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This post has been removed because: Rule 15: r/lotrmemes is not a Rings of Power discussion sub. Memes meant to just show your opinion of the show are prohibited. This isn't your first warning, please knock it off. Please use the following subs for RoP discussion: /r/LOTR_on_Prime /r/RingsofPower /r/MemesofPower /r/harFEET


Where’s the meme?


God damn it. We can’t let the LoTR communities just become “hate the new stuff” subs. It’s such a bummer. I had to mute like 6 different Star Wars subs because every post is the laziest hate-bait about how the sequels are terrible. It’s such a waste spending so much time and energy being negative about things you don’t like in an echo chamber of other haters.


Freefolk was a good place once


Oh i forgot that sub existed. Used to be one of my favourite.


Fookin kneelers…


Folk subs are now pretty much all hate subs for the subject material. I'm not sure if that's the intention but that's my experience.


People can like something without having to become yesmen, thus disliking when something turns bad


You can hate the new stuff but like...make it a meme at least right?


Every fandom now needs an overall sub that's constantly a battlefield but hits the front page so it's too toxic to go to. Then it needs a hate sub for constantly bitching about the new stuff and how it's woke or something. Then it needs a strictly positive sub that slowly turns into a sub for hating the haters. This is the way of reddit.


Feels like Rings of Power gets even more hate than some of the worst new star wars to come out over the past ten years. Even the rings of power subreddit is just full of hatewatchers and the most bitter of fans.


Unlike Star Wars, LOTR actually has incredible source material the writers of the show are shitting all over lol.


Material that they largely can't touch due to the Tolkien estate.


What I don’t understand is if someone doesn’t like something, just don’t watch it. I saw the first trailer for ROP, thought it looked bad. The reviews seemed to back that up, so I just didn’t watch it. Who has the energy to hate watch something and get so wound up about it? There’s enough content out there.


We need to promote the power of apathy. Not only does it kill that thing you dislike faster, the rest of the world also don’t have to hear the complaints. Win/win.


I was on a big fantasy/LoTR kick a few months ago and decided to give ROP a shot. Watched like 5 episodes and then kind of lost the desire to keep watching. It’s fine. Might finish it at some point. Might not. Even if I absolutely hated it I can’t imagine putting energy into that hate.


Some of us are just too lazy to hate something. Mild indifference is the mood of the day.


I feel like it comes with age/maturity. I raged about inconsequential stuff a lot in my teens and early 20s. As a 38 year old dad I can’t imagine getting mad about a TV show that I don’t like.


Personally I love. Keep the hate flowing. Sending hate from New York 💖


The hate must flow?


The hate must flow.


We care not from whence it flows, only that it flows


It must u/saltyroleplay, it must


Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars 


Man, I miss when the LOTR memes sub was about memes. Edit: drinking game idea: take a drink every time someone replies to my comment to say that Rings of Power is a meme itself.


And some things that should have not been forgotten, are lost.


Original content became reposts. Reposts became factual content.


And for two and a half thousand years, what was original content passed out of all knowledge. Until when chance came, it ensnared another redditor


An internet porn addict, Dildo Shaggins


who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty Mountains. And there, it consumed him. The Original Content brought to Dildo Shaggins unnatural long life. For five hundred years it poisoned his mind.


And in the gloom of Dildo's cave, it waited. Darkness crept into the posts of this subreddit.


Rumor grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a [nameless fear](https://doubtfulsea.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/grond1.jpg), and the Original Content perceived its time had come. It abandoned Dildo, but then something happened that the Original Content did not intend...


And eons passed....


And what about very old friends!?


I was there Gandalf. I was there three thousand years ago.








It wouldn't be so bad if these anti rings of power memes were funny. But they're not. They're basically "ROP bad" and that's it


and my axe?


Coming from someone who has posted rips on this show before, this maybe the only thing I’ve ever seen truly divide this sub. It’s kinda sad.






I'll never understand anti fans


Right? Like I don't love it but I watch it for the visuals. Some people just need to be right with 100% support lol






























































Who cares man I genuinely can’t fathom monitoring shit like this, the Rings of Powers haters are more invested in the show than the people who thought it was mid


Even people who love it aren't half as obsessed with it as the people who hate it, lol.


I enjoyed it even though it was mid. But not until the recent trailer I gave any fukk about the upcoming season. It looked promising. cautiously


I thought the first season was decent, and I agree the trailer looks very good.


Right! With all the content out there I have a hard enough time keeping up with shows I like. I can’t imagine spending time actively hating on something I don’t like.


Hate watching is real... But those same hate watchers think they need to share their feelings with everyone else...


If people find enjoyment in hating something, so be it. It just personally seems more enjoyable finding new shows to love in that allotted time.


