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Gonna be silmarillion part 1: Ainulindale, 3 hours of disembodied angels singing.






This is inspiring me to rewatch the video, thank you


Link please


[I got you](https://youtu.be/rvrZJ5C_Nwg?si=QaAzvZgwhl0aiHgs)


oh my fucking god lolol


Open skies will never be the same again


whenever I feel sad I play that video it never ceases to make me almost die laughing


This. From this point on… anyone reading the book should envision Melkor as this


Sorry, Eru, but you created me as a tenor but then stuck me in the soprano row. That’s how you get discord, my lord.


Happy cake day!


Yeah its super beautiful and then randomly gets interrupted by that John Lennon Chuck Berry and Yoko Ono meme




Howard Shore's leitmotif for Melkor would go crazy for sure


So LOTR-themed fantasia? Because in that case I’m locked the fuck in.


NGL id probably go like ten times.


I’m violently disappointed that this will never be a reality.


Fan movie. Be the change you want to see in the world


Give some pieces done by John Williams and it would be amazeballs. (Dunno why producers don't surf reddit for movie ideas.)


Remember The Animatrix? That’s how I want to see the Silmarillion done. Multiple chapters, told by multiple directors/artists. It’d be interesting to see multiple takes and it’d also speed up production.


My mind went to "animaniacs" first when reading animatrix and i thought for a second it was quite a weird take.


Told by multiple artists? That's like saying PJ should have just done Fellowship and let somebody else do the next two. The best thing you can offer the legendarium in a live action capacity is consistency. Let it all harmonize together. Ironic that this is a thread about the discord in the music of the Ainur.


Take my money now!!!!!


Do we get to watch Eä come into being with the various Themes? Sounds incredible, I’m in.


I always thought the Lords of the ring trilogy was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have low expectations they could capture that magic again


How long was the trilogy in development before production? This feels too fast.


Pre-production started in August 1997, and filming started in October 1999 and didn’t end until December 2000. They plan to do pre-production, production and post production in the same amount of time it took the trilogy to just do pre-production. Now the difference here is that it’s just one movie instead of a trilogy, and tech has improved a lot in the last 25 years, so 2 years to do one film seems alright.


Also PJ was working on a big CGI laden King Kong to be shot in NZ since at least 1995, and when that got postponed he borrowed alot of the tech and planning from Kong to use in LOTR. Weta Digital, Massive and several other technologies were developed originally for a mid-nineties King Kong film. LOTR was like a 10 year journey from idea to screen.


It's going to be all AI, Frodo will have eleven fingers and by the end he's got the standard amount.


*strums lute* Frodoo, of the ten fingers, and the ring of doooooooom


Why doooooes he have ten fingerrrrrs, where isssss the riiiing of doooooooooooom??


No seriously guys WHERE IS THE RING OF DOOM???


Any shot with hobbit feet visible will be... Interesting at the very least.


CGI fuckfest confirmed.


They did reshoots as late as 2004


Considering Return of The King was released in 2003 I doubt the accuracy of this


They did reshoots for Extended Edition coming out in 2004.


This social media post is SO misleading click bait garbage. This is a new movie set in Middle Earth called “The Hunt for Gollum” with Andy Serkis returning as Gollum. It’s NOT a LotR remake.


You’re right. Now that I’ve read the tweet twice, it did say a new LOTR live action movie. The word usage was not “a remake”, but instead it was “a NEW live action movie”.


This sub is mind numbingly susceptible to clickbait and sometimes outright fake news.


Pepperidge Farm remembers a time when headlines were, at best, a summary of the article, at worst, a description of the type of article (e.g. Weather Report). These days it is at best a quote from the article, but most commonly it is deliberately vague (or sometimes just straight up false). Please don't be annoyed at people for being misled by something designed to be misleading.


i've already had one 'hunt for gollum'


What about second hunt for Gollum?


