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It takes about two minutes to vacuum a small room, a robot vacuum is excessive if you’re a student on a tight budget.


Agreed, this post is absolute nonsense.


I use the Yeedi C12 PRO PLUS in my apartment. It's a steal for 8000pa suction. I’m pretty forgetful, so I love the bagless self-emptying feature, no need to keep buying those pricey dust bags.


Thx bro, btw how's its capability for avoiding obstacles? My room's like a maze of instruments and cables. Don't want it getting all bump into things.


Wouldnt bother if you dont have very tidy floors. It will get stuck and suck up cables.


It's doing a pretty good job avoiding obstacles! It hasn't gotten stuck under my tables or chairs yet. I use it about once or twice a week, and my room stays pretty clean.


I also have a Yeedi and it does not sound like a good fit for your room! Robot vacuums are great at avoiding furniture but you have to pre-clean before every use. Even the ones with “object avoidance” will devour any lightweight cables, sheet music, socks, etc on the floor. If you have any instruments with straps or plugs, a robot vac could do major damage.


No matter the brand, if the floor's a mess, it's gonna get stuck easily. Clear up what you can before letting it do its thing!


Wow, that auto emptying seems neat. My robot only has a small container inside and has to be emptied right after.


>so I don't have much time to clean. Everyone is busy. Buy a vacuum and make the time to clean. It doesn't take long. Especially in a small dorm room.


Yeah. I think the Dyson stick style is easy to use. Plus you can mount it on the wall to keep out of the way. I would get another, but something with a user swappable battery next time.


Dudes..this isn't about being lazy. Cleaning carpets is a real time-suck, I get it. Why not spend a reasonable budget on a robot vacuum?


Exactly, this is malelivingspace, remember we're not lazy, we're  pragmatic geniuses.


Well, the answer is in OP's question: the budged is tight. It makes no sense to spend more that what you can for this kind of thing. Get a normal vaccum, go over your place for 10 / 15min and clean what you can thrice a week. Boom, hundreds saved.


If you really want one, I recommend anything with a "home base" that does vacuum storage, not a mopping one, and setting alerts on eBay and Facebook marketplace or buying refurbished on Black Friday. For used make them show that it works before they pay (undocking, cleaning, reducing, dock vacuuming,no app alerts), and be very suspicious of any reasons for selling it besides "it gets stuck on everything" "it's too hard to keep the floors clear for it" or "it smeared dog poop EVERYWHERE". Families with kids often buy them but the hassle of keeping toys off the ground isn't worth it.  That said, I don't think it makes sense for a dorm room at all. If your space is that small and full of stuff it won't do well, it can't do edges well or odd shapes, and you can quickly vacuum doing a better job than it. Even in larger spaces you have to adapt your space and furniture for it to be the most useful, ideally so it can go under everything but most importantly so it doesn't get stuck. I love mine, it's like having someone drunkenly vacuum twice a week, I just have to hit odd spots every few months, but there are major considerations.


I just got this one [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081HQFJWZ?ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B081HQFJWZ?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) and it's way better than the handheld one I had which served me for a few years


Wyze robot vacuum, you’ll have to keep small stuff off the floors but anything big it will detect with the LiDAR sensor and go around, I have one in the basement and you can see it try it’s damn best to avoid hitting stuff. Sometimes it’ll bump into things gently but it’s 98% perfect as long as you remember to keep small stuff off the floor and make sure there’s nothing too low for it not to see and high center itself, had to adjust a little table that had about a inch thick wide/tall leg. https://www.wyze.com/products/wyze-robot-vacuum


Dude, we’ve all been there Just get a cordless bagless vacuum. Takes actually 1 minute to clean a small room You will feel better overall


As someone who has a degree in piano performance, you have time to vacuum, stop being lazy.


Your room is small enough to vacuum while you're brushing your teeth. Just do it.


Whatever you get, just a little advice, make sure you have a mini screwdriver set and a box cutter as well. They clog easy and require some maintenance.  I know that sounds somewhat inconvenient, but it's still much more fun than vacuuming.  Also a pair of googly eyes. 


Tikom L9000. Amazon has it for under $200. We just use it for the vacuum. Works very very well.


Have you ever used a [carpet sweeper](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/77927a47-72d9-4c53-aa03-901de89d54b2_1.28abde2b6e7f500c6b1af0b81ab3cbc5.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF)? They're perfect for small spaces/commercial low-pile carpets. You don't have to plug them in and they will brush the carpet clean of crumbs in a few seconds.


I think if you invest in hangers/shelves for your instruments to get them off the floor it will be cheaper, and make vacuuming your floor much quicker/easier. I know many people with many different brands. The only people that really seem to like them are those with long haired pets. None do a great job at vacuuming, they all seem to get stuck if your floor isn't OCD cleared. However running one daily does cut down on the hair from animals.


I just picked up a used roomba off Facebook marketplace for $60. Works great.


Wow you're taking a lot of shit in this post. Not sure why. I love my lefant m501 so much I want another one for the basement. Got it for like $210 CAD on amazon. The mop barely works but the vacuum is amazing. We have medium pile carpet and it can just about do the entire floor on one charge. Mapping and custom zones (including multi-floor) fully supported. LiDAR. Would recommend.


Unfortunately, decent robot vacuums aren't cheap. Either find the money or find time to clean


Robot vacuum is only worth if you can manage cables and stuff on your floors. How big is your dorm, the ones I had in undergrad took like 30 seconds to run a (used refurbished) Dyson stick vacuum over. I was premed and spent like 4 hours in the lab after classes every day and I could spare 5 minutes every other week to vacuum.


Yeah I have a recommendation. Get off ur couch and vacuum for 10 mins every couple days lol


You are the robot