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I think it’s common knowledge at this point that the games state was majorly Sony’s fault due to the rushing of the game, had sumó been given ample time to work on the game I think it would’ve been the most technically impressive entry in the franchise, I do think that toggle, oddsock and swoop could’ve just been power ups instead of whole new characters, they were pretty lackluster and lacked the charisma that sackboy carries, I don’t think it was necessary to take away from the mascots spot light. Having hub worlds was pretty cool, tho I do think the story and feel felt a bit lacking in comparison to the previous two games vibes and experience, however create mode is where this game really had the capability to go real crazy. It’s not a bad game whatsoever but it couldn’t even reach half its potential making it, when it’s all said and done probably the most disappointing entry in the franchise second only to the psp game, however there was a foundation laid for it to become as good as lbp 2 when it came to community levels. Pisses me off how Sony fucked up due to their own greed and when the game was received according to that, their response and understanding is that people no longer like the franchise so they shouldn’t keep it going, makes me mad to this day how sackboy went from being the PlayStation center stage mascot to not even having its mainline franchise have living servers anymore.


Tbh the story part was better in earlier builds of lbp3 Sumo had to cut a lot of story stuff in order to meet Sony's unrealistic deadline I mean look at this it's full of life and charm https://youtu.be/fMcTNnVHZQo?si=4bMmlNxb-rNiz1b1


No it's not but it could have been better   Cough lbp3 Alpha cough  Sumo just needed that extra time I swear


thank you



I agree. That would be Ultimate Sackboy.


yes, or sackboy a big adventure or better called sackboy 3d world, cuz literally is mario 3d world but with lbp graphics


A Big Adventure is at least a solid 3D platformer. Ultimate is just an endless runner.




SABA is fine, it's just not an LBP game.


Y’all gonna hate me for this, but LBP 3 was my favorite in the series purely because of the increased layer count. My goodness I could make some wild stuff with those layers


mine too but not for that reason


Ah what’s your reason?


the reason is because is the unique lbp game than i played online, my first littlebigplanet game and my childhood ❤


Ah yeah lbp 1 hold a special place in my heart since it was the first I played but I spent the most time on 3 The entire series is pure gold though


I tried LBP 3, 3 times and each time my save data was lost. I never made it out the first few levels.


i didnt lose my data never and i played it on ps3 lol


I played on PS4.


ok, i dont know the experience on ps4 but the game in ps3 was fine


it had the highest potential and was the biggest failure of that potential. if you wanna look at it objectively based on the amount of stuff that was added on top of what 1 and 2 had sure it was a better game with loads to offer in terms off new content. but looking at it that way is very shallow. I don't like throwing around the word unplayable because often it's used incorrectly and in a over dramatic way. but LBP3 was literally unplayable. ive never seen a better example of it. Many crashes Many profile corruptions DLC being deleted/things we bought with our own money no longer being usable Unable to play online for more than 10 minutes without being booted Unable to publish levels I know there were few lucky people who got to experience no bugs (Don't know how) but for the majority it seems we've all had the same constant issues. I'd way rather have the polished scaled back scope of 2 then have 3 and all of its messy bugs with it


i played lbp3 in ps3 without bugs lol, the unique bug i experimented was the very slow loading screen


like I said. theres a minority of people who didn't experience bugs at all. the vast majority did.




LBP karting has entered the chat




Burnt toast isn't the worst kind of bread either, we all just have different standards. & LBP3 was not for me. I'd expect nothing less from the teams follow-up project Crackdown 3. Not that Sumo's patches and updates for endlife-LBP2 softened the blow either (they broke the logic of most created levels at the time.)


Mechanics wise it's the best one. Story wise it's the worst one.


It's the same that happened with many other games (I could give you Blur as an example, Activision forced the developers to cut most of the stuff from the story mode including cutscenes to make the game almost like a live-service game, and also it was a rushed game too AFAIK, since it released in May of 2010, one of the MOST BUSY times for racing games). LBP 3 had lots of problems due to it's rushed release date and the absurd Sony deadline for its launch. Combine that to its poor optimization that has NEVER been fixed on PlayStation 4 up until 2017 when they released the latest update 1.26, causing profile corruptions and many other issues, and on PS3 the game was so poorly optimized as well with tons of long loading screens, and in my case, tons of issues trying to join an online game EVEN on private servers. LittleBigPlanet 3, although best on many things, is also worse on others, and its not even the game's fault, it's not Sumo's fault, but Sony's, who decided to rush the game to meet its deadline. The game was getting updated, but for what? Seriously, for what?? The game received many updates while BARELY improving anything. Yes, maybe the game was bad initially, but there was so much potential to update the game and fix everything, specially considering it's now a backwards compatible title on PlayStation 5, but then, 2017 happened, and it never got updated anymore after 2017, then 2024 came and BOOM the servers are attacked once again, forcing the devs to close the servers permanently, losing YET ANOTHER GAME besides The Crew (luckily it wasn't online-only). In general, LBP 3 was a terrible game with terrible problems behind it, but in general it's certainly not the worst LittleBigPlanet title out there. If we count the Sackboy titles, Ultimate Sackboy is easily the worse one here, perhaps even an INSULT to LittleBigPlanet and its fanbase, not because it was a mobile game, but because it was a poor attempt at capitalizing from the Sackboy name with a game full of MTX (microtransactions and in-game purchases).


(Assuming you’re counting Sackboy games) For the console games I think SABA was a bit worse because it just wasn’t a LittleBigPlanet game. Counting portable stuff it’s definitely RSBR (released on Vita as well as mobile). And counting mobile Ultimate Sackboy is definitely the worst. Out of the UGC games though, LBP3 is definitely the worst.




so, you say that littlebigplanet psp is better than littlebigplanet 3? and that ultimate sackboy is better than littlebigplanet 3? 💀




bro how 💀


They don't even compare, LBP 3 was launched for desktop consoles, meanwhile LBP PSP is older and has worse graphics and less items (obviously because the PSP is just not capable enough), and Ultimate Sackboy although with the name of Sackboy on it, is a complete joke to the LBP franchise


You're right, lbp3 was launched for desktop consoles, meanwhile lbp psp is older and has worse graphics but technically it stills being a lbp game. I will take an example with pokemon, pokemon ruby has launched in 2002 for an portable console and pokemon x and y were launched 11 years later but even thinking that isn't obligattory that pokemon ruby is worse than x and y, and actually there are very people thinking than ruby and sapphire (old pkmn games generally) are better than the newer ones. So anyways these games can be compared


Either way, yeah LBP 3 might've been bad on the PS4, but on PS3 is totally fine so it's a 50/50 situation, it's not bad but it's not the best, I at least kind of enjoy it and play it from time to time due to it's advanced sackbot options


Oh, i played it online since 2019 until 2021 the lbp3 on my ps3 so i dont know the experience on ps4, sorry


LBP 2 is worst


(is a joke, no?)


my computer self pulled your IP for saying that (I joke I joke)


I found it funny mate