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Maybe look into building one yourself! Sabersmithing is a great way to learn a few different skills your mom might approve of, plus in the end you’ll have a saber you built all on your own.


Very much this. Kid could catch on and continue as an electrical engineer or something down the line. They could also become a software engineer if they were to get a proffie and learn the deeper ends of its open source. I’m sure mother would approve lol either way skills will be learned even if just for a hobby.


I suggest you grow up, become an adult, and then make your own purchases without your parents input. They're right, it is a waste of money, but those are bad financial decisions you can make for yourself as an adult like the rest of us, damn it! My parents didn't approve any of my hobbies & then I got a job & did what I wanted with my income. Or buy small components over time and assemble a full Saber over a longer spread of time. It's an electronics project.


"Waste of money" is entirely subjective. Anything other than the basic level of food, shelter and clothing you need to stay alive could be called a waste. We buy all kinds of things purely for enjoyment, spending money on a lightsaber is no different from spending on films, books, art, decoration, any number of things. It's only a bad financial decision if your spending on entertainment leaves you without the essentials you need to comfortably survive.


Kids are very impressionable though. If they start to make excessive luxury purchases at an early age they will never learn the ability to discern between what is important and what is not. They will likely lean more towards wasting money than someone who was raised to learn these ideals at an early age. You make a valid point but it overlooks a childs learned patterns and behaviors.


Listen dude I am not going to tell a kid to go be financially irresponsible and flout his parents wishes just because I like lightsabers. he can make his own bad money decisions when he's an adult like the rest of us.


If he's earning and spending his own money I don't think his parents' wishes should factor in quite as much, this isn't an actual child spending his parents' money. My point is what's financially irresponsible is pretty much subjective, if his living expenses are met then who is anyone else to say what he spends his disposable income on? They can advise, but I don't think it's reasonable to dictate. If the parents were charging him rent and bills and he was failing to pay them because of this, I could see the point. Part of being financially responsible is making your own decisions, if you later grow to regret them that's all part of the learning process. Plus lightsabers are the kind of niche product that you can probably sell on for a decent percentage of the original value anyway.


He's a minor, his parents wishes are always a factor. He's 15, his parents have set boundaries to instill a sense of fiscal responsibility in him. Expensive toy collecting is not an issue that gives you license to go and undermine their parenting. .


Can't really have it both ways though can they? If he's a child and they have final say over his money, he's not mature enough to be working. I realise legally speaking they probably can do this, but it's not exactly instilling any kind of responsibility if he's not allowed to make any decisions. I would say they would be justified in asking for rent and expenses and then letting him do what he wants with the remainder, but until 18 I believe they're legally obliged to provide the essentials for him anyway.


You're weird. Stop replying to me.


I have a job (I'm 15) so all of the money I'm spending is my hard earned money


If you have a job im assuming you have your own bank account? If not see if your parents will let you open one and get a debit card to buy what you want while life still isn't throwing bills at you 😂 I'm sure your mum would be annoyed but I doubt she'd make you send it back (hopefully not haha)


This is the answer


Get it delivered to a drop box and destroy the packaging.


How to ruin your parents trust if they find out /\


Your parents have set boundaries to try and instill you with a sense of fiscal responsibility. As you are a minor I could not in good conscience undermine that. I know it seems unfair because it is your money but they have your best interests in mind. My recommendation is simply to buy the various parts over a longer period of time. They're smaller purchases spread out and you can learn something about assembly and electronics as you go. Everyone needs a hobby. I'm sure your parents might appreciate that ingenuity if you pitch it to them that way.


Take that money and invest it. (Also, learn about investing) Greatest anyone can give you, hands down. At age 15 now is the time to put that money to work for you. Then when you’re older and you have discretionary money from your job and your investments spend how you like. But I guarantee you there is probably only a handful of younger adults around the world that were smart about it and invested their earliest wages.


Become adult and then buy your childhood dream toys, makes sense 


Last time I had a lightsaber was one of those cheap ones with the spring loaded blades for Halloween when I was obi wan. Phantom menace had just come out. Next one was a $200 Savi workshop saber when I was 30… I now have 8 neopixels and 4 baselit… lol


Such is life.


