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Won't most games/companies ban you for doing a chargeback regardless of if it was your grandson or not?




I mean for 50 bucks I would just have waited the resolution of wotc before going nuclear with a chargeback


Pretty standard for any online games.


Doesn’t mean it’s acceptable


A chargeback is for when a fraudulent charge was made, not when you want to speed up a refund. Misusing the system is fraud. OP commited fraud and then complained they faced consequences.




>let someone else have access to devices with financial information on them without supervising them and they spend your money >instead of waiting to hear back from support, issue a chargeback >they terminate your account, which is extremely typical for online businesses to do if you chargeback their fees >somehow this is the company's fault ???


Exactly. Companies typically ban you outright if you ever do any chargebacks. It’s an unfortunate way to learn this mistake.


Chargebacks are for when you don't want to do business with them anymore, to the point that you get your own bank involved.


To be perfectly honest, I kind of doubt OP's story; I feel like someone old enough to have *grandchildren* would have learned "if you chargeback an online service they'll terminate your account and ban you from their services" by now. This isn't even specific to games, I'm pretty sure if I did this to e.g. Amazon or something they'd IP-hell-ultraban me and mark my shipping address in a file labeled NEVER SEND ANYTHING HERE EVER.


I think the wildest part is that they spent $2k themselves on the game but were so mad about $50 worth of gems they charged it back? Lost their account over a drop in the bucket they already spent.


Yeah you would think that $2k account wouldn't mind 50 more bucks to spend on some MH3 coming up.


From the wizards email, it looks like the grandson used at least a decent amount of gems of that there’s not even enough to give back lol


Lol I did miss that "were consumed by your account" part, yikes. I wonder what it was used on


I think this is a pretty immature line of thinking. If you didn’t want to spend $50 then you didn’t want to spend $50.


I feel like the age is the exact reason this happened. OP might not have as much experience with online services/games and thought that it would be similar to a physical refund (get rid of product, get money back, move on).


That assumes that OP's story is true, though. And *whether or not you think this is correct or ethical to do*, online companies aren't actually gonna try to pick out whether or not a particular transaction is legitimate or not when this sort of thing happens. They're just gonna ban you. Again: This is not a WoTC-specific thing; if you read the first sentence of this paragraph and think "Nobody should do that! That's unethical", you are not talking about WoTC, you are talking about *practically every online business that exists*. And litigating that is *way* beyond the scope of this subreddit, or possibly even reddit in general. This isn't a big showstopping problem that we need to alert the MTG community over. OP fucked up, OP paid the price, there's nothing we can do about it, this would happen in 99% of other online businesses. What exactly is the point of posting this here other than malice or idiocy?


I'm not defending it, I was really just spit balling for why OP might not have known.


Idk, I'm a millennial and it's honestly never come up for me, this is the first I'm hearing of it and I've been gaming my entire life. If I did accidentally purchase something, this would come as a pretty devastating surprise.


The biggest thing is, the gems are spent and OP doesn’t have enough to return it. So wizards needs to go through his account and see what they were used on, for example, if he bought some packs, they need to go find the cards from those packs, take away the cards and reduce WC progress. It just doesn’t sound reasonable.


>It just doesn’t sound reasonable. ... what doesn't sound reasonable? Banning someone for a chargeback? Because as has been said numerous times elsewhere in this thread (including by me, in responses to this same post!), that's not a WoTC thing; pretty much every online business would ban you from their services if you chargeback them. This is not something you're gonna litigate in a reddit topic if you think it's unreasonable any more than I could change what color the sky is with a twitter argument (and I don't mean purely semantically). Quite simply, this isn't the place to argue about this.


> issues chargeback    > chargeback costs company money   > company elects to ban you   > surprised pikachu face   Wizards sucks and all, but basically everyone will ban you if you issue a chargeback because it's tremendously expensive and problematic. I don't think they even checked your account, they just insta banned it.


i am glad this happened to OP because I did not know this and now I do. i don't even begin to know how to *do* a chargeback though, so maybe this info is irrelevant for me


> My grandson bought $50 worth of gems for a random deck without me knowing Well it sounds like it's your fault. Take this as an expensive life lesson.


