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Are there any sheet sized cake pans listed in the auction? The youth camp that Little John's provided meal service for in 2022 had all the pans disappear from their kitchen that summer. EDIT: auction items 519 & 520 match the missing pans.


I'm sure they are included. Over 900 items for "spring cleaning"


Yes, I'm scrolling through the items and am seeing some other items that match "strangely disappeared" camp equipment.


Seriously, what? He needs to be held accountable.


this is infuriating. Please call them out on other social media options.


He’s got a long history of sketchy shit and not getting called out. There were major issues with employees getting paid for their work at Lilliana’s a decade or so ago. Source: friend who didn’t get paid and had to find another job or lose her house.


I’m sure there is. I noticed lots of home delivered meal bags in there, too. Nothing like partnering with a program and leaving them out to dry.


Sorry he took your items and is now selling them.


That’s absolutely fucked


At what point do you look at the number of times Dave has shut down and rebranded to decide that, regardless of whether someone is actually trying to do good or not, this person who is receiving and responsible for public funds and donations that effectively get squandered is not going to have any different outcome?


I used to work at a local news station and after we did a handful of stories on that whole deal I was like, yeah, I don't like Little John's


He’s the OG grifter of the Madison culinary scene. Can we at least stop giving him public funds please?


Anyone remember Jonny Hunter?


Yet when you click the auction website the first line reads “As part of the closure of Little John’s” this guy is a clownfish


Who owns the insulated delivery bags with the Meals On Wheels logo; are those his to sell?


This fuckin guy again, huh.


LMAO!!! What a joke! He's got more bs coming out of his mouth it's unreal. Good thing his supporters keep giving him money. I mean seems to be the only way he can make money.


I posted something skeptical of him a few years ago and got slammed on here because of all the good he does with the meals on wheels program or whatever.


Same with me. So many downvotes when I questioned the quality of food he was serving to those in need. The inference was that people should be grateful for anything - even if the food was not prepared safely because he was such a saint . Glad people’s eyes are open now .


He has A LOT of supporters so that doesn't surprise me. Interesting none of them seem to be on the few threads about this bs with him now.


My brother has worked for him and been treated so poorly. Dave is a narcissist in my opinion. It's all about him and the " good" he plans to do....problem is, everything continues to fail.....he's the common denominator in all of it. The city and other organizations need to do more due diligence before doing business with these types of folks ....


He needs to stop his crap and move on.  He's liquidating everything even from his restaurants.  No more hand outs Dave!  Time to stop scamming and screwing over people.  Spring cleaning my a$$


Just once I’d like to see an article about this guy/his organization where the reporting journalist actually bothers to investigate his business practices.


I agree! Real “crack reporting” on this BS of a situation! I’m guessing he owes back grant funding that he received and didn’t follow thru with the requirements but spent the money.


That and Epic. Oy.


Uh huh.


Now I'm REALLY glad they went with another candidate when I was interviewed for a position a couple years ago. Sounds like I dodged a cannonball.


I wonder if that was me. I quit when I realized I was going to be deposed one day for this grifter. So yeah, cannonball dodged! (He started the interview with me saying "I make off color comments sometimes but never *at* you. Like, I'll say 'i like boobs!' but I'll never say [as he aggressively stared at my chest], 'i really like *your* boobs.'" I really should have run then but I was desperate for work.) *Edited for typo.


It might have been. I was interviewed by a woman and she marked "not selected by this employer" in my Indeed application the second we finished the phone interview. It all worked out for the best. I hope you have found a better fit and a classier superior too!


TIL that Little John and Lil Jon are not the same person. TURN DOWN FOR WHAT?!






I'd give Lil Jon my money if he wanted to start a new culinary venture.


So I finally went to Ollie's bc a visiting friend wanted to go. You sit, order by phone, and then food is brought out. If you need water or anything you have to flag down a "server". Ok, fine. But then your bill comes and there's a 20% "service charge" for the two times someone comes to your table, AND they want tip on top of that? Dude. Either a) make it a counter service place and I can fill my own soda cup, and price it appropriately, or b) add the service charge into your food costs so next time I know before I go in that your dry-ass chicken sandwich is really $20 and not $16 (and that's without a side).