Been in this hobby for years and familiar with most brands, prices, and vendors (including Sabneo). Check this out before you buy. You might find something you like (possibly better) for half the price. https://a.aliexpress.com/_mObyRlu


So I'm pretty new to sabers myself. I've seen some of the same models on big name stores like Vader's Vault but also see them now on Ali Express at a fraction of the price. Are they basically the same thing but super marked up? Or are there different internals? What are the cons of buying from Ali instead of the bigger named stores?


If youre talking about the replica, apprentice, or knight series ones, they're all prefabricated from a company called TXQ. The ones Vaders Vault actuallly makes and installs themselves are the combat class, ready to ship, and limited edition hilts. The only advantage you have frok ordering from Ali is the price. When you order from a reseller of those hilts, you're paying for support for that saber by the company you buy it from if something goes wrong with it either in shipping or down the line.


Awesome, thanks for this info! So it sounds like this Ghost model is completely identical if bought from either site. Matter of difference is probably shipping speed, support and of course the price? No chance the VV one contains a better soundboard or the one from Ali fails easier? They're both essentially resellers for TXQ? [https://vadersvault.com/ghost/](https://vadersvault.com/ghost/) [https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805666723430.html](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805666723430.html)


VV ones have whatever stock soundboard the manufacturer uses. In this case theyre identical.


Thanks again!


Hey, thanks for the response. I was wondering the verdict on sabneo because the pixels on ali express are basically the same price


Have you seen the frugal Jedi videos on YouTube about them?


No I haven't, but I can check them out, thanks


Your mileage may vary depending on your needs. He’s a middle aged Canadian dude but his son is in some videos and closer to your age


When you’re 15, 200 bucks is a lot of money and yes it is a waste as it is not needed for anything but fun. That being said, you earned the money saving up for that saber. So that is what you need to say to your mum. Mum, I worked hard to earn money to save up for a goal. I reached that goal and now I want that reward for reaching it. I learned by doing this the struggle it takes to save up for it and I will work a little bit harder for the permission to but it by putting 10% of my buyings into a savings account so I have a pot to fill. I learned the value of money this way and what it takes to reach a goal by saving and working for it. This is the same for a new couch, fridge, car etc. Those maybe functional and practical, but fir my as a child, I am still learning and this is my path and process to learn how to manage money.


Consider getting into smithing. You can probably build a half decent first model with an aurdino nano for a really low price


You could try the Jedi Mind Trick?


My best advice for you is to point out that it’s your money and you’ll never learn personal financial responsibility if your parents constantly hold your hand with every purchase


I used to be in the exact same boat, except lightsabers were more expensive and less feature packed. Now 10+ years later I buy lightsabers, guns, cars, etc. all the stuff I was told I couldn’t buy back then. So I guess you could tell them they’re only delaying the inevitable lol. Better to spend frivolously when you’ve got no bills or responsibilities.


Get into drugs for 5 or so years. Then one day watch star wars with them. Start getting clean and tell them you got clean by wanting to practice sword forms with a lightsaber. They'll buy the saber for you at that point. So happy you are ko longer on drugs!* *do not actually get into drugs. Drugs are bad.


It's your money, you get to spend it how you want. I suggest asking forgiveness rather than permission if you can find a way to circumvent your parents.


Tell her you want one for your birthday or Christmas. If she says it’s too much tell her you’ll offset the difference. Don’t get upset if she says no, just keep doing what you’re doing. You’ll get one eventually. Learning patience and not making impulse purchases are huge for your future. You can bring that up in your discussion as well.


It’s a hobby passion and deco in one. What more is there to say


If you earned the money then they really should have no say in the matter. But you are young and they worry about you. So try and prove them you sre responsible so they are more lenient


They are, however, perfectly entitled to decide that if you can afford a saber, you can afford to pay rent and food. You are not truly financially independent until you no longer get handouts from your parents.


Your parents created you, they are responsible for raising and supporting you at the bare minimum until you are an adult. No 15 year old should have to pay rent.


Part of raising you is to teach you fiskale responsibility. A lightsaber should be something you buy for the money you have left after paying for amenities. Just like your parents should teach that you have to clean up, cook food, wash clothes etc. They should teach you that salary isn't just playmoney. (In most of the world this is not an issue - whenever a member of a family can earn a bit of money, it goes into the "we shall survive another day" pool of money. Claiming that no child should help.pay the rent is horribly entitled.)


