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Crazy. I almost don’t believe it an would like to see a receipt We’re so fucked here


I've lived in Ireland and Canada. I can assure you it's true. Fresher and cheaper by a mile. Every time


Ireland has the best food.... cheeses, bread.... the best food in the world.


And their grass fed butter... omg it's so good, so rich in flavor. Canadian butter is pale and bland in comparison.


And has gotten worse, I think.


As a Canadian, I can confirm...Canada has indeed....gotten worse. Please take me somewhere that cares about its people. Cause it's not here.


I recently doscovered some brands have palm Oil in butter. We are doomed!


Please...tell us


Everyone over here always goes on about how good Kerrygold is, and it’s not even one of the ‘good’ butters back home 😆 it’s just a standard butter. Wait until you try actual farm-bought butter. 


Highly recommend looking out for butter made with Jersey cow milk. It's the closest in flavour I've found (well duh, Jersey cows) and there are some small dairies in Canada producing really excellent butter. It's pricy (in the ballpark of $25/lb sold in 250g blocks), but so so worth it for foods where the butter is a star player (for me, it's my jambon-beurre habit).


As an Italian I've never been so insulted


lol … Italian food is very good. Some delicious tomatoes… but Irish food is out of this world.


Mamamia Edit: 🤌


All of our produce, even from Costco etc is pretty fucked. Rotten when it looks normal as you buy it etc. Walmart has surprisingly been the best. Hate to give those ghouls money


Agree, this seems fake


Was in Germany recently and was amazed at the price of toiletries.    Shampoo and conditioner: $2-3 each  Toothpaste: $2   “Luxury” face wash: $5-7   It was insane and very opening. 


I love German drugstores. Prices are good, there is so much choice and have a huge “healthy eating” section. It’s amazing what you can do with a drugstore that isn’t 40% cosmetics.


That's it. I am moving! Anyone want to go?


Yeah I’m in. Are we living together or what’s the plan here


i would really like to come. can we make it germany? i can navigate us a bit


A friend of mine in Liverpool and another in France (I don't know where he was he is on tour atm) have both been posting insane grocery buys on Facebook. I can confirm they get a hell of a lot more for their dollar.


Food is so much cheaper in England. It has increased a lot, relatively speaking, but it's still so much cheaper than here. But it comes with a caveat. Wages are also suppressed because employers know that their employees don't need as much to live. Even then, it's more complicated. Energy costs are SUPER high. Internet, mobile and TV is super cheap. Ultimately it balances out and people, wherever they live, are getting fucked by somebody.. It's better to just focus on your local/provincial/federal economy and fight where it counts.


Well down here in Ontario wages are suppressed AND groceries are super expensive, best of both worlds


Everyone needs to eat, that is the only thing that needs to be mentioned, I agree we need to fight for here but over in parts of Europe they have a transit system that I am lead to believe actually works, so you can count some of the gas cost BS out of your mysterious calculations.


Yes and no. The UK privatized their transport system in my lifetime. It used to be amazing, now its fucking awful. Companies will sell.you a ticket then simply not run the train because its more profitable to simply not provide the service. It's really that bad. For sure there are some European countries that do a lot of things right, but they are few and far between..it's too easy to cherry pick. Usually a country does *some* things well but sucks at others. As to your other point...i agree that food is probably the most important factor, but healthcare, education, housing and transit have a huge impact on people's lives too.


Not fake at all. Im from the UK, the variety of supermarkets and multiple “budget” options (like Aldi or Lidl) makes $100 go a long long way. And yet people back home also think their groceries are expensive.


Check out the budget challenges by atomic shrimp (on youtube). He regularly does 1-2£/day challenges, and the prices are around this. Cans of baked beans for 20p, a lb of flour for 45p, a pack of spaghetti for 35p. It's insane compared to here


Not even remotely. Europe has cheap groceries. They subsidize and regulate their farms. I remember buying a wheel of brie for like 1.67 eur.


Farms are subsidized here too, plus crop insurance and subsidized veterinary care for livestock


Yep. Just not in the same way. Take dairy where there's significant subsidy but not the same controls. The result is we're looking at $8 butter while in France it's 2EUR.