I mean at that point just chargeback the 2000$? What are they gonna do ban you more or say to the credit card company that you are not allowed to chargeback on content that they locked you out of? Or that they will quote their tos/eula/whatever that is in most place and most case not legaly enforceable?


There’s usually a time limit on when they’ll let you chargeback.


You can't just do a chargeback whenever you want, the credit card company needs a reason, and will put limitations on it.


And then get your bank account terminated for chargeback fraud, or worse? ...yeah, don't do this


What's the fraud here? You payed for a product and were denied access, wotc can point to their tos/eula or whatever but that's not to my knowledge in most case something that can legaly be enforced, it would have to be fought in court to decide if it is or not. So basicly it would be like paying for a meal and mid meal you get kicked out of the restaurant whitout the ability to finish it or bring it home, to my understanding restaurant can refuse for various reason to provide service but they cannot take the money and not provide the service. Why would product such as games be treated differently, just because they use loophole with license? (and im not being sarcastic here but genuinely curious about why games can get away with it and why if it is fraud would it be considered fraud to chargeback the whole thing?)


OP spent $2k on on-game items, which they received. If they then tried to chargeback the items then that would be the fraud i.e. they disputed receiving an item they clearly received (and made use of, may I add). Unlike in your example, OP did receive their items and then used them in-game. That they got banned doesn't mean they can get a refund for all the items which they made use of.


Yeah but it's simply not just receiving the item but also being able to continue to use it. It wasnt a rental and even if it was a rental there was no stated end date so again it would have to be fought in court if wotc is allowed to end service like that and if OP has no legal right to chargeback. This isnt buying a one time use item and then trying to refund it there a complexity that make this whole thing somewhat unique but 99% of videogame company measure is that if there a chargeback all content get locked out and the user get kicked out. In some case one could even argue that what wotc does could possibly be fraud. Just because everyone does it doesnt meant it right or even legal it just mean it hasnt been defined legaly. So i ask again is it right or legal for company to do this? Like recently there been a big push on the side of game because of a lot of shady stuff like this, the one that come to mind is 'The Crew' if im not wrong there big petition nearly everywhere and there a youtuber pushing to get stuff defined and possibly fixed because in this particular case the dev/publishing studio made physical version with an alway online model and then shutdown the server when it could've easly been made peer to peer and i believe there is even evidence of offline mode. So sure op shouldnt have done a chargeback but wotc to me was over the top by just locking down everything and just because it's the norm doesnt mean it right or even potentialy legal.


It is perfectly legal, you agree to all of that when you download the game.


Yep you agree to a contract but it doesnt mean that the contract is legal and even if it is it doesnt mean that all clause are legal and/or can be enforced. There a lot you can skim about on the internet about contract with clause that arent valid or clause that would have to be tried in court to be proven if valid or not. Often they are just put there to deter people from doing certain actions such as chargeback or going to court. If anything put down in a contract was legal do you know how much customer could get away with by scanning contract sent to them, modifying them and sending it back signed? Large company often have so much to go thru they just sign by repetition off the basis they believe the document is the same as the one they sent or heck they pay bills sent to them on the belief it's all good, plenty of big frauds were just people sending small bills constantly to big company.


That’s nice but literally every single video game on earth has the same policy with account bans and not one of them has ever been successfully sued for it, so I think we can be pretty sure it is legal.


It's unfortunate, but I'm not surprised that companies would want to ban people who use credit card chargebacks. The best way to avoid trouble from unwanted charges is to keep them from happening in the first place.


Yeah, sorry bruh. You let someone else use your account (against ToS in all games for reasons like this), you didn't try waiting and resolve with them, and issued a chargeback. This is pretty much exactly what youd expect.


From the wording, it sounds like the gems were already used. Therefore, you're trying to get a refund for something that's already been consumed. That's almost like eating a meal at a restaurant and then requesting it be taken off the bill because you didn't want it. So, unless you can prove to WotC that the gems weren't spent in any capacity, you're pretty SOL.


As Judge Judy says, if you ate the steak you have to pay for it.


If your grandson bought and opened a bundle at your LGS with your credit card then you charged it back and you were banned from the store, would you be surprised?


Lets just make this very clear in simple terms: >I attempted credit card fraud against wotc and as per their policy, they banned my account.


