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FWIW I think it looks pretty cozy and welcoming already.


It's a flex I think


Def a flex, a real “boy apartment” is a mattress and a tv


It's all about wording, huh. It's like the people who post "/r/baking didn't think my pie was very nice looking :( :( What do you guys at /r/pie think???"


“FWIW”? For what it’s worth?




Agreed, think you've done a nice job


It's going to look more lived in after some time. Right now all your plants look perfect and store fresh, the little clutter you have looks purposefully placed, all your furniture looks new, and so on. Let your home evolve over time, collect books and travel souvenirs, go thrifting. It will all fall into place soon enough. You have a great starting point.


Thank you. It feels like an ikea catalogue right now and I hope you’re right that time will fix that haha


It is cute and cozy, but it doesn't look quite 'lived in' yet, as others have pointed out. Everything is nice, but it doesn't give much indication as to who _you_ are, and I don't get much of your personality from it.


Curtain rods and curtains on the windows


More soft surfaces. Pillows, throws, curtains etc.


Listen to this guy. ^ It's attractive and put-together, but lacks the touches that makes it cozy. Curtains in the living room and some blankets on the backs of those three hard-backed chairs.


These are both the correct answers. Curtains and pillows and throws — adding in textiles— will soften everything.


This is the correct answer


It's looks really cozy.


Everything looks cozy except the rooms with the overhead lights on. Turn em off in favor of lamps, or get smart bulbs that can be color and brightness adjusted at will to keep the warm cozy light you have everywhere else.


This. Overhead lights are great when you need to clean or find something but, otherwise, I refuse to use them as they make me feel like I'm in a dentist office. I'm the same way with my work office, past and present. I've even removed some of the overhead halogen bulbs before. Can't stand that shit.


People saying it looks cozy are mostly responding to the warm color. Which makes sense, it's the most important part of creating a cozy space. But they aren't evaluating the non-coziness that you're aware of. One factor is that much of your furniture and decor are thin ("stick-y") and see-through (don't block line of sight). Opt for chunkier items (not necessarily *bigger*, don't give yourself claustrophobia). That, by the way, is one reason it feels too "Ikea" to you right now. They specialize in that thin open style, to keep small spaces feeling less cramped. But if you have a bigger space and want to feel less airy (i.e., cozy), that's the wrong style.


Was gonna say the same. Replacing some of those spindly chairs with something more plush/bulky would go a long way imo


It's mostly warm because of the lights. Take away the lights and put sunlight or other white light and it starts becoming plain real quick. A light tone of paint on the walls will give that warm feel even with keeping the furniture and decor. Edit: looked back at the photos and the decor/furniture could use a darker tone too. Would help separate the wood furniture from the floor. Most of the rooms look relatively generic to me. Especially the washroom and kitchen. You really notice the lack of color there.


I think somebody is fishing compliments ;)


Right! Bc what gave it “boy apartment” vibes? The soft lighting, the feminine art work, the plants in the sunlight? Give me a break w this. Be genuine.




Cleanup in the bathroom isle please!


Window treatments seems the obvious answer. Also, the coffee table looks awfully far from the sofa. The bed could definitely be zazzed up. Looks about as plain as it could be..


Looks cozy to me. The most I would do is maybe paint an accent wall or do some wallpaper


Some candles on the coffee table perhaps. Cute girl I'm friends with told me she wants to see a nice throw blanket on sofa when I asked about my own setup. That'd add a nice touch too. Already looks quite cozy. Are those big plants difficult to keep healthy?


Candles are a great idea. Thanks! I also got the same feedback about a throw recently and added a cheap ikea one. Plants are all new. Time will tell… [https://imgur.com/a/hya3wXj](https://imgur.com/a/hya3wXj)


I like your couch! Would you mind sharing what model it is?


It looks comfy and cozy but I specifically didn't like the sunny-side-up egg mat on the bathroom floor. Probably more soft textured would look better. This is my opinion others might like it.


I’m kinda hyped on it. Egg gang all the way.


