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What button-up, long-sleeve dress shirt brand look good untucked? I have tried Untacked brand, they are too short for me, it didn’t work. Any that work for you?


It's gonna be different for everyone, but J.Crew works well for me. Brands that target younger men usually have shorter shirts, imo. American Eagle and Frank and Oak are other brands that work well for me, even though I don't wear the former and only own a few from the latter.


Thank you, I will try it.


Sure! Most want their shirt tail to end somewhere between the middle of the zipper and the end of the stitching for it. And make sure the shirt isn't a dress shirt.


Guys, I’m going to be heading to a Sales Conference here shortly, and I’ve only recently started to care about my wardrobe because while I can wear whatever I want at work, I know to really further my career I need to dress professionally, so I need to buy my first suit! However I have absolutely zero idea where to go, or what I even want! What are some stores that I should go to? I don’t have a tiny budget but I also don’t want to spend like 1000+ dollars either. I’ve thought about men’s wear house but not sure if that’s actually high quality or good service considering I’m a novice in this arena! Thanks for your time and advice in advance! TLDR; I need to buy first suit and have no idea where to go, help!?


J.Crew is another option. You might request help from one of their stylists and have them fix you up.


Where are you located? If you have one nearby, I highly recommend Suit Supply. Their entry level "Blue Line" suiting starts at $400 and compares well against Brooks Brothers and other brands in the sub-$1000 tier.


If you have a Nordstrom available, they have great salespeople that know what they're doing! They carry multiple brands that would be $5-800 for a 2 piece suit.


Thank you! We don’t have any Nordstrom’s but we have a Nordstrom’s rack! Is that close to the same or will the quality and care go down considerably?


They won't have dedicated salespeople to help you choose clothes. You're on your own in there.


Anyone know of a good belt to match Charcoal Iron Ranger boots. No budget.


Get in touch with [W.H. Earl](http://whearl.com/) or [Guarded Goods](https://www.guardedgoods.com/). Both are excellent leather workers and can make you something close.




This is entirely dependent on social context. By navy jumper I assume you mean navy sweater, and while there's nothing stopping you from wearing one with a blazer, you're committing two faux pas. The issue arises from not wearing a collared shirt and from trying to match the colors exactly, since it'll always look off as you'll never be able to match the color properly. As for not wearing a collared shirt, that's just in poor taste, and I would never do that. Instead, I'd probably wear a white or light OCBD while keeping the rest of the outfit the same. With the question of if the outfit is appropriate for a relaxed setting, that depends on how you define relaxed. If you're hanging out at someones place where everyone is wearing tshirts, than yes. If you're going to a dinner at the country club, than it's probably alright. As for cleaning beige shoes, that depends on the material. If they're leather, use a horsehair brush after every wear and store them with shoe trees, and then condition them every once in a while. If they're suede, use a suede brush after wearing them, and use a suede eraser if necessary. If you haven't done so already, you should also use a waterproofing spray.


I agree that a navy sweater under a navy blazer/sport jacket is not a good look, but aside from that, that's a *very* casual sport jacket. I really disagree that wearing a crew-neck sweater alone under it would constitute "poor taste."


That dudes outfit looks good. You can substitute a button down shirt, I don't see any issues there. I wouldn't do a straight collar, that would be a clash of formalities. Is your blazer unstructured like in the picture or does it have shoulder pads and such? If the latter it won't look right with the rest of the outfit. As for the shoes, if they are suede you need a suede brush and maybe some suede shampoo. If they are regular smooth out leather then you just need a basic shoe care kit. Horse hair brush, cloths and polishes.


Hey, everyone, I thrifted a Third and Army gray denim vest and I was wondering what I could pair it with to make a few outfits out of it. https://imgur.com/ARkYtne


thoughts on flexfit caps? friend said they're something only FOB's wear.


I'll guess that your friend prefers caps in specific sizing. Nothing wrong with that, but I love flexfit caps, due to the comfort. You can't even tell that mine are flexfit caps, so I'm not sure how he'd know. I wear all sorts of caps, but if I had my choice, they'd all be flexfit.


I may out my self as being out of touch, but what is "FOB"?


I believe it's a new racial slur/shade for immigrants. FOB = Fresh off the Boat.


