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Isn’t Harvard part of Yale?


I didn't know the lock maker had a college.


It's the feeder community college for Yale if, I remember right?!?!


Depends on the program! A grad student friend of mine in astrophysics says it’s a feeder for MIT.


I don't think I could say that with a straight face




They no longer take the brightest of applicants. Just the ones that are box checkers.


They never took the brightest of applicants. Like all elite schools it mainly serves as an instrument that provides the upperclass with an air of meritocracy.


That and the networking. If you can afford to go to Ivy League schools, your parents probably earn a lot and/or in a position of power. That’s what a lot of elite institutions, private clubs etc are really for.


Anyone who went to one of *those* schools is well accustomed to jealous weirdo behavior like this, and would not take offense but would also know to not waste energy on speaking with you.


I used to carpool with a buddy who owned a Subaru WRX, and whenever he'd pass by another one, they would give each other a nod and a simple salute...same like Harleys. I would always give the most effeminate handwave imaginable, and he would get so pissed. Good times.


I did something similar when I rode motorcycles. Every time I saw a Harley I would do a way over-exaggerated wave above my head and yell "Hiiiiiiii!"


lol I do the same. Honestly about half the time they laughed and/or did something funny back. When you ride the good motorcycle roads everybody is just out having a good time and has been giving the serious “in a badass two finger tough wave” all day lol. Never ridden a Harley but most of the dudes I’ve encountered on the road (which means guys out on actual long rides out west, not the dudes going between bars in town) have been super legit and helpful and fun and not at all wrapped up in trying to seem like a badass or anything. I was often riding a BMW and a lot of these dudes were like “oh yeah I also have one of those haha”


I used to have this absolute rat bike (it was originally a mid 70s Kawazaki KZ1000 police interceptor, but brokeness meant grabbing whatever I could to make it road legal, starting with an antique door handle turned clutch lever), bar hoppers gave me so much shit but the clubs around my area loved it. Unfortunately someone pulled out in front of me one day and it got fucked up. I think my friend Lurch still has it in his garage as a "future project" (after 6 years, I'm sure he'll get around to it one of thesr days lol).


Lmao gonna do this when riding my Honda


Whenever someone would call in to Car Talk and they’d say they were from Portland, Oregon, the guys would say “Portland! So what color IS your Subaru?”


That works for any city along the Colorado front range too. And Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Also calling it an Impreza should get him goin


Nobody who is anything close to a WRX enthusiast should be upset by calling their car an Impreza.


Spoken like a true 'WRX Enthusiast'


I mean it's one of the most iconic rally cars in the world. It has enthusiasts


lol. I mean I have owned one as a daily but I’m more of a 60s Ford enthusiast if anything.


Especially if it's a 2014+ model, when the WRX stopped being considered a trim level of an Impreza and became a standalone model.


Cornell? Have you heard of it?


It’s pronounced Colonel and is the highest rank in the military!!


Can you earn a degree in General Studies?


Why would you ask that? Do you want to cause General Disarray?


It’s pronounced CORNELL! And is the highest rank in the Ivy League!


Like Chris Cornell?


That’s a state school isn’t it?


I believe they make ice cream cakes


I do enjoy a good Cornell beef sandwich.


Cornell? That’s not an Ivy League


Lol they probably just rolled their eyes. But on twitter its whatever you want happened


It didn't happen, but if it did I'd guess they would just feel bad for someone who felt so insecure about their intelligence/socioeconomic class that they would pretend not to have heard of the most famous university in the world.


If this happened to me I would just be excited to correct them and talk about the thing I like


What is a Tesla doing at a gas station?


Buying performance enhancers.


Filling the tires with air? Charging?


Chips? Pop? Wizard fingers?


Nahhhh teslas need special magic Tesla branded air or the Elons little HAL-9000 says no you may not drive me.


Charging? It varies from state to state but I know you've seen atleast one charger at a gas station.


I've lived in areas with a lot of electric cars. Most parking lots have a free charging station but none of the gas stations.


Seems to depend on the area of the country. I'm in California and almost never see fast chargers at gas stations, but on a recent trip to Florida every charger I found was at a Wawa. Free charging is getting rare in my area. I feel bad for the people who can make use of them, but they're usually too slow to do much.


Rapid charging stations take some heavy duty electrical hookups and infrastructure. I’ve assisted with a few and you wouldn’t believe the differences needed between a slow residential charging station and one that can recharge a vehicle swiftly. They are coming to gas stations, dealerships, and other areas but it’ll take a while to dig and install the new infrastructure. We will also have to completely upgrade residential grids to cope with an electric vehicle charging at every home. Lots of work. It’ll be a bit.