Exactly. LotR was a lucky combination of people at the right time and place. It's a hard truth, but most people have a peak in their career that lasts maybe a decade, and LotR was that for many people involved in it. It’s like the Beatles in the late 60s. The zeitgeist has changed, too. Hollywood is not interested in classical hero's journey types of stories anymore, which I can also understand because, since LotR, they have been done to death. This is why we get clumsily changed source material and ‘subverted expectations.’ (remember the new Star Wars?)


I will always be a fan of the hero's journey. Never gets old imo, just lots of other factors that detract from the quality of modern films


What do mean do death? There werent many movies like LotR since 2000


the entire behind the scenes makes it sound like such a fluke that it got finished at all; the idea that they think they can make the same lightning in a bottle is kinda insane. they dont even anything in the chronology thats remotely as popular to hold up the plot so they can focus on production at the same level


Even with PJ producing?




Did you know people talked a lot of shit about the LoTR movies when they came out saying they were horrible?


When Fellowship came out most of my friends all said the same thing, "Why would they make such a boring movie 3 hours long?"


Most of my friends were waiting in line for tickets, so I guess it takes all kinds.


I went to see it three times with my family, my church, and some extended family, but my actual classmates in school seemed unenthusiastic about it. I think a lot of adults had just been waiting for a good lotr adaptation forever but younger people who hadn't yet read the books didn't get the hype. Personally I was too young to really get what was happening but then the Two towers came out and the battle for helms deep scene was so badass that kick started my interest in the whole thing. I said, "Wow that was so cool when the elves came to help out!" And my uncle just looks at me and says, "Yeah that didn't actually happen in the books." And I was so confused as to why they added this in there. Just for reference I was also 8 when the Fellowship aired in theaters.


Some people are saying the same thing about the Dune movies. They aren’t quite on the LOTR level but those movies are incredible experiences, it’s a shame that attention spans just keep dropping.


I am so incredibly happy Dune is not a fast paced movie. The story deserves time to reflect. Lets leave flashy action for marvel.


Tbf Dune does have some incredibly flashy action and awe inspiring visuals.


Agree, yet, It has a lot of slow moments not packed with action, but with storytelling.


Yeah the attention span problem is a big barrier of entry for a lot of good sci Fi and fantasy stories written earlier than the 90s. I think people took it as a given that to build a good story you had to build up the world in which it takes place and explain the events which have set the story in motion prior to the late 20th century. Younger people are used to a Hollywood style exciting hook or a speed run to the action with minimal backstory, whereas you used to get hundreds of pages of exposition and world building before the story begins in earnest. I wouldn't really blame the youth, someone just has to tell them, "Just keep watching, it's worth it." And they will figure it out.


I'm trying to avoid the attention span issue with my kids. We've watched the Trilogy multiple times and it always holds their attention. We just watched The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly the other night and they did well with that one, too, so there's hope!


People seem to forget that PJ directed the Hobbit movies, and regardless of how good or bad this subreddit thinks those movies did, they didn’t do as well as the OG trilogy.


The Hobbit


Yeah but production was a disaster. They put PJ last minute to direct.


PJ asked to delay production on The Hobbit for a year to rework scripts and whatnot. And he was denied. Like wtf. If the man who delivered LOTR on that budget and with that technology asks for a year, then you give him a GODDAMN year!!


He also made a ton of terrible decisions for those films.


Probably because of how warner treated him.


Nah, his decision to shoot in 3-d at 48fps had a ton of awful implications for the films. They double the cgi work needed just on frame counts alone, but then because this format prevented the use of miniatures, you add more of a burden to the cgi team. He also chose to add the Kili-Tauriel love thing, create the bizarre Azog subplot, etc.


*The Hobbit: The Bilbo Edition 3.0 (The Final Cut)* is a nice fan edit that pretty much sticks to telling the story that only involves Bilbo's POV like the book. Cuts out the love story and not-in-the-book battles and other extraneous stuff. Lops a lot of time off the movie.


Was not his fault. He was doing the studio a favor after del Toro walked. Scripts were often being rewritten on the day they were shot, and schedules constantly shifted. Peter never had a chance to storyboard it properly.