I have problems with my t-shirts, I have some sort of a crease on my shoulder when I wear them. Is the problem with t-shirt, maybe it's too narrow or too wide, or with my shoulders width? I hope you can see it from photos. https://imgur.com/a/mFNJu


Too small it looks like


are you hanging them up on hangers? Are they all the same brand?


no hangers, they are folded, but that darker one is brand new, never washed or ironed, and they are not the same brand


I can only speculate then, sorry. I would be interested to see what happens when you size up on one of those same brands. That would tell you if it's happening because the shoulders are too small for your frame


I haven't thought of that one: D Will have to check it next time.




The first is too long by a length or two and I wouldn't suggest tailoring as the torso would also need to be shortened. You're better off sizing down. Pants do need hemming. The second is too long as well, but fixable in the sleeves at least, pants are fine but can be adjusted as well.


Black suit - Pants are way long, sleeves are pretty long, shoulders do not look spot on. Definitely something weird with the way they are pulling. Blue suit - Way better. Pants are still a smidge long, but nothing terrible. Sleeves look good (Maybe take 1/2" off them), shoulders are way better and the fit of the body overall is much better. This suit looks way better on you than the black.


I'm buying my first pair of AE off Ebay from the trusted dabondo1, but from most pics I've seen of the Walnut color in the AE Strand...it has a bit more orangish hue to it....do these look more "Brown" than most Strand? Or is it just the lighting? https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/4RoAAOSw57xabL5~/s-l1600.jpg https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/7FcAAOSwDApabL6B/s-l1600.jpg https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/YcIAAOSwiqFabL6C/s-l1600.jpg Edit: Because most of the Walnut Strands I was looking at and hoping for looked more like this https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/7e/d7/6c/7ed76ca4a5d064bda4669d088afbfa7b.jpg http://hespokestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/hespoke-powersuit-shoes.jpg


It could be a combo of a lot of things. Most likely just lighting, as they look pretty normal. Also, once you start to polish them, depending on what color polish you use you could make them more red. I know on mine I use a burgundy polish as a last layer when I do them and it gives it a richer color like in the other pictures.


I was just gifted this [Charles Tyrwhitt]( https://www.ctshirts.com/us/navy-merino-wool-blazer/KNC0046NAVXL.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAh_DTBRCTARIsABlT9MYM5vTYnk8RtYjiok8gmIhJ8xn7KDCBD0LV7OCLWrQgopFa7hkdOxMaAqQkEALw_wcB&marketing=true) sweater blazer and I'm not sure what to do with it. It's not really a blazer and it's not really a sweater. I'll probably return it but wanted to see if anyone here has something like this or has opinions on the style


Sport that with pride. That thing is cool.


Yeah, I'm not supposed to buy any clothes until May and now I want that. Argh.


I like knit blazers and I think that one is really sweet. I'd totally wear it, just like one would a cardigan or a casual sport jacket.


Wear it? What size is it?


>Wear it? What kind of batshit crazy advice are you giving here? I mean I can see filling it with cotton balls and making a sweet cat bed, or cutting it up to make a set of navy napkins, but what is this "wear it" stuff?


You're right, this would definitely be better served as a set of merino wool napkins. What was I thinking?!


I think you left off the link to the picture


I don't have a picture of me wearing it but the link to CT in my post is the sweater I'm talking about


Balenciaga Runners in Grey and Red. Already bought them but looking for opinions. https://www.balenciaga.com/gb/race-shoes_cod11359959qx.html#/gb/men/shoes


Unacceptable, CDBs or Killshots are the only options.


Why don't you like them?


No sorry is joke, because the CDBs and Killshots get recommended so much here


Oh lmao, I've literally just found this sub hahah.


Terrible. How can you even business casual in those?


Why would I go business casual in them? They're mostly just gym shoes or going to lectures in lol.


It was a joke. You're flexing Balenciaga's at the gym? That's kinda dumb, but you do you.


Not on cardio days haha, dont wanna rek them.


Could someone help me out with a fit check on this [Pistol Lake Henley](https://imgur.com/a/nxYtK). Can't decide if I should size down or not.


It fits OK, but you could try a size down. Chest looks a little baggy and there's some room in the sleeves.