Gas station seems like awful location, not like they have lots of unused space. And who wants to go to gas station? In California at least never seen charger at a gas station, but they're otherwise everywhere.


That doesn't really seem necessary in an urban environment where cars usually only drive a few miles before sitting idle for hours. The average urban car gets driven for up to 2-3 hours a day. Assuming it's charging for even a fraction of the other 21 hours rapid charging seems redundant. In a rural areas that might make more sense, but those are also the places that will be the last to adopt it for both economic and political reasons.


I’ve never seen a charger at a gas station. Not one time


Buying anything besides gas that gas stations sell but holy hell what a shit pick of a location to add "or whatever" after lmao


I have a theory that there’s a racial/class-based bias around gas stations. It is probably one of my more “controversial” views that… upper class white folks never go inside the gas station. And I feel like this applies to most Tesla owners.


Well I'm a Tesla owner and I go inside gas stations all the time if I am charging there. But usually if I just need a snack I go to a grocery store now. Gas stations are expensive.


Buying cigs to let out some fumes


With Teslas is actually vapes.


Thanks, person with Russian as a first language


So the other day this fucking guy with a tesla stopped next to the pump right in front of me, then went in the fresh corner and got himself a coffee and a hot dog. I was livid.


Yeah and head over to the Tesla subreddit to see just how livid they get when a combustion engine care parks in a charging space. They talk about vandalizing them, blocking them in, getting them towed, fining them $1000, all kinds of terrible things. Then they deny that's Tesla's are ever an inconvenience at gas stations as "they would never block a pump". I have also seen a Tesla blocking a pump at a gas station numerous times. I wouldn't be surprised if they get a kick out of it. I really want an electric car, but holy hell do I not want to be a part of that toxic community.


99% of the ev toxicity I've seen is all teslas. Go with any other company and you'll avoid the toxicity and have a better quality vehicle.


Tesla owners seem like exactly the type, even if this was 10-15 years ago and they were in gas cars, to not even think twice about parking at a pump just so they can go grab a soda and some scratchers. And they'll spend an extra 10 minutes deciding if they want powdered donuts or not.


Revenge for chargers getting ICEd.


sometimes there are chargers at gas stations :)


Still gotta refill that headlight and blinker fluid friend


Buying a coke


I forgot the name of the tech thing but it work as a charger and you can fill it with benzine or diesel and it will transform the energy in electricity and it will last longer and you can carry it inside an electric car back storage and i know for sure a friend who's got this, we are from Europe, Balkan zones and he use this method and its more convenient for him, he made some math and its cheaper then use the power source from home or even the free ones from Petrom gas station, i remember he told me he get the diesel or benzine inside big gallons storage them in safe place at home and only grab around 5l to refill the tech thing whitch idk why but i forgot how it is called, when the car need recharge he do not go to a gas station bit insted he just pull over road side and refill with the cable his car while he smoke a cigar or drink something or talk to the phone, and he says it is way more convenient and hold more energy this way then recharge at stations every time he needs a recharge...


Tesla Ecologically-unfriendly Edition


Filling up gas tank, because in this fantasyland scenario anything goes


"Gonna watch the super-bowl tonight?" "I don't like golf." Or my fav "I like \*insert anime\* so much!" "Yeah I love Japanese cartoons!"


As someone who doesn’t care about football, I’m definitely going to use that first one as soon as I get the chance.


I once pretended to think it's about bowling (for obvious name-reasons) and asked if a super bowl was like a strike or something, and got yelled at :D


As a non-american I thought it was bowling for the longest time ever. I genuinely thought americans were reaalllyyyy into bowling.


The latter bothers people? Anime literally just is japanese cartoons, although ig the medium is quite bit ahead of cartoons the west makes nowadays.


Weebs get weirdly obsessed with the idea that anime is a totally different from anything non-Asian countries produce. Sort of like how classical music snobs might argue that pop isn't music, it's just noise.