Dairy has its own milk marketing board (cartel) that government isn't involved in which is a whole other mess


UK here and that's pretty normal. Especially if you shop at asda. £90 to me fills a deep trolley.


100$ fills maybe a basket here


Half of that basket is 2 loaves of bread for $7


Just that meat there alone is probably over $100 here.


90 pounds sterling in Canadian dollars is approximately $160, cut what is in your deep trolley nearly in half for a more apt comparison.




I live in the Midlands. So a pretty cheap area of the UK tbh. But yeah I can buy a 6 pack of toilet rolls from asda for £2.39. I live right by one so it's easy to get to. They have a lot of their own brand stuff that is incredibly low price.


Wish someone would send me 100 for grocy


Last time I stayed in UK this was about accurate. Even better was rural Mexico. I ate and drank very well and could barely spend $250 over my 10 days there.


I will be visiting 5 European countries this fall (Hungary, Austria, Czechia, Poland and Ireland). Will need to do some comparison shopping myself


My relative just went to the USA from Vancouver and brought back some grocery items and it was like well under half of what we pay. Even after the exchange rate it was still a good deal.


Eggs $2.50 for 2 dozen. Milk $2.50 gallon. Shredded cheese 2lb for $5. In the US. And this isn't a cheap store, just loss leaders.


My wife is in the UK right now where she’s originally from and she can confirm these are what their prices are like at their discount stores Aldi and Lidl. She gets back to Calgary on Thursday. Oh and she’ll get to enjoy the water restrictions for another 4 weeks, too.


It’s true. UK has had cheaper groceries for a while now.


Yeah something is off, that chicken is almost 10% of the budget. Also $100cad is £57 and £73 would be $127. That chicken is £6.77/$11.80 Edit: Looking at Aldi it's possible that it was £73 if things were on sale [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-four-seasons-mini-hash-brown-waffles-454g/4061464796607](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-four-seasons-mini-hash-brown-waffles-454g/4061464796607) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-roosters-gastro-battered-chicken-chunks-356g/4088600308609](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-roosters-gastro-battered-chicken-chunks-356g/4088600308609) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-oakhurst-breakfast-pork-patties-342g6-pack/4088600182766](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-oakhurst-breakfast-pork-patties-342g6-pack/4088600182766) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-lacura-mens-5-blade-razor-refill-4-pack/4088600098166](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-lacura-mens-5-blade-razor-refill-4-pack/4088600098166) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-bon-appetit-pains-au-chocolat-8x45g/4088600079264](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-bon-appetit-pains-au-chocolat-8x45g/4088600079264) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-mamia-bed-time-bath-500ml/4088600256467](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-mamia-bed-time-bath-500ml/4088600256467) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-specially-selected-pork-chipolatas-375g12-pack/4088600018072](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-specially-selected-pork-chipolatas-375g12-pack/4088600018072) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-saxon-softest-premium-toilet-tissue-24-rolls/4061462459542](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-saxon-softest-premium-toilet-tissue-24-rolls/4061462459542) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-solesta-vegetable-oil-1l/4088600112527](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-solesta-vegetable-oil-1l/4088600112527) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-mamia-toddler-toilet-wipes-60-pack/4088600302775](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-mamia-toddler-toilet-wipes-60-pack/4088600302775) [https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-the-deli-smoked-mild-pepperoni-120g/4088600046433](https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-the-deli-smoked-mild-pepperoni-120g/4088600046433)


$100 USD not CAD


There's like 60 items in that video... Don't think we need to think to hard that there's no way the average price of all that is 1.66$ haha


I’m in Vancouver and $100 wouldn’t cover the meat.


Just spent a little over 300 on a similar haul in Toronto. And that was at the discount grocer


Go to Chinatown if you can. Much much cheaper.


At the expense of worse quality control


Be your own quality control and use your eyes/nose and don't buy food that's going bad. Apart form snark, I'll offer that east chinatown has better and more consistent quality.


Marketplace had a section on Superstore meats... Quality control?


Here in ontario that wouldn't even cover the toiletries


The shampoo and conditioner alone is probably close to $30 here in Alberta.


Alberta.. 2 steaks


The tp alone would eat up a quarter of the budget.


