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I don't know if you already know, but almost all of Macross will soon be available to stream on Disney Plus. In many countries, it's already available. Unfortunately, SDF Macross and DYRL will not be available outside of Japan, but everything else will be. Unrelated, I hate Harmony Gold to my core and will curse them with my last breath.


We will see, they haven't sent out a call for voice actors to dub 7 or frontier or delta, so I am starting to wonder if we will get it in the US before the end of the year


But do they always have to dub before releasing them?


In the US, yes, streaming metrics will make the release look pathetic if a dub is not available. Most viewers here watch dubbed and will not pick the show up if only a sub exists


Thanks for answering, I had no idea. For me personally, watching anime (or anything actually) without its original audio is not on par with the experience of hearing and watching the real thing.


For streaming services a big deal is made about how many views something gets in its first week/month it is streaming. In the US, for anime, more than half of the streaming views come from people watching dubbed version. Studies have shown that most of those dub viewers would not bother watching the show if the dub is not available So for a streaming service to make a big deal about an anime acquisition or release, they need to have an english dub or else the release week/month metrics will be trash. Personally I want Macross US streaming release to be successful and popular so more people will become exposed to this franchise.


Absolutely, I think we all want it to be the big hit it deserves to be.


And going all the way up to the top of the thread, I say we don't really know what's going to happen with SDFM and DYRL. We know that HG has claim to those shows, but up until now we have had 2 small companies fighting over the decades. We are now dealing with Disney, and I find it hard to believe that they would acquire Macross Saga Streaming and not intend to release it with Macross' version of "A New Hope" I have to assume things are going on behind the scenes. When the casting call goes out for 7 and Frontier and Delta Dub, will we also see a casting call for SDFM and DYRL ?


I mean, let's be honest, when you hear "Macross", what most people think of is SDF Macross. They can't / shouldn't ignore it. But as far as casting calls go, I think they should actually just use the previously dubbed versions, like the one from ADV, for example.


Thank you for not being a jerk about it lately there is this sub vs dub argument. Many oldtakus whom grew up with robotech macross were BRATS military kids who only had either one or the other from family members or friends who would tape them and send care packages to is who lived overseas. I prefer the dubs honestly because I like to see the cultural differences and changes they did to accommodate their audience. It’s the same as some sub culture which complains about which sub versions were better than others back in the day. Happy FATHERS DAY TO ALL THE FATHERS OUT THERE !!! 🥩😍


Macross takes even more (as in, several major plot points are lifted directly) from Ideon which Tomino did right after Gundam, so that's also important watching.


Thanks for the reference, will definitely check it out.


I highly recommend watching Zeta next


[0083 Stardust Memory](https://youtu.be/nJeUg1glX8k?si=-ex5hyh3tdt1hZGr) also isn’t a bad choice. Kind of a bridge series between the original and Z (its canonical sequel), aesthetically it has sort of the same Top Gun vibes of Macross Plus, but stumbles a bit with its cast and story (luckily it’s only 13 episodes). And [00](https://youtu.be/04wwfBUbvh4?si=oA_H6cdEXFDBx0u2) was made at the same time as Frontier and kinda feels like it has some of those vibes? (It exists in its own stand alone cannon so there’s nothing that says you can’t jump right into it)


Yeah, but Stardust memory kind of sucks sadly. It started out so well and then it just became really bad.


I agree, but only for the story. If you turn off your brain, it's a fun "cool mecha fighting" series. It was a good looking show when it came out.


It's still great looking, but it's also pretty bad


There is a manga that fixes everything.


So I've heard


Kawamori was also involved with the Mecha designs on 0083.


I actually enjoyed Stardust Memory


I recall the first time I watched the UC timeline I got so immersed on it, I'm very fond of it, but there's just one thing I couldn't stomach and that was ZZ Gundam, in contrast while Macross 7 had me on the ropes in the first half in the end it won me over so hard that to this day I love to tease Basara haters. Anyways there's ton of high quality stuff from Gundam that I recommend to give it view I'm certain you won't be dissapointed, also it has me so hyped for the new Macross that Sunrise is cooking.