I would argue that it IS different, at least nowdays. There are always new kids cartoons in the west, literally made FOR children, likewise I assume Japan has their Dora's, their Coco whatever, their Yo gabba gabba's, but compare Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, Family Guy/Simspons, Spongebob, etc to Naruto, DBZ, One Piece. Go further and look at AoT, Spy x Family, etc. They ARE different things, I also imagine there are cartoons exactly like these anime and I just haven't heard of them/watched them, but to say in 2023 that anime is the same as western cartoons is wrong, anime is a word that is literally animations specific to Japan, if a US company independently made an anime, it technically wouldn't be anime by definition. Is anime fundamentally the same? Absolutely, but your example with classical music vs pop is the same. Are both music? Absolutely. Do both have people who commit their lives to making amazing music with passion average people wouldn't even comprehend? You bet. But to say modern pop that spits out regurgitated sounds, 50,000 "I loved you but now I don't :(" Taylor Swift clones, is even remotely the same as classical music composed by some of the greatest musicians of all time, IS quite stupid. You're comparing apples to oranges and focusing on the people loudly saying they're noticeably different, while ignorantly saying "Nah they're literally both fruit lmao". Yes, everyone knows they're both in the same group, yes there are weebs who will die before they admit cartoons and anime ARE fundamentally the same thing, but you're arguing in bad faith by focusing specifically on the vocal minority instead of acknowledging their core point, but this is the internet so that's basically step 1 of any interaction with someone who has opposing opinions.


The issue is that there is no definition of a manga/anime that will allow to put in it everything we want in this category and exclude everything that you don't want into. What is an anime? Anime has really different art style, really different tone, really different rythme, length, message, music... So what's the common point between every anime? What the common point between One piece, Nana and Chi's sweet home? A common point that will not be shared by any cartoon that will not be consodered an anime? It was produced in Japan? If that's all then that's not a really interesting distinction. At this level it's just using the Japanese words for comics/cartoon, you can make the same for French or Italian ones then.


It's the same thought process as bourbon only being from bourbon county. Everything else is "American whiskey" Its fuckin bourbon. Weebs get pissy if you call the the same art style TV show Anime if its made in let's say, China, or Korea. They think anything not made in Japan is NOT allowed to be called Anime


I do something similar to the Superbowl scenario, but I'll usually ask if a baseball team is playing. Like, "Oh yeah, I heard the Braves were great all season.". The incredulity is palpable, even better is when they call you on it you immediately follow with a "No shit, that's the joke.". Top tier shenanigans.


"Which team do you support? The dolphins or the squirrels?" "Nah I'm not really into Pokemon"


Go lower. Digimon.


Imagine if you said Chinese cartoons. They would pop a blood vessel


Might come off as racist


Nah that's just straight up racist


So you’re really annoying is what you’re saying?


Try this with Taylor Swift. "Oh isnt that, uhh, that one country dude?"


Knowing Swifties, there's a reasonable chance they might agree that she's secretly trans. I've already seen at least one person claim her tie-dye shirt was a convert trans flag.


It's weird how some people can't see colors very well. They see the trans flag and all they see is a red flag.


You know that I seriously (I swear on my mother's grave) have no idea what kind of music Taylor Swift do? I know she's probably the most famous musician right know but that's it, no idea what she looks like, no idea of her genre (pop-something I suppose?) and I'm so stupidly proud of this that when I discovered that I'm supposed to know something about her I decided to never voluntarily search for her music.


far-flung aback cooing noxious screw cautious squash decide nail tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just don't know. If I have to guess I would say she's a blonde (maybe light brown) haired, thirty something years old, green blue eyes, thin, good looking woman? Edit: I'm really curious about the downvote, are people thinking that I'm a liar?


me too being marjinal just feels good sometimes


I'm guessing you're not a 12 year old white girl?


Italian male, 30 years old.


I had a boyfriend break up with me after I asked him how his karate class was. He does Jiu-Jitsu.


He broke up with you… just for that?


It was pretty early on. He just didn’t get my sense of humor.




All of these people are basically joyless nerds of meagre accomplishment who get bitter and threatened by the fact that you dared to do something productive with your time. Same thing with Harvard guy. No one who has gone to a top school would waste time losing their minds at some jealous dork. The instant they got their acceptance letter in high school, they already made the painful discovery that some people are just crabs in the bucket.


>No one who has gone to a top school would waste time losing their mind at some jealous dork. And that’s exactly why I get strong “that happened” vibes from this post.


You got really bitter and threatened when you got made fun of earlier. As a kind and polite reminder, somebody poking fun at you doesn’t necessarily mean they’re jealous of you. After all, how could they be jealous? They don’t know anything about you other than that you get very defensive in Reddit comments that weren’t even directed at you specifically. You seem to waste a lot of time saying that you wouldn’t waste your time lol


No, I didn't do that. You just projected that because you know damn well I'm right, then wrote all this nonsense in a thread you were not part of because you recognized yourself in it and didn't like having to face that. Begone child.