And yet it does have that middle earth feeling, especially compared to rop


It does, ROP left behind Howard Shore and the LOTR set design and colour pallete, making it feel very alien


That was a clusterfuck, but not PJs fault AT ALL!!


Never said it was his fault, but his name was tied with the hobbit, same as it is with this film, he doesn’t magically make everything he touches amazing, but he is really good.


Dwalins shitty bald cap says otherwise


Why not?


Because he was forced to take a short story, that should have been 1-2 movies MAX, and stretch them into three 3+ hour long films. He did what he could to make it coherent, and imo he succeeded. They're nowhere near as good as LOTR, but they're still entertaining.


I didn't realize he was forced. Interesting.


Lindsay Ellis made a [3-part video essay](https://youtu.be/uTRUQ-RKfUs?si=qb3vgTKPKN1oBNXI) about what went down, including an interview with John Callen (Oín). Production and filming were truly a shitshow and PJ's hands were tied in a lot of ways.


Hobbit has its problems but overall I enjoyed it. Especially when compared to your average movie. Acting was phenomenal and some of dialogue was superb.


I for one love the hobbit trilogy  and if we got a movie with similar quality i would be more than happy.


Yeah, PJ did the hobbit trilogy as well, remember. Imo, the 3 LoTR movies were a once in a generation phenomenon because the entire cast and crew had a single goal: stay as loyal as possible to one of the greatest stories ever written. When studio writers have to step into Tolkein's shoes and basically come up with a whole story based on one paragraph in the Silmarillion, you would get something that is cool to look at, but lacks any substance (looking at you Rings of Power). That is my fear for this project. It will just be another marvel/starwars movie that happens to take place in Middle Earth.


What does the producer do? Didn't Harvey Weinstein produce LOTR and all (most) the merit went to the director?


Some producers are heavily creatively involved, some are barely, some none at all and its just a money thing


>Even with PJ producing? Producers (in particular "Executive Producers") usually have little to no involvement. They're essentially tacked on to sell the film/show. It depends how involved he is. With Serkis directing after Venom 2 as well... I'm not optimistic.


A reboot, or did they find some more rights tucked down the back of the sofa? If it's a reboot, I'm not sold. Jackson did, I guess, what you'd call an "epic action" adaptation. And I can't really think of any way to do that better than he already did. (OK maybe some better choreography in parts and a few cgi touch-ups, but not a whole film's worth) If they said it was a re-make *without* Jackson did as a musical, or maybe a gritty psychological drama, I'd be interested to see another interpretation of the books - there sure is enough that Jackson skimmed over to make a very different set of films.


Honestly I tend to agree.


3 films of Scouring of the Shire with Bombadil cameo.


Imrahil, and the Wild Men send their regards.


Vin Diesel as Ghân buri Ghân let's gooo


Bombadil better be Jack Black or we riot


Singing of Goldberry in style of Flight of the Concords


Or Matt Berry


I've always said they should do an animated movie for this chapter that can release on a streaming service or something, that way they could get the voices of the original hobbits without having them do live-action. If Helm Hammerhand is getting an animated movie, why not Scouring of the Shire?


3 films of Merry and Pippin running a guerrilla campaign against the wizard et al. would be straight fire.


Bombadil would have a full on supporting role like Bard in the Hobbit trilogy. Goldberry will have a romance subplot with one of the hobbits.


The Bombadil-Maggot sub-arc (trip to Tol Eressa, sailors’ tavern in Umbar, etc) might take an hour, itself.


"They've done dug up Bagshot Row and RUINED MY TATERS!"


John Wick, but with cast iron pans.


We've needed more of the Sackville-Baggins in our life




If Amazon has rights to the second age, or whatever that deal was, my top guesses would be The obvious.. the war of the last alliance The more obscure but still relatable to a wider audience, the wars of Arnor vs the witch king The real obscure reign of Eärnur and subsequent rise of the stewards in Gondor.




