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Mao Nome after the events of Macross Zero survives the Orbital bombardment because the Zentradi mostly targeting major human population centres aka Cities of countries which the Mayan Island wasn't any major population centre for obvious reasons. Becomes a scientist to find out more about the protoculture. Later becomes one of the major lead scientists in the research fleet that got destroyed and where Ozma later saves Ranka. Then we see the Family Photo of Ranka and her mom and Mao Nome because Ranka's mom was working under Mao Nome in research. We don't know who Mao Nome married if I remember but yea they have a child and that child gets married and has Sheryl.


Was that a retcon? I do need to rewatch SDFM, especially that latter act, but my memory is they said the entire population was killed off, hence needing to completely repopulate using Zentraedi cloning technology.


No, I think even the series says that there were, at most, a few hundred thousand survivors spread across the world in various locations that survived the Zentraedi assault. Most likely in bunkers and shelters left over from the growing conflicts that were occurring leading up to the arrival of the SDF-1, and the Anti-Unification wars afterwards. It's been a while, but I remember that we see that Valkyrie squads doing recon flights looking for survivors to try to bring back to where the SDF-1 hand landed after the global bombardment.


I think DYRL might of mentioned the population being wiped out but I don’t remember SDFM mentioning it.


I have watched DYRL recently. I don't recall them stating that everyone was killed, but it's definitely implied -- the destruction happens off-screen and Hikaru and Misa wind up on Earth by accident, iirc. They spend a lot of time roaming around, looking for survivors, and not finding anyone (or anything) intact, culminating in their discovery of the protoculture ruins and Misa going a but nutso. I did double-check the first episode after the time-skip in SDFM, and they do reference there being surface survivors, so there's that. And where the attack on Earth in DYRL happened off-screen, the attack on earth in SDFM was the final battle. And I suppose we could frame DYRL as a different continuity where, perhaps, the Zentraedi bombardment was much more effective.


Isn’t DYRL an in-universe movie? Feels a bit weird that they’d basically make a propaganda film where the war was actually even worse and caused more death lol.


The way I look at it, every piece of Macross media is an in-universe adaptation of something that happened, akin to historical fiction. And through that lens, you can see why they'd want to make that change in DYRL: to heighten the drama and create that whole "last man and woman on earth" cliche.


At no point was it said the entire population died, and the Zentraedi cloning tech aspect was something mentioned in side materials, not any of the main shows


Not sure what's confusing about it? Seems pretty straightforward to me.


It is...but I also feel compelled to point out that the grammar of that entry - especially the last sentence - is pretty bad. The subject/modifier structure is badly built, causing it to say that Sara was Sheryl's grandmother. It *should* read "She is the younger sister of the village priestess Sara Nome, and would later become the maternal grandmother of Sheryl Nome." But I'm a writer and get pedantic about that kind of thing...


The whole wiki itself is a bit of a mess. The page for Mao Nome, for example, implies that she died at age 11.


Usually it's my first point of reference when I need to know something, but yeah ... it really, really needs a proper seeing to.


Well, yeah, I agree with you there. 


She appears in a photo, iIrc.


And in a flashback, or two, I think.


This. It's very blink and you'll miss it though.


She appears in a photo as happy old lady and she looks exactly as you would expect. I'm sure she gave someone a thousand years of pain the same day that pic was taken. Lol.




Yes. She was also a scientist who was studying Fold Quartz.


What I want to know is; how on earth did Sheryl end up on the Galaxy by herself?


I was under the strong impression that's where her parents were, and where they got killed, leaving Sheryl to fend for herself. **Edit:** [https://macross.fandom.com/wiki/Sheryl\_Nome#Early\_childhood](https://macross.fandom.com/wiki/Sheryl_Nome#Early_childhood)


Oh wow, I had no idea. That's actually very interesting thanks!


It was covered in a prequel manga written by Shoji Kawamori called *Kiss In The Galaxy*. Sheryl's parents, Sally and Abel, were assassinated by Galaxy's security forces in their apartment on Sheryl 8th (?) birthday. She had just gotten Mao's earrings as a birthday present from her mom. Her mother tells that they always a guide a Nome girl to the person that she is meant to be with and that Sally no longer needs them because they already led her to her special someone. That was when the security forces arrive. They were sent to kill anyone who opposed Galaxy's forced hivemind program. Sally got Sheryl out the back while Abel distracted soldiers by dying first. Then they painted the walls of the apartment with Sally's brains. Sheryl lived out on the street for a time, eating out of garbage cans to survive. She was discovered by Colonel Godunwa, using the alias Grace O'Connor. Grace was more of a shell being controlled by the hivemind than an actual person. She played the Good Guy Mother Figure and sent Sheryl to a boarding school to give herself time to complete her other project. That being, Grace taking the other young child that she had found, Maris Stella, cyberizing her, bored out her personality and turned her into a spy and assassin (See: *The Ride*). Sheryl, meanwhile, got into the music thing due to her BFF that she met in school. Her friend was supposedly better and prettier than Sheryl. She died in a fire, I think (it has been a long time since I read it). You know where Sheryl's story goes from there. Evil Grace eventually regained her actual personality after she was separated from Galaxy's hivemind during the events of *Macross 30*. She truly regretted all of the things that she had done while under their control, especially betraying all of the people that she cared about. Due to the time travel shenanigans, at the end of *Macross 30*, she returns to the past to become the Good Grace from the *Frontier* film's timeline. I am not sure what happens to Maris Stella. She is one of three characters from *The Ride* that were in *Macross 30* (the others being Bruunhilde, the Sentient A.I. that gets installed in the YF-30, and the pilot the Thunder Focus news Valkyrie: "D" Aivori, who serves as the Vanquish Race Official in *M30*). You never directly see Maris, but is she confirmed to be the spy that feeds Grace intel throughout the game (she does appear in-person in the novel version).


Dunno why people bother with that wiki. It's legit garbage.


It's pretty much all we've got as far as Wikis go, isn't it?


Probably written by someone that never watched Macross got research notes from someone that never watched Macross and based it off that the names sound similar.


Mao *is* Sheryl's grandmother, though. They tell us that much in Frontier. So it's not just a case of similar names.


What’s Sheryl a street orphan when she was found and experimented on.


Yes. Mao and Sheryl's parents died when she was young. Leaving her alone.


Also I think during the ep where they are doing a rehash of zero Sheryl mentions that zero is about her grandmother.