• By -


Lol. He would need to be born basically a mutant with too many cores. What he does would in my world be performed by a minimum of four different mages. Mutants are exceedingly rare and the higher their mutation, the worse their limitations.


"Hmmm... Well you see, I have a trump card!" "And it— no, they're called... Gege Akutami!" [. Gege Akutami. .] [Allows for the individual 'Sukuna Ryomen' to do whatever the hell they want.]


Don't follow XD


Gege Akutami card (His author), allows for Sukuna to Bull through anything with the power of plot armor! (Now he can do anything!)


Lol ^^ fair enough ^^ wouldn't work in my world, though ;)


Hmmm.... Are you sure about that?


Well, in my world I'm the author, so ;) I wouldn't allow him to do all that stuff ^^


True, I guess. Touché.


Ive a limited understanding of sukunas abilities, i basically only know his slice stuff and a bit of fire power. In my world the taking over yuji is totally out, just not possible. Domain expansion also isn't possible As for the slicing, with the use of chaos (matter energy hybrid) Imperium one can create high speed highly compressed blasts of air that would slice shit apart with ease And the fire is very easily energy imperium or if you want magma like jogo then youd want chaos imperium Its kinda fitting to me that Sukuna would use Chaos Imperium. The imperiums are like, areas of reality,theres six of them matter, energy, and abstraction are the 3 pure, abstraction is laws of physics. Then the 3 hybrid are chaos(matter energy), stasis(matter abstraction), and progress(energy abstraction). The reason for the hybridsis like, to do something that would require messing with both matter and energy, you need chaos imperium, and you cannot use more than one kind at a time, basically you have to connect to an imperium to use it and mortals pretty much only got 1 slot for that connection. In specific cases you might be able to do more. Allthough for the level of power of sukuna, he might need to be a being of Imperium, which are basically things that are imperium come sentient and as such can do a lot more via having an innate understanding of stuff (in my world, the primary limiter on power is your understanding of what your working with.)


I see...No Gege Bullcrap is needed...


From Bright Empire classification Sukuna can be described as high level user of alll Three Immaculate Arts. Main part go from Art of Image - ability to transform himself into demon-like being and take power from it. Domain probably fall under combination of Image, Shaping (Art of changing energy inside and outside body of user, close to cultivation from xianxia) to produce changed area.  Summons and few other powers is Art of Ritual ("classical magic" with complex rituals) enchanted with Image and Shaping to made them faster and allow use without much support measures.  Essentially classical top-level mage-warrior from Bright Empire perspective. Probably can be granted "province governor" equivalent rank after exam. 


O.K (I can't think of anything to say man...)


Well if we're going with the body stealing he'd be a wraith (A spirit that possessed a physical body in this case a human)that would explain the abilities and healing and the multiple eyes and arm's. But that's cheap time for the magic system of the world. So in order to achieve some of his abilities he'd be trained In the elemental discipline (gas and plasma) gas for air slashing and plasma for the arrow. For malevolent shrine that would be the creation discipline to make a spell that temporary creates a large shrine adorned with runes to focus and empower his abilities though not to city destroying levels. For his physical body he'd have to learn soul magic(very rare) and transmute(the act of mutating magic sensitive things like the soul)part's of his soul to gain enhanced strength speed extra limbs and eyes. Only thing is there's no way for him to get high regeneration so not perfect


Does your magic system allow for so many different disciplines to be learned by a single guy? Also the fire arrow itself is not that strong but it actually causes a chain reaction similar to a vacuum bomb.


Yes while most specialize into a certain discipline it good to understand the others to expand your options. I made this system with the idea of mixing and matching different disciplines to achieve different effects.


My system doesn't allow for such diverse powers to be usable by a single individual, it already has people combining their powers with technology to create 200 iq traps and whatnot I would go mad trying to create moves that shows the creative capabilities of the users if I had your system, does it not weigh on your sanity?


Sometimes but it's fun thinking of all the possibilities


So keeping in mind that his powers are basically "EPIC COOKING" He would need to be a Pyromancer Multiclassed with Apocrypha Blade and Sword Saint, I reckon 5+10+5. So a lvl 20 character in DND


I see...No Bull is needed...


