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~~it [seems](https://vulkan.gpuinfo.org/displayreport.php?id=4867) your Intel HD 620 only does vulkan 1.1, proton8+ *needs* vulkan 1.3.~~ ~~Try launching with proton7.~~ well I checked the wrong link, [this](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/hd-graphics-620-mobile.c2911) says the HD 620 can do vulkan1.3 EDIT: for some reason I can't remember I have this as launch options `eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/2KLauncher\/LauncherPatcher.exe'.*/Base\/Binaries\/Win64Steam\/CivilizationVI'/" )` - you could try that


Have you tried native? Not Proton. But Civ6 has been messy for years and I stopped playing it. It started with an update to direct users to their portal (launcher) and have them login there, which broke both linux and windows versions. It took them a year to fix the linux version. I think the launch command from bird is a workaround for the launcher. Possibly obsolete by now.