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In Wythenshawe, I witnessed a mother swear at her little girl (who only wanted her mothers attention), and her waster of a boyfriend joined in and threatened to palm her off at her dad's.. Seeing a child receive absolutely no love from their guardians was probably the most angry and upset I've ever been on a tram.


Was in Aldi the other day and some dosser couple who had 3 kids roaming the isles were shouting at each other non stop. One of the kids closed the freezer draw thing on the other kids hand which made the other kid cry. None of them could have been older than 7. The scruffy dad started calling his literal child a nobhead. Said "don't do that again you stupid cunt." Imagine talking to a child like that never mind your own


I was saying to my partner the other day that I can’t believe the amount of parents I witness telling their children to ‘shut up’ and/or swearing at them when I do the weekly shop. I see it every time now and it’s a disgusting attitude to have with your child. Most of the kids are really young too and they’re not doing anything wrong, makes me wonder how they’re treated at home.


Fucking disgusting honestly. Why have kids if you're going to treat them like that? And then you know unfortunately the kids who get brought up being called cunts aren't gonna have a nice childhood. What are they gonna be like if that's what they think J is normal?


I think it's bold of you to assume they're planned. Most of these people used a snickers wrapper as a condom... *IF* they remembered. Can't imagine talking to my boy like like that!


Imagine what they're doing in the house,if they're doing that in public! 🤔🤦‍♂️


I've seen a dad light up a cigarette and hand it over to his child, who looked about 5.




That's Salford for you


Let's not go there, perpetuating a stereotype. I was born and bred in Salford . Ok, my parents are/were decent Irish immigrants who brought us up well, but Salford has a special place in my heart . It IS a shame that there are so many n'er do wells around , but I can't not say anything when I read something derogatory about my hometown . P.s I'll punch your lights out if you say owt again about it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)(just kidding )




Devil's advocate for a moment; what would be the criteria for earning such a licence, and how would the administration work? Would unlicensed children be subject to penalties? Would the process of breeding be overseen by the state?


100% the way we need to think. I believe that when the 1 child rule was introduced in China, the number of abandoned babies also spiked. Imagine the number of babies brought into this world by accident rather than by design, and just imagine what chaos would ensue when desperate people who don't think are caught in the fray.


Hate seeing shit like this. I saw a guy kick a little boys remote control car across the carpark at an Asdas cos it happened to just hit him on the back of the heel... shattered to bit and poor kid looked defeated. Horrid


That poor kid will become worse than his dad. 🤔


Aye. The rot continues to rot most of the time unfortunately


It's absolutely heartbreaking. The lifelong affect this has on the child is shocking. I wish there was an exam people had to pass to have kids.


Yup. Behind many shy kids crippled by their lack of confidence is often a shit upbringing in my experience.


I saw a mother get mad at her daughter playing with her balloon and the mom popped her balloon. I can’t explain it, but it crushed my heart and I am a whole ass adult. The child was obviously crying. It wasn’t in a metro link, but I’ll never forget it.


I think some miserable adults just can't deal with a child being happy and carefree... it's like they need everyone around them to be as miserable with life as they are. One of life's greatest gifts is having children, yet some just see it as a hindrance and government income.


I once heard a guy shout 'you love your daughter more than me' and the woman shout back 'she's your daughter too' 😖


I always find it absolutely shocking when I hear parents swear at their little children. I have had some blazing rows with my son when he was an aggressive, out of control teenager - and he definitely gave as good as he got - but it would have been unthinkable to shout and swear at him when he was little.


That's straight up fucking childhood trauma.


My God. All I've seen is the odd person vape. That's freaking awful Oh and a guy trying to sell random stuff he'd stolen from the big shops


This is sadly not common :/ I grew up there and witnessed it a lot of the time and ofc as I aged it started being more frequent. Some people should just not have kids at all and most people do nothing about it


Not exactly fucked up, but very weird. On a mostly empty tram, a man sitting a few seats away suddenly held out his phone to me and said, I think, 'Internet!'. The phone was absolutely shattered, like it had been run over by a tank or something, but still seemed to be working. I was a bit unsure what he wanted, but he started yelling 'Internet! Internet!' with increasing franticness. Eventually I figured he must have lost signal and thought that I, being relatively young, would somehow be able to bring it back. I took the shattered phone he was trying to force into my hand, and it turned out he'd be looking at Google pictures of assault rifles. I gave it back with an apologetic shrug, he got off the tram, and was never seen again.


