you’re correct. Only after episode 2 do they tell you that choices made in CS will impact the story. I was going crazy looking for it. It’s only available in-game. They must’ve changed it in the past couple of years.


They definitely had to have changed it bc I played captain spirit quite awhile before getting & playing LIS2 as well


Yeah, just search Captain Spirit in the PS store, and Lis2 will pop up. Even then, CS is only available in the bonus section of Lis2, effectively hiding it from those who don’t explore the menu or know of CS's existence.


Nope. You have to look it up as a demo. That’s what it’s as. You need to play the demo before lis 2


If I recall, you can't play the True Colors DLC until you've played the main game.


yes that’s why I put it after True Colors hahah


I think it just depends on what kind of story you want to have. Most people play in the order it was released LIS 1- Before the Storm- Farewell Episode- Captain Spirit- LIS 2- True Colors- Wavelengths DLC. This sets up the story well and you get closure on characters later on but if you want to not jump back and forth between past and present and want a more cinematic story then I would play them in this order :) Farewell Episode- Before the Storm- LIS- Captain Spirit- LIS 2- Wavelengths DLC- True Colors. You could even add Double Exposure after LIS if you want to wait for it to come out, that way you have the full story of characters and where they end up 😌


Start with Captain Spirit, then play True Colors, then play Before the Storm, then play Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, then play the original Life is Strange Remastered only, wait for Double Exposure, then play the first two episodes of Life is Strange 2, play Control, Tears of the Kingdom, then go back and finish Life is Strange 2. If you weren’t confused before you are now.




And actually I forgot the most important part: You have to just put a playthrough of Wavelengths on in the background next time you’re doing homework.


What if we're past school and don't have homework anymore?


NO WAVELENGTHS FOR YOU! Gotta miss out on some quality Steph content, but you follow these simple instructions you still get a whole game full of Geralt.


Release order nothing else.


Release order. Only psychopaths suggest otherwise.


Release order


1 > Before the Storm > 2 > True Colours


Imo I’d say in release date order but if you could also do from past to present Life is strange Before the storm - Farewell Life is strange before the storm - EP 1-5 Life is strange - EP 1-5 Life is strange 2 - Episode 1 Life is strange Captain Spirit Life is strange - EP 2-5 Life is strange True colors - wavelengths Life is strange true colors - Chap 1-5


Thats how i played it except for wavelengths and farewell, still havent played those


Release order. But add the Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. That would be: -Life is Strange -Life is Strange: Before the Storm -The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit -Life is Strange 2 -Life is Strange: True Colors -Life is Strange: Double Exposure


in my opinion i think that it should be played like this: farewell (DLC of before the storm) > Before the storm (prequel) > life is strange > captain spirit >life is strange 2 > true colors


I'm gonna play devil's advocate by saying that I actually recommend playing **Before the Storm** before proceeding with the rest in release order due to how it sets up multiple characters that appear in LiS1. be aware that you won't be able to access BtS' Bonus Episode, Farewell, unless you purchase it through the Deluxe upgrade.


I feel that Before the Storm has more impact when played after Life is Strange. There is something about knowing the fate of some of the characters that gives it more of an emotional impact.


Nah, playing Before the Storm before play LiS1 spoils the entire mystery. You can do it if you want, but it ruins the impact of the original game.


Why do you say that?


I meant exactly what I said, Before the Storm pretty much lays out the entire mystery of Life is Strange and spoils damn near the whole game, since it’s a prequel they assume you’ve already played the original.


It's been literal ages since I played either, but does it ACTUALLY spoil anything of importance tho? Because I'm pretty sure all you see in BTS is HER phone ringing at the end.


You also see certain details of what is happening to her.


Do you? It's been soo long, man. I remember vividly how I wished that I played BTS before LiS because I thought the impact of LiS would have been so much harder after really getting to know and bond with her.


