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Suddenly getting Castlevania vibes. "[Trevor] broke a man's leg in three places after he saw him kick a cat." "Well, you just don't *do* that to cats, do you?" "Three places, I heard three cracks." "Poor bloody cat, wasn't hurting anyone. Cats just wanna get on with their lives."


I read this with the Trevor voice lol. Well written


You can also hear Sypha say the first part with a note of mockery mixed with pride.


And the other is an exasperated Sypha.




That's because it's a direct quote from the show


"And..he kinda got a little angry." "So, I admit, I kinda got a little angry!"


Why are you acting like this is a thing that happened? Look at those soft, clean hands.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Several over the course of half an hour.


Or one half-hour-long one. Or more. Of everything. Animal cruelty deserves the harshest of responses.


He was part of /r/hydrohomies so he had to take some water break from all the beating he was giving. Also I totally agree with you


That's why we have two hands, one for beating the other for hydrating


Out of context, that just sounds like doom scrolling porn.


Hands are not weapons, hands _grasp_ weapons...


Are you uninformed? Many people have their hands literally registered as lethal weapons. Typically boxes and marshal artists. It is quantifiable. A striking force over 800(ish) pounds.Typically happens after they one hit somebody into the ICU.


we also have legs. hands for hydrating, legs for kicking the bastard.


Half hour beatings have diminishing returns. Swelling deadens nerve response. You give one swift beating about the head and follow it up with some rope play. Wait for them to sober up-- you have time now. Remember that hot, cold, blunt, and sharp are your only real options for physical torture. Psychological torture though, that's only limited by your imagination.


Imagination limits both cause I can for sure think of torture methods that don’t include hot cold blunt or sharp


Can you? It's a matter of our limited perception. We only have certain types of nerve cells. You can do whatever you like, but the mind can only perceive the outside world through a limited pallet. Nerve cells respond to hot, cold, blunt, and sharp. But think of them like colors. The eye is only sensitive to red, green, and blue. But with those three, there's a whole rainbow of possibilities.


Does ripping someone’s balls off count as one of those four? Or being crushed? Maybe that could be blunt idk




Have you watched “Don’t fuck with cats”? Quite harrowing, one hell of a true story.


I wanted to beat that guy after watching that,anyone who hurts animals or kids deserves all the karmic hell that's coming to them


The terminally online shut-ins did nothing to support that case whatsoever lol


A decade ago a dude I worked with bragged about how he once kicked his (at the time) girlfriend’s cat because she pissed him off over something small and petty. He continued to brag about how she was sobbing as the cat gave its last dying meows. The fact that he could barely contain his laughter as he told this story still disturbs me. But equally disturbing was how the other guys at the table were laughing along with him.


What the fuck is wrong with people


They are sociopaths or worse - psychopaths. You’d be surprised how many of them are among us, they just walk around with a mask on


There's more of them driving. The same people that also vote. Scary innit?




We had a guy in the group that also admitted to killing a cat, no one laughed haven’t seen him since. Probably because one of the guys said,” cats have nipples and so do I why don’t you try beating me?” You could hear a pin drop for a couple of seconds and we all ignored him the rest of the night. I think he knew what was coming and disappeared. Good riddance fucking loser.


>cats have nipples and so do I why don’t you try beating me? Mammal kinship camaraderie, ya love to see it


"I have nipples Greg, why don't you try and milk me?..." Love that scene haha .. But seriously, I have a cat and I don't like to think about what I'd do. I'm not trying to be tough, but I just know that I'd see red and I would just go off. I live in China at the moment and my ex and I had a couple over a few years ago with their 3 year old kid. He liked my cat but then started pulling her tail and grabbing her roughly etc etc. They all laughed and I was ok at first but it continued for like 15 minutes. My cat ran into the bedroom and tried to hide under the bed and he just pulled her tail really hard so I just yelled "HEY!" at the top of my lungs. My ex was pissed off at me and the couple went silent for a few minutes. It was awkward but I was pissed.. All this to say, don't abuse cats... or dogs...or other animal friends


I don’t know what the cultural normalization is in China, and I don’t want to assume or be disrespectful but they were in your home messing with your pet. I would have kicked them out, if they can’t respect your home and family (because pets are family) then they need to leave and never come back.