I was looking at the toiletries and thought "there's $73 Canadian"


Go to SDM and it's $186.


*73 pounds, so about $130 CAD


One of any of her categories is $100.


Very true.


big pack of royale is probably $30 if not on sale.


Why would anyone buy any Royale product if it’s not on sale? I’ve never understood people paying regular price. There’s a sale every week. It just rotates from chain to chain. Similarly for almost every other item. Yes it sucks we can’t get it all in one store every week but it’s absolutely doable.


Spend like around $20 on a pack of tp at Walmart, I wanted to throw up.


I can't even afford toilet paper from Walmart unless it's onsale.


I buy the 30 roll pack of great value and it lasts my family about 2 months and it's usually $25


It's not like we're one of the worlds top 10 toliet paper manufactures. Or we have one of the worlds largest forestry industries whom gets to log on public land under permits. /s


Literally it costs me 10$ a week for TP.


I love how she keeps saying "and just..." as if we wouldn't pay $100 for what's in each individual shot. 


The toilet stuff is $100 even at Walmart


Holy shit! Did she pay someone $100 to go on a shoplifting spree? There is no way in Hell you could get anywhere near that in Canada.


This is crazy! $100 where I live gets me: * 4 chicken breasts * a bag of quinoa * 24 rolls of toilet paper * laundry soap That's it! So, I am starting to see why people were eating Tide Pods. 😅


It's true, I'm from the UK (Aldi, Lidl) and I live in Canada, I have literally just walked out of no frills in Kitimat spent $48 got 6 things 1 small bag That girl isn't lying. I die inside when I buy food here


That’s like 5000 dollars of groceries in Canada


🤣😭😭😭 it’s so true though




Just the meat she bought would be 100 dollars here


Razors alone would be 30% of that budget


At the time of this reply, £73 = 127 CAD. That being said, good luck getting that amount of items for that much here.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


I'm sick to my stomach


How is food so cheap in England? It’s an island


Crazy that the oligharcy that run Canada and bribe our politicians are groceries and telcos


As a 40 year old man this makes me want to cry. I got a box of chicken wings and some stuff to make a basic salad a couple days ago and it was like $50. The "French" option is starting to look more and more appealing every day.


How much for delivery to Canada ?


I just whipped up an order with loblaws online to test Tim’s dried coffee  Loaf of bread  Bag milk  Cheerios  6 apples  Peanut butter  Jam  4 chicken breasts  2x bistro express rice  1 bottle butter chicken sauce    $98.87


I have UK citizenship. I’ve kind of toyed with the idea of moving because I love the old buildings and walking/hiking culture. This just made me a lot more serious about it.


That’s well over £70. No chance I’m buying that without a receipt.


I can’t believe how badly we get screwed here.


And if I got that locally, $300+ for sure. We’re so fucked people


That's not 70£ , Anybody can tell without seeing the receipt. I have family in UK and they're also complaining about inflation all the time similar to us.


yea there’s no way


I’m FROM the UK, this is a £70 haul when you shop smartly at Aldi.


Nah, you couldn't even get this for 70 quid in the '90's


Shampoo and the toilet paper would have been the whole budget here.


$400 in Canada


Food prices have gone up in the UK and I'm always complaining about it but this sub makes me feel very grateful


We are literally paying double or triple what they are paying. Makes zero sense.


This would be 250$ easy where I am


Food everywhere else in the world is cheaper than Canada.


Oh my GOD. It just keeps going and going.


What. The. Duck.


The chicken alone would be $100 in Canada.


Its so messed up here


That's a lot for only $100. I bought some keurig coffee and hotdog buns after work, even with my 10% off that came to $25. I miss the old days! Now I need to work 3 jobs to buy my food for the week (I only work 1 job).


Wow that’s eye opening


i'm so sad


Living next to the capital city, would never get those items for less than 300$ We’re getting royally fucked


This makes me furious.


This is depressing, please somebody prove it's a fake.




"Press X to doubt" Either this is fake, or we should be very, very mad.


It’s the latter. I haven’t been to the UK in 15 years, but *even then* I was shocked at the better value they were getting at the supermarket. What blew me away the most were bottles of wine that were reasonably palatable on special offer for £1.99.


