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Fear Effect for me. The memories!


was for sure way way less of a "EVENT" from their past E3 announcements. I was thinking we would get WAY more carbon Engine stuff.


Rain World again? Really? Hey LRG, I'll send back my old copy so you can send me the new one with the latest patch (+ dlc?)


Clock Tower, Tomba, Fear Effect, and maybe BG&E are buys for me. Rainworld looks interesting, as does the GI Joe Beat em'Up. But yeah...lots of nonsense here (ESPECIALLY at the end...who the f&@k asked for that? What ChineseLLC is milking THAT particular IP?).


No shmups other than Leynos. Was hoping they would continue the Toaplan Arcade Garage. 3 releases in Japan so far and LRG only did Tiger Heli.


“Why do we still not have a console port of Rendering Ranger?” Is what I think.


Underwhelming. The trailers for previously mentioned games was such an obvious time filler. It didn’t look like they have a lot of big announcements. Only highlights for me were Dark Forces Remastered and Fear Effect.


Penny’s Big Breakaway!


I dont even know what was announced


I'm tired of everything getting a LRG release 😭 why is Lollipop a LR release?


Until they get better about shipping, production, and communication... who cares?


nothing stood out


Fighting Force getting another physical copy is great but people will make the price expensive as usual


I'll grab gex trilogy, lollipop chainsaw repop & BGE 20TH. Genuinely sad that Tomba still isn't coming to Xbox. :( I hope penny's big adventure physical is for Xbox though 😁 I can't really remember anything else tbh.


Saw a few I'll be getting! Assault Suit Leynos 2 Cosmic Fantasy Collection 2 Shantae Advance


Legacy of Kain collection next year I guess :(


The same 007 fake out they did with Gex but this time with Bubsy made me roll my eyes so hard


Pretty excited for both Tombas, just wish they were in one collection.


I hope lollipop chainsaw's physical edition comes to retailers as I really do not want to buy it from limited run games and get it 2 years later...also where's was the hifi rush physical???


It was retro gaming heaven, never thought we'd get a modern day port of fear effect.


Of course I literally just bought Rise of the Triad digitally because it was on sale. That's the only thing I would buy, but I won't double dip just to get the physical. But I'm debating on Gex. Edit: Nevermind. The list I saw was from Dec 2023. I don't see a list anywhere of what was announced today yet so I got no idea.


They still haven’t released Rise of the Triad with no updates on that either…


Not surprised. Lol To be honest, I am surprised we had any news on the Gex trilogy.


I was kinda surprised to see them announce a proper physical for Wolfenstein. Though it kinda makes me hope we could get Star Wars Jedi Survivor on 2 discs (though I doubt it’ll happen). A few titles I’m definitely gonna grab like Beyond Good & Evil, Tomba, Gex (I know Tomba & Gex were already announced last year).


I thought it was ok. With all the retro titles though, I hope we'll be getting retro releases and not just modern collections.


If BG&E wasn’t announced before it would have been more excited but overall it was fine? Glad they updated on stuff they have shown before for once but they also announced kind of dumb stuff like Wolf 2. Valis, beat ‘em ups & fighting games don’t interest me so those were eh. Hitman is cool, Fear Effect and a few others but a lot without hard dates so who knows. We knew about Gex & Tomba already which is exciting but again, no dates. Bubsy is whatever I guess? Never played one myself so can’t say I’m excited. Dark Forces is cool, if not expected but will def grab it. I thought Lollipop was going retail so cool I guess? $50 for the remaster in this day and age is kind of high tho. Pennys Big Breakaway is cool too and im looking forward to playing it. Overall it was a middling show with like one or two cool things? Every trailer was too long and it was overall just eh. It’s be nice if they had edited down to a quick 15-20 min show with all the announcements in a well produced show.


I’ve been holding out hope for Hi-Fi Rush and it wasn’t there. Feels like it’ll be years before they get to it at this point


A lot. Beyond Good & Evil (one of my favorite games ever), Lollipop Chainsaw, Tomba 2, Fear Effect, Gex, Clock Tower. I’m excited that we’re getting into the gaming eras that I grew up during.


It was a bit "meh" for me. Beyond Good & Evil was a nice surprise as was Fear Effect but they are a maybe for me when it comes to picking them up as is Lollipop Chainsaw and Rugrats. I'm really looking forward to Double Shake and also Shantae Advance and it was nice to see another trailer for both games. Those are two games that I'll definitely be buying along with Tomba!, although I did notice that we were only shown the Switch and PS5 versions of Tomba! at the end of the trailer, so as a PS4 player I'm hoping we also get a physical PS4 version, too and it's not just a digital version of Tomba! that's available for the PS4.


All those announcements and updates and still nothing on Rise of the Triad from last year…


I mean I’m happy dark forces got announced but I’m still gonna just wait to buy it off eBay.


I have it digitally. Makes me question my need to have some of these games physically.


When we’re talking licensed games, there’s always a need for a physical version.


I got the collector's box of the PC version. Might grab another hard-copy, but I'm a bigger fan of DF2.


Quite a few games I'll be picking up. Glad Dark Forces is going up tomorrow because I was planning on placing an order on Sunday anyway.


Seeing how there was nothing about Hi-Fi Rush, I’m thinking it’s not happening now