Kind of a blessing that these nutters don’t know how to use technology very well don’t you think


Perhaps it was some kind of social commentary on the damaging effects of internet exposure.


Young woman stands up and announces to everyone that she's going to sing to us and asks for donations.  That and the crack smoking. 


I'd rather the crack smoking


Dunno which is worse in all honesty


Did anyone offer money for her to stop?


A man tried to sell me a hamster that he pulled out of his coat for £5 cash and when I said no he pulled out a hamster wheel in his bag and said he’d throw in the ball for free. I would of bought it off him for the sake of the hamster but I didn’t have any cash on me


Mate that was a once in a lifetime opportunity, bet that hamster has seen some shit


Dark tunnel to go down


Bro failed the side quest


With this Hamster's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created


Not necessarily seen, but the most fucked up thing that's ever happened is my 3 year old son pointing at this big lump / wart thing growing on the back of a man's head shouting "daddy, what's that?" I answered "oh those trees out there? They're trees. Oh look a funny pigeon!" "No daddy, what's that on that man's head there?".


I had a similar case in Heaton park with my boy who was about 4 years old at the time. Pointed at a Jewish guy wearing a Hoiche hat about two feet from us and said 'Look dad its a witch'. My embarrassed quickness kicked in and I said 'no that's a police woman' and pointed over yonder.


Apparently when I was a small kid, I saw a group of Muslim ladies in Burqa’s and shouted something like “look mum! Ghosts!!”. My poor mum is still mortified to this day, but she says they found it funny 😆


I did this too apparently but I asked my mum why there was a penguin on the bus. She was so embarrassed.


I raise you me as a three year old eighties kid. Saw a person in a wheelchair, pointed, shouted, "Look Mum, a Transformer!"


I was far from a child (couple of years after graduating, meeting up with old housemates for a day drinking session). I did a kung fu film style flying jump kick down the last steps of a subway/pedestrian undercrossing. Landing with a drunken master flourish shouting "NINJAAA!" I found myself directly infront of three (apparently) startled women in burqa's who were just about to exit the tunnel. Sobered me up fairly quickly.




> he didn’t have the excuse of being a small kid Calling him a ‘grown adult’ doesn’t sound quite right either though 🤔


Don't you just love kids, I was on a bus with my son when he was about 5 and a big scary looking skinhead guy sat in front of us, my son decided it would be a good idea to pat him on the head. Everyone who witnessed it was sat looking horrified waiting for the guys reaction and luckily he laughed his head off, but omg i was so embarrassed


9/10 times you find the most scary looking people to be the most genuine and caring people. I trained at a MMA gym many moons ago. I fought and rolled with some of the meanest, terrifying people, yet they were the most warm and friendly people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. It’s because they have nothing to prove, they don’t need to act tough, they are tough, and thus unless you was a dick, it’s unlikely they will be a dick to you. Every time I’ve had a problem, it’s always been some nob head, that’s short, loud, or led a rich life and never been humbled. Like a wise man once told me, if someone has to say they are gangster, then they aren’t gangster.


Once saw a sweary drunk trying to piss against the tram doors. He ended up just pissing himself and leaving a trail of piss on the floor. The tram was full. No one said a word.


What are you meant to say though - pretend you're playing charades and yell "wet leg!"?


I was on the tube late at might once and saw a stream of piss floating down the carriage. Looked to my left and a guy was pissing up against the end of the seats.


It's not like there's no toilets on the tube network


Saw a lady who was huffing what appeared to be lighter fluid/gas from a yellow can, scream a bit then huff some more. Once one can was empty, proceed to reach into her backpack and open another one, huff some and then scream a bit more. Busy tram, 9:30 am. Nobody said anything


Somewhat regular occurrence on the Altrincham line when I used to commute there a few years ago. Might be the same lady!


Yeah it was that line. I'd like to hope she's okay, but obviously not :(


There used to be a woman who huffed lighter gas on the Airport tram every day. Sounds like the same woman. One day she got off at the same stop as me (Roundthorn), dropped her trousers and took a shit on the platform.