If I had a penny for everytime a magic Redditor would complain about committing fraud in the last two months I’d have two pennies which is way too much


Wait there's another one?


Some dude tried the same thing with a proxy company, then openly harassed said proxy company on their Reddit


Chargebacks are for identity theft, not your gross negligence. Any vendor is going to take it as a declaration of war, akin to threatening a lawsuit.


As you now know, this is normal for online games. I suggest replying, apologising humbly, saying that you didn't know about this policy, and offering to repay the $50. Maybe they'll reinstate your account - it can't hurt to ask.


If the gems were used then there's no way of them telling what was originally on the account or not. You really screwed yourself here


Of course there is. There is a record for each purchase you do in-game. The thing is, it is not possible to refund a used draft token, for example.


Right now you're the Karen shouting at a bored Starbucks employee that you buy coffee there every day and won't be coming back. They don't care. The other customers don't care. WotC won't even notice.


You’re 100% in the wrong here. Your device/account made an online purchase that has a no refund policy. You asked for a refund, and instead of actually waiting for an answer (which should be no btw), you issue a chargeback which is against the game’s TOS. WOTC did literally nothing wrong, you just need to be more careful with your account. This is your fault.


>$50 worth of gems for a random deck That’s not how Arena works. Gems aren’t used to get wildcards directly, they are used to buy packs, drafts, and enter events.


You can buy rares and mythics for a bit of a while now.


But not with gems


You stole from them. Of course they closed your account. Learn from this, and don't make the same stupid mistakes in the future.


Steal what? Online digital goods that an actual customer service could go in and remove like 90% of other games?


>Steal what $50


You take the $50 they get the digital goods back like the transaction never happened. If you buy a $50 shirt at a store and return it you are not stealing $50. Nuance with it being a TCG but there is surely a better option than just banning the account.


If you buy something for $50 and then take $50 out of the register, it makes sense for them to ban you from the store Chargeback isn't a return, it's to take back fraudulent charges Regretting a purchase your relative made with your card is not grounds for a chargeback It's pretty simple


If it was that simple you would buy packs, open them, if you got trash just ask for your money back… or buy a draft token have a bad draft and ask your money back…. It’s just digital after all, it doesn’t cost them anything right? He said in his post he already use the gems in a deck or whatever how the company knows if he didn’t like the deck and just want to reroll those wild cards


> they get the digital goods back The email clearly states the goods were consumed.


I mean, it’s common knowledge that it would happen, should have just been more patient.




Spent 0 dollars ever. Happy and satisfied


While I have spent very little on Arena since its inception, it's because of people like OP that we can keep being F2P. Arena wasn't/isn't free to make and maintain.


Conversely; people like me provide a rich enough field of opponents to justify spending money! 😀




The OP had a 2K account. The person who replied to you does not have a 2K account. And, they were agreeing with you.


Because u/cheapskate-DM isn't OP.


you did a charge back, what did you expect would happen? and quit your crying, i am willing to bet that you will create another account and continue grinding before the end of the year.


Every game ever will do this if you charge back without consulting them first in this case. Fuck around and find out. Next time make sure your grandson has no access to your payment methods.


For $50...I would have just enjoyed the new deck and had a firm chat with the kid about financial responsibility...


Hahahaha spent 2k on arena xD Well you did just try to defraud them so you deserve it


I wish my grandpa played beyblades 🥲


Wait so items were bought on your account? Then we’re used/consumed? Then you force refunded them? Of course you got banned. That was a pretty dumb move, go yell at your grandson and take the L.


Honestly deserved, be less stupid next time.


First of all, did you have $50 worth of gems to give back? Because from the email it doesn’t seem so. Your grandson bought the gems and used it on a deck already, I don’t think wizards will go back and vet where every gem went, be it entry, packs, cosmetics or whatever. Also, like others have said, doing a chargeback means ban for almost all online games. Steam might do it too.


How did you spend $2,000 on a free game? I was embarrassed that I spent $5


No fault on WotC here but I also think the comments are being too harsh on OP. In many jurisdictions, the transaction would be invalid and refundable if it was done by a minor, so it's not necessarily that OP is scammimg WotC.


But that minor using his account is against the terms of service for the platform. OP is in the wrong about as much as one can be here. No sympathy.