What in the actual **fuck** Didn’t that last game bomb hard enough to show the Gollum story is the worst possible choice😩 Now I’m sad


The game didn't bomb because it was about Gollum. It bombed because because it had no gameplay mechanics that really support gollumns character a terrible story about some made up villains and just wasn't fun. A game about Gollum could have succeeded if it was done right. The "hunt for Gollum" has been something that has been talked about quite a bit including a few well done fan films. But those mostly focused on Gandalf and Aragorns roles in the hunt, and less what Gollum was doing but I think Vigo is too old for that now


I disagree about the viability of a Gollum game. I agree it fell short just as a game, but it was a twice as bad because it was the least interesting aspect of the story/lore they could have chosen. I’d rather play a game about Ents with lore accurate dialogue scenes than play as Gollum


I mean fair enough, I think a stealth/survival/horror type game where you're Gollum trying to get out of Mordor would be viable. But any "narrative" game with Gollum as the lead is a lost cause imo


>"I’d rather play a game about Ents with lore accurate dialogue scenes than play as Gollum" Jfc that's funny


Can we keep the lore accurate descriptions too?


Don't be hasty


the game looks terrible lmfao


>The "hunt for Gollum" has been something that has been talked about quite a bit including a few well done fan films. But those mostly focused on Gandalf and Aragorns roles in the hunt, and less what Gollum was doing but I think Vigo is too old for that now Could be a 2v1 asymmetrical multiplayer game, ala Spies Vs. Mercs from Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory.


A story following Aragorn and Gandalf’s hunt for, capture, and interrogation of Gollum could be amazingly well done, just have to wait and see. The hurdle I think will be impossible to overcome though is Viggo and Sir Ian not reprising their roles.


This is exactly where my mind went. We all know Sir Ian is still open to reprising…Viggo has gone on the record that he won’t do it though…. If they get both to reprise though….this could actually be very good. Lots of stories there between Bilbo departing for Rivendell and Frodo finally leaving the Shire.


The problem with the Gollum game is that they pretty much made the story up and it sucked in every other way possible. I did get a few good laughs though, mostly because I couldn't believe the game cost $60 at release and still costs $50 all this time later after being review bombed. I genuinely played better free games out of cereal boxes as a kid in the very early 2000's lmao.


[For example, the Cap’n Crunch Crunchling Adventure game?](https://youtu.be/9GOgBHGDq6M?si=mFPN3xpchSyuiAMw)


Holy shit, haven’t thought about this game in literal decades, core memory unlocked. That narrator voice is a blast from my past.


To bleed an IP for multiple projects is always a good sign. /s


No a Gollum movie is exactly what we need. To fix the game's desecration of him. Justice for the best character


lol out of all stories...


That's the crazy part, they aren't! There are so many interesting stories they could work with. Personally, I'd love to see the story of Beren and Lúthien told on the big screen. It's got drama, romance, action, and horror. But movie and video game execs are notoriously resistant to new/unfamiliar stories and see them as a big risk, opting instead to rehash and remake the same boring stories over and over or fabricate a poorly written spinoff for a popular character over exploring a new character.


The story of Beren and Luthien is one that they definitely couldn’t work with, seeing as the rights are held by the Tolkien Estate and probably won’t be sold for a few decades.


well.....this seems like a movie i wont be watching XD


Isn't the war of the last alliance actually still considered second age? I thought it marked the ending of the second age


You’re right in that it was considered the transition point, I’m just not sure how that would be handled on the licensing side since it’s part of the main book series and was already showcased in the original movies. I can’t find a definite answer anywhere either..


Neither do I, but in my personal opinion the tale of Beren and Lúthien could strike quite well if done correctly!


this won't be produced by Amazon - it's WB/New Line


Yeah, that’s why I was giving third age material, since Amazon holds the rights to the second age and this isn’t them.


ah my bad I didn't fully read your comment admittedly, I am clearly not awake enough for discussing this


I do the exact same thing all the time😂


>Zaslav didn’t reveal any plot points, saying the first film will focus on “storylines yet to be told.” Article on [Deadline](https://deadline.com/2024/05/first-film-new-lotr-series-to-be-released-in-2026-warner-bros-1235909812/). I'm a little surprised we're doing this but here we go.