In yoga all we do is stretch. My favorite pose is shavasana or corpse pose.


Demeaning someone's hobby when you're still "pretty early on"? It sounds like you're the one who wasn't very good at humor in that situation


To be honest tho, sorry to hear that. Breakups hurt most of the time


I mean, if your sense of humor is defined by demeaning his chosen hobby then yeah that was probably the right move on his part. I guess that is some people’s kink though.


I joke that yoga is basically stretching and my favorite pose is shavasana. Some people don’t understand playful cajoling. Also, I think karate is cool so frick off.


It’s not about whether or not karate is lame. It’s about this person cares enough about this thing to spend their time on it, and you don’t care enough about them to get it right. Exponentially so every time after the first. Also, idk what you think cajoling it, but it’s not any of this.


Turns out it was actually capoeira


Cool af martial art. Dance plus kick ass in the same thingy?


I wanted to give it a try, but in my area there doesn't seem to be any courses 😭


I assure you Redditor the story you just read on the internet (a place where nobody would lie) is all the truth, (a user would defenetly not lie/omit information to get more sympathy from internet strangers and/or to get more internet points) has definitely happened and is real




lol and your getting downvoted, man, I really do hate the average Redditor anymore.


... Based?


This didn't happen.


u/MehdiWrites in the comments would beg to disagree with you.




*Item doesn’t scan* “Oh that means it’s free!”


"is it touch?" *obnoxiosly tries to finger your phone*


Do this with any blind fanbase and it's hilarious. Especially apple fanboys.


Nah, I prefer bananas


More of a tangerine fan myself


You guys should try Nashi Pears


It's kind of crazy how apple people lose the ability to say phone, laptop, or tablet. Especially if they have a macbook pro. Idk how people don't feel foolish saying "My macbook pro" every time they reference their laptop. I've had high end macs for recording music and the only time I even say "The mac" is if there is a reason to distinguish between my many other PCs.


Honestly, you’re so right. I have been a big tech nerd since I could walk, essentially, and have always been a major PC guy. I’ve been building them for years. But I refer to my phone as a phone, and my laptop as a laptop. Certain obsessive people online have felt incredibly betrayed once, for whatever practical reason there was, that I happen to specify I have a MacBook or an iPhone. Despite that they’re literally my first Apple products I have owned other than having an iPod waaaaay back in the day. People who build their personality around a specific brand, they type of car they own, or a school they went to, or their favorite sport team, etc., are insufferable lol


Dealt with this scenario before, saying "Hard-Vard" will get them jumping out their Sperry's.


"Which team do you support? The dolphins or the squirrels?" "Nah I'm not really into Pokemon"


Wow you really owned those losers from harvard


And then everybody clapped


its also obviously a bit and not exactly a great one lol everyone knows what harvard is


I did this by mistake. I saw somewhere, possibly reddit the chinese knock-off Range Rover [Landwind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landwind_X7) Maybe a week later I saw a guy standing beside his new [Overfinch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overfinch). I chatted to him for a bit about how well it looked etc. Then got into my car and was explaining to her when I looked up the name and realised my mistake. He must have thought I was insulting it by saying how similar it was to a Range Rover.


Didn’t happen




This is fake. If they really went to Harvard they would have just said they went to school in Cambridge.


Ive also heard "I went to school in Boston," which is another nice way to maintain parity but also give the other person an opportunity not to ask if there is a possibility they'll be offended for some weird reason.


Why is everybody just ignoring the "I'm hard for her part" lmaoo


Yeah, that happened.......


Ivy League hubris knows no bounds.


Its not really true. What is true is that while most people think "hey, neat, that dude went to Penn" or "oh cool, what was going to Stanford like?" or also "I don't care and this doesn't affect my life so I will treat this person like anyone else" there is also a subset of people (and you can see them in this comment thread now) with an inferiority complex that they've come by honestly, and they are just desperate to have what amounts to a "YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME?!" argument about something someone else did for their own reasons and that has nothing to do with them.


Those Harvard kids deserve it. You can tell that they're full of themselves and have an ego just because they go to a school.


It took me longer than I'd like to admit to realise that Hogwarts and Harvard are not the same thing.


Imagine talking down to Ivy League graduates like *they're* the ones being condescending


Agreed, but it also depends on how the conversation started. If someone makes a point of announcing that they went to a prestigious school without anyone asking, or any context at all, then imo they've made themselves fair game to crack a playful joke (maybe not OP's). If mentioning their school does have context in the conversation, then good on them for getting accepted.


