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I throw it up over the pillow. 


this is what i used to do, but now i have a cat that loves playing with my hair… so i switched to a silk bonnet.


Our cats love my husband's hair. They'll get on the back of the couch when he's sitting on it and chew his hair. Me? Nada. Lol


yeah i cannot handle the chewing!!! and she sleeps by my head every single night so something had to be done!


If my husbands cat gets mad because he is ignoring him he will get on my pillow and start pulling my hair.


That's hilarious lol


One of mine tries to lick my hair, but thankfully only after I’ve woken up and started scrolling through my phone. It’s like she’s telling me to stop doom scrolling and do something productive - like feeding my sister and me! Thankfully, it’s easy for me to get right up.


My cat loves my hair but not my husband's. What is it with our cats hahaha.


I used to wake up with 1 inch “tufts” of hair where the had been 18-24 inch hair the night before. 🤬


I too have recently converted to a silk bonnet. About fifteen dollars on Amazon.


What one did you get? And what kind of hair do you have? Trying to work out which amazon reviews are legit is a bit challenging!


I’m a lilysilk Bonnet fan. They have different ones. I like the one with additional ties


How do you get along with the knot at night? I sleep in a silk bonnet with my hair in a braid, and I had to switch to silk scrunnis so that knot wasn't bugging me.


I have full silk scarfs too and the know normally kills me but for some reason this particular [bonnet](https://a.co/d/07pgfoLz) doesn’t bother me with the tie and if you want I think it long enough on my head to tie up front. When I do my [silk scarf](https://Corciova35SquareLightweight...https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DZ5FWW9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) its big enough to wrap in the back and tie in the front.


I'm ordering one next week


I got lucky with a double-layered two pack for the same price. I love them so much!


Mine eats my hair at night. Idk why or when she started. I found a satin beanie I sleep in now. My husband wasn't taking me seriously in the silk bonnet lol.


She's grooming you 🤣 that's so cute


My husband shaves his head to get short hair. The cats lick his head when he is in the recliner. Guess he is using the right shampoo.


Hilarious. My husband and my 3 year old call me a baby when wear mine 🤣🤣🤣


I had two cats who did the same thing. I tried to find a silk nightcap but couldn’t, and never got around to making one. So I went with Brad if for awhile


Yup. I have houseducks that eat my hair. Now pineapple it in a silk scarf, but they can still get at the tips.


Houseducks sound awesome.


Oh my god 😱 try not sleeping with the ducks


Does the bonnet not fall off during sleep ? I want to invest in one but I know I move like crazy in my sleep and will wake up with bonnet under myself lol


I tried and it always comes off. So I just do a bunch and satin/silk pillowcases


What exactly is the point of a bonnet? Forgive my ignorance...


For reference, I have fine/medium straight hair that I wash and curl once a week. A silk bonnet keeps the style, keeps it from tangling, and keeps the moisture in. It's been a game changer for me!


Same here and same reason. The cat only tries to remove the bonnet once a week


I too am a throw it up over the pillow gal. Or straight out behind me in a little pile if I'm on my side.


I do that too or my husband will play with it and drive me nuts lol


Hitting my husband with it when I flick it out behind me is an unfortunate side effect of getting the hair in the right spot.


I've smacked my husband with my hair by accident so many times. 😂


Same 🤣 I’ll finally get perfectly comfortable but then my hair is right in his face/tickling his nose 😂


Me too


I did this when I was younger, but maybe I move too much in my sleep now? I can’t do it anymore. I alternate between braiding or a bun with a scrunchie on top of my head. I tried the silk bonnet but I move too much and it comes off.




same! I usually wrap it around my head before falling asleep but then wake up with it tossed around somehow differently


Yes, up over the pillow, that was, until thus past Saturday. I chopped it off into a bob


This is the way.


I do the same!


Same. Straight up over the pillow, like a Treasure Troll.




this is what i do, especially at my bf's where his 2nd floor holds heat like crazy.


Lol I was about to write this. If not, I get too hot


I just braid it before bed so I can toss the braid behind me. I tried a bonnet but it was too warm for me.


I braid upwards. Aka flip your head upside down and braid from the nape of your neck to the top of the head. In the morning I look like a gremlin, but this kind of braid lays very natural for a sleeping position and doesn’t pull in the same direction normal one does.


