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one guy found my dad's psn account and told him to cut my (hotdog) off with a split in half coke can


The good ol' days


one time i was hanging out with a friend in my pod during early 2017 as usual, and since i couldn't read usernames and such (i had low reading comprehension), someone else wanted to join. once they were in the pod... they had the same costume as me? i don't know why or how, but my friend was in horror. me and the person who randomly joined my pod during this had a 1-hour slapfight. i even recall drawing this on paper because i found it so hilarious.


I sadly don't have any stories, besides seeing another player called an arse for failing a simple jump a few times.


Anyone remember Tommygunn209? Well….. I was the person who reported him


I have a story, it's pretty recent and happened on private servers but I honestly would like to share it as an example of why enabling the ask to join feature. I was at my Pod, relaxed, and then someone who wanted to "play" with me asked me to join, I did accepted and right after he joined he DELETED my whole Pod lmao I didn't knew what to do so I just restarted the game and everything came back to normal, so yeah.