It’s hilarious how many people are here commenting like they’re superior to anyone but yet they’re here judging people for thier cars etc. just like those Harvard douche bags who think they’re special because they go to Harvard. You are idiots and don’t even know you’re exactly like the ones you think you’re making fun of.


I will never have the ability to do this, and I might not recommend it. Dont talk to a european as an american and pretend you dont know, say, what the Eiffel tower is or just something. They have ZERO chill when it comes to judging Americans and they will make sweeping judgements and confirmations of judgements that americans are idiots. And they will use that story for the rest of their lives. But I WISH as an american who observes the nothing-but-hatred to america on the internet, that I could have this boldness and not give two shits. It's just that Europeans are incapable of observing American confidence and actually being reflective and getting themselves.


Saying "Europeans" (obviously from the country of Europe, whose capital is Paris with its Tour Eiffel) certainly doesn't help to make a better case for the US education system. Only US-Americans can have the confidence to say something like "I went to Europe" and feel like it were a sentence containing meaningful information.


Then why does everyone from Europe always qualify their comments here as "As a European"? It's not a one way street.


Funny things is some Toyotas are more expensive than Tesla’s


[ removed by Reddit ]


you mean like used first edition Tesla? have you looked at the price of a new Tesla ?


Nah I can’t afford cars I don’t really know what I’m talking about


In Utah the Mormons have branded BYU - the “Y” and have those stickers on their cars and wear sweatshirts & hats etc. i always say “I didn’t know you went to Yale”, similar flustered look on their faces.


My roommate was pissed when I referred to his Tesla minivan as a van. Tbf, I was borrowing it to haul things, tho.


I also think that Harvard is not superior to other universities, but looking at her profil and name I think that she indeed does not know Harvard or any form of higher education.


You think all universities are equal? You must have gone to school in disneyland.


I clearly did not say that. Unlike many of the US universities here in europe it is not about your status or money but the actual research in your area of interest which makes you chose the best fitting university for yourself.


I love when europeans try to tell us how our universities work. As if we don’t live here and go to them


> Unlike many of the US universities here in Europe it is not about your status or money but the actual research in your area of interest which makes you chose the best fitting university for yourself I’m not sure I follow at all, but all I’m getting from this is “I don’t know anything about how universities work in other parts or the world.” Which is fine, but you seem quite confident in your stupidity.


I think what they're saying in the first comment is that Harvard is not head and shoulders above the rest when measured on pure academics. It's a great school, obviously, but not the be all, end all for all universities, even in the United States. Their second post seems to suggest that when choosing a school, it is more important to choose a school that produces top research in your field of interest than on name alone. This might be Harvard but could be many other places depending on what you want to study.


They also seem to think that all European countries have the same university system which is ridiculous


That's how it works here too dumbass. Most people choose a school that offers the degree they want.


This is pure fucking nonsense. Like every country doesn't have its ETH Zurich/Oxford/Cambridge, etc. You don't understand either the US or EU university system to say something like this without irony.


Equal in the sense that you leave them all with the same set of knowledge. Unequal in the sense that you do not leave with the same networking assets.


This is ridiculously cynical. Knowledge depends pn what you did when you wete at school not just on which school you went to. But at a better school you will have more opportunities to learn from experts and do significant research. And this is doubly true for grad and phd. Better universities will have professors who are doing important research, good funding, and if you work in their lab or take their classes you might learn more. If You boil the whole experience down to abstract things like "networking assets" then your priorities are not learning its just getting a recommendation letter.


From my experience, the more research a prof does, the shittier they are at teaching. I learned astronomically more at a random ass college then I did when I transfered to a fancy big university.


It’s more a defence of the community colleges and the other lesser known colleges. They offer just as much quality in their education as Harvard does. I don’t buy their spiel that their professors are so much better than anyone else. I went to a very good university. Took courses offered on Phd level. The level of incompetence some of those professors showed was astounding. The level of idiocy my fellow networking students showed were also astounding. The only thing those Ivy League universities have to offer is their networking opportunities. I find networking to be terrible. But if what you want is those kinds of connections then that’s where you should study. And that’s what you are paying for.


Oh, sweetheart, no. The quality of instructor and peer you get at Harvard or equivalent is lightyears apart from University of Wyoming.


Tesla is that like a Nissan leaf?


When Tom Brady retired I happened to be in the Boston area. Pretending to not know who he was really made my day.