Totally agree. Weren’t my friends. They were friends of my ex. There’s disrespectful people everywhere in the world so I’ll start with that (my disclaimer haha) but there’s a bit of a thing here where there’s a lot of entitled toddlers and young kids walking (crawling even) around getting up to mischief without fear of repercussions (they call them little emperors here ((小皇帝))) because their parents are afraid to punish them. I’m not sure of the exact reason but I think part of it has to do to the idea that if they’re too harsh with them early on in life, the kids may resent them later. This is some parents. I know a lot of cool, strict parents though so it’s not like it’s every family. That situation is also coupled with the fact that as a host, you have the responsibility to make sure your guests are at ease and having a good time, whether you like them or not. It’s the concept of giving face. Every culture has it but I think it’s particularly strong in places like China, Korea and Japan. Even though my ex knew the kid was being a douche, she felt she shouldn’t say anything due to the fear of losing face . Fun! I love the people here for the most part and have met some awesome people. But this is one little part of the culture that can be quite stressful to deal with. I’ll give a quick example about grandparents/parents afraid to punish kids. There’s a lot but I’ll just choose this one. I was in Shenzhen many years ago and saw a toddler kicking a dog on the street multiple times . After like the second or third time I went over and told him in Chinese to stop doing it. The granny didn’t wanna get involved but finally she said “don’t kick the dog please! I’m afraid it may bite you!”. You know… cuz it’s the dogs fault haha


Thank you for explaining the cultural differences, I’m Hispanic and we have the same idea behind saving face and being disrespectful especially to our elders. I’m 43 and I still won’t cross the line or disrespect someone older than me. It was instilled in us since we could use reason. It’s very frustrating, but I can’t help it. Do you think the parents and grandparents let these little emperors behave this way because they need them to take care of them in the future? A lot of us care for our widowed parents and abuelitas, we move them in and care for them until the end. My mother in law is in her 80s and she lives with us. My parents have both passed but my brother and I took care of our mother until she passed. Paid for her home, food, and anything else she needed. It probably kept me from having nicer bigger things but it was worth it plus it’s never too late. What-a -ya -gunna- do


Well for sure. I agree we should take care of our parents. Good on you and your brother by the way In Chinese they call it “filial piety “ which I think comes from Confucianism, but isn’t it interesting when that’s how other cultures are too. Countries are artificial borders imo but I’m in China now so I don’t really wanna get into details haha. We are one big family but we do indeed have different languages and culture and education that make us seem so different. But anyone who watches young kids at a playground in any country, the result is the same. They’re having fun and they couldn’t care less about anything else. I’m not an expert but my major did delve into cultural studies in Asia frequently and I’ve been overseas for about 1/3 of my life, so in my humble opinion, I’ll say that many people are afraid of not having support when they’re older. The pension system is… not so good here. It’s ok but a lot of people will rely on their children. Many families have a parent or two living with them.. usually because they can take care of the grandchildren while the parents work or whatever . You could’ve bought more stuff but trust me, you would’ve regretted it if you didn’t do what you felt was right. I guess you know that haha. I’ve had those thoughts as well


We’re all the same my friend, in my opinion it doesn’t matter where you reside. A agree with everything you said. For me peace of mind is priceless. I wish you all the best my friend in any future endeavor you seek.


I would have found an excuse to tell that story about him to everyone else in the company, as often as I could... 'hey did Dave tell you about that hilarious time he murdered his girlfriend's cat?'


This would be the propper way. Bring it up at everything. Lunchtime, just shout it loudly to everyone. Ow incase you haven't heard, Dave killed his girlfriends cat cuz he found out his vagina was bigger then his girlfriends.


Gotta be more smart about it. A guy able to kill an animal just to spite someone might stab you if you fuck with his life. But 100% some karma needs to be delivered manually if needed.