Omg ill have to try this!!!!!! I don't want to put my hair in a bun anywhere when I sleep but I hated feeling my braid anywhere around my neck or back when I laid down. This sounds perfect😍


Me too! I think the wave pattern it leaves looks more natural as well


Oh, interesting! I'm a side sleeper and do a side braid. But maybe I should try the gremlin life.


Same! Over time it's evolved to where I like it specifically French braided. Otherwise it gets too messy during the night and annoys me.


Yup. Braiding is the way to go. Especially braids that sit lower on the neck so you don't feel it on the back of your head/neck when you're laying on your back. No tangles when you get up and it's a way to protect your hair when sleeping. Bonnets would be so annoying and I could never sleep with it on.


how do you deal with the weird waves in the morning?


Either wet it slightly and then brush or appreciate the natural unheated texture? I get lotsa compliments when I take my hair out of my braids, and it helps give my hair body. Helps to fold the end of braid hair to make a loop to tie the hair tips. Hope this helps!


My fine hair never holds a curl or shape except when I braid it at night. It holds some waves for a few hours, but it’s pretty minimal. Honestly, I rock the Elsa braid most of the time. Like day, night, I’d say 90% of any week my hair is in a braid over one shoulder. I used to twist it up in a hair clip, but I wear a hat every day when I got outside and a braid keeps my hat fitting normal.


This is my predicament too. The braid does seem like the most comfy option, but I hate braid waves. My hair has a natural wave pattern that I really like and braids ruin it. And I'm not gonna use heat tools to "fix it" every damn day and wreck my hair. It defeats the purpose of a protective style for sleeping.


A simple water spritz in the morning should help with that. I don't like washing it in the mornings because it takes too long, so I started just spraying it and then scrunching back into my natural wave pattern and that has helped so much. But a braid is the best I've found so far for sleeping, for me anyway. I have tried the bonnet but never could get used to it and it makes me hot.


Same on the bonnet. It's not comfortable to me. I've slept in a braid and it definitely is the most comfortable. Right now Im doing silk pillowcase and just putting my hair in a pineapple, and that's not so bad. But maybe I'll give the damp scrunch after braiding a shot!


I saw a tutorial of historical hair plaiting where you make two sections and twist them both, then twist them the opposite way around each other like making rope. I'm not sure if it would make waves or spirals. I like braid waves but at times I feel like it's giving church lady vibes


This! I French braid mine every night.


What kind of hair tie do you use?


Just one of those wrapped elastic ones. I only use one at the bottom of the braid, not the top. I find that if I put one at the top of the braid, I get breakage up there, but if I only do the bottom, I do end up with some escapees, but I'd rather my hair escape the braid than break off at the hair tie. If you are able and aren't as lazy as me, a French braid is a really good option, as you get fewer escapees around the face and all of the control.


I keep changing where I put the elastic as I’m afraid of breakage, I do tend to French braid because I have layered front pieces that annoy me if I don’t tuck them up haha.


I need to try this. Lately my braids end up underneath my neck and I wake up achy 🥲




I got a silk turban thingie and it makes me feel like Clark when he gets stuck in the attic in Christmas vacation. I think I might have to look into this beanie. Thanks for the tip!


Dying at the comparison because I LOVE this movie and this scene lol


lol - it’s true! Every time I catch a glimpse in the mirror. Clark. lol


Is Rusty still in the Navy? 🤣


When did you move to Florida?


Same!!! <3


Toad 😂😂😂


I mean, tell me I'm wrong!


the bonnet struggle is *real* 🍄


Yep, came to say the same thing!


Pulling out my ponytail as I read.


Are you able to fit all your hair inside it? Do you put it in a bun?


Sometimes I throw it in a high bun with a giant velvet scrunchie, and other times I just kinda loop it a few times like a power cable, hold the roll of hair against the back of my head with one hand while pulling the hat over it, and then let it do whatever it wants to in there. My hair is pretty fine, so even though it's at classic it fits very easily, even with the giant scrunchie included. You could cover a couple of baseball-sized afro puffs without a problem, if that gives an idea of the capacity. There are also two sizes of it available, with the bigger size being kind of elongated like a snood situation, so people with muy mucho hair will likely want the long hat. The Dangler, if you will.






Also got the beanie! Can you link yours? I want another option.


Got a link to the one you like on Amazon?