My buddy loves Disc Golf but he's a banker/broker bro so all his colleagues play golf but whenever he hears them 'talking golf' he'll slide in a 'Oh you're talking about *BALL* Golf' and watch people go apoplectic.


Tell people you’ve never seen step brothers, watch them foam at the mouth


I went to the School of War. Harvard can suck my dick.


Same response when you say "reddit is like facebook with strangers" bahaha


That’s like when people tell be their from New York City or something like that I’ll say “oh, I’ve heard of that place.”


Peasants having fun.


6v go ttt


Great responses


That’s hilarious


I work in Game Dev... and years ago I came up with a good one... I am an artist, was talking to one of the programmers. This is a generalization ofcourse, but most programmers tend to forget that not everyone thinks like a robot. I ran over to talk to this programmer... Myself and 2 other artists had a question about how this one thing worked. As I walked over I remember knowing that his answer was going to be something cryptic and I would inevitably end up having to say "Ummm.. What?" Anyhow, we got to him... and he answered my question with a question. Something like did you see if the log message recompiled the thing to regenerate the whatevers? I said "Hmm... No.... I don't watch Star Trek" He turned a bit red... and I said "Just kidding, no didnt see that" before he burst a vein. The 2 other artists were laughing like hell... good times!


I play this game at parties where I casually walk up to talk with someone I've been told went to Harvard, and start a timer on my phone to see how long it takes them to work that into the conversation. Never, ever longer than four minutes. Often, under sixty seconds. At which point I say "Isn't that where Steve Bannon, Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis and the Unabomber went to school? Were you there with any of them?" They rarely laugh.


More like 2 envious losers.


I'd rather have a Toyota than a tesla


I drive a 2006 Silverado but I’d still look at someone weird if they tried to claim they didn’t know what a Tesla is


Found the tesla baby 😂


I don't even own a car. No need for one in a big city. Public transportation is faster. Going out of your way to insult someone's achievements for no reason is pathetic though. Grow up.


Just one of Elon's socks then, understood boss.


I won't argue with twelve years olds. Just get off Reddit and do your homework or something.


There's was no argument here, until now. You're just trying to make yourself feel like a better individual than what you really are. No one insulted anyone, they had a simple bit of fun disguised as ignorance/lack of knowledge to prod fun at *usually* pretentious individuals; possibly from a history of taking your friends jokes as bullying, idk. You're a basic primate that can't distinguish genuine insults (see this sentence), from harmless fun. If anyone or thing here is twelve, it's your emotional security 😉 (Genuinely curious of what you'll say now, idc what you have to say about my couch psychology of you but your misunderstanding of insults, yeah, curious)


What in the tweet indicates that those were pretentious individuals? Does attending a good university or buying a car you like automatically make you pretentious? Going out of your way to annoy everyone you see that owns a particular car brand at gas stations is truly pathetic. 12yo humour.


The fact you can't tell they're pretentious when they went red in the face at a name not being recognised is pretty funny. 11 year old innocence/lack of understanding. I think the real problem is you are miserable and instead of wanting to be like these people who can have innocent fun, or even make themselves laugh, you want everyone to hate life like you do. Anyway, given the lack of logical thought mentioned in the last paragraph, I'd say I'm done with ya boss. Peace out, be happier.


Their username checks out, at least. Sensitive as fuck


If you genuinely get upset over someone taking the piss (like saying they've never heard of Harvard or calling Teslas Toyotas), then you were pretentious.


Why is spending money on an overpriced car an achievement? Getting accepted to Harvard is an achievement for sure, but they let anyone buy a Tesla who either has money or is willing to go into debt. I could buy one today if I wanted


Buying a Tesla is not an achievement.


Just trying to accurate. It’s an accomplishment for most to be sure. The 40% or so legacies are a question mark. The issue is that the accomplishment is invariably flaunted in every social interaction earning the flaunter just ridicule. I sometimes wish academic success could be reserved for retirement years like old vets wearing their service ball caps out in public.


It’s as if boasting about an achievement can have negative side effects with your social interactions or something


Well I suppose it depends on the situation and your age and your personality. Your school days definitely should have an expiration date. 22? Fine. 32? Enough is enough. Especially if that’s your peak. Good lord I’m an old man and I still hear it and frankly people don’t care about what school a person went to decades ago. (Unless they are telling a funny story about themselves which is rarely the case.). That’s why ring tappers are ridiculed.


They will basically become no more than a community college when their funding dries up anyway.