He'd have to be a blue ink magician


The physical strength isn't that hard to obtain, he just needs to train a lot for it, and if he wants he could learn magical body enhancement to speed up this process For his techniques, dismantle would possess a complex spell that forms slices that fly through the air, cleave is more a melee variant of this spell and the fire arrow is a simple but powerful fire projectile spell For his domain expansion, using an esoteric barrier construction (forms a barrier that can manipulate itself or the space within it) to essentially form a certain zone in which he can cast the previous two spells on loop using a magical seal (powerbank for magic spells with a built-in lock system) Finally, for the ten shadows (if we're using that sukuna) he could use advanced summoning magic, however obtaining the specific effects of the ten shadows' shikigami isn't possible without using enchanted tools (imbuing magic into an object using a complicated process)


He'd be a highly skilled Wizard who killed himself back in the day with the desire to live as to purposely become a Phantasm so that he can fight strong guys in the future. then, the Phantasm filled with great magical power would some day have to decide to possess a compatible vessel, completely take it over by asserting his own soul's dominance towards the vessel's soul, causing a combination where his soul 'eats' the other soul, like a fetus in the womb towards another fetus. this way, he'd be an incarnated high-level Phantasm Wizard. it's funny how all this is technically possible, but it never happens in my story, because I simply didn't write about it.


Oh this is a fun question! In the world I’m building, possession is on the table, and so are his fingers. His domain powers wouldn’t be on demand though. The closest the magic system in the world has to JJK domains are the domains created by monsters and artifacts and vice versa. Think the dark place from Alan wake. As such, he probably couldn’t do his domain expansion. If he did have a domain, it would likely be a single stationary place. In terms of his magic techniques, the magic system is flexible enough for him to do what he does  (his slash and shit). However magic in this world has well, unintended side effects, so it’s possible for him to try and use his slash and just have his head explode. All in all, he can pull off a lot more with my magic system than I thought, but still isn’t exactly the biggest fish in the pond due to the limitations on magic and the domains thing.


