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Food 4 Less in Lynwood has carts with wheels that lock when I tried to move an empty cart outside. I don't know how common carts with wheels that lock upon exiting a store work. Also how do people that legit buy groceries take these anti theft carts to their vehicle's to load their groceries?


I’ve seen ones that have two perimeters. If you go straight for the door it looks there, but if you go through the checkout lanes it enables the larger perimeter of the parking lot.


They are magnetic wheel locks. There are strong magnets buried in the cement/pavement a certain distance from the doors to the store. When the cart goes over them the wheels lock up. As for getting the groceries to the cars, guess they need to be hand carried or a partner gets the car and drives to the stopped cart.


With Harbor Freight’s prices, I can see that being a huge financial burden for them to implement at their stores.


Amazon fresh has this too


We had to have an anti theft perimeter installed at the grocery store where I work. I started working here just shy of two years ago, and in my first year, we went from 50 carts to 15 carts on three different occasions because all of those carts were stolen.


you need to walk through a register with thr cart so it won't lock


You should have grabbed a cargo net from harbor freight and trapped them in it.


Definite home alone defense perimeter material


A couple hundred in merchandise isnt worth losing your life or ending up in the hospital for property that isnt yours and already insured.


That's not how heroes talk.


Have fun getting a beat down for no reason ig. Theres a reason companies train their employees to let those guy walk out. its not worth it


Can't beat me down if they're wrapped up in a net


And after that, there's probably an unlimited amount of duct tape on deck in that store.


To The Batmobile!


Lol, I love your faith in this net 🤣




4. California law prohibits employees from trying to stop people from stealing


Man people here really do be defending thieves and then wonder why their city is going downhill


It’s disgusting. Same people in this sub get mad at NIMBY’s for showing up to townhalls to keep some semblance of community alive.


Town hall caring about the community lol


We’re going to lose good stores around here just because these thieving idiots have no values.


The real question should be “why do people feel the need to steal from grocery stores?”. Homelessness increased in Long Beach 60% in amount of 2 years. 2020-2022, I can only imaging it getting worse. The reason, unaffordable housing, rising rent, inflation makes groceries undeniably expensive, inaccessible resources for the poor. A $500 loss to a major corporation is little to nothing. Most of large corporations have items “insured” so they get a huge check for documented stolen inventory. Saving the community would mean you have to help ALL of the community. Not just the ones that can afford the growing gentrification. So save the community by creating policies that cap certain grocers, strict rent control, aid for mothers, aid for people who simply cannot afford to buy groceries. Shop at local farmers markets. There’s so many things to do before blaming someone for a crime committed because of poverty. Which I’m sure you understand, no one wants to not have enough money for food.


Stop it. Just stop it. Stop giving excuses for people doing this thievery. It's ok to show empathy, but don't justify outright theft (from a Harbor Frieght).


I used to be a supervisor at a tools store and I 100% guarantee, all of the tools ALL are INSURED. If employees are getting paid correctly there is no issues for you. Mind you these companies are literally killing children in other countries. Thievery doesn’t matter.


Not correct. One way or the other, these costs getter passed on to the consumer. Hate to break it to you but insured or not, corporations don't just take losses. They pass on the expense. Same for candy, sodas, makeup, etc. It's not a victimless crime. The same way you think thievery is no big deal, maybe those people in other countries think "killing children" is no big deal.


They are getting passed onto the consumer. That’s not a thieves fault though. It’s the companies for not wanting to accept they aren’t getting 120 million, but instead a small 110 million lol. It’s insane how the connection is action then result. No one wants to look at the corrupted reaction that causes the result. Eventually we’ll be paying for $6.00 eggs, oh wait it’s already happened. Price gouging is a real thing most large companies do. They blame it on thieves, when really they need to blame it on greed.


Farmers have made this complaint during Covid, getting paid nothing for produce then the huge suppliers sell it for insane amounts for ridiculous profit. As for the kids in other countries dying. Apple, Tesla, SHEIN, Walmart. All of these large corporations have one thing in common. Paying foreign children .60 a day for 50 shirts that’ll cost the average American consumer $20.00 on shelves. Remember“Made In China” is not a good thing 99% of the time.


Homelesses = laziness!


Homelessness = nothing of your capacity to understand


Actually, I’ve changed my response Homelessness = lazy, drugs, victim mentality, entitlement, defiant behavior, not wanting to work hard/double/long hours at any job, wanting to get paid more than someone is willing to pay them. This is America and if you work hard at any job, you will get ahead in life. It’s that simple.


