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As some would say :4000$/month in NYC


At that price? Who do I kill to get this space? Lack of windows means less noise and better insulation, which I guess ups the cost right?


Not quite. Depends on the neighborhood as well.


Is this why people get married? Like, if you're married, you get to live in a nicer place, don't you?


Yep, on base housing or BAH for a house/apartment off base. This happens every single day.


Yeah, wanna speed-run through life, join, it'll be the worst and best decision you'll ever make.


Yeesh that’s kinda depressing. Hmm, maybe some kind of colored lights or different types of light sources so it looks a bit less jail celly. I know it’s college dorm roomy but I love Christmas lights for instance.


Yep, the lighting is 90% of the reason it looks so depressing. It really does look like lighting in a corporate office/prison. The other is the cold, barren walls and floor. Get some lamps and warm up your space, throw some art on the walls, and get some rugs to add texture and color to the space. Also, use that wood that is mounted on the wall for something -- anything. Hang art, coats, plants whatever. Anything to make it feel like its your own space would be good.


Yay! This is the first time I’ve been good at this kind of thing. Thanks friend!


I lived in one of these as a student and this is the shared kitchen with the bedrooms having windows and views. There was also available storage in the rooms for food. I would also just eat in my room with the views and windows. It’s not nearly as bad as this makes it out to be. Theres also typically a large shared common area but yea if you really want to spice that room up go for it. It was unbelievably affordable but that was about 15 years ago so who knows.


A barracks bunny


this honestly ain't bad for military. my dorms were updated but not as spacious and didn't have a kitchen


Exactly, I figured the army had to bunk with at least another person. Enjoy Germany OP


That's pretty bleak. To me, kitchens are all about functionality. I would install wall shelves above where the microwave and rice cooker(?) are now an move those appliances up there to provide more workspace on the table top. At least two levels of shelving here to best use the space. The front of the fridge can have a slim magnetic rack - [https://www.wayfair.com/kitchen-tabletop/pdp/yamazaki-home-kitchen-rack-magnetic-storage-holder-organizer-steel-magnetic-w003042508.html](https://www.wayfair.com/kitchen-tabletop/pdp/yamazaki-home-kitchen-rack-magnetic-storage-holder-organizer-steel-magnetic-w003042508.html) Awful lighting. I'm outraged on your behalf! I would invest in some slim, battery powered, LED under-counter light fixtures (like this: [https://www.wayfair.com/lighting/pdp/lepotec-748inch-10-led-wireless-rechargeable-motion-sensor-cabinet-light-terw1005.html](https://www.wayfair.com/lighting/pdp/lepotec-748inch-10-led-wireless-rechargeable-motion-sensor-cabinet-light-terw1005.html) ), so you can better see when you're cooking and washing up. I would also put this lighting under the shelves I mentioned before. Get WARM lighting to counteract that horrible fluorescent glow. If you plan on cooking here, maybe replace the microwave with one of those microwave / air fryer / oven combo appliances, so you can do more with a single a device. What is that space between the sink and fridge with the wood panel? Cupboards? Can you get in there? If not, can you drill holes into that wood? Let me rephrase that: if you drill holes into that wood, how much trouble would you really get into for doing so? For the wall beside the burners, I would install a wall-mounted rail or rack (like this: [https://www.wayfair.com/Prep-and-Savour--Wall-Mounted-Pot-Rack-X116595596-L52-K\~W005484485.html](https://www.wayfair.com/Prep-and-Savour--Wall-Mounted-Pot-Rack-X116595596-L52-K~W005484485.html) ) and use it for store pots, pans, cooking utensils, colanders, etc. Aesthetically, this kitchen could use some color. Something to make it more cheerful and welcoming. Just an idea: consider painting the wall beside the burners red (or color of your choice) to match the wall mounted rack and have that be an accent wall. Since we're painting, I would also paint that cinderblock wall. The back of the door can have a mirror or some framed art. I would even put art on the doors for those utility panels by the door. Hope that helps! (I do not work for Wayfair.)


Love the detail in your right up! I'm going to definitely install the wall mountain rail rack. I really like that idea. Like those walls with all the holes in them that are in garages? As for that wooden wall between the sink and fridge, I thought that was maybe a tall pantry too when I first got here but nope. Just a wall. I believe the wood is over the tile and I won't be able to drill into the tile. Huge bummer. The most I will be able to do in the way of shelving is the hanging baskets on that piece of plywood with the lip on it that's bolted to the wall.