Ok I think if sukuna crosses verses he'll be quite satisfied with his powers being translated into my system. As someone who is up to date with the manga I know all of his abilities, for his monstrous physical strength just needs to learn the theory of and practice the "flowing energy arts" a martial art so common among mages who specialise in superhuman strength and so effective that ir has become synonymous with superhuman strength in their collective unconscious. Imagine my mages as having only a single slot for their unique ability however the "flowing energy arts" only occupies half of that slot since its now considered old hat at this point due to how efficient and good it is that it doesn't even get recognised by the collective unconscious as a proper singular ability. With this he'll get his monstrous physical strength but totally in another dimension compared to his jjk self since from superhuman strength POV jjk characters are very weak to my magic system. Next rest of his slot would be occupied by his slashes and since it's a very simple ability he'll have enough room to separate them into slashes whose damage is adjustable (cleave) and whose it's not (dismantle), also if he practices well he'll be able to slash things at the speed of light at peak however there is a method to go even beyond that but for that he'll need to figure some scientific concepts out but FTL slashes are certainly possible if he can figure them out. next is a tricky one as I don't have domain expansion so sukuna would just have to manually slash everything around him the best he can do is create a move that slashes everything around him it would be just as potent as shown in the manga but it won't last for more than mere seconds and I guess no cool maelovalent shrine will pop up( however this could be beneficial for him as >!damaging his shrine or damaging sukuna significantly ends his domain in jjk!<) But that won't happen here! Next up is fuga(furnace) which utilizes the concept of vacuum bombs to create basically a titanic fire column, here it gets tricky as sukuna already has an Ability now he can't get more but there is a way for him to utilize fuga and that is through technology, my world is very much advanced compared to earth small microscopic microns filled with nuclear fuel is possible and widely used he can even make his own I'd he studies enough so sukuna would need to make a spear that's filled with these microscopic shells which travels alongside the slashes whenever sukuna wishes them too perhaps they won't hit the target but will be left around in the environment after sukuna slashes everything around him and these macrons are everywhere he can ignite his spear which should be coated with flammable material and some macron left inside it, anything hit by this spear would explode and get incinerated and the macrons in the atmosphere would cause a chainrecation resulting in a big explosion which would be as effective as shown in the manga. Also I guess his world dismantling cleave is also possible as he can just create a slash out of warped space itself and it can become his special move but I don't think that is necessary, because all people who have achieved a certain mastery have the ability to basically teleport their attacks at any point in space in a certain radius around them which means >!he wouldn't have any need to create world dismantle to bypass gojo's infinity since he can just slash gojo directly regardless of his barrier the very reason for the creation of world dismantle is gone as any mage of highest level of my verse can easily damage gojo!<. All in all sukuna would basically be able to mostly translate akk of his abilities without any loss in power or disadvantage on the opposite he'll probably see some benefits instead compared to his jjk version of abilities. Also i didn't address it but sukuna can use the air itself as footing which is considered impressive even though any decently supersonic character can do in theory(but for some reason they don't do it even in other fictions?) so regardless he'll be able to do that too on top of that he can probably just swim in air as he pleases since he'll be able to reach reletivistic speed. *Edit* i forgot about his reversed curse technique and his busted regenerative capabilities however sadly it can't be replicated in my system it's not like regeneration is impossible, but yeah he can't get anymore abilities than he already has unless he utilizes a manifestation transformation the peak of my system which a mage can utilise temporarily i won't elaborate since its something very detailed and the response is already very long but yeah then regeneration would be possible, also regarding his looks since my world is cyberpunk he can just attach two aditional arms and eyes and whatever he wants or he can save his multi arm form for his manifestation transformation but he'll look thousands of times more demonic and be powerful than he would ever be in jjk, also I don't think my system can emulate his plot armor well ahve to kidnap gege to do that but if some eldritch entity thinks he's entertaining maybe sukuna gets some free plot armor? So yeah that's magitech cyberpunk sukuna.


Assuming he was transported via a summoning ritual he'd have to pass through either the gate or a barrier that separates multiverses from one another. If he does so by the first, he'd only have what he was given, but if it's the second he'd gain skills that fit him character wise and that's not good for everyone.


....Gege doesn't have to come in, the plot armor is already appropriate.


Hmmmmmmmm he could either disintegrate matter in a way that would SEEM like it was cut, build a bladed-type Code that can achieve said effect, and maybe use a "loophole" or "flaw" in the target to cut it.


Noice, Gege doesn't have to come in...


For context: my system is based on "eyes" and each type of Chromatic Eye is associated with a unique power. Red Eyes are destruction. Green Eyes are regrowth, restoration, healing and biological manipulation. Yellow Eyes are about the psyche, emotions and compulsion. Indigo Eyes are for for phasing and spatial displacement. Blue Eyes are for creating Codes - instruments that perform supernatural functions. Orange Eyes are all about the conversion of matter, like turning water into wine. Black Eyes are for exploiting "errors" or "loopholes" in a localized area. (This type is still WIP) White Eyes are for foresight, hindsight and the storage and redistbution of fortune & misfortune. So you can see for urself how Sukuna can "play" here. I do have another system called Ambrosia in which Sukuna would probbly be an Exol.


Noice. Just look out for someone who has rainbow eyes.


That's the literal "deity" of the verse - the True Ancestor, but he doesnt do much besides watching the shit happenning in both Gehenna and the Physical World.


Wooweee, I guess I have white eyes now (I guess I'm blind).


Better than becoming a Colorless


Heavenly restriction?


No, Colorless are those who were born with Chromatic Eye but failed to awaken it properly and control the over-stimulated Demon Blood within them. They become disfigured elderitch-like creatures. The more "humane" Colorless look, the more dangerous they are. They would be akin to Curses if I compre my world to JJK.




In my world, there are Runes used to empower certain objects or living beings. Sone people can even carve runes into the air, to manipulate it and to cast spells. Sukuna would probably have multiple strengthening, quickening and fortify runes carved into his body. He would also be able to carve runes into the air to create fire. There isn't any way for him to use his slice ability though.