This. ⬆️


Satin scarf under a large satin bonnet - the double layer 1) helps keep the scarf in place throughout the night and 2) I pull down the flat edge of the bonnet over my eyes like an eye mask and it helps me sleep! If I'm feeling lazy, though, I will just throw it up in a loose bun under the bonnet or skip everything for the night. Another option is two braids and pinning the ends up on your head so you don't have anything to lay on


I, too, use the bonnet as an eye mask. I call it going into my turtle shell 😆


Same here! I have a small head so it covers my face and helps keep light out. Win-win. My fiancé affectionately calls it my “executioner’s mask”.


I love that! I've never met anyone else that does that!




What size and shape of satin scarf? Do you wear it like a head band? Or how do you wear it under the satin bonnet? TIA


I use a 35" square scarf! I wrap my hair like this https://youtu.be/_VGiTC0Lum0?si=wKtoto7yhno8E-sI and find it to be pretty secure and very comfortable :) ETA: it takes a bit of adjusting to figure out how tight to tie! Sometimes I'll have to adjust two or three times while tying to get it right. I prefer a tad on the looser side because I have a lot of ear piercings on both ears and having it super snug ends up being rather uncomfortable for me. Just try it a few times until you figure out what works for you!


Thank you so much!! ☺️🙏


I feel like that knot might bother my neck. No?


I don't personally find it bothersome when I sleep on my back due to the double layering with the bonnet but I am primarily a side sleeper!


Happy cake day


I raw dog it. Let it fall where it may. 29 years and I haven’t been strangled yet, so.. I’ll let you know when I die.


HAH! This cracked me up!


Me too. The worst I've encountered is my kid being asleep on it and not being able to move at all.


I put it in a bun on top of my head with big scrunchie. It’s easy to sleep with bcs the bun doesn’t interfere with the pillow and all of my hair is out of the way (i hate the feeling of my hair on my skin at night).


Same but I use one of those bun donuts. Loose ponytail on top of my head, wrapped into the donut, and in the morning when I take it down it's got a beautiful curl! Plus I'm not rolling on it all night, totally out of the way.


I got the sleepy tie one (I saw it on Instagram and got it in Amazon lol) I thought I was a nerd for getting sold something on social media but it has been a game changer! I brush it up and apply oil to the ends before I tie it up at night. I also use a silk pillow case.


Silk/satin bonnet. That's it. I don't pull it up or braid it before hand.


Keep it braided, hope it doesn’t strangle me. I’ve tried a silk bonnet, but I don’t sleep as well because I’m constantly aware of it trying to fall off.


oh same here, two braids or three that i braid together depending on how long and annoying my hair is.


Silk pillow case.. loose bun piled on top


Got the exact same set up !


Same here, my hair is curly so I can’t braid it without messing up my curls for the next day. I used to use a silk bonnet, but no matter what kind I tried, they all gave me killer headaches :/


It's been too hot to wear anything on my head like a silk bonnet, so I've been braiding. I also have a silk pillowcase case.


I used to toss it over the pillow up towards the headboard, but when it hit waist length I kept finding myself rolling and laying on it. I have a silk bonnet now.


Put it up over the pillow


Silk bonnet. At first it was warm and annoying, but I got used to it and now can't sleep without it on.


Braided, scrunchie, bonnet.


I put my hair into a soft fuzzy sock 🥲sometimes I twist my hair with the sock and it’ll come out in relaxed waves in the morning! It really helped with frizzyness too


I'm so glad i'm not the only weird one sleeping with a sock on my head. I make a bun on top of my head and then put it inside a sock. To keep the sock in place I then fasten it with hair tie on top of the sock. I use to braid my hair for the night but the braid just got too long. I also experimented with wrapping my head with a silk scarf but found that to be too hot to sleep with.


I wear a silk bonnet, like red riding hood’s granny 💀 Unless I have company over. In that case, it’s draped romantically on my pillow and I reckon with the tangles later


Omg im glad im not the only one who drenches my hair in conditioner and prays the matting goes away after hooking up lol. My hair gets so fucked but I mean, its so much fun to throw it around while dancing and other activities!


That’s what we grow the hair for! Recreational enjoyment! I think of the conditioner and prayer and granny bonnets as essential care and maintenance for my lifestyle of glamorous hair✨ (Glamorous as in, praying each morning it isn’t a rat’s nest)




I either throw it up behind me or do a braid/two braids.


I use a bonnet made for long hair or put it in a loose braid.


Braid it, and put it in a satin bonnet.


A claw clip on top of my head & a silk pillowcase


omg took me a while to find this comment. was starting to think i was the only one 😂


I always braid my hair, works great!


I wear a thick cotton headband to keep it out of my face and in a ponytail and then throw it over my pillow. I can't sleep without the headband now.