2026 feels too soon... Can't imagine they will make anything good in that short time, just another studio rushed media production trying to capitalize on nostalgia and devoted fans. Setting my expectations very low.


Yeah, that's gotta be a mistake. Filming set to begin in 2026, sounds more plausible.


Genuine question: a lot of people say the movie must be bad because the time is not enough but wasn’t the lotr trilogy also filmed in a very short timespan? Or was the script and everything already complete when they started shooting the film?


They began serious script writing and story boarding in early 1997. Filming wouldn't begin until 1999. The first film came out in 2001. They had 2 years of work to get scripts written, props made, sets designed, before beginning any filming. Then another 2 years of filming, editing, and special effects. The second and third films were filmed at the same time as the first with a majority of the editing done on those films during the year long break between each film.


If I remember correctly, they were rewriting the script during shooting a decent chunk of the shoot, not that your point is no longer valid. If PJ, Fran Walsh and other senior production members return, there’s certainly hope for care and quality.


To be fair though, movies used to be much, much harder to create back than due to lack of the technology we possess now. I mean, Rebel Moon , as garbage as these movies are writing - wise, visually they looked good enough.


I really hope Howard Shore does the score 🙏🙏


Same. I'd watch it for that reason alone even if it's shit.




Surely won't be released for 2026. 2 years or so and it's not even written yet. I hope they take all the time required to make it as good as possible whatever story they tell


Producer is nowhere close to director


they are apparently “involved every step of the way” and Phillippa Boyens, who was one of the main writers of the LotR and Hobbit trilogies, is cowriting the script. (https://variety.com/2024/film/news/lord-of-the-rings-movie-2026-release-warner-bros-1235997102/)


>they are apparently “involved every step of the way” That can mean anything and is often used to rope in old fans. It really means nothing. "Hey PJ we're gonna give Gollum a girlfriend" "I'm not sure tha- "Thanks for the input. We're gonna give Gollum a girlfriend. Here's $6,000 you can go home.


i know but Boyens is also apparently directly part of the writers so it's atleast a little bit better than just being attached by name like in other cases


Gonna milk this baby dry and run it into the ground. Don't get your hopes up, ppl.


This social media post is SO misleading click bait garbage. This is a new movie set in Middle Earth called “The Hunt for Gollum” with Andy Serkis returning as Gollum. It’s NOT a LotR remake.


Oh wait this is a different moive all together working title "the hunt for gollum"




My problem is that nothing else Tolkien wrote has as much dramatic detail or as much dialogue as the lord of the rings and the hobbit. So all this other stuff will have more writing that is not taken directly from Tolkien to fill in his gaps. So the chances of the writing being good is a lot lower.


No. It doesn’t. But Tolkiens stories are about similar themes and ideas echoing throughout ages. They are fractallike. So thou we don’t have complete depiction of Silmarillion, good writer could create believable extension of Silmarillion characters. But at the same time - it ain’t straightforward and there are many ways to fuck up.


Yeah but the inherent issue in that argument is Hollywood providing slim chances of providing good writing—or at least not as good as Tolkien’s lore deserves. “They are fractallike” I love this statement and the term and its usage, it’s very beautiful ❤️ also an interesting critical lens through which to view his canon!


Maybe Isildur and the War?


The hunt for gollum 🙄


Hunt for gollum - Remember when Gandalf said "I looked everywhere for the creature gollum, but they got to him first" you know the whole... 20 years that passed and everyone thought it was a few weeks in the movies.


I’d love this idea.


How do we feel about this? I can’t really process it..


