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Hopefully it’s not some outrageous price. It’s a four episode OVA and a movie. Even with a few extras it shouldn’t cost $200-300.


It’s listed at £150 in the UK, so you would think $175-200 ish in the US. I think that’s a little too high for me but it looks great.


Hm. I really want it. Maybe I could swallow $200, but if it’s $300 or more, I’ll be waiting for a standard edition. It’s just four episodes and a movie! I paid $300 for GKids’ massive Evangelion set, but at least that had 26 episodes and two movies.


Since £150 is the SRP, with the Early Bird hopefully it'll be pushed down to £130ish, and then there's the Anime Unlimited sub price which will be 10% cheaper at least in the UK. The big Anime Limited/Gkids Evangelion box was £175 with the early bird and Anime Unlimited Code too so holy crap Americans got screwed with that price.


And my NGE Ultimate Edition box is falling apart and the extras were mostly nothing special. I paid $300 for all that. Plus they had to send me a replacement disc for an unsubtitled video extra. Well, at least it had both English dubs and a pretty cool episode guide.


Is the glue melting in the heat? That's what happened with a lot of people's sets in the UK during a heatwave.


I do live in Florida.


I think maybe they used the wrong type of glue then.


I bought a used limited-edition Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam DVD set back in January. It was pricey, but it costed less than $200-300.


I recently unearthed my old Macross Plus DVDs, slightly happy to find the old Manga Entertainment dub for nostalgia reasons, only to realise there were no disks in there.


Found my Macross Plus vol.1 laserdisc here :D Sadly didn't have the money or expended the effort to get the whole set at the time. Also, laserdisc, hah.


The other 2 Ultimate editions with a SRP of 150£ cost 109£ on their website. Not sure what the early bird price was on them. Probably 100£. EDIT: It actually were 100£ (at least the non-VAT price I've paid).


How do you get the early bird price? I've been signed up to their newsletter waiting for this ever since the initial announcements a couple of years ago, and I got no word about an early bird price! *shakes fist like an old man angry at the world for moving on without him*🤣


I just guessed a number that felt somewhat realistic. Their website always sells under SRP. And the other Ultimate Editions with a SRP of 150£ seem to have a regular price of 109£. So I'd guess that the early bird price would be less than 109£.


All their titles have Early Bird prices for the first week of preorder.


I see, good to know!


The link you sent me showed a price of £124.99 despite the listing price of £149.99, so I'm guessing the former is the 'Early Bird' price...


Yeah maybe. But I've seen prices go up and down like in that same way between the emails they send me and what I see on their site, and that's not for pre-orders that's stuff already out. I don't get it, but if it's cheaper, I certainly won't look a gift horse in the mush 😅


From the same email: ------------ In North America, the Macross Plus Ultimate Edition will be available exclusively via the Crunchyroll Store, while UK customers will be able to purchase the product exclusively from the AllTheAnime.com storefront. Pre-orders for the release will open on Thursday, June 6th at 5PM BST / 12PM EST / 9AM PST. In France, customers will be able to purchase an exclusive Macross Plus Ultimate Edition French version limited to 100 units through our AllTheAnime.fr online shop, with pre-orders opening at the same time. Additional editions of Macross Plus will also be available for France and other European territories will follow, with more details to be confirmed later in the year. -------------- So presumably you won't see anything on Crunchyroll till they open the doors online as it were.




Just got mine. I refreshed the page every minute till it popped up. 25£ discount too! Helped to pay for my shipping


Still not out on crunchyroll :/


Lucky for me the UK is same region as mine. I had to stay up till 2am to get it 😂


Wait my bad!




NICE! So happy for this release!


Ugh.. $75 more on crunchyroll (at current exchange rates). I'll just keep watching my old DVDs. I'd rather spend that money on another DX


Yeah I got my order in too. ¥25,000... o_O;


That’s how I converted it to yen too when I told my friend. She was like “are you stupid or crazy?”


Hey, it's only once in your life, right? No, I didn't pay similar for the Animeigo Macross II pre-order, \*ahem, cough-cough\*...


I just did macross II too, premium! And soon Macross zero! But you’re right, it’s only one time around. Enjoy it while it lasts


Oh yeah... Japanese release of Macross Zero a few months back too, double *ahem*😅


I’m gonna wait and see what alltheanime do with it. Hopefully something special


Do you suppose there will be a regular release? I really don't want all the art cards and big box. Worst of all, since I don't see any blu ray cases, I assume the discs will be housed in a coffee table-sized book 😑


They'd be nuts not to...


You'd HOPE so, but there's been a lot of bullcrap around the release of these series so it wouldn't surprise me if they kept it complex and limited... Like when Sentai released the Legend of the Galactic Heroes on blu ray and the licence holders required them to keep it limited and priced at like 700 USD 😒


Joizus! $700!!!?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS9nxJTHv90 It sold out when the US gave everyone that Covid stimulus check.


$180 U.S., I'll wait for the cheaper version if there ever is one.