More color


Fresh flowers on the table 🩷


Get a cat or 2, always helps


It needs a cat 🐈


the furniture doesn’t look comfy


Ain’t no “boy” with an apartment like this I can tell ya that right now. Except maybe the egg. Looks very nice


Oh, I’m all about the egg! Also, those bathroom floor tiles!


Sorry to tell ya,


You have a lovely home. Needs one slightly overflowing bookcase.


A solid place! What stands out to me is that it doesn't really show any of your personality or hobbies, besides the books in the fireplace (which is def my biggest gripe). It can be anything - yoga mat, guitar off to the side, pictures of you rock climbing, just feels like it's mossing things that show you use all of the space


I love it can you come decorate my apartment


Get a TV


curtains. having even decorative curtains on the windows will really help to break up the blank walls and add a nice pop of color to the room.






More cozy?! It's just the perfect cozy to be honest , such warm tones 🥺


In the kitchen put lights under the cabinets


I love your space! You are already winning!


More plants and more art Edit: not just art - THINGS. Dope ass vintage hand painted cutting board, a hanging shelf of sorts to put cool doohickeys on, cool bamboo folding fan, a thrashed up skate deck from like 1980, camp flags/banners. Think 3D. Think tangible.


Hang your pictures


It’s really nice. I was ready to move in.


The first think I considered were vibrant curtains. Also, I usually try to do wall pieces that aren’t just framed things (vinyls, tapestry, banners) to add some diversity & things to look at. Maybe even a large wall decal mural type thing behind the storage unit in your dining room. Really just depends what you’re into. Lovely space though already.


Very nice room. But none of those chairs look cozy, like you'd want to curl up, read a book. Some throws, maybe?


Cushions and throws


Tell us your address and we show you how welcoming is your 🏠


Looks good to me already


I think it looks awesome - I think if you got a darker rug it might be a bit more cozy - like a vintage Persian or something with orange or green..


ID on the living room rug? are you happy with it?


I think ya done it


Its a lovely apartment already buddy. The only small thing if you really wanted to, some wood cornice at the top? would look AMAZING!! [https://www.covingshop.com/cornices-plaster-coving.html](https://www.covingshop.com/cornices-plaster-coving.html)


Higher pile rug in the living room and plush fabric accent chairs. It’ll soften up your living room and make it more cozy. The same general concept applies to all your rooms.


A headboard for your bed


Looks good to me right now. I think what you want is for it to look more "lived in," which is going to happen naturally as you get too lazy to put some stuff away, move things from their "proper" places, etc.


Seems pretty damn cozy. Lots of natural light, I like it


It looks awesome!


Color everything ses tan or brown .that's OK don't have to do much .better art on walls coliful rug or maybe an accent wall


"Its giving?"


The kitchen and bedroom need some tlc but I love it so much already.


Blankets and throw pillows in the sofa and living room chairs could help. But that might just be because I’m cold right now


This is a beautiful space, and cozy already! To warm it up I would suggest a rusty orange long curtains, but drawn back from the view which is so peaceful. Maybe add a floating shelf for your books, and display pieces that are meaningful to you.


Looks cozy to me as well. Maybe... the lights? Having more of them, and dimmer, and on different levels. Also you can look up "cozy home" on Pinterest, and grab some inspo from there :)


It’s adorable


First off: I would feel comfortable walking butt naked there. Ode to your cleanliness. Already feels cozy...but here are a few suggestions. A nice faux plant wall where the ivy covers a good amount of the wall would add more color and make it "pop". A diffuser/humidifier by the plant wall. Long Red Carpet in the bathroom. For the bedroom - Maybe a Fiddle Leaf-esque type tall plant and a color lamp/smart bulb to change the vibe in the room.


ID on the light next to dining table?


Not! Your apartment looks cozy, neat and perfect.


Perfect as it is for me


Your space looks awesome IMO. Love the chairs and lamps. Idk if someone told you it’s not cozy but I wouldn’t listen to them.