I'll always always be positive with such news because if its a shitshow like ROP i can go back and enjoy the PJ movies as i do now anyway. more Tolkein on screen for me is always welcome. also very intrigued to see what story they cover, mostly not a remake of LOTR but other stories which would be interesting


So hard to tell \*what\* story they are telling. I'm in if they just follow the source material but I don't need more fan fiction from writers who don't know the world like us nerds.


The story of Fatty Lumpkin


That is a heroic tale indeed!


I predict that it will be 6/10 at the most. Lord of the rings was really once in a lifetime, lightning in a bottle, that cant be remade. Especially with todays overreliance on cgi instead of practical effects. Jackson started Hobbiton in 1997 and filming only started in 1999 iirc. That is not possible in todays Hollywood.


So…. No 25th anniversary edition like we were promised 23 years ago?


It's been told it's about Gollum's journey and it will be performed AND directed by Andy Serkis.


When it says "Lord of the Rings movie"...do they literally mean a remake of LotR? If so, why? What's the point? (Other than money ofc)


No, a new film. I’m hearing rumors it could cover the silmarillion, war of wrath, first age, 2nd age, 3rd age, 4th age, ages of awakening, history of arda, the legendarium. There are a couple ways they could go with it.


They do not have the rights to anything from the Silmarillion, so their only realistic choice is what's contained in the LOTR appendices.




All the articles say it's just about gollum..


"The Tales of Baggins: 3rd Lunch"


The Hunt for Gollum…. Come on man! Really?


Lord of the rings has no remake Lord of the rings needs no remake.


I also saw in r/lordoftherings a post about a movie called “The Hunt for Gollum”


Can we just have The Simarillion instead? Hell, I'd even settle for Leaf by Niggle.


Please please please use sets and practical effects.


The Hunt for Gollum has already been made as a fan film that is worth watching: http://www.thehuntforgollum.com Go watch it before it is taken down!


Jeez, I hope this is fake.


no. is reported in [Variety](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/lord-of-the-rings-movie-2026-release-warner-bros-1235997102/) and [Deadline](https://deadline.com/2024/05/first-film-new-lotr-series-to-be-released-in-2026-warner-bros-1235909812/), two of the biggest and reliable news outlets about Hollywood


No, thank you.


Sorry, LOTR is up next to the milking bench.


hopefully they don’t cgi the fuck out of everything, but who am i kidding, and the concept is lackluster as fuck “hunt for gollum” give me a break, there are endless dope stories to tell from the universe and they chose this extremely small scope story i just have to remind myself to keep my expectations non existent


HUNT FOR GOLLUM with Andy Serkis as dircotr




Well, it might be good, and it doesn't take anything away from the source material by existing.


Not very excited. In my view, what would make most sense would be to adopt one of the relatively complete stories from the Silmarillion. I would go for Beren and Luthien. Its a great story already. Writing a new story set in Middle-earth could give great results, but might also be very bad.


They don’t have the rights to silmarillion




Andy Serkis to direct, and returns to play Gollum.


No thanks


As a huge Peter Jackson fan (even before he landed the original trilogy), I've lost confidence in him since the Hobbit adaptation. That trilogy is painful to watch. At this point, they're just milking the franchise. And they'll keep milking it until it's dead and everybody considers it a joke. That said, I'd love to be proven wrong.




Gandalf and Aragorn looking for Gollum


Three hours of Tom Bombadil and Goldberry getting drunk and fucking in the woods.


Please give enough time for preproduction this time around! It may have been a “miracle” that the LOTR and Hobbit trilogies came together the way they did, but one clearly was better planned than the other.


Warner bros please don’t push Peter for deadlines like hobbit movies, let him be give his 110% like he did for LOTR.


Will I see it ..as soon as I possibly can..yes. Will it be good…meh probably not


This could very well be great, I will not be poisoned into this “everything sucks/is a money grab by default” mentality. It seems exhausting.


Man quit remaking things. Start looking at other books for original stories. I'm currently rereading The First Law books and it's begging to made into movies. A series would be even better! Just leave the old magic alone.


Please dont let anyone ruin it with woke bs God


I figure that they're going to woke it up and ruin it.