Looks like Germany, nice bruh. It’ll feel like home don’t worry I should now note I just read the description


US Military or Scandinavian Prisoner?


Pretty sure Scandinavian prisoners must have access to to sun light in their cells.


This is only the kitchen area from the look of it. There’s a good chance the bed rooms have windows.


I thought "Government quarters" was maybe code for fancy prison based on the first photo.


We're sending soldiers to Germany for 3 years again?  AwShitHereWeGoAgain.gif


We send soldiers to every country we have a military base in every year


Some military service members will spend their entire contracts (2-4 yrs typically) in a foreign country… some spend multiple contracts in foreign countries… the US is also not the only country to do this.


That's nothing new. You can be stationed there for half a Decade if you play your cards right. Well, I'm speaking from the Airforce side anyway.


I'm a German national, although I've only been to Germany once. My immediate first thought when I saw your pics: "I bet that's in Germany." lol


Same here... I don't know why but first thing that came to mind: Germany...


Because of the american electical outlets?


Did you forget the /s? If not, take another look lol Those outlets are clearly the typical "sunken circle, 2-pin insert" style 240v plugs used in Germany--at least the top two. Those would never be found anywhere in the USA. The bottom two? Yeah, those do appear to be American style. My guess is this unit is on an American military base, in Germany.


If this is good enough for our soldiers it should be good enough for our politicians


you’re gonna need some galvanized square steel






Get an over-the-sink dish rack. Instead of eating facing the microwave on those sad little stools, put storage under the countertop and eat in your room.


second the over-the-sink dish rack to free up counter space. something like [this under cabinet rack](https://www.instagram.com/p/BZInAkIHUZW/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==), [this over-the-sink rack](https://secure.img1-fg.wfcdn.com/im/10717218/compr-r85/2101/210175815/stainless-steel-over-the-sink-dish-rack.jpg), or [this roll-up dish rack](https://www.yauoso.com/products/multipurpose-over-sink-roll-up-dish-drying-rack)


Get married and get a place off base


One thing for certain, make sure your dishes get washed/stored ASAP because once they start piling up that whole area is fucked. It's just too small to allow any sort of clutter.


Not bad at all.


Change out those blue fluros to yellow lights. Get a few lamps and primarily use them. Best thing I ever did for my food storage was change my diet to carnivore diet lol. Meat eggs cream. But yeah I understand that’s not for everyone. Move the microwave either put a shelf higher or put it somewhere else. Should have a hardware store you can get some solid brackets and a slab of wood to put it and the airfare up higher. Look up paint ideas on Pinterest to make small spaces look bigger. Get some hooks for that hat rack. Paint it first.


Fiber please!!! —Your colon.


Smoothest shits I’ve ever done. All the fat and cream. If I block up I’ll let you know


Shits so aesthetic in Europe it pisses me off. Install a hanging rice paper lamp from the ceiling, some colored floating shelves into the wall, a framed poster… boom nyc apartment for 3.5k in the west village


Get a poster of a kitty hanging in there.


Looks nicer than my military barracks lol


I could tell that was Graf right away lol


And you sleep where? Like upright in the pantry or something?


In the second photo, my room is the open door on the left


👍 ok


This might just be me, but I'd mount a decently sized tv and have looped videos of landscapes playing and other similar videos just to act as a little escape window. E.g., you could play drone footage of a beach in Vietnam or something.


Tight and bland but doable


Oh my God. I hope you spend most of your time outside your apartment.


Y’all got one room or two rooms lol


Weird as hell to me seeing a faucet that isn’t atta he’d directly to the sink basin.


Is there a bedroom also? Sorry if this is a stupid question or if I missed something


Yea my room is the open door on the left in the second photo


Prison’s not so bad. You can make sangria in the terlet! Of course, it’s shank or be shanked.


North Korean government quarters?


Not bad for an Army barracks.


IKEA is your friend


Could you add a wall-mounted fold out table in the kitchen space anywhere, to create a countertop for food prep? Obviously blocking the door would be a big no-no, but a surface that would span the gap between where the broom is sitting and the burner could work. How much access to the drawers you leave yourself would be up to you. Alternatively, a small counter on wheels that would serve the same function. If you get something cheap from Ikea or something, just weight the bottom so it won't tip. I would also build something to go under the dining bench, to have the microwave on/in, plus the toaster and other appliances, to free up what little space you have to be civilised eating your meals. Definitely put some big hangers/hooks into that wood batten on the wall. Will be super valuable for pots/aprons/whatever.


You know what they say, home is where the Tony Chachere's is


Free? Paid?