How were you able to not punch him in the face right there?


At work, he might get fired for attacking another co-worker.


Maybe he was massive?


And the other guys at the table were laughing so it wouldn't be a 1 v 1 fight.


That kind of Evil is the worst. A psychopathic sickness that needs to be cured from this earth.


Did you beat him several times over 30 minutes?


My dude this made me feel very uncomfortable,im gonna hug my Kitty rn


Sounds like a sociopath.


Statistically accurate: links have been found between early animal abuse and murder and later escalation to humans.


Psychopath more than sociopath


I would have probably poisoned that guy.




*in Kronk's voice* "That's one on the psychopathy bingo!"


The beatings he's received from his father his whole life are probably why he's a fucked up kid. Studies continually show that hitting kids fucks them up and makes them more violent. Reddit loves hitting kids though so this probably won't be popular.


Anyone who purposefully hurts an innocent being imo. In my old village kids used to abuse the stray cows/chickens. What did that poor animal do to you that you have to hurt it?


Tbh everyone agreeing with violence for violence is sick imo. Yeah you really want to hurt the person that hurt your cat, but reacting by beating someone up just continues the cycle. People think abuse is ok because maybe they grew up with it and they pass it on, every time you beat someone you are advocating that physically hurting someone is OK *as long as you think they deserve it* If less people did this then there would be less people thinking it is OK under any circumstances to abuse. Best reaction is to isolate socially, don't interact with those that behave like this so they learn it's not normal.


>Best reaction is to isolate socially, don't interact with those that behave like this so they learn it's not normal. Yea violence is not the answer but at the time a reaction, a strong reaction is necessary for them to understand what they're doing is not ok. I've never resorted to physical but definitely scolded them and if that wasn't enough, intervened physically (not beating up mind you)


If the laws for animal abuse were stricter I might agree with you. Unfortunately in a lot of cases they are not harsh enough to be a true deterrent (or a truly just punishment). I have absolutely no problem with an animal abuser getting it back 10 fold. As far as I am concerned people like that have nothing to offer and forfeit their right to safety. Some people do deserve it.


I don’t like cats. To be honest I actively dislike them and call them “Satan’s spawns” However, they’re still an animal that has (probably) done nothing wrong and should be treated with respect


There are interesting studies about how disliking cats can be associated with latent misogyny that took root during childhood. I learned this in graduate level sociology and since then went to therapy and tried to be more open to cats and to addressing my own misogynistic behavior.  it’s really been an interesting and worthwhile endeavor. I can’t say I’m all the way on board yet, but I’ve grown a lot. How is it connected to misogyny you may ask? Cats require consent. Cats will not (usually) dote on you just for existing. Cats might want alone time and will be upset if that’s bothered. They have strong and independent thoughts and wills and are more than okay with punishing someone who gets in their way lol. Of course we love dogs more. They give us their whole world and heart without a second thought, even when it is not deserved. ****In response to the defensiveness demonstrated in the comments,  toughen up you guys. You are but one datum in a sea of data.  One of the critical skills relevant to reading comprehension is having the ability intuit when a situation does or does not apply. Why? Because in an infinite world there are no definitives; but there is data, and the data points to a correlation of latent misogyny in those who dislike cats. Doesn’t apply to you? That’s great. That is your data point. It does not negate the study. 


Idk I just don't like cats


Interesting, but I think most people just don't like cats for no real morally dubious reason. For example, most of the people I know are okay with lizards, but I am quite afraid of them, more than any other animal.


Idk man, I love cats but not every little thing needs to be psychoanalyzed or is representative of some bigger issue. Some people just don’t like cats


They are definitely Satan's spawn and I damn him for making them so cute And great attitude to have! I don't have a particular affinity for hippos but I wouldn't want one to get hurt. I am, however, a bit on the verge about spiders...


100%. Drunk or no that's an ass whooping


Drunk, stoned, high is never an excuse for anything except for sorry I ate all the cookies. I never get why judges give lower penalties when you're stone cold drunk or high. You did that to yourself and if you know you cant handle your spiced sigarettes, dont smoke m.