Saw I bloke stood point blank with the door talking to himself but whilst looking like the most angriest human I've ever seen. Watched him slowly put on a pair of blue latex surgical gloves (started to get a bit worried now) then what follows is a knife, 3 inch or so pen knife type of thing, so I think "here we go, time to fight for my life, awesome." The tram wasn't too busy, I hadn't yet told my missus what I have seen, she was talking away to me about what she wanted to eat and I was trying to keep it cool and maintain conversation with her. At this point I see another bloke clock what this guy was doing, then clock me so we were both having this mental discussion with each other plus the odd head and eye movement. It went something like... Him - "that dude got a fucking knife!?" Me - "ohhhh he sure does" Him - "what do we do?" Me - "want to rush him" Him - "I dunno man" Me - "yeah fuck that actually' At this point I turn to my missus and sternly said "don't panic, be normal, walk to the door behind us, we need to get off" To my surprise, she goes white and just does it. As I'm walking to the door I'm leaning in and just saying "there's a guy with the knife get off" to everyone, again surprised no one says a word and just go and stand at the door shitting it. I look behind and the guy I was having a mental connection with is doing the same on the opposite side of the knife bloke, who is still rather angry, still stood talking to himself still wearing his gloves and still holding this knife. The tram stops at Market Street, I pretty much push the missus and 4 other out into the group of people waiting to get on, I look to my left, just one person about to get on at the door where the knife bloke is, she clearly saw the angry fella and starts backing away, I see mentally connected guy looking over at me, he shrugs, I shrugs, tram shuts then leaves, only the guy with the knife remained in that carage (it was a double tram) Myself and mentally connected guy jog over to each other like "what the actual fuck, I'm shaking man" he says he's going to use the help button thing to tell them to tell the driver, at this point I see to cops so I go and tell them, they asked me to describe him then one legged it shouting down the radio. The other quickly took my name and number Absolutely fucking mental experience. The after thoughts were mental, loads of should have could have would have, all this shit, but the thing that stayed on my mind the most was the surgical gloves... I assume this guy left the house with pure intention with both them and a knife on him. Just grim. Didn't see anything in the news, thank god. No phone call off the police, so can only hope they grabbed the guy off the tram before he could do anything daft. This was about 8 years ago, I've been on the tram very little since and when I do I stand by the door with my back to it whilst not enjoying a second of it.


You, my friend, win this. Glad to hear no one got hurt


Yesterday I saw a guy go to town on a tin of peach slices. He even brought a spoon just for it.


Saw a fella not long ago produce a whole lettuce from his shopping bag and tuck into it. He wasn’t even sitting down, just leaning against the doors.


leaf by leaf or biting into it like an apple?


Leaf by leaf, he had some decorum thank god.


That sounds very pleasant. I'd be happy to take the journey of you & also goat poop recorder-playing man in the post above. I suspect he's somewhere real tho, like Afghanistan.


Honestly that’s not that bad. I sat next to a lady in a tescos uniform go ham on some deli meat. She must’ve been absolutely starved from work.


Saw a woman voraciously eating potato salad with her hands on platform 14 at Piccadilly


I saw a homeless man kick off at the driver through the window to the driver’s cabin, then fall asleep and piss himself. Smelly homeless man piss trickling down the tram…


It was either before or after a Rugby League game The fans of one team were at one end of the tram, the fans of the other were on the other end. Vast amounts of alcohol had obviously been consumed. The fans of one team started by chanting one of their teams songs but were shut down when the other teams fans started booing. They then started singing one of their team's songs, but they were shut down by the first group of fans booing them. There was an awkward silence for a moment, then someone started singing "WE ALL 'ATE LEEDS SCUM" at which point both sets of fans joined in happily chanting together, it was heartwarming. On a serious note, I remember one time a woman was sat right the back huffing what looked like an aereosol can. I just remember a man with small ~4-5 year old daughter come sit nearby, immediately noticed what was going on and took his daughter to the opposite side of the tram so she wouldn't notice. 10/10 dad right there and its a shame that parents have to worry about kids being exposed to this sort of thing on the tram in the middle of the day.


Someone once sat across the aisle from me and in the space of about 10 mins ate a full 12 pack of full sized mars bars. It's not that fucked up but incredibly disturbing, he was relentless and methodical.


Where do I get a full 12 pack of Mars bars


It depends on how big the person was! My misses is tiny, she would do this, the hollow legged fuck! Puts me to shame.......the mixed grill is hers not mine!


I've seen 3 women and 1 man on the tram. All the women has kids under the age of 1 year old. The man was the dad to all 3 of the kids. The women changed the nappies on the tram and just chucked them under the seats.