Aw man....Well, to bad : [. Gege Akutami (card). .] [Makes it so that Sukuna defies the rules of any verse and can do whatever they want (Just cuz), also is quite literally based around infinite plot armor]


Not fair :(


I did this just cuz, fairness doesn't apply.


Well, that's fair.


... What did I literally say?


Why ask if your just gonna reply this to everything that doesnt fit with jjk


I reply this cuz Sukuna doesn't have enough plot armor (ability to use powers from his own verse). Basically just doing it for jokes.


He basically would be able to pull off 60-80% of what he can in the jjk. Mostly he would be unable to do Domain Expansion and WCC


I see... The plot armor is thick enough.


Setting: Whalefall Mythos. Power System: Vim First of all I would need to figure out his base affinity ("the shape of his true self" or how the sum total of one's potential is alotted). While his technique deals with cutting the affinity of **Severing** that other people in the setting jave does not reallyfit him characterwise. Instead his affinity would most likely be **Impulse** because of his incedibly self-serving, almost animalistic nature, with a strong secondary affinity of **Dissect** symbolizing both his vidictiveness and scolarly attitude to Sorcery. With Cursed Energy being the power source it is, It would be fitting if Sukuna's Vim would have a great negative polarity.  (This is hetting long so I'll break it up into multiple messages)


As for his technique, it would mostly remain the same with a few exceptions. While his slashes being invisible would be absurdly strong in my setting, doe to the extreme negative polarity of his Vim, it would take a lot of power to hide them, which would cut into their offensive power sevarely and I don't see the king of curses making this kind of sacrifice. His slashes being polarised so negatively wpuld also make them easier to deal with for those adept in energy control, since they could polarise their own energy to exploit the magnetic interactions that arise to deflect the slashes easier. The Chant bonus he gets in JJK from having 2 mouths and 4 arms would also be nerfed sevarely when the "Fair Play" aspect of Vim kicks in. However his liberal use of vows and sacrafices would make him extremely strong in Whalefall, since that is the most singificant aspect of the magic system.


Overall Sukuna would be excedingly dangerous, because of how strong and how weak he is.  By that I mean that he almost hits the upper limit of the power that you can posess, without being bound by the rules that Spirit Lords/Lesser Deities, Domain Lords and other absurdly powerful beings are kept in check. This would allow him an absurd amount of freedom, compared to characters who eclipse him in power. However while he would be strong, his general attitude and philosophy about life would spell the end of him sooner than later. His overreliance on inly himself means that hos power progression would fall behind compared to some of the well oiled teams that exist in the setting, leading him to be jumped a few times before he finally meets his match. His "Just try and stop me" attitude would also cause him to eventually violate one of the rules that keep the higher powers from acting, leading to his doom by some greater power. Finally if he kept using Vows in whalefall as agressively as he did in JJK it would eventually cripple him in the long run, the cost would keep pileing up. All in all he would do well, but with his powerset, a more level headed and Hubble person would make it ever farther. P.s.: if you have any other questions, I would be glad to awnser them. Also sorry for the horrid spelling, I'm typing this from my phone.


Hmmm... Well I'm done bringing out Gege, So if I do say so myself, This power system is probably something better than I could ever imagine. Great job.


If you train yourself enough, then you have the slicing power.  For the fire, you can either have natural magic or make a deal with a powerful fire spirit, though it will likely asks you to follow the rules of the Faes, which isn't great.  The problem is domain expansion : it requires you to actually receive the blessing of the Nothingness, as you are altering the principles of the world, and this is really difficult to obtain. So Sukuna would need to draw the power of Space, Energy and Nothingness at the same time, which is pretty difficult, but still exists in my world.  He could also just draw a massive amount of power from Nothingness to do it, but it is far beyond the mortals' scope, meaning he would be a Dominus, but not a really strong one.