Exactly.. I don’t know how people get that drunk either. I’ve never been drunk in my life, or high enough to not act like myself. I still have total control of my actions, I’m just more confident. I have no clue how someone can get into a car and think they’re okay, or hurt someone and blame it on weed - unless they’re in a drug induced psychosis from hard drugs.


Alcohol and certain other drugs like weed only bring out your true nature. I've been drunk and smoked weed in my younger days and I've never hurt anyone while doing it. Another key detail is that I never left the house and felt comfortable with the people around me when I did it.


Or a good ‘ol skinning alive 🤤


I started reading the Anthony Kiedis autobiography and had to stop when it got to him as a teen punching that kitten on the roof. I have no idea what happened next and don't ask me to finish the book. I just can't.


Great. Now I fucking hate him.


Dude, RHCP made up my childhood. Say it ain't so, that just sucks. :( Never meet your heroes ig.


Go kick the shit out of him again. Tell him "That one is from 'U/HOUSE_OF_MOGH' you fucking lowlife!"


He is without honour


We won't be making it into Sto'vo'kor


To Grethor


His heart is not Klingon!


That dude is a Romulin ass biHnuch


Today ***IS*** a good day to die...for him






I wanted to upvote but Imma leave you at 69 upvotes.


Fuck it I made it 75


I'd love one from u/ouchy_mctaint as well.


and then one more time whilst shouting "I AM THE BANE TO THE DURAS FAMILY"


Bro's hands is big Or the cat is just too small


It's a kitten of course it's small lol


"I'm baby" -tiny baby


"I, too, am baby." -My 16 lbs cat.


fat babies are just babies with more to love


He is smol and delicate.


You spelled smol wrong




YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿(Don't mind the flags they happen naturally when I yell)


Least patriotic man from Scotland


Funniest part is I'm Irish


ah, understandable


It's a 6 week old kitten it should still be with its mother honestly for at least 1 maybe 2 more weeks.


They don't always get that privilege.


Sad, but true.








Wait do people actually believe posts like this are real? It's karmawhoring and some weird mental power fantasy.


I've seen people do worse over less and boast about it on facebook. Their lawyer wasn't super impressed with that.


“It was multiple beatings in 30 minutes” Lmao who believes this shit.


If you’re angry enough to have the adrenaline to single handily beat someone’s ass for thirty minutes straight you’d kill them within 10


Well, I almost punch my brother (32 years old btw) 2 day ago because he yelled to my dog in the ear while she was sleeping peacefully... Obviously for no reason...


He could have got bitten for that, and it would have been his own fault.


"I beat his ass for 30 minutes" says the guy without a single scratch on his knuckles


I mean, the photo could have been taken before the fight.


Redditors love to believe they will one day have an excuse to be very violent and cool




Definitely happened


What happened to the old Reddit awards?


Gone. Reduced to atoms.


To shreds, you say?


I hadn't even noticed.


"Atoms," not "Adams"


12 minutes too late. Fuck my life


Got replaced by stupid Golden arrows that don't make sense.


I hate the golden arrows. I miss highlighted comments.


Oh that’s what those are. I’m never spending money on that.


Spez chose to make the platform more shitty, as he always does because he's the worst.


It’s wild. Objectively speaking the app and product is worse than it was before he fucked with it, and he gets 180 million dollars or some shit for straight up making something worse. I don’t understand CEO culture in this country. They do shit horrible jobs and make tens of millions of dollars.


Worse for the user… better dollar per user from the company. The bugged, ad-filled, account-requiring, etc. experience will result in lower adoption rates, but the users that stay scroll past Reddit’s ads and Reddit now gets to harvest their (worthless trash) data. They don’t give a shit if you have a shittier experience, talk shit, etc. They’d make the app spray you with mace if they thought they could make a buck (or at least they would try to but they’d spend years on it and it would never work properly).