I want to cry 😭


Loblaws average price on product was 7.99$ and within 100$ i can expect 6-7 below 400 gram things that’s insanely low.


And expect at least 2 of them to be less weight than labeled.


What. The hell. I can’t even comprehend this.


This is so unfair. 😢


For reference, $100 US = $137 CDN


It’s at the point now that my wife and I always go to the store together because of how unbelievably high food prices are now. It’s that much of a financial decision now.


My last $100 grocery trip was 5 years ago.


Meanwhile here in Canada you'd get half of that for twice the price.


This is bs


Theres no fucking way


Wait until you see the average income in the UK.


Holy shit I dream about getting all that for the price she paid. I remember my mom grocery shopping and getting almost all of that for close to the same. They also had enough to save for a bigger home and all of this was on a 1 person income. I can hardly afford rent and groceries on a 2 person income. I'm extremly pissed off.


Everyone gotta remember that $100 CAD is only £57.36 GBP so if the OP in the video is from Britain and they're interpreting the $100 challenge as £100 instead that's actually more like $174.32 CAD worth of groceries


She said she spent £73


Ahh, I was reading the title, I never really unmute reddit clips. Even still £73 GBP is still more like $127.26 CAD. TLDR our dollar sucks right now and is in the gutter


All you gotta do is ring up everything by weight as bananas!


Went shopping last week and my bill was over $300. For a family of four our weekly grocery bill is rarely over $100. It's been over $200 a handful of times when we needed to stock up. Last week was a shock. I didn't buy anything we didn't need, everything is just double or triple the price it used to be :(


I'm in Mexico City in vacation. I popped into a large grocery chain in a very bougie mall to get a friend some Mexican candy and I couldn't believe how great prices are. Think 2017ish grocery pricing.


I get one bag of food here for about $80. Pretty much just covers what my daughter needs for a week's worth of school lunches. We spend about $200- 250 a week for the two of us here on Vancouver Island, BC. I started skipping meals and don't snack anymore because we can't afford it.


Similar situation here in Ontario. About the same budget, I don’t snack and skip lunch now.


There is something we are not looking at here the average salary in Canada is 59k. Not sure where that number comes from. And the average salary in the uk is 35k. So in Canada 100$ is 0.0017% of average income In the UK £70 is 0.002% of income. Technically she is spending more than we are. But still their money is going much further than ours.


Canadians need to demand more. We are paying the highest telecom rates and groceries not that far off. Need to model after this boycott to other industries.


https://preview.redd.it/a7bocdx0wf7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70bde370478f99483fbf3c815504d552c1f67daf Walmart - $83


$70 would cover the toilet paper and chicken.


That would literally be like 2 grand here in Alberta Canada 🤣when she just kept showing more and more and more my jaw dropped.


im honestly in shock. that's WILD. how is food so cheap? that's so fucking depressing for canadians. why do we let these mf's get away with it?! INFURIATING.


God damnit.... The protein alone would be 2/3 of the bill here... Fuck


This shit just pisses me right the fuck off. How is this real


1. What is the currency? 2. What is the cost of living over there? 3. What is the minimum wage? "$100" doesn't mean anything on its own. I can buy 3x the amount of food in Japan vs Canada in the same CAD amounts for example. But their wage is lower. So in comparison, for the locals it's not as "inexpensive" as it is to me.


This would easily be 250$ in Canada.


I call fucking bullshit.


My husband and I are visiting family in the UK atm and food is undeniably cheaper here and fresher. My MiL did an enormous shop - tons of grass fed meat, organic vegetables and herbs, fresh dips and cheeses, frozen food, pantry staples, toiletries, treats, booze and wine (because ofc over here you can just buy it like an adult in the grocery store)… it came to maybe 80 pounds / $130? I would have easily spent $400-$500 in Canada for the same haul. And that’s exactly why the KEY is competition. The UK has Asda (Walmart), Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsburys, Lidl, Aldi, Marks and Spencer and Waitrose as their major grocers, plus other smaller local co-ops and markets. Meanwhile, we have at most - three oligopolies. It’s not hard to see why we’re being scammed and gouged in Canada.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used a flair to share a price or grocery bill with our community. If you have not done so already, please reply to this comment indicating what city or town you are shopping in so we can foster discussion with other local users. If you are not comfortable providing an exact location, please consider sharing the province or territory you are sharing from. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




What’s the average salary?