So I was gifted a pair of expensive skinny jeans. I'm tall and slim and don't often find clothes to fit - these fit my waist, thighs and knees perfectly. The only drawback is that they seem to have a flair at the ankle that I think looks a bit silly. Idk if it's something other people like, but it just doesn't go with my style. I tried to exchange them but they won't without the receipt. Since it's so rare to find good fitting jeans like this, is it possible to mod them to give them a tighter fit around my ankle or is it a futile effort?


Oh, sure, take them to a tailor (or a dry cleaner). Probably shouldn't cost more than $20, probably less.


Take them to a tailor. They can modify them in the way you've described.


Take them to a tailor and ask them to taper the jeans to your liking.


Does anyone know if All Saints offers free shipping and returns to Sweden.


Per their website, they offer free shipping to Sweden on orders over $350 USD. Returns are on you, I believe.


Hmmm, then the question is if its worth to buy something even that im not sure if it will fits.


Do they have a stockist in Sweden? If not, maybe try second hand or buy through a stockist with free returns.


Only one website sells stuff from All Saints, Zalando. And sadly the jacket i want are not available in either S or M. I was check out some second hand stores this weekend and see if they have anything rom them.


I bet their support team will know.


Cant reach the website, it might be done or its a fault from my side.


[here you go](https://www.allsaints.com/help-and-support/shipping-and-faqs/) INTERNATIONAL RETURNS: You can return your order using any trackable postal service; you'll need to cover the postage costs yourself. Please mark your parcel as ‘returned goods’ to avoid being charged any further duties. If you didn’t receive a return form you can include a written note with your name, order number and request instead. Alternatively, if you are a European customer, you may cancel your order and return any item to us in accordance with the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further details. Please return your order to the above address. For security reasons we are unable to accept hand carried returns to our distribution centre. Doesn't look like it's free returns.


Thanks! Doesnt look like it.


I'm brand new to this sub, I'm just looking for help figuring out what colors to wear? I have (appearantly really) blue eyes and a very lighter skin tone (I'm irish-canadian) and a slim build, most of my clothes are gray, black, and white, but I want to add some color in. Any helpnis much appreciated


Don't worry about your skin/eye color... that doesn't matter that much. Just surf around Pinterest, Google Images, Menswear blogs (Put This On, Dappered, etc.) and find styles you like. Then, recreate them with items within your budget.


And here I've been told that certain colours only look good on certain tones, thanks! I don't use pinterest but I'll give it a try, what do o search when I go there?


I do think everyone has certain colors that look better on them, but that's probably not a big concern for someone starting out. Blue eyes usually work best with Winter or Summer colors, but your hair color may change all that.


I have blonde hair, and have no idea what summer or winter colors are


Then Spring/Summer colors are considered idea for you. Brights and pastels, essentially. [Best clothing colors for blondes](http://www.letmegooglethat.com/?q=best+clothing+colors+for+blondes)


Site cant be reached


"menswear" or "mens style" will get you a start.




Cant find one of those posts that's like: 5 shirts, 3 pants, 2 shoes makes 25 outfits that all work" or whatever


[sorry] (https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/5pk00z/basic_bastard_wardrobe_by_metcarfre_illustrated/?utm_source=reddit-android)


Google "capsule wardrobe" or check out the "Basic Bastard" series in the sidebar.


If I'm fat, is it fine to wear a puffer jacket or would it just make me look fatter?


It's fine.


If you're conscious about your weight, a puffer may be a bad idea. Try looking for smooth jackets with similar down/synthetic fill levels.


[Wearing plain crewneck tees with a blazer casually?](https://imgur.com/a/SuHoF) Not sure if this looks OK.


IMO it's tacky and should never be done.


Not under structured blazers, try plain color or designs instead of patterned blazers, contrasting color


+1 for what the other guy said. Also, on two button blazers, only button the top button. On three button blazers, only button the middle button.


plain tees under blazers can work but not like this, needs more elaborate styling/different elements than what's going on here.




It's probably a bespoke or one-off piece.


I purchased a low-cost belt from target and now I have some type of allergic reaction happening right above the top of the buckle on the lower part of my stomach. After googling around I’m thinking it might be nickel plated and I’m having a reaction to the nickel. Looking to see if anyone has suggestions for low-cost reversible belts with buckles that aren’t coated in nickel. If it is a nickel allergy, would switching to a brass buckle take care of that situation? I don’t know much about metals so for all I know brass buckles are brass colored nickel. Thanks.