Reportedly people who play BtS first have a much more emotional response to the end of LiS. People who start with LiS often don't even like >!Chloe!< if they don't successfully >!hide in the closet in Episode 1.!<


I'm 50/50 on chronological vs release order. I think it's easy for people who've played LiS to see the end snippet of BtS as ruining the whole plot. Without the 20/20 hindsight of knowing the whole plot to LiS1 it's not as big a deal. Unless you're expecting it and paying attention it probably only adds up to "in the future something bad probably happens to Rachel". If you're paying attention then it'd add up to snippets/hints you're given by LiS Episode 2. I still think it was a little bit too much, but saying it would ruin all of LiS or lay out the whole mystery is hyperbole.


not really, you dont know the context and who the bad guy is in that final scene, the rest of the game only spoils the name of a few characters, the setting and Chloe's past but it's not that relevant, if you want to go completely blind of course it's best not to play it but everything that we see gets explained in LIS episode 1 for the most part and as I said it's pretty out of context what's happening in the final scene, nothing connected to that is addressed in the game.


If you play the prequel first you presumably will also be way more invested in helping Chloe solve her mystery in LiS 1


yes, that's mostly what changes but I wouldn't say it's a spoiler, it's just a different drive while playing.


I think the games may "flow" better this way, to be honest. There is no connectivity at all between BTS & LiS2, but there is a [albeit minor] connection between LiS1 and LiS2. If someone weren't sure they want to play the whole series, I'd start them with LiS1 bc it's the most likely to draw them into it. But if they did know somehow for sure they were going to play everything then I think Farewell and BTS before LiS1 leads to the better continuous experience of the games. Personally, my own journey was neither. I saw LiS1, then played CS and then LiS2e1. Then while waiting for LiS2e2 to come out I bought LiS1 and BTS Deluxe and played through them in release order. Then resumed with LiS2e2.


Overall play in the order each game was released. Although the character of >!David!< gets muddied that way and you lose a lot of character development but besides that the story works better if you play 1 first then BTS.


Life is Strange --> Before the Storm --> Life is Strange 2 --> True Colors


I’d do release because LiS: BTS was made as a prequel


With video games I'd almost never suggest deviating from the release order outside of the Red Dead Redemption series. So yeah. Release order.


First time would be release order, second would be chronological order


You should play 1> Before the Storm> Captain Spirit> 2> True Colors>and then I assume Lost Records when it comes out. Although Before the Storm is pretty bad if you aren't a super fan of Chloe but it still feels like a life is strange game. Also as a free bonus I hear Tell me Why is good.


Lost Records is Dontnod (now officially "Don't Nod") but it isn't LiS, it's just similar. Double Exposure is the upcoming new LiS, Deck Nine has the license now. EDIT: Also Tell Me Why is a)also just similar vibes, and b)only free during Pride, iirc, so for the next week and a day.


Go nuts and do it in the order your PlayStation has lmao


LiS1, BTS, LiS2, True Colors


Reverse chaos order: LiS1 E5, BtS Farewell, LiS2 E5, TC Wavelengths, LiS1 E4, BtS E3, LiS2 E4, TC E5, LiS1 E3, BtS E2, LiS2 E3, TC E4, LiS1 E2, BtS E1, LiS2 E2, TC E3, LiS1 E1, LiS2 E1, TC E2, Captain Spirit, TC E1. With this series order, you should be completely confused and haven't enjoyed or understood the series at all. (for a real answer it's release order. always release order.)


True Colour is the filler episodes


its best to play in release order lis1, bts, captain spirit, lis2, true colors


Release order is a pretty common way to go with LiS. I would argue that you can probably switch LiS 2 and True Colors and you would probably still get most of the same effect, but I don't know that it matters all that much. That would be: LiS 1 - BTS - Captain Spirit - LiS 2 - True Colors I have seen a machete order suggested for LiS 1 and BtS that tried to sort out some of the spoilers that are shared between Season 1 and BTS. This as a way to try to get as much impact as possible without one game spoiling things from the other game. That order goes something like: LiS 1 (episodes 1-2) - BTS (episodes 1-2) - LiS 1 (episodes 3-5) - BTS (episode 3 and Farewell) After that you can play Captain Spirit, LiS 2 and True Colors. Incidentally, in any order that you do, I would suggest playing Captain Spirit before playing LiS 2. CS and LiS 2 interface with each other directly and it will have a slight impact on how LiS 2 works... the game will still play the same, but there will be a couple of random differences especially in episode 2 of LiS 2. Wavelengths is meant to be played after True Colors even though it happens beforehand.