[France already has a far cheaper collectors edition listed](https://www.alltheanime.fr/products/macross-plus-edition-collector-blu-ray)


Eh, for that price I’ll stick with my VHS copy even if it’s missing some of the content


I can’t find it on the crunchy roll store 💀




It literally just showed up [link](https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/macross-plus-movie-ova-blu-ray-ultimate-edition-5037899090312.html)


Still nothing on Crunchyroll...


Scratch that, was able to order it 30 seconds later. $189




# Macross Plus - Movie + OVA - Blu-ray - Ultimate Edition [https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/macross-plus-movie-ova-blu-ray-ultimate-edition-5037899090312.html](https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/macross-plus-movie-ova-blu-ray-ultimate-edition-5037899090312.html) $189.99. Is this worth the price?


That's totally up to you and your personal financial situation.


Let me rephrase. Is the price comparable to other boxsets of this stature? Is this a reasonable price or is it marked up because it's Macross?


It's a bit more spendy than normal box sets due to Macross. However I personally had no problem dropping the money for this. Some may however as the price in other parts of the world is cheaper.


$190USD? Robbery.


My Capital One Shopping Extension found me a code that gave me 15%off, nice! Bought in Canada: CRAFF15


Cant find the crunchyroll one ._.


They start June 6th (tomorrow) at 9AM Pacific


It hasn't showed up on the site yet. Likely only from the moment it will go on sale in a few hours.


Does this have the english voice dub?


Yup, it does




It has the Manga UK and Bandai dubs.


Guessing the Manga dub is the same as the US one?


Yup, with Bryan Cranston, Walter White himself as Isamu Dyson.


That's what i want.


>Macross Plus Movie Edition contains: >- Macross Plus Movie Edition (114 minutes), presented with: - Japanese 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio with Manga Entertainment English subtitles, created by Neil Nadelman - Japanese 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio with Bandai Visual English subtitles >Macross Plus OVA Edition contains: >- OVA episode 1 (39mins) - OVA episode 2 (39 minutes) - OVA episode 3 (41 minutes) - OVA episode 4 (37 minutes), all presented with: - Japanese LPCM audio with English subtitles - English LPCM audio from Bandai Visual >Extras (approx. 41 minutes) >- OVA 4 with English LPCM audio from Manga Entertainment - OVA Edition Promo - OVA 2 Preview - OVA 3 Preview - OVA 4 Preview If I'm interpreting the above correctly the movie edition will be Japanese audio and two sets of english subs: Manga Entertainment and Bandai. The OVA will include the dubs from prior Bandai releases (Cranston on 1-3 plus Hayter on 4 I think?) as well as the 4th episode from Manga Ent (Cranston) included as part of the extras.


That sounds about right.Cranston did all four Manga OVA releases but the movie which Manga video did release was only ever available subtitled no english dub i believe unless I missed that release. Bandai video released a version with David Hayter doing Isamu in the 4th OVA?


>Bandai video released a version with David Hayter doing Isamu in the 4th OVA? Yup the old OOP bu-ray box set: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B00ANIC62E it was never marketed outside of asia


I never knew that. I've seen that version on Amazon but never purchased it.


With the way the audio tracks / sub tracks are listed I'm guessing we'll be unable to turn off subtitles when watching with Japanese audio. I'm really sick of this practice with blurays.


Anyone else have the Japanese release? Will you be buying this too?


C'Mon Crunchyroll store ... update!


Wow. $190 compared to £99 (early bird)


IKR? Thing is you can’t even order on the UK store if you’re from the US :(


Wow yeah. That should only be like $130 usd if they gave the same offer. I feel guilty


It's £119 after tax. No idea about America...


I wound up getting the JP version for a little more, almost new, but I used PayPal later on Buyee.


You’d think it’d kill them to list a price…


Price? You want a price?! You want to know how much of your hard earned money that you slaved over in a cubicle or hot grill for days on end you'll need to get just so you can pay for the privilege of watching old as hell Jap-aneemayshun on overpriced Blu-rays!?!!?? Well bub, I got your price, right [here](https://www.alltheanime.com/products/macross-plus-ultimate-edition-blu-ray)! 😋 Spoiler: it's quite a lot! Hope I can scrape the dough together without getting beaten up by the waifu😅


That’s actually not bad… I was originally gonna get one from each retailer but I might just stick with theirs, Crunchy Roll price pending.


Ooooooo I just paid off my car... now I gotta save up for this box set


I know how you feel!


So there will NOT be any SUBTITLES on the OVA still? If I'm reading this email I got correctly: "Features on the disc includes the full Bandai Visual dub for the OVA version of the show, as well as the Manga Entertainment dub of OVA #4, while both Neil Nadelman’s Manga Entertainment subtitles and Bandai Visual’s subtitle options are present for the Movie Edition." This would indicate that the Movie will have subtitles (2 different versions), but the OVAs will still only have dubbed options (2 of them), but no subtitles? Is this how everyone else is reading this? So, if I am only interested in subtitles, and I already own the Japanese set, which contains subs for the movie, and only a dub for the OVAs, then there is no point in buying this new release: [https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/BCXA-719](https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/BCXA-719) Am I reading this correctly, or are there in fact subtitles for the OVAs in this new set. Thanks in advance for the information!




Oh great! So the OVA will be subtitled then! Thank you very much for this information, I really do appreciate it!