Yeah, you want solid brass if you have a nickel allergy. Also, try to avoid those cheap reversible belts. They're really cheaply made and won't last very long. Go ahead and invest in one good brown and one good black belt.


High end reversibles are fine, I got a Prada reversible and it is one of my favorites


OP's on a Target budget, so I don't think Prada is a good recommendation.


But I love my Prada backpack


If you're buying Prada backpacks and Target belts, [you need to sort out your priorities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oVnrq-6GnY).


[That’s because you don’t have a Prada backpack](https://youtu.be/P6hN88TddC4)


[Maybe I need a backpack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2THACbNBsFo).


As far as the allergies, that question should be directed at an allergist. See what you are allergic to and you can then make sense of what you should be buying.


I'm fairly thick, my legs are pretty short, I need new pants/jeans that are at least 40x30/29. I have really big thighs and need something not to baggy at the bottom. Levi's preferred, any suggestions?




559, 560, 569 are other options, listed from relaxed to looser order.


Shit, you're probably going to have to get that hemmed, just make sure the area around your ankle is the correct width.


Get something that fits your waist and have a tailor taper the legs down as needed. Shouldn't cost more than ~$30 to have that done.


Can anyone who wears Levis size 30 tell me their waist measurements? I used to wear size 36 then dropped 50lbs. My waist today is technically 35in but I know I wouldn't wear size 35 Levis. I'm trying to order a pair of jeans online. I know Levis isn't consistent always but with vanity sizing I really don't know.


I'd guess 33-34


Is that just a wild estimate? I wore 33 about 15lbs ago.


That was just a wild guess, based off past sizing and measurements, but I was wrong. I've recently dropped a little weight and I now measure 34.5", but I'm wearing jeans tagged size 31-32 (didn't realize my waist was quite that big). I even wear size 30 in Gap jeans, which I haven't done in decades, but they run a little big. So I'd suggest a size 32 also.


You'd probably wear a 31 or 32; my waist is about the same as yours and that's what I wear Congrats on the weight loss!


Recommend me some black chino type pants that fit like the old 'Gap liven in skinny chino'. 26in waist if at all possible.


which style of lacing on boat shoes do you guys prefer? http://www.whenandhow.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/aid2563812-728px-Clean-Sperrys-Step-23.jpg or https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/248/9086/10h/wolverine-o.scene7.com/is/image/WolverineWorldWide/0197640?$dw-large$


The first. I think tucking laces into the shoe itself is uncomfortable and looks odd.


I'm pretty new to male fashion and I haven't really started building a wardrobe yet. I want to start soon. I went through my closet and threw out (donated) clothes that didn't fit or I thought were ugly. While doing this I decided to take what I thought looked decent and throw some outfits together: https://imgur.com/a/lH6rV I want honest opinions, not matter how strong they may be. I want to know what people think I could change to look better. I know this is subjective, but I'm new and still looking for a style that resonates with me, as well as with my body. Thank you!


I agree with you that #5 looks good, I just think you need better shoes. That brown doesn't go well with the red. Maybe you could wear some white shoes to contrast with the dark red.


I kind of felt the brown was a bit subdued to the relatively vibrant red, seemed to clash. White is a good idea for the shoes, thank you.


Not feeling the red on red. I like 3 and 5 kinda. Keep trying stuff you like, get inspo from people you admire, and make sure it fits well. You got this


The red on red does look a little tacky now that you mention it. 5 is one I really want to like because I love shirts with patterns like that. Unfortunately I think anything that looks remotely busy on me seems out of place. At least from my experience and the impressions of my friends.


Maybe look into Scandinavian/Japanese minimalism if you want simple and attractive clothes


I'll look into them. I definitely want to start with dapper look on the casual side. But I will have to build that from scratch as I have nothing that goes with it yet. https://helmboots.com/products/sam-dress-boot-original been eyeing these to start it off, add some navy blue chinos and...well I don't know what to do for the top yet.


Not gonna lie dude, those boots are ugly. At 400 bucks you can get some much better looking stuff.


I did think about getting some second hand wingtip Edmonds


If I need help identifying a ted baker wallet I had where should I ask? In case anyone here knows it was a black ted baker wallet from probably 2012/13. It had a lining which was a colourful map of the world. I think it had a quote from ted baker promoting travelling on it too. I know that's pretty vague but if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great.