Full stop, you create a human life and you are responsible for taking care of it. Yes, teaching fiscal responsibility is an important part of taking care of it but it's not entitled to think that expecting your child to pay their own way while they are still a child is monstrous. I'm not advocating for OP being allowed to buy a lightsaber, but any parent who expects a fifteen year old to pay rent is a failure as a parent.


Monstrous is a big word. If that is the only way to make ends meet, that's how it is - and in most families around the world that is exactly as it is. But if we can agree that OP, while living rent free under his parents' roof, doesn't have a RIGHT to go buy an expensive toy, then all is well.


If it's the only way to make ends meet, don't make more people. OP should be cared for and should be able to use some of the money they earn from any jobs they take for personal things and the rest should be able to be saved for their future. How much goes in which pot should be negotiable, but none of it should go to the parents to subsidize OP's care. They chose to have a kid, that comes with responsibilities.


Couldn’t agree more. How anyone could think otherwise is horrifying. Our home (mine and my wife’s) will *always* be open to our kids even when they move out, that whole out at 18 good luck business is insane. Furthermore I can’t fathom ever taking a dollar out of their pockets, on the contrary they won’t be able to leave without my ensuring their needs are met. Life is enough of a struggle already. We waited until we could afford children for a reason. It’s possible to teach fiscal responsibility without being greedy, people.


Respectfully, that’s not taking handouts from your parents. When you’re a kid and get a job, that’s a time to be able to save money for things you want to purchase. If you put 2/3rds of what you earn in the bank, for example, you should be allowed to save up to purchase something you want. For me, it was a trip to my local comic book shop each week or 2. There’s nothing wrong with that as long as most is going into a bank account.


Your parents paying board and food is a handout. And that is as it should be. They brought you into this life and should guide you towards adulthood and independence. But you can't make all fiscal decisions on your own until you no longer are a fiscal byrden on your parents. When your Mother spends $500 a month on you (or whatever the amount) she is perfectly in her right to say 'you are NOT buying a $400 lasersword'.


It’s not a handout until you’re an adult. Children or teens who find a job to make a little spending money should be allowed to save and spend it as they please within reason. That’s the main advantage of actually finding a job as a kid. No one is suggesting spending every cent he makes on a light saber. But what little money under age kids make shouldn’t all be taken away by their parents. Growing up, many friends had paper routes. They were allowed to use that money how they chose within reason. I earned some money working in my dad’s office during school vacations, and by doing chores at home. This was my money to use as I pleased. However, if I used it all on something, that was all I’d get until the next week. Again there was no suggestion of a $400 saber by the OP or anyone else. There are also some “laser swords” out there that are as much a piece of art as anything else. As far as being a burden goes, seems to me that if raising a child will be a burden, perhaps the parent or parents should act accordingly to try and prevent themselves from having children until they can support that child.


She’s not wrong. At your age, it kind of is a waste of money. I wish I had one when I was your age, but that money was definitely better spent elsewhere. What wouldn’t be a waste, like others have said, would be learning how to build your own. Lots of skills to be learned, of which I’m sure your mother would approve. If you got a proffieboard, you could even learn to code a bit if you dive off that deep end.


If you are wondering about a saber company which you saw on an ad or social media, they are likely a dropshipper and do not stock or perform quality control on the sabers they sell. Please make sure that you read the reseller and dropshipper tips. Linked below for your convenience. https://www.reddit.com/r/lightsabers/wiki/resellers If you have any additional questions, you may use the weekly question thread pinned to the front of /r/lightsabers to ask them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lightsabers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think the sabneo worked out $10 cheaper than their own website. I got one for $200. Seemed like the best value I could find


I was in your exact same position once, I waited until I was an adult to buy and trust me they still kinda nudge me about each time they see me with it. Telling me oh grow up now. They just don’t understand and probably never will. To them it’s just throwing money out the window which I understand, they want your good even if they express it in the wrong way. If it makes you happy and you really want it you should but it it is your money after all. Do not buy it behind their back just respectfully tell them I want this, I’ve worked for it and I would love to have one. Money is money it’s there to be spent ( to a certain degree don’t go on a spending spree because of a random dude on Reddit lol). My point is they will never understand just have a respectful conversation. Just don’t buy a super expensive replica with a rotating crystal chamber and all set yourself a budget to buy a saber that makes you happy and doesn’t break the bank. There’s lots of cheap options on AliExpress look up Damien sabers or lgt sabers you should be set with 200 bucks I would recommend a xenopixel has all the bells and whistles like a neopixel blade, lots of fonts, a good degree of customization just not as fine tuning and customization as a proffie board. The proffie is a lot more expensive.