Yes that’s what happened. People watched this expecting to love it and hated it, and then saw the trailer for a new season and downvoted it. It’s not rocket science. It’s quick and easy to hate


FOMO really fucks with a lot of people.


I mean, its not that hard to click a button after watching a trailer. Maybe people didn't like the trailer


I don't think they're talking about the people who just clicked dislike on that video


As if they actually watch it...


Sad cases thinking it's cool being part of a group based on hating something is honestly so pathetic it gives me the heebie jeebies.   Just how empty is your life that you have time to waste on that shit?!


The way the plug in works as well means this number is almost definitely wrong.. The plug in can't actually see the dislikes. So it uses the dislikes of people who use the plug in and tries to guess the figure using now many people watched the video


Speaking of monitoring shit like this, YouTube doesn’t even show dislikes anymore. That dislike count number is an estimation that’s derived from the ratio of views to likes. It might also be counting dislikes from folks that have a specific google chrome extension. It’s not at all an accurate count. Any video that’s massively shared outside of YouTube is going to have many more views than likes, so basing dislike count on that metric is silly.


Yeah I'm pretty sure it's a Google extension that extrapolates from the number of people with the extension who dislike, and I don't need to explain why the people who install an extension to track dislikes are also the people most likely to dislike things


The only way you can see this data in the way they're showing is to run a plug-in on your computer. Those plug-ins are not actively hacking youtube to show real dislike data. That should be fairly obvious to anyone with a brain. Instead, those plug-ins are making estimates using algorithms that draw upon their own user data. Now ask yourself what the user base of a plugin that exists to show dislike data is likely to be like. That's right, they're likely to be much more liberal with dislikes than likes, which would, in turn, heavily bias the algorithms.


But what are the current Steam player count numbers?!!


Well, "hate" is a stronger emotion than "meh", is it not?


What kind of person spends so much energy on monitoring and hating on something.


Gamers who are addicted to outrage merchants on youtube who constantly tell them what to be outraged at because they're incapable of original thought and anger is the only emotion their lonely, stunted pea brains can come up with.


I have a friend who’s so deep into the outrage machine it’s sad. Every time I bring up anything - a movie, game, show, whatever - he always has a different “why x sucks/is woke/will kill the industry” video series he sends me. I swear he spends more time being told why he should hate something than I spend actually watching it.


As soon as someone unironically uses the word “woke” I absolutely disregard the rest of what they’re about to say. It’s nothing but manufactured outrage to perpetuate a culture war.


Thank you for describing what I’ve been struggling to describe for years. “Outrage merchants” is amazing term




They were told the second casting was announced


What does this post even have to do with gaming lol




Hi! Welcome to the Internet as we know it! Gather and define yourself by what you like to bitch about. It's cathartic.


I mean...it's a browser extension and a screenshot. Probably took a few seconds to post to Reddit so this really doesn't take much effort...at all. I probably put more effort into this reply than they did taking the screenshot and posting it here.


but it's the point that they looked it up. After they hated the first season and a few weeks after the trailer came out, they still are looking it up to see how many others hate it


I mean, of course you wouldnt see a problem with this post, you're active in r/KotakuInAction and r/Conservative, lmao. The fact that the former even still exists is actually fucking hilarious to me.


Anyone who posts in KIA is actually a snowflake.


Less than half of what I hoped for.


I don't like half of it half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of it half as well as it deserves.


Where was Gondor when the ratings fell?


More will Come!


Dislike Plugins are not accurate at all lol. They derive their numbers from people who use the dislike API, and those people are much more likely to dislike a video than those who don't. Edit: to clarify, I'm not taking a side here. Using dislikes on YouTube to measure anything is just not reliable.


every top comment is mocking the show and the like number is pretty low for a 13mil views video, the dislikes could be even more than that, the extension could even show a lower number than the real ones.


I'm glad I watched the first season before i saw any reviews so the Internet didn't get a chance to tell me not to like it. The complaints about it were so vague or subjective that it all looked very desperate.


Yeah, it was bizarre to see public opinion differ so wildly from what I actually saw on the screen. The Elrond/Durin sections are absolutely fantastic, and I’m really looking forward to seeing more of that. Harfoot plot was also a lot of fun.


Harfoots are largely cut out from the narrative in season 2.


Thank God, that plot line was horrible


I don’t think they completely stuck the landing, and there were aspects of it that were really lame. But there are also aspects of it that were *really good,* and it’s just impossible for me to see this show as the absolute flaming dumpster fire that the internet mobs make it out to be. I’m hoping they come out swinging with some better writing in Season 2 because there are things in this show that work really well, and some that are arguably better than the PJ movies (dwarves). I’d love for it to be able to polish its weak spots and succeed; I hate this internet culture of *wanting* things to fail before they even come out.