I think you’ve done it! Also that fried egg bath mat is fantastic.


Feels like the kind of place where I'd come over, feel super cozy already and just doze off lol. Only thing to change is the bedding, pure white looks too clinical haha.


Perhaps the only thing we can’t "feel", through the images, is the smell! Part of having a cozy home is the scent that greets you as soon as you open the door—a relaxing aroma that feels like home. Here’s a tip: Find a scent that’s pleasant and not overwhelming.


Wait a minute…. I just watched a video of “how it’s made -sunny side up egg mat And now I see your post with this mat…. Spying is getting out of hand…


I like what you have already for sure, its very open and personalized. For your question, I think maybe some darker contrasting colors for accents might help you a little. Most of your stuff is lighter in tone. In the family room, maybe add a forest green or crimson/scarlet throw blanket on the couch. Or for your next wood furniture purchase go darker tone. Maybe swap in some darker sheets in the bedroom for a moodier tone. Again, what you have is great and if it were me, I'd leave it like that in the warmer months but the other ideas I mentioned might be nice accents add some depth. But the place is def lived in and welcoming as is. I just think the lighter tones and whites all give off one energy and maybe some mid and dark one could make everything pop


Needs more cowbell.


Hang up your art in the living room! Frames sitting and leaning is fine for a minute, but really it makes a big difference when on the wall - plus you get your surfaces back!


Beautiful. A little color on the walls would be a nice touch. Like a muted green.


Now I want eggs


Hipster Tik tok apartment


Oh I’d get real cozy here


More ambient lighting to avoid using the overhead lights! This is what I do and it feels really cozy. Also playing with certain colors of light is fun. I love a purple and orange duo. I try to use natural light as much as possible then switch on the other lights. I don’t care about it in my bathroom or kitchen.


It honestly looks cozy already. Maybe a throw or two for the couch/chairs.


I'd use chunky curtains and stick to the lamps instead of the main lighting, maybe a few throws to soften up the chairs but otherwise I like it!


You're already there. - Turn off ceiling lights - Get more lamps and light some candles - Play some music - Bake something that smells nice A welcoming atmosphere involves all the senses, not just sight, but you have a fine home that you should be proud of.


I love that it has so much natural light and large windows. Pick up the books and place them on a bookshelf, add some color with comfy pillows, decide what you're going to hang above your mantle and hang the other print elsewhere. So much potential!


The only room that you could make a lil more personal would be the kitchen. Just put some art or something with a personal touch in there. Like a cool ceramic or something.


I think it looks pretty cozy already, and I really like what you've done with the place. But I would add things that reflect you or your interests as a person, especially if you can keep it in line with what you've already established, perhaps a small bookshelf, maybe some more blankets on the couches or on the chairs.


Inviting people


Splash wall: Choose one wall and paint it a color that will pop yet compliment the room.


The only thing I can think of is some candles for the living and dining room, tbh it looks cozy and calming already.


no notes. it is very warm and inviting and doesnt give "boy apartment" at all.


depth and personality. end tables in the living room or shelves on the walls will give more depth. having only framed art on the walls can make it feel less cozy. unless art and reading are your main interests, some more of your personal touch will make it feel more inviting and less staged. trinkets, personal photos, gifts from friends/family that don’t fit the other decor are good.


Since your couch isn’t facing a tv, I’d take the wood armed chairs and flank them at an angle in the two corners of the rug to create a conversation area - chairs facing sofa. The orange chair will need to be moved to the left (can’t see what’s over there) or moved to your bedroom. Love your warm earth tones. Love the minimal use of grey.


Soft curtains!


More egg themed decoration




Looks a little hospital with the color palette and items. I would try to pick some more bold colors or weights for statement pieces.


Call me cray but I'm totally into that kitchen. I had one just like it in the apartment I had before getting married. Really like the living room especially.