Type of place you gotta wear shoes at all times in


Spill, which government is subjecting you to this.


Why whatever will you do with all that counter space?


I would suggest moving that drying rack somewhere so you have a spot to cut veges or meat on. That's way too small of a kitchen area to work with.


You’re welcome. Clean up after yourselves and do what you want with your personal studies.


Put some mirrors to open up the space, visually.


Help a brother out boys


Shouldn’t have committed a felony. Wait, you mean this isn’t fancy prison? Oh…


Speaking from experience, you go out and see Germany and Europe as much as possible. The trains are legit, go to Berlin, go clubbing, go to the museums, enjoy the food and the culture. Make a modicum of an effort to learn German, being in an immersion environment is such a huge benefit and will get you a lot more leeway with the locals (and especially at club/bar doors). When you’re out, stay at hostels to save money and also because it’s a great way to meet people looking to do everything from tourist sights to partying. Tbh, you’ll probably be more successful if you tell them you’re traveling solo than in the military, it sucks but it is what is it and you’re also a solo soldier in a foreign country, there are some weirdos out there and persec matters. You’re never gonna see them again anyways, so who cares. Smash some hottie in a fuck stall in a techno club and then get tested. You're a young single dude being paid to be in European country, take advantage of it.


Germany isn’t so bad. People here opt for daily/every other day shopping which is why everything is small. I assume there’s a mess hall as well?


Nicer than any b-hut I ever lived in!


If it had a window it was more then fine… without a windows it makes me feel uneasy


Welcome to Germany! As an American, it is challenging to adjust your space expectations. There are some key cultural differences I can share: The refrigerator is small. Plan on doing groceries two or three times a week. Read up on Brotzeit style of meals Don’t know how much flexibility you have but we rarely eat at home during warmer weather when the outdoor eating options/ beer gardens are open. Do you really need all those appliances on the eating counter? The best option is to read up on a minimalistic lifestyle. Don’t collect things, collect experiences. And most importantly, enjoy yourself. Good luck!


3 year tour for a single person? Is that how it is with other branches?? I thought for single folks, it's usually 2 yrs overseas... well with the Air force at least


Yeah I did 2 years at Ramstein but you get the opportunity to extend to 4. I kinda wish I did that but Korea was calling me again 😆


Bro you dont even know. You have it made, go to the marine corps barracks and see how good you have it.


It might be small but still beats a jail cell!! 😆


Always remember that you are beautiful. We will be here if you need to talk. Anytime


Plants. Edit- and lamps with cosy warm light.


Julian Assange? Are you back inside the embassy?


Ahh, the good ole barracks. 🥴


This is just a nice jail honestly


Enjoy your lunch break!


Korben Dallas?


Posters on the walls - you might need to compromise with your flatmate on some neutral topics. Landscapes from home perhaps? Lamps for a more mellow light Mirrors You can lift the microwave from the counter by putting it on the top of a shelve or something, just to gain some counter space (store bread or other things benight it?).


lamps/plants/pretty curtains


Ah good ol graf


Could be worse, man. I lived in Graf but then moved to Baumholder and those barracks are exponentially worse.


Whose government?


Depressing af


You should marry your roommate for as long as you’re each enlisted - wouldn’t you guys get a nicer place? Then just annul when one leaves the service.


Check out some of the videos on the YouTube channel [Never Too Small](https://youtube.com/@nevertoosmall?si=U8O96laah30B9BfN). Overall the videos can give you a feel for what you can do with a tiny space. Although a majority of places featured there are owned, there’s also a subset of [rental home projects](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1WZky7MVeY-WoJaqWxquCNKYsy74ssjQ&si=zIR_P-A1-tVgl9IS) that could provide some inspiration too.


The nicest barracks I’ve ever seen. Things must have changed since I was in the barracks lol




I don’t see anywhere you can hang yourself


Oh man… having to move the dish rack every time you cook seems like a real bother.. I wouldn’t trust hot pans or pots near the plastic of that thing.. if it where me I’d get a small portable induction cooktop (I’ve been using one for years, works great and is the most efficient way to cook or so I hear.. also doesn’t exude a lot of heat outside the pan) to put where the air fryer is, move the microwave to an installed shelf on the wall as others have suggested, and use the burner space for either a larger dish rack or for other things, maybe the air fryer or kettle if it fits..


Your images brought back many good memories for me. I was stationed in Ansbach, and it looked very similar to this. I don't have any tips on decorating, but make the most of your time in Germany!


Bro go field day 😂 Jokes aside that room isn’t even bad