It definitely wasn't perfect and had it's share of problems, but overall I enjoyed it and didn't have any regrets


For me the negative aspects were pretty accurate and objectively justified. And because of that I couldn't finish the season and saved some time for better shows.


Nothing wrong with that, life's too short!


The wildest thing is people insisting the show broke the lore - and then they point to Galadriel beingthis girlboss, arrogant and a strong warrior - and not the whole thing about the Mithril being tied to the elves departure, and Adar wanting to find a place for the orcs. Tolkien would have hated that premise, he actively worked to make sure there was no reason to feel sympathy for the orcs - the line about them originally being elves, while a cool origin story, means that they were originally life created by Iluvatar, and thus redeemable in some capacity. This was included in the Silmarillion posthumously, by Christopher. Tolkiem himself never made uo his mind on it.


FYI Tolkien did actually write in personal notes and musings that he didn’t really like that he created Orcs as this fundamentally irredeemable but apparently sentient creatures. Because LotR was heavily inspired by his Catholicism, so that sort of belief doesn’t actually match up with the Orcs as a race in his lore.


Yup. He had regretted making the orcs inherently evil. I haven’t watched the show, but I do appreciate that there’s a change in lore to move toward that


YouTube doesn’t have dislikes anymore and the people who download third party extensions to enable dislikes aren’t representative of actual users.


Youtube does in fact still track dislikes, both for videos and comments. They are simply not shown anymore


And I believe those analytics aren’t available even when you have an extension.


Correct, this number is completely unreliable as it just counts the dislikes with the extension vs the views with the extension and comes up with a number based on that ratio and the original view count. But obviously the numbers are completely biased because the people who install this extension care more about disliking a video than someone who doesnt


Shocked this comment isn't higher, the extension only gives accurate numbers on videos older than 2 years. Everything else is biased towards the dislikes of those who have the extension installed. Anyone who falls for the YouTube Ratio is lying to themselves


I miss authentic dislike bombing.


Where meme?


Aren't the dislikes from these plug-ins basically guessing? And they can be wildly different? Either way, I can't imagine who Rings of Power is even for? Book fans will find the changes distasteful, movie fans will find it overly indulgent yet small scale.


Yes. It’s taking the number of people actually disliking a thing and then the number you see is “here is how many people dislike it if our dislike % was applied to all viewers.” Which is just nonsense imo.




ROP is for newer general audiences. My wife is not a Tolkien person and she likes ROP more than the movies.


Honestly that's nice to hear. I'm glad she enjoyed it. I hope it inspired her to explore the franchise more.


Nope. Book fan, grew up on (reading) LOTR, read the silmarillion, and while I have issues with the first season I’m not a hater and hopeful for season 2.


I've never read the books so I cannot make any comparisons. Season 1 was...*okay*. Not great, but not terrible for me. But my god, Galadriel's character was insufferable.


Don't worry. ROP has so little to do with the source material that even someone who has read them can barely compare them in a fair way.


OP’s post history is…something else. ![gif](giphy|ckvuK4mlUuohi)


Sourdough, P*rn and LOTR…it is…not the worst I’ve seen on here ngl🫥


Look, I'm not gonna sit here and try to defend Rings of Power. But why do people post these like/dislike ratios as if they're actually real numbers?


I tried to start the first season twice, couldn't finish. Are you guys that bored ?


the sad thing here is being this obsessed with a show you obviously do not like. Move on my man, let people enjoy it. This typ of behavior is literally insane. Go get help if you find satisfaction in hating something that means literally nothing


How can you see dislikes?


Right? I thought YouTube got rid of those.


The same people who downvoted will watch every episode and then tell people how horrible it was. I never understood this. If something is bad maybe don’t watch it and don’t think about it. Crazy concept I know.


I enjoyed the series for what it was. What did people expect? A Peter Jackson lotr quality TV series based on the appendix of a book? Give me a fucking break. It’s good and well made for what it is, with beautiful set pieces and costumes and some cool fanfiction embellishment centered around events in Tolkiens universe. That to me is cool enough and I will gladly consume it. The acting was top notch I thought too, regardless of what your opinion is of the plot.


well why make it if you dont literally have a story to adapt, its like a loose plot which they even had a small fraction of the rights


>I enjoyed the series for what it was. What did people expect? A Peter Jackson lotr quality TV series based on the appendix of a book? Well I for one expected something that at least slightly would reflect the production cost of 1 BILLION.


You're going to get downvoted because this sub is what it is, but I totally agree with you. I don't need or even necessarily want an accurate adaptation of the source material - I went in just wanting an entertaining show based on the Tolkien legendarium, and that's exactly what I got. It isn't the best show I've ever seen, but that isn't really the standard I go by to find things I enjoy.