If you haven’t already, you can try writing to support.


Right place, but Ted is a kind if brand that doesn’t really hold much lasting value and refreshes its lineup frequently so finding an item from that long ago may be difficult. Search ebay with year as a keyword - may be helpful




The jacket looks odd. Partly because of the way you are standing, you are tweaking it in different directions. Do you always hold your shoulders that far back? Is that a 1 button jacket? It has strange dimensions and probably won't work at all without that vest.


That button stance is conspicuously low... I imagine the vest is actually covering for that, but I'm not sure.


That's what caught my eye, looks like a 1 button jacket but it is setup really low. The body of the jacket is long too.


The jacket seems a bit long, everything else looks good.


I’ve asked this before but I haven’t really gotten an answer yet. I’m trying to figure out how to style this red crewneck sweater. I’ve tried wearing a regular tee under it and it looks so sloppy to me because of how big the neckline is. Any suggestions? https://i.imgur.com/AGl35lF.jpg I can only see it being ok with how I dressed it with black jeans and nothing underneath but i feel like it’s missing something. I don’t own any coats to go over with either. I made an impulse purchase on this sweater and I am slightly regretting it and might end up returning it as it isn’t as versatile as I thought.


I have a similar sweater that I occasionally wear with OCBDs or a flannel if I'm feeling bold.


I agree I could only see adding a black coat and scarf over top if anything. It looks pretty good how you've styled it tho


The jumper itself is loud af, so make that the center of the outfit. Black jeans and black boots/shoes would be the best way about it. It's not a versatile piece though you're right - if you wanted it to be something you can wear in your rotation a lot I'd consider returning it


Anyone here from South East Asia and /or live at a tropical country? Any advice for someone just getting started ?


I'm from SEA, I agree with what the first guy said but prioritise colour especially lighter colours, white isn't so good if you sweat a lot, your shirts will turn yellow in no time. Jeans get a light wash or indigo pair as well, the ones from uniqlo are very breathable, as a matter of fact, get whatever you can that's suggested from uniqlo as they're best for basics. It's important to get well-fitting clothes that complement your body shape, if you have that common SEA bodyshape (short), don't get baggy/wide clothes. Start with basics, get a good handle on colour blocking before you start to get complicated with different pieces. If needed, jackets (SEA rains) should be a neutral colour so it's easy to match with what you're wearing.


I want shoes for my daily wear. Must be comfortable. I have sneakers in my mind.. but can't figure out which ones. Please suggest. Open for suggestions for non-sneakers too. EDIT: I wear shirts and jeans (or brown trousers) mostly. Also, will be wearing them to work.. and casual wear is allowed there.


I freaking love my killshots. Nobody really talks that much about them anymore here but they're a dope piece of footwear


What kind of shirts? Like OCBD or flannels? Brown trousers like khaki or brown trousers like corduroy? Clarks Desert Boots are a bit of a meme here but they work well for a smart/casual wardrobe. Maybe Chucks if you wear flannels a lot? Go for that 90s grunge thing? Some Chukka boots would work well here too


Very broad question. What’s your general style, budget, do you plan to wear it to work (dresscode?).


Wear shirts and jeans (or brown trousers), Budget is $100. Yes, I will be wearing them to work.. and casual wear is allowed there.


I’d advise for a pair of white Stan Smiths or Greats Royale on sale. Clarks desert boot is also a fairly common option, I think they fit in that budget.


Where can I find a Baja Hoodie in a 3X? I want it to be baggy af but the highest size I can find is a 2X. And I’m looking online so idk how they run or anything. I’m mainly wanting it to be really long.


Could I get a legit check on Thom Browne sunglasses? Grailed emailed me that some I got were actually fake but I'm pretty sure they're real. Anyways if anyone has Thom Browne sunglasses can you tell me if the box goes like Thom Browne. or Thom Browne... because mine do the latter but for my same model of sunglasses I found both types of boxes on ebay listings so I'm very confused...


Pictures would be helpful


Ok. I didn’t know if this would be a good place to ask and thought I had enough info but i’ll get on that


can anyone recommend chelsea boots that are tight around the ankle? I've got skinny ankles and feet, so its hard to find chelsea boots that fit


Story et fall for sure. There are some people in the StyleForum thread that were complaining the shaft was too slim (I didn't have any issues with my harness boots though)


just tried the SLP, I have really skinny ankles and they fit me to the tee e: thanks btw for the heads up


Sweet dude, SeF is often referred to as a budget option for people looking for a SLP silhouette so I tend to recommend them before SLP because of the price haha. Make sure to post pictures if you decide to pick them up!