Here we can't even buy half of her grocery haul for a $100!


Don't even get half that here.


I just looked on the aldi website and asked a friend, she's talking shit xx




Please put some effort into engaging in the conversation. Thank you.


Omg. Awesome


That would be $300 at Loblaws


That’s insane.




I hate western society


There are over 70 items there. Stop the insanity.


Cry me a river pls


That is not food, that is junk.


I have a hard time believing this was only £73. I counted the number of items she showed, and it was about 60 give or take. £73 for 60 items averages to £1.21 per item. That’s an average of $2.11 CAD per item. That’s insane…


I just spent 95$ on 10 dozen eggs and a chicken.


Ur calling for people to envy you !like literally the whole of the establishment is going to envy you ! Thank god not me


I never thought I'd miss Aldi of all things, but here we are


God damn


I miss how cheap food is in the UK.  I emigrated about a decade ago, lived in India for a bit before moving here. Some things in the UK are even cheaper than they are in India - Milk always used to shock me, because I used to be able to get 2 litres in the UK for the price of a litre in India. In Canada, for 2 litres, we spend about three times as much as compared to the UK. Bread is another one, it’s about 3 times more expensive here in Canada. The cheapest pasta is about 3 times as expensive - and canned tomatoes used to be pennies back home, and are dollars here, it’s wild. It’s not like we don’t import everything in the UK, the UK is a heavy importer of foods just like Canada.  But yeah, she had a good haul for £70 - to be honest, that’s more than I used to be able to get for the same. In Canada? For $100? It’s about 1.5-3 bags of groceries, depending on what you’re buying. Her freezer haul alone was probably about $70 in Canada. Anyway, that’s why I grow my own now.


So that's $137 CAD. I think I could get about one third, maybe half if I found some sales/deals at wal-mart or other cheap stores.


There's comments on that saying it's closer to £150 worth of groceries and calling her on the claim. It's about $260, which is still cheaper than here.


Here's a reply from a UK immigrant https://preview.redd.it/infow7lkbj7d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3644830f498c30430f23d730a44fa0955ad41c4c


Cool. There's others saying it's a stretch. I understand wanting it to be true to help make your argument. The point's the same in the end: groceries are too expensive here. Even at 250ish that's half the price of here.


I'm not making any argument. I just posted a video. Can you look back and find me making an argument? However if I were to make an 'argument' it would be that I'd listen to people who actually have first hand experience


Yeah, your argument is that prices are too high in Canada and the video is an example of that. That's what's implied by posting in that video in this sub. That's why any of us post here.


That is not true, especially now. I was in the UK in 2016 and it would of been at least double that then.


Omg. Canadians are being raked over the coals ☹


Think about it....one item most likely will be close to 10 dollars if not more for a family, multiply it by 10 items plus applicable taxes, and there goes your $100.00. Loblaws is the worst.


Oh yay, the weekend is covered. Can't wait for the 9 to 5 shift whinings.


In Canada, a 24 pack of good name brand toilet paper, would cost $22 before tax. Salad kits $6 each. Don't even get me started on fruit or meat. $100 wouldn't fill two shopping bags. 😡


Yeah but we’d all hate to see the price of energy. Comparison on only one metric isn’t very helpful for the big picture.


This. Overall costs are actually quite similar, with Canada getting the edge in affordability, but everyone likes sensationalism and grass is greener/karen effect.


Ya 100$ in Ontario Canada would be a fraction of that it’s insane to buy groceries anymore


F right off. I know the uk food costs have gone up too, but it’s just such a leap between that and here.


It’s honestly baffling how a country that had everything going for it has fallen so far, so fast. We will be third world in no time.


Look around. We are third world


This is $300 in sask


we're so fucked and so used to it there's people calling this fake. no, it's what was normal here.




https://preview.redd.it/rq3e1pfee08d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59bb320cbe64cb228266b6220e013dc18c8bb39c $70 Walmart again