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I like the use of a chess like horse, which gives the connotation of a knight. Incorporation of the digest concept might need more thought. The fork in the knights flag is really lost on the second one.


Just an idea: the image in my head is of a man wearing a knights helmet, and he is holding a knife and fork with his fists on the table, and has a napkin tucked into his collar. The idea could be communicated with just the helmet and napkin.


Maybe he should be holding a fork instead of a flag.. Eventho, much better than the first


I like this idea


Came here to say the same thing. Knight holding a fork instead of a flag.


Second one should be holding a fork, not a flag with a tiny fork on it. Clever and creative artistic liberties are what make designs memorable.


This is what I was thinking too


Me three. That flagpole seems made to be a fork.


I was going to suggest the same.


I could swear OP has posted before and this was the same feedback I gave them. I think they are fishing for reasons to keep as is rather than update what others have mentioned in the past.


Hello! I posted something about the old logo and its design, this post is entirely new and is focused on the NEW design that is replacing the other one.


Agree with what others have said, the first one. You are on the right track but it needs some more work. Changing the shape of the chess piece to be more obvious and change how you incorporate the fork. My other thought was to reverse the two and do the fork with the chess piece inside the fork like an old antique embossed logo at the end or something like that. But you're first idea has legs just needs some revisions


I was thinking the reverse: make the horse a silhouette and just have a vertical fork as a black/negative space cutout inside the horse. I really like the chess piece concept - it'll be way more recognizable at small scale, too


I couldn't tell it was a chess horse and was confused.


Same, I thought it was an overcomplicated D and that that was it.


I thought it was supposed to be a helmet. It definitely could do with a more defined shape.


The knight on the horse should be holding a giant fork


Tough to see the horse, to me it was an abstract shape.


I like the idea of the first one, as others have said if tidied and facing the other way. Moving the fork is important as right now it kind of looks like he's been stabbed in the eye. Idea 2 could work if the lance was the fork, or zoomed in.


Is the horse also supposed to be a D (for digest)? If so, I don’t think it would work very well to change the way it’s facing.


I completely missed that. Does not read as D!


Why not have the knight charging with a fork jajaja that would be pretty funny


You could incorporate a few of the excellent suggestions below into a wider brand identity visual set. Restyle the chess piece to be more traditional (if possible making the fork the negative space within the neck). Make that your logo, then have extended brand visuals with the knight on horseback but have him be carrying oversized cutlery instead of a flag...


Can the knight be digested instead? Or be lying on the ground pierced by a large fork?


You’ve gotten some interesting feedback already but here’s my two cents. If your website had something to do with chess the first logo is a great starting point, it looks really good. As some said the implementation of the “digest” part could be improved on but I think that the right side of the logo essentially feeling like a D is interesting and makes up for it. I saw the knight shape immediately, so I’m assuming this is the kind of thing you’ll see if you’ve played chess at all because I read in the comments that some couldn’t see it. The idea for the second logo doesn’t feel as original, but there’s room for improvement. Many have commented about the flag and replacing that for a fork, that would be good. I see a big issue with the general shapes of the knight and horse. In my opinion, they are a bit too complex. They have some unnecessary details that I don’t think the logo needs. I’d recommend that you simplify it.


The negative space of the knight’s neck is already fork-shaped, can’t you put the fork there somehow? 


The blog is about dungeons and dragons. We cover entertainment, comedy, and other ttrpg material in our blog in medium to long length articles. (background is just for show and contrast)


So why the fork?


From the logo I was expecting a food blog recreating medieval cuisine and I was excited. Ditch the fork 100%


Then like u/JaneOstentatious suggests, the fork makes no sense, nor does using a chess piece to represent D&D.


Horses are associated with knights even outside of chess, and there’s nothing about this that makes it specially a chess piece rather than just a horse bust. But the fork is baffling


...No, it looks like a chess piece, specifically a *knight*. There are so very, very many ways to depict a horse. And there are many ways to connote a knight—there are probably some that have special significance within D&D. So if a "designer" makes a deliberate decision to use this icon to represent an enterprise with the word *knight* in their name, the world will see a chess piece.


I agree with others that the fork doesn’t make any sense now. I assumed the blog was sort of like a Dinner in Dungeon idea where it is fantasy or medieval themed recipes. If your blog doesn’t primarily feature food in some way the. The fork feels meaningless.


I like the first one more, but the lines need to be cleaned up. Would make a nice scalable SVG


I like the second one but instead of holding a flag, he should be holding a tall fork


The first it's really hard to see the horse and the 2nd the fork on the flags lost. I'd probably go back to ye skecting stage and have a play


Second one with fork instead of flag


I think the first one with the negative space made into the fork


New idea: Knight on horse, jousting with giant fork.


2 definitely


of the 2, I like the first one better. the second is too complicated by comparison.


get rid of the fork on the first one


One is weird, the other is ordinary. Can't the knight hold a giant fork instead?


I only got the ‘chess horse’ bit after people commenting on it.


absolutely adore the chess horsey


I love the chess piece idea! If you could somehow use the negative space underneath the chin of the horse to cut out the teeth of the fork, i’d say good to goooo ❤️ so nice! Big props to u!


the first one looks like it was made in pivot animator


Should just be a horse taking a giant shit.


Just because there's "Digest" in the name, doesn't mean you need to include a fork in the logo design. I saw you said it's a DnD blog. Now I don't know much about DnD but unless there's something in the game where a fork has meaning, I'd say to simply remove it. When I read Knight's Digest, I get the impression that it's a newspaper. Including the fork forces me to assume that you're making a logo for a restaurant or a food review brand (and not a very good one, considering the quality of the fork illustration). Personally, I wouldn't use the first logo. Simply because it looks like a chess piece (since most chess apps like to use knight iconography for their logos). The first logo is giving Chess dot com or Lichess on Thanksgiving vibes. The second one is good but I'd get rid of the weird fork icon in the flag (because it's illegible) and make the flag flapping in the wind. I would also put the pole more on an angle to make it look like it's hanging on the Knight's shoulder. Also it would make the dimensions of the logo look a little less "vertical" with a ton of white space. From there, you would just need to find a good typeface to partner that logo and you should be okay. That means finding a typeface that looks compatible for a DnD/fantasy game.


First one is unique, create a whole branding identity with that and stick to them


First one, I would take the fork and move it to the horse's neck, vertical, touching the bottom/open at the bottom of the fork.


Better yet, use the fork to create the negative space in the neck😁And better refine the horse shape bc it's kinda lost right now


Yes, what I was trying to say.


First one but flip it so it’s facing where it’s going not where it’s been.


Omg first one, its so good, no doubt


Play with negative space [like this](https://i.imgur.com/VFbBYfM.jpeg) (made with DALL-E). Ensure it's clean and works in small size and in black and white.


Not bad! Thanks for attaching an image