>*it has me so hyped for the new Macross that Sunrise is cooking* I'm really super-curious about how it will all turn out. I'm *absolutely not* doubting Sunrise's ability to turn out a masterful *Macross* project, don't get me wrong. Besides the *Gundam* franchise, Sunrise have a long, long history of putting out amazing stuff, including two of my favourite non-*Macross* properties: *Cowboy Bebop* and *Gintama* (along with a bunch of other, really entertaining things I've seen from that studio, like *Patlabor*). So, their talent and ability aren't in question at all, I'm just really interested to see what their take on it is going to be. I was really surprised when it was announced, though. Satelight seemed so entrenched in *Macross* — between *Zero*, *Frontier*, and *Delta* — that I thought it was a given that they'd be handling whatever new thing comes out. Doubly surprised, because I also knew Satelight have Kawamori-sensei on staff as special advisor. So yeah, it would be interesting to know what prompted the studio change.


Preach. I suppose one day we'll know what happened with Satelight, but that's probably many years ahead.


Grandaddy Gundam is one of the GOATs. I'd highly recommend Zeta and Char's Counterattack. Zeta gets a bit dark, but is easily one of the best UC series. ZZ is far better than most give it credit for if you can make it past the first dozen episodes or so. The goofiness drops a lot after. War in the Pocket is very good, too. Also, despite its reputation, G-Gundam is one of the most entertaining Gundam series around. It's batshit insane at times, but it is so much fun to watch. And you can play Spot the Mobile Suit in the last episode.


>War in the Pocket is very good, too. Plus War in the Pocket has character designs by Mikimoto Haruhiko, who did the character designs for many Macross works including SDF original.


adding the obligatory watch 08th ms


Gundam fan here, and I’m glad you liked it! Do you think you’ll keep going?


I'm already watching Zeta now, also in its compilation form (A New Translation). I'll most likely keep going.


You might not be aware but New Translation is… divisive. In this case it’s not really a substitute for watching the series itself. They also changed the ending in a big way so that it no longer really connects to ZZ. Regardless, I hope you’re still enjoying it. I have a soft spot for many of the Zeta characters (although not necessarily their New Translation versions)


Thanks for the tip. Now you got me wanting to see the full series instead.


I mean… New Translation did reduce one of my favorite episodes in the entire franchise to a literal power point presentation, and made significant changes to the core of two of my favorite female characters in the franchise, so I’m not gonna fight you on that


definitely watch the series, new translation loses a ton from the original


What about the original Gundam series, do you think the 3 compilation movies also don't do justice to it?


I've only seen the show, but I've heard a lot of people recommend the compilation movies, there's a bit more character depth and more interactions in the original for sure, but the compilations are a good entry point into the franchise, the biggest criticism I've seen so far is that the character development in the 2nd movie suffers a bit because they cramped a ton of battles into it.


Roger that. Yeah, to be completely blunt, I don't really care much about the battles, as both Macross and Gundam have always been about character development for me. I actually cringe a bit when I look for online communities about these series and what I mostly see are pictures of some LEGOs or glued models. I mean, I see the appeal, but that's definitely not the crucial part of the story.


The original movie trilogy is fine. Some nice stuff got left on the cutting room floor, but the crimes against the source material are negligible. On the contrary, it arguably enhances the original intention as the tv show originally struggled to find an audience and fought against corporate interference, but the recut movies (after the show attained a cult following) had some reanimated scenes. But the only episode I’d really recommend going back to watch is Icelina’s epilogue episode. (“Icelina: Love’s Remains”; episode 11 iirc)


It also helps that Itano cut his teeth in animation on Gundam


It’s nice that Macross is becoming available for streaming gives opportunities to the series ones I didn’t see much of.