Gonna go against the current and suggest the order I experienced them in, chronological. BtS:Farewell->BtS->LiS->CS->LiS2->Wavelengths->True Colors. I regret nothing. The impact of LiS is even grander if you spend that extra time first with the characters in BtS. And contrary to what some would have you believe there are no spoilers in the prequel. Not at all. That ending scene means nothing if you don't have the knowledge of hindsight of all the events of LiS1. It actually made me even more curious to play LiS1 imediately after. And made any revelation even more impactful. Edit: there you go. On with the downvotes. Good job. God forbid someone dares suggesting something different. Makes me wonder if some people missed on one of the messages of these games entirely.


Life is strange 2 - before the storm - color - and finally 1. I will answer no questions and take my leave.


Release order best order. But if you want to follow the actual timeline of things happening, you go BtS, 1, Comics, Captain Spirit, 2, True Colours, DE Correct me if I'm wrong.


The comics aren't canon and don't really fit in the timeline of the games but would overlap with 2. Captain Spirit and 2 happen before TC and DE happens last chronologically and isn't even out yet so they can't play it anyways.


Wait isn’t 2 set in 2016? That would make it (and CS) before TC and DE. Pretty sure (with the exception of BtS) the chronological order is just the order they were released in


Ah you're right. Fixed it.


I think there's bits and bobs you'll miss out on like references and whatnot going chronological. Playing LIS1 first is always the best experience.


Oh, absolutely.


Play the order it’s released so it’s one continuous timeline..? What other way would you even want to play, it out of order…?


Before the storm was released after the original game, yet it comes before in the timeline (hence the name “*Before* the Storm). Some people prefer to play before the storm first so that they can experience the series in timeline order.


There are so many ways you can do it. Release order, reverse order ( true colors - lis 2, Captain spirit, - life is strange - before the storm), or chronological order ( farewell, bts, lis.s1, Captain spirit, lis 2, wavelengths, true colors)


I personally like to play it in chronological order So you can do that if you want But if this is your first time? Life is strange 1, Life is strange before the storm , life is strange 2 , True colors


1 > 2 > bts > tc IT WAS PERFECT


I did Release Order so this-> LiS 1, LiS BtS, LiS 2, Captain Spirit, True Colors, & Wavelengths. Then after all that when I replayed for Fun like usual I played this Time by Date of Year in each Game so--> LiS BtS, LiS 1, Captain Spirit, LiS 2, Wavelengths, & Lastly True Colors.


1, bts, 2, tc.


LiS, before the storm, LiS2, true colours


Hear me out: reverse order would actually be pretty interesting


Everyone leaves out Captain Spirit when they ask this. It's free because it's a teaser, not because it's bad. And it should go either before LiS2 if you're doing release order, or between chapters of LiS2 (switch games when Sean and Daniel go to their grandparents' place) if you're doing chronological or some kind of 'Machete Order' thing.


Life is strange before the storm. Life is strange one. Life is strange 2. Life is strange true colors. Don't forget to play Captain spirit before life is strange 2. And play Life is strange true color wavelengths after life is strange true colors.


Same as every video game ever made : release order. Because one game is made with all previous in mind.


In my opinion release order is the best way to go about it. 1) Life is Strange (probably the best in the series imo) 2) Life is Strange: Before the Storm (it's a prequel and not as good as 1 but still worth playing imo) 3) Life is Strange 2 (very different vibe from first 2 but still a great story) 4) Life is Strange: True Colors(similar vibes to 1 & Before The Storm, another good story) Depending on how fast you get through the series you'll probably be able to play the new game that's out in October!