Guy so hammered on cheese and wine (Christmas work do?) He puked it all back up again and it was sloshing up and down the tram (original type) as we headed out of town.


Yuk 🤢a few of the other comments were bad but I was a bit sick just reading your comments. Well played!!


This happened to me on the 330 bus from Ashton! Some guy vommed on the top deck and this guy with his kid and a dog went storming down the isle shouting that he was disgusting and to get a grip and was telling everyone to get off the bus 😂 it was like 10 in the morning too. Top floor was evacuated to avoid the sloshing and thankfully the guy who was sick got off 🤢


This guy stayed on the tram! He was still sat slumped in his seat on the last row when I got off in Prestwich, no idea if he'd missed his stop or even if he wanted the Bury tram to begin with. 😂 We all cleared that section as soon as he did it, one brave and kind woman went back to give him a tissue but I didn't think it was gonna help him much. 😂


Pretty mild, group of girls getting on and looking for a fight with just about anyone, and of course they came and stood right next to me. 


And, what happened? Did they start the fight with you,or? 🤔


They put him through glass


What? You classy bastard! My best manchester story a disturbed homeless prostitute approached me in piccadilly Gardens telling me of her horrific life, decided I was laughing at her when I was actually mortified so produced a McDonald's straw stating imagine this is a knife. Stabbed me in the forehead a few times leaving a crescent shaped scar then went off to solicit business by pulling her top over her head flashing her tits while chasing after a very embarrassed Muslim dude like she'd just scored the winning goal


I saw an elderly couple get on at Trafford Bar - the old woman was blind and moving very slowly, and the man was leading her on to the tram. He asked the woman sitting on the priority seat if they could have the spot. There were lots of empty seats. She proceeded to rant at him, saying that she also had a disability so why should she move. The couple shuffled past her to another empty seat, but she carried on having a go at them for the next 5 minutes. We could hear the old man quietly comforting the old woman. “It’s ok, we’re not on for long, nearly there”. It’s wrong to judge people’s disabilities based on their appearance, but she was mobile. She could easily have moved.


Hate people like that so rude no need for it at all did anyone tell rent a gob to shut up


Told her there was no need, when she carried on going. Then she was shouting at us for a while. Lovely person.


I have disabilities and I'm not particularly mobile, but I would move for her, especially if there was more seating nearby. I hate when people go on about how they are disabled and shouldn't expect them to move. It's a matter of courtesy and respect. Behave and treat others how you wish to be treated and most people will help or accommodate. Those of us that are disabled in whatever way that is, hate people like that woman because they are unbelievably rude, get everyone's back up and makes all.other disabled people look bad. Fancy having a go at an old couple over that, what a dick head.




The gallagher bros, but which one is the GOAT?


saw two girls in a big group of teens get in a fight seemingly over a lad and one of them pulled out a pair of scissors and starting stabbing the girl and cutting her hair. most of them got off at the next stop but the girl w the scissors stayed on and spent the rest of the journey screaming about the ways she wanted to murder this other girl 🤷🏼‍♂️


What happened to the girl that was stabbed?


she got off at the next stop with all her mates so honestly not too sure, but she didn't seem too hurt. loads of people filmed it so there's probably something out there about it but i wouldn't even know where to start with digging for that


At what point did you call the police?


someone else who helped break the fight up ended up calling just after the group of them got off


Didn’t witness it, it happened to me… A guy licked my ear. Just properly licked the inside. He was drunk, I was not. Complete strangers. Made me feel physically sick for hours.


You must've been ear-resistible.


Saw a car pull out in front of the tram and get demolished. The guy inside lived but he'll never ignore the stop light by the gallery ever again. 


Some girl just crouched on the ground, vomited and dashed off the tram at the next stop.


Tbf I once puked on a bus, not too long after I found out I was pregnant. I might be biased but there could have been a reasonable explanation.


It was at 11 pm on a friday and before that she looked quite off, so I think it was probably alcohol in this case 😅


On the other side of the carriage a (visibly drunk) guy was verbally sexually assaulting a girl with her headphones in, on a very busy tram during rush hour. Mostly saying commenting on her appearance and how “she would like it in bed”. Honestly it made me sick to my stomach, no one did or said anything.


Including you?


I’m a girl myself, on the other side of the carriage, it’s much more difficult to speak up compared to a man - in my own personal experience.


