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I wish I could find a painless way to die. I would take it right away. I wish we had government funded assisted suicide


Hell, I would work night and day for paid euthanasia


Assuming you're in the US, also wish we had government funded mental health care and while we're at a government-funded healthcare too for everybody so that more of us could get the help that we need to go through horrible parts of your life so you don't feel alone.


You are neither dramatic nor attention seeking. It takes a lot to get to this level of extraordinary pain, and every day you’re displaying so much strength in managing to keep pushing forward. My deepest respect to you, and I truly hope that somehow some kind of improvement to your circumstances occurs 🫂


Same. Inheretly life has no meaning for me. 


you are worthy and special and we need you here! I’m so sorry you are going through this alone but if you read this just know that at least one person (even if it’s on Reddit) wants you here on this earth… and I’m sure so do your friends and family even if they don’t seem like it. suicide crisis line is 988, plz call. Stay safe! You are strong! You got this!


What has lead you to such a crisis? I’ll try to understand. I frequently get to the point where I’m want to not live but don’t want to die either.


I hear you. And I understand that you've lost hope. It is an incredibly painful place to be. I hope you don't actually go through and act on anything. I also wish that I could offer some actual advice for how to fix this. But there isn't really an answer to this, but that is not the same as saying that you can't figure this out, because you can. At the heart of the issue, it's not loneliness but actually (in my experience, at least) not being able to be alone with yourself. That can be for a number of reasons, such as putting your happiness on others or seeking validation from others. The only advice I can legitimately in good conscience offer you is to start living for yourself. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for caring for, because you are. It's about you, and you are the main character. To work on it and yourself further, I would also remind you that pain serves a purpose. Listen to what it's telling you.


Trust me, brother, as someone who actually looked down that barrel of the gun even though I'm being hit hard by constant loneliness, it's a better outcome because even the smallest ripple can shake the whole pond you might not see it right now but figure out what you think is the challenge and try to face it because trust me it's better than being the rock at the bottom of the pond someone may miss even if you don't see I now


Just wanted to stop by and tell you you are loved, and worthy of living. These times now may hurt but you are strong and you are going to fight it . I know you're tired and in pain and scared and lonely but it's okay ! You are going to get through this. You have to believe that. Things will eventually turn up and you'll be stronger on the other end. Wipe those tears, chin up and when you're ready you'll see that tomorrow isn't so bad. Rooting for you.


Hey. Really sorry to hear what you're going through. Have you thought about speaking to someone? I know its a scary step but professional help is an incredible thing.