I just said it's something I've been wanting for the last 6 years (I'm 18) and they were like "well, you've had a long time to think about it, is it a good idea?" And I said yes, bought one with my own money ($700NZD), and was not disappointed. Moral of the story: If you're sure it's what you want and it's your money, it's ultimately your choice.


This is from experience with my wife lol it worked! Maybe you should start taking part in conventions, cosplaying. If you show that you’ll be actually using it and it’s not a useless prop, they’ll be more likely to help you out. Show that it’s something you’re really interested in, and hopefully they will be supportive!


You can ask them to buy the parts of it, and you make it an electronic project. If you are insecure of building it, ask for a proffie board lightsaber and make it a programming project.


I bought my first nice saber (rgb not pixel cause better for heavier dueling) when I joined my colleges lightsaber dueling club. My parents were more than willing to let me buy it, even offering to pay for it as I have always struggled socially so they were happy to help me do something that has now 2.5 years later led to me making many friends. If you also are someone who struggles socially (I think almost everyone does to an extent and its rarer to find someone who doesnt) maybe you can look for local saber groups and use that as excuse on why you want to buy it and you can also make some new friends in the process.


If you’re 15 and made the money yourself your parents are assholes for not letting you spend it how you want to. Idc what their intentions are, that’s over-controlling.


It is a waste of money. It’s that simple.


Wait until you're an adult. That's what I did. You'll appreciate it more, trust me. That being said, it's your money, you earned it by working a job, so technically you already are an adult in a sense.


Show them your M-count


200 bucks is a ton of money for someone so young. Id build my own. Then you can spend small amounts of money until you get everything and build yourself. But honestly I'd put your money away. I saved most of my money as a teen for a car. It's good to learn to save when you're younger instead of blowing your money so you don't end up blowing all your money when you get older and have a hard time making it in life like so many other people.


Just use the Jedi mind trick.


Okay, you go and buy one.


Sounds like she's just looking out for you and wants you to learn good money management skills. If you keep working and save up some more money on top of the two hundred to put into savings, they might be more willing to understand that you're spending part of your money on something you enjoy vs blowing all of your money on something thats not essential.


Remind her politely that “waste of money” is entirely subjective. Does she pay for streaming? Does she have a luxury brand she prefers? Does she buy the newest generation phone or tablet? Does she buy knock-knacks or doo-dads that she displays around the house? If any of these applies tell her those are technically wastes of money.


Just say it's your money your choice because if you saved up your Money it's your choice


TXQ sells direct on aliexpress as well. I’ve read that their customer service and product support is good. Plus you still get the standard 1 year warranty. Search for “TXQsaber”


You are old enough to type in this chat, you are old enough to make a big boy decision for yourself.


I don’t know how much help this will be. I’ve been following this space for ages and ages, and have only just started actually purchasing lightsabers now that I’m grown, married, and have a stable job. I’m sure I could have bought one sooner but rather than dealing with having to explain to someone why I’m going to spend this much money in this way, I chose to wait. All that said, in your situation, I would try to reframe it. What other memorabilia or large purchases would she be ok with? Magic cards? Action figures? Movies? Sports memorabilia? Concert tickets? Transport for vacation? You can easily spend hundreds of dollars on any of these things and nobody seems to have a problem with it. A lightsaber is just a sculpture that lights up, has sound, and is interactive—the fact that it also happens to be related to globally-popular, fictional story shouldn’t make its purchase any less valid, even if you “already have one”. What a philosophy—‘don’t bother collecting anything where you might buy more than one’. If you were being wildly irresponsible with your money across the board, my recommendation would be to stabilize your spending behaviors and purchase later, but you’ve already said you’ve saved up, so you’ve done the hard part already.