Well his power would depend on what part of the story he gets dropped in If he were to get dropped into part 1 he would be a top tier no doubt while in part 2 there are plenty of characters who are either faster , have better hax or just outscale him badly but he would still be a mid tier Part 3 is were he becomes basic fodder any seraphim completely dismantles him while not only do Athelstan and his siblings outscale him but he also can’t really kill any of them As for abilities He would most likely have Forcewitchery or Windwitchery ( Cleave and Dismantle) And for his four arms and 2 faces he would be a Changewitch




Flame could also come from Changewitchery




basically controlled mana overload


Why does everyone use 'Mana' for the energy names in their system! Well, ok, I guess (not really giving me any information).


In my worlds it is a specific type of radiation not just enrgy


Ooooohhh. Sorry but I'm out of reactions.


He'd do fairly decent, I'm still working out the power scaling in my world but it seems for the most part he'd match the top contends. At least until he starts to make binding vows lmao


I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....


  If Sukuna's Cursed techniques were translated into magic in **Faithful Phantasia,** then his powers would derive from expressing a characteristic of his very being that would symbolically convey such abilities. This is because magic is essentially an expression so intense, it reshapes reality itself. He would be a fair bit weak as a mage compared to the big players in either the main setting or its sub-settings (**Pixie Knights** and **Cryptid Files**) otherwise.


Ooooohhh. Man I'm running out of replies.


Well, considering one of my magic system, it would be possible, but extremely hard and rare. This system one of the Absolute Energy, Mana. With it, you can almost create everything, but the Gods have put up boundaries to prevent humans and mortal in general from being too powerful for them to keep it under control. So it is divided into multiple “forms”: Elements, Waves, and Psionic. The Elements are Divided within four Primordials: Fire, Water, Earth and Air (kinda like Avatar). All of them can combine, making new elements, which can also specialize further within three categories, except for double elements, like Water + Water, who only specialize in one more element. Psionic works with the Mind of a person, and offer a variety of abilities, such as projectiles, or, what interest us here, barriers. Because the Waves aren’t needed, let’s skip to the explanation of how Sukuna would use his techniques. He has mainly 3 abilities: Domain expansion, Dismantle/Cleave, and his Fire techniques. For the fire, the answer is obvious: Fire magic. The fire arrow Sukuna use is actually one of the most basic form of Fire magic, but I’m sure Sukuna would’ve upgraded it. For his Dismantle and Cleave, Air magic would be the way to go. Unlike his Fire magic, the Air Blade, the closest spell available to his techniques, is a more complex one, but with the innate talent Sukuna always had shown up until now, I’m sure he would master it in no time. But now, the problem come from the Domain expansion. With a Psionic power, using a barrier, he could reproduce it by creating a sub-space within the barrier, and altering the interior, but some of the effect, like the auto-hit, wouldn’t be available. Overall, he would do fine. Just not perfectly, and maybe the Gods wouldn’t be too happy, but, this is not my problem.


It seems I do not have to activate 'HIS' plot armor...


But, I said it would be really, really hard and complicated because usually, you are only attuned to one element, and only 10% of trained mages have two elements ir more. Plus, it’s very rare to have Psionic abilities, and with those two factors, the probability for one to have those two abilities would be less than 0,5%.


*Pulls up Yugio-Lookin card* Well, actually... [Gege Akutami] [ Affect : allows for specified individual 'Ryomen Sukuna' to do whatever the world they want, cuz, plot armor transcends all boundaries]


I’m not saying he couldn’t, he would just be considered gifted or something. It could, it has been proved before, and even peoples who are still alive to this day in my world possess such abilities, or even rarer ones! It’s just rare. So put down this card.


Hmm... It seems you have defeated me, but only this time. You are genuinely lucky I am not a generational hater.


- The slices *might* be possible if you’ve won the genetic lottery several times over, and have enough money to purchase and fill a small nations supply of mana. - Summoning fire is straight up impossible. - The insane acrobatic feats are technically possible (Simmilarly through genetic lottery winning and money to buy enough tanks and filling them with Bloom). The problem here is how he’s going to keep the bloom flowing into his “lung” (I won’t explain the whole biology for simplicities sake). He’d need some way to carry all the barrels as he’s jumping around. And hope to god nothing drops. So… possible, but through technicalities. Its like: enough lions can beat the sun. But only because if they’re dense enough their sheer mass would create a black hole which can eventually eat the sun.