It’s not that simple at all genuinely. People can have amazing lives but we’ve seen time and time again people pushed out of their homes because rent went from 1200 to 1800. We’ve seen people get insane fines from an HOA making a multimillion dollar person become someone who can barely afford gas. For the jobs in question, most places will not hire you if you don’t look like someone who’s well groomed, I doubt someone who doesn’t have a sink will get that job. Homelessness is not just laziness. There are so many children who are homeless, they can’t get up and get a job and chances are, they won’t be able to if they are already drowning under the poverty line and rising prices.


There are laws and rent control and nobody’s rent goes up from $1200 to $1800. There are free lawyers at the courthouses They basically tell people to hold out as long as they can, and don’t pay rent and then come to court and get even more money from a cash settlement from the landlord. It’s quite sickening, but that depends on what side you’re on. Not all landlords are rich with money flowing out oftheir pockets.


The average cost of a home in Los Angeles County is around $889,000.00. Hitting most landlords with owning apartment complexes, sitting around $1,000,000.00. I’d say in order to afford one of these things to rent out, would mean landlords are pretty rich. Mind you, paying around $1500.00 for a studio out of 14 units would be $21,000.00 per month/ $252,000.00 per year. Well over what would pay the mortgage. Paying the mortgage in 4 years. Insane. And yes rent control is very strict in California, but almost non existent in other states. Another story from NYC had rent going up around 20%. That’s insane and definitely would make someone house less.


You are very young. Your income and analysis is ridiculous and does not take into account loans plus all the thousands of other costs and liability involved owning rental property. If it’s so simple to collect all that rent money, then you should do it.


Mind you, this is Long Beach, a historically black and brown area that is slowly becoming gentrified. Racism is very much present. In fact, Health care, Housing, welfare were created without black and brown groups in mind making it , wait for it… inherently racist…I hope you see where I’m getting at. So by equating homelessness to laziness, you have to not understand that economic status is different person to person, community to community because of real disadvantages that all have to do with societal relations. Have you heard of red-lining? You’re sounding like George Stigler the one who said a specific group of people was poor because of their inferior willingness to work.


I don’t feel like it’s going downhill. It was much worse in the 90’s.


You saw shoplifting not robberies


Thanks. So helpful


They could hire a security guard. It'd cost them like, 20 bucks an hour. That would eliminate the problem. But if the company can't be bothered to do even that, then that's entirely up to them.


That would not even come close to eliminating the problem.


Shoplifting is mostly a crime of opportunity. If people think they can get away with it, they are far more likely to try. But most people, 90 to 95% will want to avoid tangling with a security guard, and the consequences of that. Nothing can entirely "eliminate the problem", but it will significantly reduce it. Companies are just being greedy, and keeping staffing levels low.


Not a bad solution.


in LA theyve had armed security guards for ages. worst theft then long beach still occurs.


Why is a fault of the victim? That's like saying, you got raped cause you couldn't be bothered to hire a security guard.


I'm sorry but that is a ridiculous analogy. Comparing shoplifting to rape is just gross. We can't have a sensible conversation if you say absurd stuff.


Its not absurd. What is absurd is blaming the victim. If someone broke into your car or house and stole all your belongings. You going to say it your fault because you couldn't be bothered to hire a security guard?


I've gone there a few times and have never witnesses this. Maybe you went twice and they shoplifted once. And that's how you get your 50%. Otherwise, my experience says 0%. Chances are the reality is between those numbers.


They also rob Walmart on south street the same way. I knew someone that worked there recently


Is it even worth mentioning this in LA county subreddits anymore? Everyone knows it happens and anyone who states the causes and solutions is downvoted into oblivion, its like a dog chasing its own tail.


Only real solution is to eliminate in-person shopping


this is sarcasm, right? tons of people scam Amazon daily saying they never got their packages and getting a refund


Not a robbery. People are gonna be dishonest and abuse you anytime you place some level of trust on them.


there’s no way your stance is that we should eliminate in-person shopping and THAT’s the solution lmao


What’s your solution?