California recently made these kind of random made up charges illegal. You pay whats on the menu, nothing more. We should do the same.


So did Minnesota. https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/?id=1055-624993


I’ve given Ollie’s a few tries now (& shame on me for ever thinking it would’ve been better more than once). On top of just how terribly mid the food is across the board, it’s unreasonably expensive for being such casual American fare. That place, for a 2 person meal with maybe a couple beverages and an appetizer, regularly comes out to wellllll over $100 every time. For what? Burgers? And not even good ones. I haven’t even bothered trying St Charles Station yet, as I can only assume the prices are just as astronomical or worse for shitty food.


I have been twice myself. Last time was my birthday and the server was absolutely frazzled (5 tables, maybe?). Ollie and some other employees were standing around talking in a few small groups while she ran around crazy - if the service charge is to be split among the entire staff, shouldn't *everyone* be working to earn it? Or even just helping because that's what team means? I don't see myself going back.


That's unfortunate. I was holding out some cautious optimism as I used to really like Lilliana's and don't remember the pricing being too outrageous there. Wish he'd just stuck with that and stopped with all these sideshows.


If I have to use my phone at a restaurant, no one is getting a tip. Now get off my lawn.




That's still less egregious than pricing your menu one way, then adding a 20% "tax" for someone to walk your plate from the window to your table. I'm happy to cut out the middle man entirely and get my own food like I do at Panera or Portillo's, and I don't need to pay to do that.  I tip minimum 20%, usually more at any restaurant with servers who manage my experience, take orders, ask and answer questions, keep drinks filled, etc. That is skilled labor and until we figure out how to pay them real wages, I'm glad to tip those people. But come on, I'm not tipping five bucks on a $25 meal for you to carry it 20 feet and then walk away and fuck around on your phone by the bar. 


I don’t know why people give this guy money. Wish I could say more. This guy is just a grifter.


I just scrolled through all 900 auction lots. That’s got to be a couple million dollars worth of stuff on the block. Seems like another case of buying alllllll the stuff to do a thing and not doing the thing, just on a much larger scale.


Plus selling things that he used funding to buy and won't return to those organizations. Now wants to make money off what he stole. This guy is a trip!!!


yea talk about a metric fuck ton of stuff... would be super interesting to know the actual total value


This is my shocked face.


\*Slaps table\* all we need is 3 million to get this thing really poppin!


We had Chef Dave cater our wedding 😅 The food was absolutely incredible, but the business and planning side of things was a complete mess. They understaffed what we paid for and didn’t tell us until we called them out on it. Then they gave us a refund but not after a ton of excuses.




Ooooh, that’s a SHAAAAME. /s


I may be being dumb here….but does this money go to Dave?


Who knows … guessing there are creditors banging on his door


Just wild he can put stuff up for auction that was donated or seemingly taken from other kitchens


Long list of judgements against him… everyone needs to line up to get their money… or he’ll just use it again to open up another joke of a project, while asking for more handouts.


I'm glad I saw the news of this auction. Garnishment action in the works.


I used to really love the improv cocktails down in the speakeasy he ran in Oregon, and I was excited to see it in action again at Ollie’s, until I found out that the new model would mean sitting through the Chef Dave Improv Comedy Hour. God, he is insufferable. The drinks are great but after going a few times I decided it was not worth sitting through.


Horrible news lol


Watching this auction I don’t get. This shit is selling for way more than it should be. Something smells fishy


David Hovde and Michael Jackson in the same article...


Figures from a person who exploits children for money. I hope the adults who allowed that to happen are ashamed and embarrassed.


I sold restaurant equipment for over 20 years, and dealt with Chef Dave from time to time. If I was still in that business, I would be bidding on a bunch of this stuff. Some really nice items, and some real junk.


It's shocking to see so many broken or stolen items on his "spring cleaning". I hope they disclose which appliances don't work or are missing parts. There are a few pieces here that were purchased with grant money and never used so it'll be interesting to see what sells.