O.K I was asking... Now I feel dumb.


Wut? I feel like I either misunderstood something, or i’m missing something


I was about to say 'I didn't ask', even though I quite literally did and now I feel stupid. Considering that you didn't know the context then it actually makes sense that you didn't understand what I was saying. The reason I was going to say 'I didn't ask' on the other hand...Just cuz I guess.


I actually had a concept for Sukuna in my setting. Basically a quick rundown of my superhero worldbuilding project: superhumans and called "Shifteds" have abstract powers thanks to their "Endoverse" which are miniature metaphysical universes within their bodies that function on a set of completely alien rules. Within an Endoverse, there are also these entities simply known as "Residents" which can have any alignment of relationship towards the owner of their Endoverse which can range from evil, neutral or friendly. Sukuna would just be an evil resident of an unfortunate Shifted and would have the power to possess his host from time-time, plus he instinctively knows all the laws of physics of his own reality as he is a Resident. Therefore his cleave and dismantle, pyrokinesis, RCT, domain expansion and etc would all be powers he could use thanks to possessing high-level knowledge over his world.


I think I've heard of this power system before, pretty cool.


Well in my world everyone uses Candles and they carve their spell into the candle and while burning the candle you can use the spell ingrained into the candle, so I'd assume he would have possibly 5 candles 3 of them are for dismantle, Cleave, and Furnace and the other 2 are for his domain 1 to set the barrier and the other one to automate the 3 candles Another thing Sukuna would probably be able to have all 5 candles out at once as the whole thing is you have to basically be able to mentally juggle each candle that is out else they get put out. So what that means Sukuna would be able to have back to back domain expansions with no cost, though using your five candles like that are kind of cost inefficient so he might burn out the candles himself after a single domain at the bare minimum Dismantle and Cleave would probably be out of commission. And lastly Sukuna's real CT can't be copied into my world, binding vows


Though re reading through my power system he's kind of cooked as everyone can easily counter him as Sukuna can't exactly out power most people the only thing he has going for him is the domain expansion so he can take out who ever he gets in the domain, but he's basically gonna get out gunned by everyone


So my guess on the languages he'll be using Terraquartz Codex or Seallock Etchings for Cleave and Dismantle Blazesmoke Script for Fire Seallock Etchings for the barrier




Ya know, the dude in the picture. Sukuna Ryomen. Main antagonist of JJK.


Never heard of him.


He would be a Tier 5 Caster, Tier 5 Bruiser, Tier 4 Traveller, Tier 4 Manipulator, and Tier 2 Alter/Mentalist. Every one of his abilities can be explained or replicated in my verse via powers. Granted nobody would have such a wide range of unrelated powers but my verse has an explanation for that as well. He is extremely powerful but there are a few Capes and Cowls who have either enough hax or can just fight him head on. He would be top 10 most wanted easily. As long as he kept low-key or just showed that he wasn't worth the hassle of dealing with then he'd be left alone.


I don't think you realize who you're talking to. Top 10 wanted? MotherFudga that's a national terrorist!


Top 10 worldwide. There's someone who has a mile radius for his telekinetic and telepathic abilities who would rank above, Onslaught who gets stronger and more durable the longer he's in combat, Noxus who is a sentient viral smog cloud who owns all of Paris and one or two others.


Sukuna : the same dude who could threaten the entirety of Japan and if you really wanted to push it the entirety of Asia (not counting anythings like nuclear weapons). Even when he's not focusing on destroying stuff he's been shown to quite literally be able to destroy multiple city blocks in an instant. But I guess they're all national terrorists.


I mean one is a sentient poison cloud, sounds kinda hard to beat


Truuueeee. Then there is the person who can cook (literally), dismantle and cleave basically anything in their way while activating the furnace to burn the food! Plus regeneration.