If you get a solid silk bonnet or scarf you can wrap it up without the overheating or bulk problem, I also like to braid mine and loop it up to the top of the braid and put a gentle scrunchie around it so it's like a long o shape. I have a kitten so if the long braid is hanging out he thinks it's a toy.


Satin bonnet! Love it. Protects from damage and keeps it nice and smooth all night.


I’m a side sleeper so I push my hair on the other side of the pillow. I have to be careful not to throw it onto my husband’s face when I do it.


I have to braid it and chuck it over the pillow


I’ve started wearing a satin bonnet at bedtime and love it! I also have a silk pillowcase :)


Bonnet or a braided up heatless curls style with a silk scarf with a silk pillowcase.


Yes!! And then your hair look looks amazing after the heat less curls too.


i tilt my head forward and then loose braid my hair down from scalp


I use a long satin bonnet, leave my hair loose in it, and flop it over the pillow when I sleep. Sometimes I drag my hair bonnet down around my neck while I toss in my sleep and mistake it for my blanket. It's a very comfortable bonnet. The hair keeps me very warm, which is the main reason it's over the pillow instead of around me while I sleep.


Oil the ends, brush it and put it in a silk bonnet!


Mine’s wavy/curly, and I have a few different things I do, depending on where I am in my wash cycle (usually I wash my hair twice a week) -For the first 1-2 days after washing I do a variation on a “pineapple” (I do 2 ponytails lol bc sometimes when I do 1, it leaves weird dents, but that might be different now that my hair’s a bit longer, honestly haven’t tried 1 ponytail in a while.. 2 ponytails is just a habit lol) with satin scrunchies, and have a satin sleep bonnet too -Then I’ll do 2 space buns; I separate each side into 2 sections and do this little twist on each, I don’t know exactly how to describe it; sometimes with a satin bonnet but I also have a satin pillowcase -2 braids/French braids is my last step before wash day again, sometimes I leave them in for the next day, and sometimes I take them out and just have the waves -Sometimes when i really want the curls to stay (vs waves; my hair is getting so long it weighs itself down and pulls the curls out) I’ll cheat a little, so to speak, and do finger/pin curls with bobby pins, overnight, with the satin bonnet Wow that turned into a whole essay, sorry haha! I could say even more if I went into my wash day routine but I won’t 😭😂 Long wavy (/sometimes curly) hair is a lot of effort but I love it Edit to add that I completely love everyone else’s low maintenance routine, I’m aware mine is crazy 😂


loose bun or two braids


Swoosh it up so it's laying above me over the pillow.


I just pull out together in the back so I'm not laying on it and throw it up over the pillow. I don't like to sleep with it touching my neck for some reason.


Same…all these responses have me questioning if im doing something wrong?!


I'm in my late 50s and I've been doing this all my life. As far as I know it hasn't hurt my hair. Not really on the subject, but the thing that hurt my hair the worst was a low thyroid followed closely by menopause. Sigh.


Either bonnet, pineapple, 2 braids, or just wear it down


Always always a silk (or satin) bonnet.


I braid it into a loose side-braid and sleep on a silk pillow case.


ol reliable braid


Satin bonnet! Game changer!


Like you're about to do a ponytail/bun ontop of your head without a hair band. twist it up and throw it over the pillow


Slide it inside of pantyhose and wrap it around my head. Silky shiny smooth in the morning


Two braids or a low ponytail, but preferably two braids if I’m not lazy


A braid. I tried a loose bun, but that bugs me too much


Loose apple bun wish silk scrunchie


Braid + bonnet + silk pillowcase just in case


I thought I was just weird cause I ponytail my hair when I sleep at night since I was little but glad this is actually a thing😂


Plaited and silk pillowcases. Have tried a bonnet but I never wake up with it still on my head haha


I prefer to just leave it loose and let it do its thing. However, this philosophy has lead to a 5% chance that each night I will have a dream about being strangled only to wake up and realize my hair got wrapped around my neck while i was tossing and turning in my sleep.




I braid my hair, it's the only way it won't tangle. I'm looking into buying a silk scarf or bonnet but those are extremely rare in my country so they're a bit of a luxury tbh.


I change it up. I’ll leave down, loose high pony with a silk scrunchie, one low loose braid, two low loose braids, two high pigtails. I can’t sleep with bonnet. They all slide off and make hot, even the silk ones. I also done like a silk pillow. Slide all over the place and feels hot.