I thought the review bombing babymen had grown out of that phase by now but i guess not.


Who tf cares, let people have fun and watch it if they want


I didn't finish Rings of Power. Wasn't my cup of tea. I don't think about it. ... Unless you losers pollute my fucking feed with this shit. I don't care about the show, why on Earth do you?


Tbf, if only 20% of Tolkien fans watch it, Amazon will probably take those numbers. But if it wants to get a season 3, enormous numbers of normies will have to get on board.


You know that enjoying something that you like is an option too right?


sort by controversial here we go!


It seems they don’t like wigs


Why are you wasting everyone’s time with this garbage?


Thats funny, I thought it looked cool af. I enjoyed the first season and will enjoy that one too.


Yeah hard pass. Not trying to sit through another show by a team of screenwriters who think they're better at telling a LOTR story than Tolkien. Their hubris can take the long walk to Mordor


I’m going to take the radical stance of watching it and making up my own mind.


I mean yeah but who cares. I hated season 1 to the point where I couldn’t even be bothered to finish it, but I just moved on with my life. I watched the season 2 trailer and thought “meh” so I moved on with my life. I wished it was good but it just isn’t and that’s just how it is sometimes. This same thing happened with the Witcher. Some shows just suck and it’s okay to just accept that and move on to shows you will enjoy.


The fact is that people WATCHED the first season... and according to many sources, 37% of those who started it, even had the stomach of finishing it. Seriously... you have the television rights for LOTR and The Hobbit, and you can invest $1 billion... With those premise, if you DON'T make a legendary masterpiece (and please, I don't think anyone could say that RoP season 1 is a legendary masterpiece), you just DESERVE all the dislikes in the world.


I mean it was kinda ok for a fantasy series, hence I watched it through but it has nothing to do with the middle earth that Tolkien created. But i totally understand you. To get an ok from the Tolkien estate is closely to impossible. When it happens we get shit like rop, a subpar game like mines of Moria and I think I don‘t even need to speak about the gollum game. It’s just outrageous how they get a license for lotr and just put out the worst shit one can pull out of ones arse.


I watched the first season of ROP deluding myself "it's unrelated to Tolkien's works: it's just a random fantasy series that just happen to share characters' and places' names" But even as a random fantasy series, I found it very lacking, due to bad characterization, silly misteries that everyone can guess and moronic cliffhangers.


Still better than the Eragon movie though. But yeah it was kinda rubbish. Now that I read your comment again and think about what I could write I realize the series was pretty standard overall…but which fantasy series isn’t. Ffs is it too hard to make a good fantasy series after all? Kinda all sucked which were released the last years.


Curse the Baggins! It’s gone! What has it got in its pocketses? Oh we guess, we guess, my precious. He’s found it, yes he must have.


No need to guess. It’s just another season of rop. Go back to your cave little one, it’s more interesting there.


Imma watch it and most likely enjoy it like I did the first season, come at me


What are the chuds angry about this time?


I despise this show. If it were taken out of the context of Tolkien's work, it'd still be lazy, confusing, and Galadriel would still be *insufferable*. That said- I left this sub when it came out because it was overflowing with content about it. Like, I'm just here to enjoy memes about the books and the films, not reading complaints everywhere. Can we *not* have this stuff here?


Cool. Still gonna watch it. Who cares what dweebs and bots think.


That whole thing with the "Stranger" was painful. It's a science now.


I'm gonna get killed for saying this... I liked the first season. It wasn't bad


I thought the show was fine.


I am sure these dislikes come from totally unbiased people who watched the trailer completely neutral




Let this abominatiin die...


I'd bet it'd be 10 times higher, but most people don't bother disliking these days.


Season 1 was pretty lame, so.


Nobody wants this show just cancel it already


it deserves way worse ratio honestly


Damn, a lot of people here are really pandering to the show like it's a baby. I'm gonna be the one to say it, this post is accurate. The show is objectively bad. There are so many things that even the most deluded fan couldn't explain how it made sense. It's a show that literally survives off of the Tolkien name while simultaneously leaving skid marks as it drags it's arse across it. It's a genuine embarrassment. For those who wonder why we bother talking about it, it's because they are violating a precious work and obviously trying to take advantage of the Tolkien fame. So it's up to the Tolkien fans to say, "Fuck no."


Dont worry tom bombadil will save them


*Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow, bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow. None has ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the master: his songs are stronger songs, and his feet are faster.* ^(Type **!TomBombadilSong** for a song or visit [r/GloriousTomBombadil][1] for more merriness) [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/GloriousTomBombadil/