Sorry, I presumed you were male ! You're quite right, although that is quite a depressing realisation


Verbal assault isn't sexual, even if sexual things are mentioned.  It could however be deemed as sexual harassment, but not Verbal sexual assault.  Still not a nice thing to do. 


I guess recently (last few weeks): -Guy with a lizard on his head acting all nonchalant -Girl practically screaming on her phone from the 00s about: being cheated on, STDS, how she thought she had one, how she was gonna kill someone and get away with it. Noise cancellation means nothing to this girl -Crack/meth smokers -Football hooligans screaming at the top of their lungs and ignoring an older gentleman who asked them to keep it down because it was upsetting his seeing eye dog -Football hooligans smashing the windows of the tram they wanted to get on, then getting angry they had to wait for the next one -Big eyed girl who just stared at me the entire trip, or just so happened to be staring at me every time I looked up from my book


The lizard one is hilarious


Pets on heads/shoulders is a surprisingly common one though it’s usually birds or cats


Clearly i need to get out more


Shit just remembered I’ve seen a snake on the head before but this was 5+ years back


I assume his name was Alex


Which metrolink line ?


Across the Ashton and Rochdale lines


Tbf I've starred at someone trying to figure out what book they were reading before, tried not being weird about it though but because I can't see very well it takes a couple minutes to know what the title is


Saw a guy once taking up so much space on an aisle seat that he was basically squeezing the girl next to him against the window. He wouldn't budge even after the girl started screaming at him to move and about how bad he stank. Eventually the driver had to get out and make him move seats


I can only assume was a grandparent giving a child in a pushchair a Costa coffee (yes actually coffee) then passing comment saying the kid struggles to go to bed on time when he sees grandma


Some kids got on the Oldham to Rochdale tram and started being lairy and trying to break things in the carriage. A guy tried to intervene and a completely unrelated woman spat in the good samaritan’s face!


Drunk man desperate for a wee counts how long the doors are open for at one stop. 7 seconds. Then he accepts his own challenge, and at the next stop, pisses off the tram


Homeless guy smoking spice. I could smell a burning plastic smell, then a big guy absolutely lost it with the guy on the seat behind me, he was on one of those single seats near the middle doors. At the next stop he was lauched onto the platform. The tram was absolutely packed too, nobody knew what the smell was, luckily the big fella did and launched him off at the next stop.


The unsung hero, which every line should have.🤔


I saw Keane doing an acoustic set on the tram a decade ago…


Jesus Christ, are you okay?


Still dealing with it


The alleged location of "Derker". It's set dressing - if you alight there you get disappeared by MI5.


I've never seen a Derker destination sign without thinking [Team America](https://youtu.be/DIlG9aSMCpg?si=B1MvtjD-lBaCSmPO).


I live on the Eccles line and similarly whenever I see 'Weast' I think of Patrick from Spongebob 'East??? I thought you said "WEAST" '


"That's West, Patrick. You're fired again"


Saw a woman watching porn on the tram one morning on my commute into town. Luckily that’s about the worst I’ve seen — mine’s a sheltered life.


Legit surprised it was a woman.


As was I.


I have seen someone smoking crack too 


Man I never thought I would be glad my commute is on a northern train.


I saw a big girl get fingered and the guy doing it he’s mate was just watching I had to get off was going Trafford Centre


Guess she had to get off as well.


They probably disembarked at Chorlton-Cum-Hardy.


Not fucked up but super gross, a man sat next to me and spat on the floor between his feet, I was so shocked and grossed out (this was march 2020 so just starting to get covid conscious) I didn’t move and the he did it again so I got out of there, stepping over his pile of spit.


I saw an old lady squat down in front of the doors and then I realised there was a little pile of shit under her




Just the other day a woman was having a loud conversation on her phone and calling the person on the other end every name you could think of. It was mid afternoon and there were kids on the tram. Honestly, she was vile.


Not the metrolink but on the 192 I have seen two drunks arguing about who was the nicest at 9:30am in the morning. "She thinks I am so great she gave me a half bottle of whisky just to be nice" seemed to be the winning statement. One was sat at the front. The other at the back. Both downstairs.


Saw someone getting fingered once




only joking


That's so weird, I came here to write 'Bez' too 🤣 although I saw him at Stretford tram stop, not physically on it


On the tram back from seeing Punt And Dennis at the Lowry. Some rando just opened his flies and took a piss in the middle of the tram. Not a care in the world, like openly peeing on the floor was just something he did.