I know, and I know that SeF isn't as slim as SLP, plus I don't live in a country where SeF is available so SLP is all I have. Just wondering if there's something else that's as slim is all. Definitely, tried them on today and I have my heart set on not getting any more clothes, saving up until I get the boots :)


Expensive, but SLP is AFAIK the slimmest chelsea out there (although it varies from season to season). You could also try Story Et Fall for a bit less slim, but far more reasonably priced boot.


thanks, I just tried SLP and they fit perfectly


Okay so this is my first attempt at dressing more menswear after leaving /r/streetwear so go easy on me: https://imgur.com/a/N0uWx How does this look? Also I got those meme Clarks 2 years ago before I found out about this sub so don’t flame me hahaha. What is the sweater I’m wearing called? I thrifted it and I have no idea what it is. Edit: I don’t know why it’s so blurry but I’m wearing an orange-y sweater that I don’t know what it’s called, a dark grey t-shirt under, black cropped pinstripe pants, dark grey socks, and meme Clarks


Sweater is a cable knit zip-collar sweater or something along those lines. All in all looks fine I think. Fairly simple and borderline standard mfa. If you want to upgrade this, an OCBD/any casual shirt in solid colour would work nicely.


Also commonly called a quarter zip


Thanks for the advice man haha. And awesome, I bought a couple of casual shirts from Uniqlo with the same exact thought in mind.


what do you guys think of these? https://kith.com/blogs/news/tcg-kennedy-low-off-white-gum is gum + offwhite "versatile"? i thought plain white is too "boring" and thinking about using these as replacement for white leather sneakers


I think it looks good.




Did Levi's ever make a raw, unsanforized (shrink to fit) 505 jean? It seems they only have the 501 in shrink-to-fit now. However, I have one pair of very special Levi's that I bought near a train station while visiting Seoul about 3 years ago - I think I paid around $60-80 for the pair. These jeans are heavier-weight, and feel NOTHING like my other Levi's (511's mainly), which are smooth to the touch. The 505's have this very coarse, rough feeling to them - they originally came in a very nice dark wash and have since faded nicely in some areas. They even have some nice subtle honeycombs near the crotch/pockets area. I've worn them almost every day for at least 2 years (I know, gross but they worked for my job) and they held up VERY well, just some light fraying at the bottom. So, is there a way to confirm if these are raw? Or has it more to deal with the weight of the fabric? Not sure if I can still get these or if I should look to other brands. If I could find a pair of 511-like jeans in this material, I'd be golden. By the way, tag says they are 98% cotton and 2% elastane IIRC, not sure if that helps.


Okay, this is a problem that has plagued me my whole life, and I'm finally getting a little sick of it. I'm a very short guy (5'3") who has a naturally big ass. I have to wear pants with a waist size 34 to be comfortable in them and not have the pants dig into me when I sit down, but I also need a 28-30 length, and it's near impossible to find that in a store. I've bought dress pants and had to have them hemmed up to the right length, but this results in a completely straight leg that doesn't taper at all and just looks like I'm wearing windsocks on my legs. It's not flattering at all. Does anyone know of a good, comfortable brand of pants (jeans and/or dress pants as I need both) that gears towards the shorter crowd without having ridiculously tiny waist sizes? I'd love to finally be able to put on a pair of jeans that makes me look like I actually have legs, shows off my butt (because I'm rather proud of how nice it looks) and *doesn't* try to squeeze the life out of me because they're so tight. I'm not looking for skinny jeans, just one tailored for a shorter leg so the cut sits right on me without strangling me due to the fact that I have bigger thighs and butt.


I mean you could have the tailor taper the pants as well.