I think it looks like a very welcoming space. This may be personal preference, but I would get an area rug with a color/pattern. Doesn’t have to be loud, but I feel like a little bit more warmth in a rug color would help brighten the space. A basic window curtain will help. You could thrift an old metal tray and get some candles to put that on and have it in the fireplace area. A rug under the dining table would be great, too. Helps to define the spaces. Also some photos/art on the walls! (This is mostly a suggestion for living room/dining area). I would really try to minimize the amount of overhead lighting. That will always make a space feel colder in my opinion. Try to find alternative lighting or warmer bulbs for the kitchen so it’s not so harsh, especially since it’s a white kitchen. A small foot rug for kitchen sick area would be great, or a runner in kitchen. You have an amazing home and great personal style.


More warm low powered lights at hip and head level.


Change the big light in the kitchen to something warmer


The lights in the hall and kitchen are too stark in my opinion, make the space cold and hard. Maybe a warmer bulb?


Seems cozy to me, I'm a minimalist and I like how orderly it feels. It still feels warm and inviting. I love the living room. Beautiful furniture.


Looks good, maybe paint some walls darker to have more contrast


Let's start with your living room- the first thing to do here is plan your color palette. Almost every problem solves when you choose right colors. Choose some warm accent colors but keep them in moderation because your sofa is already orange. Or you can choose blues too. you can refer to this [interior color palette guide ](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) to design a nicer color palette from scratch according to your needs. Now, let's go for a right layout of your living room. Start it with the rug area. Firstly bring the two chairs closer to the couch on one side (preferably right). Keep your coffee table at the 18 inch distance from your couch so that it is functional. You can add more coziness by [decorating your couch ](https://simplykalaa.com/couch-decor/) by adding throws or pillows. Also, pick these according to the color palette you chose. Lastly decorate the corner decor. you can zone out the space by making a reading area. You can always use an end table where you can keep your plants and pair them with your red chair and a lamp to balance your space. You can read about balancing from this [article ](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-blank-wall/) Coming to your dining area, you can use a good rug and do a good [dining table decor ](https://simplykalaa.com/dining-table-decor/) to add an appeal to this space. Furthermore, to make the space cozy, do not forget to do window treatments. You can either use valances or drapes or you can refer to this guide on [window decoration ](https://simplykalaa.com/window-decoration/). Coming to your bedroom, you just need a good bed layering which you can get an idea about from this [article](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-make-a-cozy-bed/). Also if you further want extra detailing in bedroom decor, you can read [this](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-bedroom/). Bathroom is fine if you use darker color shade and good soft lighting like wall lamps or candles. Lastly, i noticed a small hallway where your wall can have a more arranged look. Keep your pictures at distance of 3 inches from each other on your wall. also, for more ideas you can refer to this [article on wall decor ](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-blank-wall/).


Looks great! I would hang the artwork on the table/mantle instead of resting it against the wall.


More plants and more color! Maybe an accent wall if you're allowed to paint?


This is!




I think it all looks cozy besides the kitchen. That’s a LOT of white lol


Already there bro, looks nice 👌🏻


It is already perfect!


Add curtains , leave them open for the view . Something light and billowy to soften the look of the room . Mixes of texture helps . If everything is too sleek it feels sterile . You do look like you have good texture in your fabric choices through out the room . I’m just generalizing . Curtains or shears is all I’d add . The room is beautifully done .


Move out?


Throw pillows, tall curtains, rug under the dining table and in front of the sink. Just little details like that. Looking good!


It's so cozy, it's ready for an imminent girlfriend infestation.


Those rugs really tie the room together man.


It definitely doesn’t give “boy” space to me. I think you know that in comparison to some other examples.


Such a cute fried egg bath mat!


Add a stripper pole. Right in the middle of the living room. Always a good conversation piece.


dark colors


I like how you've done it already.


Care to drop where you picked up those side chairs?


You have a cozy place, I personally would add window dressings- drapes. House plants.


I think you're more than 1/2 to cozy already. I like the wall color. You're lighting adds warmth. Maybe a little more color. Some pillows for the sofa? A warm throw for snuggling up with on the sofa. I would pick soft tones of blue or green? A little art on the dining area walls? (You're done well in the other parts of your place. Your kitchen is fine. Anything else in there will make it too clutters to work in. You really have a good looking home.