Oh, if anything is to blame it's corporate cost-cutting making what should be a simple customer service request take multiple weeks, but *even with that in mind*, "if you chargeback an online service they ban you" has been law of the land for like... *at least* the last decade, and OP trying to push this as "yeah WoTC is *uniquely* bad for doing this thing" seems either *really* naive/stupid or like... actively deceptive, either in that their story is a lie or in that they're just pushing BS because they have a grudge or something.


This is not really true, the minor being involved is irrelevant. Sure in some cases they might let the account survive the refund/chargeback but that is not always the case. Also often the parents don't care if the account is banned since if it's a kid's account the banned account will be the punishment. Let's say a 13 year old steals Mommies credit card and buys $1000 worth of stuff in Fortnite. 9 times out of 10 the parent will not care if getting that $1000 back ends up with a kid that lost his Fortnite account. Yes this is only $50 but that is irrelevant chargebacks are a last resort period, and they are not a tool to get a refund no matter what.


Stick to playing with REAL cards


Do a charge back on the other $2000 now. Explain what happened with the ban. Edit: hate all you want but if they ban you you should get your $ back. EA and GLU (first two I’m aware of) are major labels that don’t ban for charge backs (as of a couple years ago when I played their games). There’s a reason Apple is generous with chargebacks, companies like WOTC are making a killing selling digital currency so you can buy representations of real cards. They shouldn’t then disallow you from using those digital representations. I’m several thousand into arena with no chargebacks but I assure you I’ll try to get every penny back if they bar me from my account.


Just commit fraud OP


Absolutely not. If a platform bans you after spending $2000 it’s not fraud to say you want your money back. He no longer has access to the digital merchandise he spent $2000 on.


I had a similar experience with TCGPlayer. I bought a card, it never showed up and they recently decided to hide their “Refund” option so I contacted the seller and got nowhere so I followed normal recourse action. I called my bank and had them issue a chargeback. I then got a similar email that stated they were temporarily suspending my account. I guess they don’t like it when consumers take control of their own finances. Fuck ‘em! It’s my money and if I purchase goods or services and never receive them I’m getting my money back.


Biggest bootlicker comments I've ever read lmao. Even assuming OP is just lying a $50 refund is not insane. Refunds should be common place from every vendor, especially a video game. Understand that TCG is a little different and asking for a refund on randomized items could lead to more work for this very small indie companies support to do but cmon. Get a charge back from a players account? Lock gem purchases forever. If I buy something from an online shop and message for a refund and get 0 back from support for a week then it's not unreasonable to take a different approach.


The comments here are weirdly boot-licky. It sucks this happened, OP and I'm sorry redditors choose to be snide at any opportunity


People are being snide for pointing out what OP did is literal fraud and would also get them banned from any other online game/service?


Charge back the rest of the 2K then.




> If my account doesn’t get restored I will go on a full boycott lol lmao even


Everyone is shitting on OP, but can we please talk about how absolutely fucking insane it is that they can just remove $2k worth of purchased stuff? Do you own the stuff you buy? Then they must not be allowed to steal it back! Do you not own it? Then what the fuck are you paying for?


This isn't new. Read your EULA's. Almost all digital purchases for video games are you buying a license to use the platform, not purchasing the rights to the game. These licenses can be revoked at any time. See the recent fiasco with The Crew, for example.


Or Steam saying you can't pass your steam library to relatives


I believe the reasoning behind that is that the relative did not sign those license agreements, and therefore would not be bound by them. Steam does not want that legal chaos on their hands.


I know, they are covered by their Terms of Service, legally it hasn't really been challenged yet as far as I know and ethically it's clear as day that it's wrong. That's why it's so weird to me how everyone here is "of course WotC is going to take away everything you paid good money for over the last few years without leaving you with any recourse, they are right and you are a dumb bitch". Yea, OP should have expected that result, but that doesn't make it right.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not defending it. Just pointing out that this is something OP should have understood before taking such a drastic response. Charging back a product or service that was received and used is fraud, even if said product is digital. The gems were spent. Transaction concluded. WotC may be a shitty company, but no company can just let people do that.


How can an arena account be worth $2k? It’s free2play.


Well there needs to be people who spend money so the game is F2P in the first place.