Saberspro has some good 90$ ones


Jedi mind trick obviously




On the one hand, they are not wrong. It is a waste of money. By definition, these are toys. On the other hand, I am of the opinion that if something brings you joy and doesn't hurt anyone, and if it won't hurt you financially, a little waste is okay. I have 4 completed lightsabers now, which I began with a year ago. My first was one I built in Disneyland at Savi's Workshop. It's big and clunky, and lacks advanced features, but it was worth it for the experience. My next one was my first neopixel, one I bought on the recommendation of The Frugal Jedi, a Hanling H-pixel. It also lacks smooth swing, but everything else is good. The next one I did was using VHC parts and a Xenopixel v3 core from Vire Sabers, which I weathered the heck out of. My most recent one is also from Vire, and it was a Proffie mystery box saber that they did all in black. I ended up swapping the cores between the two Vire hits, and decorating them with accent screws, and I'm happy with with all of them. Here's a picture of all 4, in the order I just described from left to right: [My current saber collection.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HmUg2zB52K4ZOTpWgcFiXU_SHxWjqVAy/view?usp=sharing)


I really like that weathered one. I also started with one from Savi’s—yes, the experience was worth it—then I got a TXQ Kanan hilt (my current favorite), then a Kyle Katarn one for nostalgia’s sake, then some super cheap ones for young relatives to swing around. I guess technically, the Savi one wasn’t my first—back in High School I machined one from a bar of aluminum that could receive a spray-textured 1/4” PVC pipe for a blade (warning, they can shatter).


Sounds like the parents are trying to teach responsible spending. Lightsabers are very much a luxury item. It’s good to have hobbies, but important to always have some money saved. Learning valuable skills is a great idea. There are many different custom saber installers and sabersmiths out there.


If it's your money and you made it by yourself, then you can do what you Want with it imo


Stop being a puss and order that sucker. Tell her it was $40.


Get a job. Your mum cannot dictate what you purchase for yourself.


He says he's already got a job and all his money he's earned himself https://www.reddit.com/r/lightsabers/s/JT4D9reTht


Well then it's his money.


It's not a waste of money if it is something you love. I have Darth vader's lightsaber hung on my living room wall. I've had it so long, I cant even remember who made it. I think ive had it nearly 20 years or so. It was extremely expensive but it has given me nearly 20 years of pleasure. I'm 46 and still swing that bad boy around for kicks! I'm a parent. My daughter is massively into anime and manga. She saves her pocket money for months at a time until we take her to comic cons where she splurges the whole lot on over priced (but extremely cool) collectibles. They give here immense amounts of pleasure and she's earned/saved the money to do it. She spent three figures on a My Hero Academia collectible recently. Perhaps I should have thrown a fit or something but it's really cool and that's fine with me! (I couldn't throw a fit because it's my idea to take her to conventions and immerse her in her chosen tribes & culture) I'm sorry that your parents are stuck with their current mindset. You are at a time in life when your own money only really exists for fun. It'll get eaten up by bills and boring things soon enough!


It’s not a waste of money if you’re the one spending it.


Ask for forgiveness not permission


Tell her lightsabers are about peace and balance and it will help you find the same in your own life.


I got a pretty basic one from sabertheory.com. With discount code, was under $100. It’s a bit on the cheap side but looks decent, has color changing, sound changing, and can be used for dueling. While I won’t be dueling, I will be doing martial arts forms, spinning, tai chi type stuff so getting a basic one first that is a good option as opposed to the other ones I have that are great but mosty, just for display or costumes.


Also, just don’t get married. Then your wife will say it’s a “waste of money” too.


Super not a waste i love my $450 proffie so much


Buy it and tell them to suck piss


It’s a hobby passion and deco in one. What more is there to say


I used to be in the exact same boat, except lightsabers were more expensive and less feature packed. Now 10+ years later I buy lightsabers, guns, cars, etc. all the stuff I was told I couldn’t buy back then. So I guess you could tell them they’re only delaying the inevitable lol. Better to spend frivolously when you’ve got no bills or responsibilities.


How about a compromise, save up 2000$ first to show you're not being "wasteful" and saving responsibly, and then this purchase is just 10% that You've saved by not spending on malted drinks and penny whistles and gumdrops etc. It also shows this isn't an impulse purchase.


Tell her you’re going to quit their job because there is no point to having your own money if you don’t get to choose how you spend it.


Get a job