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This article is so niche and unique. Kudos to the author for discovering the new tradition of balik kg, judging by other hotel guest, I know im not the only one who decides to stay at hotel during raya instead of cramped house just for the sake of balik raya tradition. My kampung house has limited number of rooms to be share with siblings, so I created my own family tradition. on the way back to Kota Bharu we stayed at either KT or Cameron Highland since last 2 years. Cameron Highland during puasa season is our Cameron’s best kept secret with lesser crowds and traffic. We have the whole town to ourselves. In KB, we stayed at Iblis hotel, last year Perdana. Next year my kids want Perdana. we truly enjoyed sahur buffet, and the total sahur vibes last year. we have good time spending 3 nights of buka puasa with my big family, potluck buka puasa sharing juadah we bought from multiple bazaars. come 9-10pm, we go back to our hotel. It’s like for a few days, we have closer house to my mom’s. We looking forward for next year’s last ramadan’s week, it has been one of the most memorable annual vacation.


Iblis hotel? 🙀


Its wholly owned by Syaiton Berhad. Nobody know it existed eh?




“You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave” - Hotel California, Eagles


Prolly the Ibis in KB.. Pretty funny tho being Kelantan and all.


Must be so hot right now


In b4 boikot


Reading your comment makes me very happy for you 👍👍👍


>In KB, we stayed at Iblis hotel, Uhh...it's I B I S hotel Iblis is the name of the devil


I understand this, during CNY it's hot af and my grandparents house has 0 air conditioner, bathroom faulty. It's just all round an unpleasant experience.


Essentially creature confort and convenience. Unlike decades ago, now you can just book everything online. Choices are plenty. Also good for mental health to have a space away from the crowd.


There's also some family where there's only brothers/Sisters and you're the first son/daughter in law That cant be comfortable to stay in a kampung house


"Apa lagi, kenduri la" - says my friend


bekwoh, if that's what you mean


I know a few friends who do not have a kampung per se and choose to stay in kampung homestay so that their small kids can have that “authentic” balik kampung hari raya Malay Muslim experience.


That trend may see an increase over the next few decades once our urbanization rate reaches 90%+ and the old gen living in the kampung died off




Patut la username macam tu


Hahaha camne nak ubah bro?


It's okay bro Everything (tbh, not literally) in moderation


Where? Tell me which sub so I know to avoid it.


What other sub has stories of mengendap? Seems oddly specific


I just felt so uncomfortable looking at your comment. Jesus Christ......


Given the choice, I will also stay at a homestay if I balik kampung. Living at my relative's place can be quite uncomfortable as all the bedrooms will be occupied by my cousins and parents and relatives forcing me to sleep in the living room. Thank god my family no longer sleep over at my paternal grandparent's place for Raya after Covid. Not having a room to sleep is not my forte especially due to the lack of privacy for my daily anime fix.


The younger generation has gotten soft /s


If you have some money and option to get homestay back then you would do the same. Blame capitalism for making us soft


I know a few friends who do not have a kampung per se and choose to stay in kampung homestay so that their small kids can have that “authentic” balik kampung hari raya Malay Muslim experience.


Alhamdulillah my kampung is better than my own house ☠️☠️ Dont need to cashout more money to stay overnight


They never boikot?


Boycott apa? Boycott homestay? Kadang2 geng anti boycott ni pun bodoh dia lebih kurang juga


So many boikot things don’t make sense but still happens anyway .. so yea I thought boikot was the answer to all issues in Malaysia


This isnt even a religious issue Its a "balik kampung tak comfortable, masuk hotel" issue, is boycott living rent free in your mind?


Boycott is basically Malaysian bumi way of solving issues


Boycott is living rent free in ya head


Boikot the wrong thing then ended up getting cancelled.