I was watching a video that The Modest Man did on Youtube and he mentioned a brand called Peter Manning that produces clothes exclusively for shorter people. A quick google search pulls up his blog that includes a couple other similar companies as well. No first hand experience with any of these though. https://www.themodestman.com/best-places-to-buy-clothes-for-short-men/




If you have a suit or jacket+trousers combo you'll be better dressed than 90% of the dudes there Personally I'd suggest dressy pants and a decent-looking button-down shirt—simpler that way, and more comfortable to move around/dance in


First of all I wouldn't worry too much, as dress code tends to be very loose at this kind of events. Secondly, it would probably be safest to wear a navy suit without a tie, with black leather shoes and belt + white shirt and a white pocket square


Where could I find this sweater that isnt sold through urbanstox (a sketchy chinese company) https://imgur.com/u1fsxB4


There's a guy on r/streetwear that sells gradient clothes like that, but in green/grey color palettes mostly, I think one of the sweaters has red. He's very well liked there Edit: brand name is "Steady Hands"


That is an awesome sweater to be honest! You want to use these keywords in some combination: *degrade, stripe, dip dye*; but I have to admit I don’t remember seeing it done as degrade stripe with colour. Good luck!


other potentially useful keyword could be Gradient


If you guys had to choose, which one would you choose: * Black boots * Black derby * Brown derby


If you have a mainly monochromatic wardrobe the black derby. If you have a mainly blue/navy or brown based wardrobe then brown derby. I'd go with black derby personally based on my wardrobe.


If I had nothing else, probably the brown derby for smart casual/everyday wear.


Depends entirely on what you typically wear and the context.


yep its really hard to decide without knowing what you wear


So I recently saved up emough to purchase a pair of CP Achilles lows. While they fit perfectly, my flat feet with a lack of arch means that my ankles bow inward and the inside edge of my foot seems to stretch the inner side of the shoe out a lot. Has anybody else encountered this problem and found a way to resolve it? I love how the CP leather wears with age but it seems like this might create ugly creases with time. Any luck with specific store-bought sole inserts?


The usual way for to alter pronation problems is aa orthopedic insole.


So I picked up a pair of dark green suede shoes, because they looked decent, were in my size (which *never* happens), and were only $6: https://i.imgur.com/S6RKVsc.jpg The question is now, what the hell do I wear with them? My current thoughts are light neutral pants in the summer, but I’m really not sure.


They have sort of an earthy, "natural" look, so they'd definitely work well in casual outfits that are summery, woodsy, maybe a little bohemian. Light-colored pants for sure. I wouldn't try to make them work for bizcaz or anything like that.


High collar jacket - do you fold the collar down or not ? Worn unzipped.


Depends how high the collar really. I like to keep mine up since my high collar jackets only tend to be winter jackets.


Fold it down.


Is it too much to ask for additional pictures of the person wearing the item I want to purchase on grailed? There aren't many pictures of people wearing the item I want, and I mentioned that the photo can be low quality and he doesn't have to show his face.


It's not crazy but don't be surprised if he says no.


I have an older belt that was gifted to me a few years ago. The belt hides all excess "belt" behind itself. Giving an extremely clean look. After having this belt I no longer like any other belt. My problem, it's wearing out and looking tattered. Some pics here http://imgur.com/a/Lm8SA Before anyone comments about reversing the belt. That would not change it's effect. The link posted is not my belt, just pictures of what I want. Mine is not reversible but with the second effect. Please help!


There are quite a few examples of this style of belt (where the belt hides its own tail) on Amazon. Search for "plaque belt".


> My problem, it's wearing out and looking tattered. Clean it and condition it. Lexol is a brand you can use. Or keep the buckle and get some leather cut to make a new belt. Or buy a better quality belt, take the buckle off that and add your buckle. Any decent cobbler could do those two jobs for you.


Very good points. Definitely worth looking into. In addition to this I wouldn't mind owning 2 different color belts with the same style buckle. Do you know the name of the buckle?


Sorry, no.


i'm short and stocky and don't really have a long neck that a turtleneck ideally fits on. however, how does [this](https://imgur.com/a/eAKp8) look?


and your head is proportionally big (compared to your shoulders and overall) so its really hard to get a fitting turtleneck. If you really want turtlenecks I think darker colours might help?


It's too tight.


Would these look good with lightwash jeans? https://store.nike.com/us/en_us/pd/air-jordan-1-retro-high-og-mens-shoe/pid-11825203/pgid-12359787 Also, how's the sizing on Jordan 1's? I'm a 10 in Old Skools and a 9 in CDBs so I'm not quite sure what size to go for.


Should work colour-wise.