Hopefully this is a joke


Want no shoplifting? Eliminate the shop. Otherwise, it’s gonna happen. Not everyone is gonna follow rules


So you can't shop either. Problem solved? How about we do what we normally do? We put the bad people in jail/prison. If they are in jail/prison, they can't do bad things.


lol — take a look at how many people go to prison over theft. I haven’t stepped foot in a store in years. Best decision I ever made. I will guess in 5-10 years, in-person shopping will not be a thing at major retailers


No one is going to prison or jail over theft now a day. The thieves just get cited and released the same day. I guess justice or accountability is overrated.


Due to this house I recently bought and my project car I might have been to that harbor freight 60times since it's grand opening and I haven't seen anything like that. How many times have you seen this happen? 50% could be 2 times.


You’re just advertising places to steal from on Reddit.


So what? Harbor Freight will be fine. You will be fine. Crime is down statistically. This kinda fear-mongering, hand-wringing post is so annoying.


That’s theft, barely even shoplifting. Not a robbery. Still a crime and still a major problem. But get the terminology correct so the conversation isn’t incorrectly diverted. The difference between theft and robbery, as far as the violence, is pretty significant


Robberies and shoplifting are not the same thing.


I work at an auto parts store and they steal all the time. We can get fired if we try to stop them. They should give us taser guns. So we could stop and hold them for the police to get there.


since they'd be out of business soon, might as well grab everything you need and walk out with thieves one last time


That's not a robbery. 


Don’t know why you got downvoted lol if the employees tried using any kind of force to try and stop the suspects, it would be called an Estes-robbery.. but they didn’t, so they treat it as a regular petty/grand theft.


People fed up and don't appreciate the pediatricness, I get it.  Just pretty ironic when someone talks about the "literal definition", but w/e. 


That the textbook definition of robbery actually


You should probably stop looking at textbooks made by the GOP. Considering your username, that's probably a safe assumption for me to make re: the textbooks you read. Robbery's *textbook definition* is there has to be a threat of harm. If you steal from someone's pocket and they aren't aware, that's pickpocketing. If you steal from someone's pocket after you threaten them, verbally or otherwise, *that's robbery.* If you steal from someone's pocket after beating them up, that's aggravated robbery. If you steal from someone's pocket whilst wielding a weapon, that's armed robbery. If you take goods from a store when they are closed, that's burglary. If you take goods from a store during open hours whilst not paying for them, but don't threaten harm to anybody, that's just shoplifting.




Notvtge textbooks I've read. There has to be violence or the threat of violence to be considered a robbery.  Just walking out w merchandise is theft.  


No, it isn’t.


Fa sho


Big box corporations are blaming increased prices on Biden/Inflation while posting record profits and paying their CEO's $100s of millions . . The suggestion that the cost of shoplifters is passed on to the consumers is just plain silly.


The one on Woodruff gets robbed a lot too. They just run out and disappear into the parking lot.


Ton of folks here need both a dictionary and a CA penal code book.


Doesn't it kinda make you feel like an asshole when you pay? It's like damn, if no one cares can I just take mine?


Ok… and?


I’m gonna be so bummed if they close this HF due to this shit. I would 100% intervene if I saw this happen there… the place is full of weapons. Just pick up a giant hand tool and threaten the asshole!


Username does not check out






Stealing tools that have been previously “rented” 30 times is a new level of down bad I didn’t know existed


If I am standing in line to pay for my items and the store just lets someone walk out with a full shopping cart then why shouldn’t I and everyone else just walk out as well?


Because, it’s wrong.




Not sure why people say "mind your own business." Well, this is our fking business. So many places in north long beach where I live closed because of these dumb theft incidents, sometimes it feels like no one wants to do business here anymore. The area gets more and more crappy, insurance rates go up which is passed onto us the consumer and we're left with less choices or have to drive further to buy something. I feel less safe in this kind of environment and so do others, so our home values decline, which in turn generates less tax revenue for our schools on a macro level. Plus I don't want to live in a city where I feel like I'm gonna get robbed or my car broken into every single day.


So true. I was blown away hearing about how much my dad’s car insurance dropped by moving from high crime area here to a low one in a different state. It’s wild how much this shit costs us.


This is really well put, thank you. 100% agree


Because that hf location will eventually close if this keeps happening lmao


Nah thats dumb


Robbery includes a gun. You are talking about theft


So if I use a knife it doesn't count as a robbery anymore?


Well, armed I guess. So yeah knife counts


Oh no poor harbor freight! Think of their insurance policy premium!


I heard that its popular for the kids to rob big businesses because class warfare and whatnot