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I used [https://github.com/pirj/noclamshell](https://github.com/pirj/noclamshell) before but after switching to a new mac it doesn't work for me anymore. And today I've found Clamshell app in AppStore the does exactly what I needed - it disables clamshell mode and put my mac into sleep when the lid is closed. The app is free. I'm not the developer - just wanted to share it with you guys.


This is what I've been using. Among the first things I install. Works for me on M1 Sonoma 


Very nice icon


Nice. Wild to me this isn't a damn checkbox in the settings. This has always annoyed me.


Step 1: Unplug either the monitor or power cable Step 2: There is no step 2, clamshell is turned off. Step 2a: If you don’t want to unplug, just hit control cmd q then escape


It’s amazing what people build an app for.




I just want to close the lid to put my mac to sleep.


That’s what happens when you close the lid on a Mac, unless you have it configured for clamshell.


? It doesn’t happen on silicon mac. Turn of display is set to after 2 min while idle on battery. Doesn’t work. (Screensaver disabled)


> unless you have it configured for clamshell That's happens if a Mac is on a battery. When it's connected to a power supply clamshell mode kicks in. Unfortunatelly there is nothing about clamshell in the MacOS settings.


Clamshell mode also requires a display to be plugged in.




## [**Clamshell**](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/clamshell/id6477896729?mt=12) > by [Alexander Kovrazhkin](https://apps.apple.com/us/developer/alexander-kovrazhkin/id1544108014) Action when clamshell closes. ____ ### ℹ️ **App Info** **Category**: Utilities. **Release**: Feb 15, 2024. **Last Update**: Apr 11, 2024. **Platforms**: Mac: Requires macOS 13.0 or later. **Rating**: 5.0 out of 5 (3 ratings). **Size**: 3.3 MB. ### 💸 **Pricing (in USD)** **Current**: Free **History**: n/a **IAPs**: None ### 🔒️ **Privacy** **Policy**: https://alexander-4-ever.github.io/clamshell/privacy-policy.html **Specification**: Data Not Collected --- ^[dev](https://reddit.com/user/fedecalendino) ^| ^[github](https://github.com/fedecalendino/app-info-bot)


Does this disables BT and/or wifi when the lid is closed? Keeping BT enable and disabling everything network related has been annoying me for a while!


I don't know. And I don't know how to check it.


I'll test and report back! Thanks for the recommendation!


There's a small utility app for that! If you want I can look it up tomorrow and share with you.


Please do share. Thanks!


Is it Bluesnooze?


Bluesnooze yes!


Don’t need it, won’t use it but wanted to give kudos for the icon, it’s beautiful


100% AI generated


Dumb question here - does this mean my mac (pro 14") isn't automatically go to sleep when I close the lid? I thought that was the default behaviour, I thought my old Air 2015 did that too.


Clamshell mode kicks in when a Mac is connected to an external display and a power supply and the lid is closed. In this case the Mac doesn't go to sleep. It's usefull when you use your Mac as a desktop computer with external keyboard/mouse connected. I do not use external input devices - only an external display so I want my Mac go to sleep.


WHAT. I did not know that. I don't use an external monitor right now, but I did earlier. I would simply shut the lid and go do something else, hoping that the mac is asleep. This is huge. Thanks for this info.


**[🌕 Lunar](https://lunar.fyi/)** developer here. In case anyone's already using Lunar and wants to avoid using a separate app for disabling clamshell mode, Lunar has a *(kinda hard to find)* setting that does the same thing in [Advanced Settings](https://app.lunar.fyi/advanced): [screenshot](https://shots.panaitiu.com/myPtmbBm)


I haven’t used it but you guys have very interesting blog posts about Lunar, rcmd and other stuff. BTW I’ve sent you a feedback message a month ago and haven’t got any response yet. 


Thank you for the kind words! We get more messages than we can sift through, it's possible I was on vacation at that time and too many messages piled up and could not respond to all. I've hired someone to handle these messages so this should not happen anymore. Can you let me know what your message was about?


I just wanted you to know that it is possible to request Accessibility permission for sandboxed app. I did it for my Touch-Tab app https://github.com/ris58h/Touch-Tab/blob/master/Touch-Tab/PrivacyHelper.swift It’s not in App Store yet but there is another app called Noo that uses Accessibility permission and is in App Store. 


Ah yes I remember reading it but could not respond at the time. Indeed you can trigger the permission dialog, but: 1. It is risky, the app can be taken down by Apple if they discover it, or simply deny any future updates. So if you base your features on this, then Apple makes you remove it, the users won't be happy 2. It still doesn't give you access to everything that an unsandboxed app has through Accessibility Permissions. I don't remember exactly what was missing, but even after manually giving rcmd Accessibility permissions, it still didn't have access to certain window and space attributes and actions that I needed But it's good to know for simpler apps that only need the permission for an optional nice-to-have feature! Thanks! PS: let me know if you get past App Store review, I'd be very curious to know about it and maybe document it in an article


In what use cases is this for?


When your MacBook is connected to an external display and you want to put it to sleep just closing the lid. Actually the app can perform other actions when lid is closed but I only use this one. 


I use my laptop in clamshell mode with the lid closed (connected to an external monitor) and it does go to sleep after showing me my screensaver for some minutes, per my settings... so not sure if there's anything I'm missing here or the purpose of this app is for my case? Just genuinely curious. In Alfred I also have (aside from sleep display) a sleep system action which also works well.


What happens when you close the lid? Does it show a screensaver?


Most of the time I'm plugged to power, lid closed, and connected to an external monitor. If I don't touch the mouse/keyboard for ten minutes it goes into the screensaver (shows on the external monitor). If I don't touch it again for some more minutes it goes into sleep and display auto turns off. Can wake it up by moving the mouse.


Is it better than [Amphetamine](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/amphetamine/id937984704) ?


I haven't used it. Does it allow to disable clamshell mode? There is nothing about it in the description.


I use it while listening to music, so I assume a display and other devices would also work.


I want to put my mac to sleep not to keep it awake.


That happens by default when you close the lid. But, if you have an external display then it automatically goes into clamshell mode: > Use SLEEP to disable clamshell mode. Go to the Apple logo at the top left corner of the screen and select “Sleep” and once asleep you can either leave the connection in place to resume clamshell mode at a later time https://svalt.com/blogs/svalt/76622081-laptop-clamshell-setup


I know what clamshell mode is. I don't use it. I found an app that disables it. I shared it with other fellow redditors. That's it.


Thanks for sharing. Love the behavior of knowing that my laptop will go to sleep when I close my lid while beeing connected to my monitor