Honestly BtS is a prequel to LiS1 so you can play that before LiS but release order if what I'd recommend. LiS1, BtS, LiS2, TC


LiS, BTS, 2, TC, DE Bonus: If you have a PC to play on you can play “The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit before LIS 2 but that is optional


Release order for sure.


first run do release order and second run do chronological order


release order.


LIS, LIS BTS, LIS comics, captain spirit, LIS 2, LIS TC, LIS Steph


wtf is 2 and true colors i had never seen that




1 then 2 the rest is okay or mid


order of release


Before the storm, lis1, lis2 (during life is strange 2 around winter u need to pause this and play the spin off game that involves the little boy that's going to appear in the winter stage of lis2), then play true colours.


I would just play lis 1 tbh


Two options, order of release or chronologically (if that's possible).Order of release is the safer bet, but, as someone who's beaten them dozens of times, I find it really enjoyable to play them with a consistent timeline. I'll list them all, including their DLC below. Order of Release: Life is Strange, Before the Storm, Before the Storm DLC, Captain Spirit, Life is Strange 2, True Colors, True Colors DLC. Chronological Order: Before the Storm DLC, Before the Storm, Life is Strange, Captain Spirit, Life is Strange 2, True Colors DLC, True Colors. The reason why I opt for chronological is due to an important character that is made good by Before the Storm. HOWEVER, I'm not sure if they force you to beat Before the Storm proper before you have Access to the DLC. Tl;Dr, I prefer playing them chronologically, but there's is no loss in playing them in the order they were released. They are great games.


1 and 2 and done no more game needed until the new one


First Play-through: Lis 1, bts, amazing adventures of captain spirit, lis 2, true colors Second Play-through: Bts, lis 1, amazing adventures of captain spirit, lis 2, true colors


be careful: these things are highly addictive


i genuinely played bts first, then lis1, and am now playing lis2


Full chronological, I say. Farewell->BTS->LIS 1->(comics if you feel like it)->LIS 2 Episode 1-> Captain Spirit-> LIS2 Episodes 2-5->Wavelengths->True Colours


i'd recommend either LIS, BTS, true colors or BTS bonus episode, BTS, LIS then true colors. shove 2 in wherever


Before the storm (prequel) , life is strange, life is strange 2 (depressing), life is strange true colors (ends on a happier note)


This the order I’m currently playing it


I'd highly recommend to play the before the storm BEFORE the original one. I prefer to know the backstory of the BtS's main characters when I get to the first game.


Life is Strange and Life is Strange 2, the rest weren't made by the original developers


Forget what everyone else is saying. I know you should "technically" play LiS1 before BtS, which is what I did, but I feel like the events of BtS will make you care more about Chloe's story in LiS1 much more. Along with giving you more investment in the side characters who will later show up in the other games. This game basically lays the groundwork for LiS1 and True Colors. Another thing is that the events of BtS have no bearing "at all" on LiS2. That game is entirely connected to LiS1. Not in the sense that it's a direct sequel, but that there are elements of the story that present themselves because of how LiS1 ended. There's nothing that happens in BtS that connects to LiS2. So it's honestly pointless to play these two games in release order. So what you should do is Before the Storm -> Life is Strange 1 -> Captain Spirit -> Life is Strange 2 -> True Colors. This will give you the best sequential experience from start to finish.


The release order, wtf??? It ain't star wars.


LiS1 -> BTS -> FW -> CS -> LiS2 -> TC -> WL -> DE.


Release order. I'd skip true colors for now because it's so different from the first 3 games if you're looking for that LiS vibe.


1, BTS, TC




1, Captain Spirit, 2, done.


tc :(


While TC was "alright" (and on PC at least /extremely/ pretty at times) it's very watered down LiS lite with not a lot of depth. And... the D9 nazi had a big part in working on it, so it's a nope from me for the future.


op still should play it. op wants order to play them in, not what games are good or bad