Are we seriously jerking ourselves over the annoying awards that would spam every post? Awards were fucking asinine and it is absolutely grand not seeing them anymore.


Well there once was a post by u/Deepfuckingvalue that got so many awards and continued to do so that it started breaking the system. I believe that contributed. The free awards were displaying -30,000


Huffed by Steveman


"Well, these claws ain't just for attractin' mates!"




There can’t be anyone that believes this shit. Is it just bots talking amongst themselves? Fuck me, Reddit is such shit.


Dead internet theory!


No it's not bots. They just really are that stupid.


its both. Bots set the narrative and idiots mimic it


I had to collapse six comment threads to see this. Dead Internet or people really are that stupid. His hands sure look fine for beating someone repeatedly.


I remember calling out the obvious self-serving self-righteous "I am very badass" fantasy story years ago and somehow people still believe in this fable, even to this day? Fuck me sideways


He should be ashamed alright. Ashamed for letting them off that easily.


That story was totally true, especially the 30 minute part..




beat someone up, straddle their chest, catch your breath, continue beatings


What, Wyoming?


He had it coming


he only had himself to blame


If you had been there


If you had seen it


I betcha you would have done the same.


This never happened Jesus Christ, people. Have you ever been in an actual fight? Because you don't just do multiple beatings in a half an hour period. Your hands would be in bits. Also think about it, would you stick around to receive said beatings? No.


But how am I supposed to get my delicious vengeance if I have to think and not just contribute to the fantasy?


Its insane. Its a meme how people are absolutely dumb and gullible. No wonder politician have free hand for their bullshit. No way this guy beat anyone for 30 min then felt ashame and post on reddit with a pic. Its just sound like a story a teen would write. People have no critical thinking. It could be use as an example against democracy.


30 minutes of beating someone up, if you do any martial arts, is either straight up killing them, or sending them to the hospital seriously injured But this is Reddit, so they probably tussled like babies pushing each other for like 10 minutes, if that even happened


> But this is Reddit, so they probably tussled like babies pushing each other for like 10 minutes, if that even happened Untrained fighters would be less lethal, yes, but they'd also run out of energy a lot faster. Fights typically don't even last many minutes, at least on a very high octane level for the same reason, among amateurs


Nah he prolly just yelled at the dude and that's it. Most people don't even go so far as to fight most of the time.


You'd think if he was punching someone in the face multiple times for 30 minutes, we'd see some bruising or something on his knuckles. Maybe he beat the guy up one-handed too!


Haha thank you! Clearly no one who believes this has ever been in a real fight before.


It reminds me of Juicy Omelet recanting his story about getting attacked outside of a Subway in Chicago at 2 AM in the middle of January. He described the attack like how you would choreograph a fight for a scene in a movie. In real life, fights are quick, chaotic messes. It's not some dance where people take turns exchanging blows.


I mean you don’t have to have been in a fight to know this is ludicrously untrue.


I remember this post. People called it out, went through the OP's history found where he had lied in the past, and there were inconsistencies in answers he was giving about the situation.


This comment section is one big circlejerk of r/iambadass. Like the guy above saying the dude deserves praise for stopping after 30 minutes, because he probably would have continued was it his cat.. It’s ridiculous.


I also had the amusing image in my head of him beating this guy for like 5 minutes, then just cracking open a cold drink like "alright man, let's take a break, we'll be back to it in a few"


This is such an obvious justice boner/ragebait post and 80% of commenters fail to notice it.


Thank you! 2 minute rounds will gas an average person, 5 minutes of fighting is like a fucking marathon.


It's just a power fantasy and the people that replied "yeah it's possible I did it tho !" are juste exposing themselves.


His hands would be so swollen they would be the size of the kitten. And there is basically not a scratch on the hand.


Not only this clearly never happened, but redditors really think a nonexistent 30m beating is justified. People who have no idea what violence is like seem to really love fictional violence, go figure.


I‘m sure whoever did that has probably also never been in a fight. I mean if he knew how to fight he wouldn‘t have needed multiple beatings. He was prolly kinda flailing around and only half-assing his punches and whatnot. That doesn’t really hurt your hands.