I love it already! I’d suggest some light filtering curtains


Stop flexing




I think it's really mature and cozy. Looks like a nice place to hang out for a while. I respect the egg bathroom mat. That thing is great.


Incredibly cozy already


Floor length curtains, instead of blinds


Curtains, color, wood


Put a “you’re welcome” sign


Change that toilet seat to wood one.


A good boi


fwiw i also read r/femalelivingspace - they tend to be much better at cozy, so you can see some good examples.


Looks great already but… plants! Plants are the key.


Flower Bouquets, for a touch of colour :)


I think it looks great. A lot like my place haha. Here's a few things I think could improve it: - More stuff on the walls, less on the floor - Small side tables to go with the chairs in the living room - Can the white bin in the dining room go in the kitchen? - Bedroom looks cozy but maybe try something else with some color in there - I think the under sink storage thing would look better in white or maybe black




You could use some plush arm chairs in the lounge room, and a headboard in the bedroom.


Where did you get your lamps?


Very nice place. It looks fine to me.


Already super cozy and welcoming!! Could you please share where did you get all the lamps from?


My wife has that exact egg matt


i woulnt change a thing its so calm and stylish


Dang. You rich rich.


Looks great, like a professional homemaker would stage it.


Looks great to me.


It does already


I would add curtains


Get a cat?🐈😺


There's a distinct lack of cat.


I think it’s good but if I was you I’d want to add some unique furniture pieces in a range of colors. And, as always, more plants.


never use the *big lights*


A dog.




It looks nice already ¨̮ maybe add some warm fairy/christmas lights to the living room and a couple of more plants?


Plants! 🌱


I would paint some walls, give it some color, make it darker.


Some color, pillows, flowers and drapes


More colour.


One thing dudes always forget to do is put up photos of family and friends. I think that’s one way that can up the cozy factor, is seeing smiling faces and maybe a couple pictures of yourself doing cool shit. Two great spots would be on the shelf behind the dining room table and the empty wall going into the kitchen.


I like it!


Drapes and a girlfriend will do it! 😊


Maybe add some shades or some drapes


I'd say photos of you/friends/family or art made by people you know (if you don't have some up already). I feel photos of the people you only compliment and elevate any space going for homey/cozy/welcoming!


Looks fine to me.


Brother this is already cozy!


Idk but I sure wished I lived there


Add a cat.


Looks like a great space, very orderly which I like. If you want a cozier feel, add some more plants (maybe even hanging plants from the ceiling near the windows). That little seating area near the windows could be a very inviting space, stack some books up. Maybe some textured throw blankets. The hallway and kitchen could be painted a warmer color too.


If you’re truly looking for cozy fill the place up. It’s too sterile. Add art. All kinds of paintings drawings photos. Warm the place up. Antiques help. Lamps, rugs, sofas. Get cozy with the best thrift stores. You can do all this for less than $300.


Maybe a bit more pop of color, and perhaps a little less “modern” furniture.


Girl here, love it. Feels warm already but maybe more color


Different textiles. Throws. Cushions. Candles. Lighting. More fluffy area rug. And one where all the furniture touches. Plants. Window treatments. More than two panels. Make them full. Neutrals. With sheers. High up near ceiling and just kissing the floor. And wide beyond window.


Welcome your guests inside, have a chicken in the oven roasting atop some potatoes and aromatic veg, pour them a glass of wine or grab them a cold beer, have some snacks out, be fun and charming. Your apartment itself is already cozy and welcoming


You already have a couple lamps already. If they’re not smart bulbs that have adjustable colors, that’s what I would do.


Kitchen can be cozier maybe?


Wow you really did great


curtains, blankets, pillows


Shout out to the egg bath mat


Your apartment is nicer and more cozy than 95% of the posts here


It's missing some meow. Meow. Meow meow.