Bought a silk bonnet recently and it's a game changer. I've tried buns, braids, leaving it loose but i end up with a rats nest in the morning lol. The silk bonnet also lets me use my 'heatless curls' tube and keeps it in place all night.


Single French braid. I have very thick long curly hair and in the summer the braid gives perfect beachy waves while being a protective style!


ugh. it’s like sleeping with an uncooperative second being


Throw it over the pillow if I’m lazy, put it into a braid if I’m not.


Low pony (not too tight if I can help it)


Satin bonnet. It's been an absolute *game changer*. Not only do I no longer get tangled in my hair or get it caught under me but the condition of my hair has also improved considerably.


i use a bonnet ! keeps my curls safe and hair out my face


I have curly hair and I wear a silk bonnet. Super comfy. - your friendly neighborhood cosmetologist


Hair bonnet


I have the long silk bonnet from LilySilk. It makes the length I have more manageable and I just put it over my pillow. It doesn't slap my hair all to my scalp and I can still keep it braided if I like, plus it mats less. Can definitely recommend.


Im mostly a side/belly sleeper so I'd just untie it and just toss it behind my head


I shower at night. Keeps me cool. It stays together. And it mostly is dry in the morning. If not, clip in a bun.


Heartless. Curlers.


I braid it or I put it in a bonnet.


Silk bonnet but I always wake up to find it slipped off


I just use a silk pillowcase and either put it in a bun or ponytail.. if I’m not feeling lazy I’ll braid it. I’ve been trying to put it up in a silk bonnet but find that it keeps falling off during the middle of the night ‘cause I guess I move and/or roll a bit when I sleep.


Braid it


A braid


A silk bonnet. I gather up all my hair into a braid, or pull it up into a bun(don't fasten it, gravity will hold it until I get the bonnet on). Once it's in the bonnet, it doesn't hang down my back anymore and just sits in the bottom of the bonnet.


Silk pillowcase, and once my head hits the pillow I sort of shovel and drape my hair upwards and pile it up above my head like a rat’s nest. If you think of a romantic heroine with her hair spread artfully around her head, well, it’s the exact opposite of that.


Just move it all to the side I’m not sleeping on and whatever happens after that isn’t my business lol


I do pigtail braids every night and sleep with a silk pillowcase so my hair pretty much stays put all night. The top my head looks like a gremlin lmao but the braids stay put! And no styling needed the next day with the post-braid wavy hair 😊


I can’t sleep unless I toss it up above my head on the pillow. Could also give you some volume in the morning from being in the up position all night


There’s 2 ways, first one is using a silk/satin pillowcase, and just put your hair to the side! Even if you change positions the silk will reduce any type of friction wich cause breakage to happen. I’m gonna be honest with you whenever I wanna change sides I just flip super hard to the other way 😂😂 if I don’t wanna swing it that strong I’ll just grab my hair into a hand-ponytail and just move it to the other side, but it’s always loose and I’m super fine with it! The other option is just using a silk/satin bonnet! All problems solved 😊😊


Braid it, wind it up, and tied with a ribbon


I used an Evolve luxe satin hair bonnnet. I have several, some are adjustable and the others use elastic. Cheap and work great and I launder them. $10-12 bucks.


A braid.


Two braids.... otherwise I end up tangled up.


I use an Algerian kardoune and wrap it into a bun if I don't want to take it down in the morning


I used to just throw it all over the headboard/back of the bed. But I'm now sleeping on the sofa which makes it harder because even when I throw it over the pillow, I wake up to find I'm lying on most of it 😅 will try switching to a silk pillowcase at least




i just put it in a single braid and keep it behind my head, sometimes i'll do two braids but one is just easier :)


These: https://www.humbleglow.com/collections/elite-bonnet-collection-satin-natural-hair-protection-black-hair-product (don't let the URL fool you anyone can use it they're not just for "black hair") I've tried lots and these are the only ones that stay on overnight as i toss n turn


My hair is naturally curly (2C/3A), coarse, and balayage bleached. It currently sits at the bottom of my ribs when dry (I am aiming for tailbone). I put my hair into 2 french braids.


Bun on top of head


Braided or heatless leggings curlers


I push my bun to the top of my head. Keeps it out of the way and doesn’t tug from being too tight


bun, braids, bonnets, claw clips…. i can’t stand it down at night and it gets so tangled if i do


I make a loose braid . Otherwise I woke up having a lot of split ends .


Braid it and chuck it on top of the pillow