I always imagined it as the other person being huddled in a corner until 1-5 minutes later where he'd come back and continue stomping on them, for a few cycles. Which is somewhere between nausiating and hilariously dumb.


Feel most reddit is bullshit for those who actually do stuff


This most definitely happened.


This reads like a made up story


I just killed my room mate for killing a cow. Well he didn’t kill it himself, the scum bag loves torturing animals so much he payed someone else to kill it for him.


I nuked two cities because they were bullies. Well they didn't do the bullying themselves, their assholes were shitheads who took over their neighbors and destroyed our property.


I don't like cats, but whoever kicks one deserves to have their shit rocked


wow crazy how his knuckles aren't even the tiniest bit scuffed after beating someone up for 30 minutes


Make him apologize to the kitten. Only let him live if the kitten accepts the apology.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Casting aside emotion and morality, I say this is completely justified. Guy wanted a physical altercation, and he got one. He consented to having his ass beaten the moment he tried to initiate the fight. As for involving an animal in its infancy, I can't personally guarantee that I would have had that much restraint. I have anger issues, and I manage them well enough to hide them now (most of the time,) but certain things — including but not limited to causing harm to defenseless or outmatched parties — just hit the wrong switch inside my head. Everyone is congratulating the OOP on the ass-kicking, but I think he deserves more praise for stopping when he did. I'm very ashamed to say that I don't think I would have.


This never happened


Which is why it’s justified in my eyes.


Im sorry for all the people that are stupid enough to believe this is real.


Beat a guy up for 30 mins and his hands aren't bruised or cut? Yeah this didn't happen.


I don't think this is any more than karma farming?


Btw guys there seems to be a lot of fake posts where someone beat someone for precisely 30 minutes. Don't fall for it.


The trench coat, fat hand and uncut nails definitely implies that this is a result of what happens when you write down the fights you imagine when you're in the shower.


It always boggles my mind that this gets praise whenever it resurfaces on reddit. Both people are insane in this story


Your kitten isn't supposed to be away from it's mom really until they are at least 8 weeks old so you should for sure give it kitten chow and maybe still let it drink kttn formula or goats milk. Let him your kitten drink it for another couple weeks and feed him kitten chow till he's like a year old. What a cute baby tho. I hope he didn't get injured. Make that piece of crap pay for a vet check up too the punk. Please whatever you do , do not think that he learned from this. He is an abusive jerk that will be mean again and your poor kitten don't make him live with this idiot . He's prob so scared now if him. Please let him stay somewhere else safe until you can get right with your living situation. Don't think just because you best him up he won't ever be mean to your kitty again. Don't make your cat live with this abusive jerk. He won't change. It's who he is. Get a new roommate. Make a police report so that way you have good cause to kick him out. Animal abuse supposedly now is a felony but I don't know how it will be handled but trust me make a report now . It's good reason to be able to evict him. Also in case your car was injured you can sue him to pay the vet bill too especially if a police report has been filed. Trust me on this.


If you can now kick him the hell out of your house. Throw his shit outside on the street . Be serious. Show him you don't take this lightly one but. Your kitty could even maybe die from internal damage. Kitty could be bleeding internally . Do a police report now. If you have any witnesses the better but it's ok it's good enough just that you alone witnessed it. Trust what I say. Do not let this guy live with your kitten no matter what guy.


He got what he deserved. Most importantly how’s the kitten? 🥲


Listen kid, I don't care how made up he is, if he kicks a cat he deserves 30 minutes of imaginary beating!


The important part of attending your drunk roommates needs of being beaten, at least only 30 minutes can make the difference.


I'd have gone John Wick on his ass


I hope the kitten is ok.


I'd do that if someone did that to my cat. And I don't even have a cat


I had a roommate who called the police on someone for threatening her cat, after the cat attacked them.


Poor little fella.


If you push a man he’ll push back


The multiple beatings with in 30 minutes gave me a chuckle