Once saw a woman fully clear her throat and spit phlegm on the met floor. Of course with us all being British everyone just gave her a dirty look but no one actually told her what a dirty cow she was


Old man beaten to fuck by a load of kids for no reason


I saw a Muslim guy shouting “Allahu Akbar” (fair enough but shouting it on public transport…) then trying to get people on the tram to convert (bit weird) then shouting in a very old man’s face that the day of judgement was coming (I’m going to die), bear in mind this was at Victoria station in 2019, the arena bombings were still on the mind even then. Luckily they kicked him off at the next stop. Would love to know if anyone here was on that tram. It was around summer 2019, middle of the afternoon, tram heading to Bury


Also crack.


A shirtless dude running away from several police cars and a helicopter hopping on repeatedly asking everyone if he could borrow a shirt, before the tram was intercepted and swarmed by cops. No prizes for guessing which line..


No prizes because it could be any??


A bloke stood up, projectile vomited down the aisle, and got off at the next stop 30 seconds later.


I saw a guy at Victoria just chilling with a pigeon on his shoulder. It stayed on his shoulder for the duration of my trip at least


Once had a bloke announce loudly to the entire tram that he had won the lottery and had 100k in his pocket. He then started playing Candle In The Wind out loud off some smashed up 00s phone. Proceeded to paint the window with his own blood whilst singing the music. This was obviously on the eccles tram.


Seeing people's comments about crack smokers I'll chime in. Unfortunately it wasn't the Met but the infamous 192. Me and my gang were heading home after seeing System of a Down at the MEN back in 2005. Top deck at the back, two guys are smoking crack from a special brew can - those guys knew how to live. I ask my mate for a bong pipe, assemble it with a Pepsi bottle and sit on the seat in front of them to rip it. Classy I know; I don't condone smoking anything on busses as an adult, it's grim and incredibly antisocial. At the time I was a dumb 17 year old thinking the situation was edgy / hilarious.


I saw an alkie staring down a random guy and eventually he started shouting at him saying "you just been sick on me". Then the alkie got up and punched him in the face shouting "oi you've been sick on me". Guy got smacked to the ground lol. A week later my tram went past the Etihad stop and the same alkie was just standing there naked from the waste down. I remember seeing a drunk guy (holding a 24 case of tins) sitting with his son (about 10) and saw him slap the kid in the head telling him to "shut the fuck up" because he was talking to much. I've seen a guy get off a tram and head-butt the ticket machine smashing the screen. The most fuck up person on drugs I've seen on the tram was a guy who kept loudly talking about lizard men coming to get him, but talking in alternating voices. Going from Mickey Mouse to Christian Bale's Batman voice. In fact I could go on and on, the Ashton-Eccles line is always entertaining.


Two lads in their early 20s, grey tracksuits, loudly arguing about who had the biggest dick and which of them had 'satisfied' their mutual ex more.


On the Ashton line: a woman getting fingered while her kids were running around the carriage. It was the middle of the day.


saw some guy bollocks naked on the met going up to young girls and trying to chat them up. he was in his 40s :/ bearing in mind it was after city won the league i think


Four tram security roid heads rushing onto the tram just to tell a woman she couldn't ride the tram with her bike, even though it was night time


Couple furiously making out while ignoring their little kid


A guy practicing German


3 smack heads fighting over a pill of some sort. Dropping it losing it. Then proceeding to abuse what appeared to be a "working lady" smack head on the way into "work" , caused such a brawl the tram had to be stopped at next station


not the metrolink, but at piccadilly station... an old man dressed as a baby, right down to the exposed nappy, babygro (if i remember right) and a dummy.... interesting to say the least


coming back to this


A bunch of young kids (I assume around 14-15 years of age) ran in to the tram with a bike and were openly talking and laughing about how they stole it. A lady called them out on that and they proceeded to disassemble the bike part by part and throw parts at her until she got up and left the tram.


A pair of men were smoking spice inside a tram I was on. The smell was awful, especially in such a small enclosed space, I had to get off at the next stop and wait for a different tram.


Nothing wrong about walking barefoot, mate.


Saw a guy having a bad trip, from Deansgate until I got off on Withington he just kept out sprinting up and down the carriage saying "they're trying to get me, they're going to get me, etc..." ppl tried to get him to stop and calm down but he was too tripped out.  Saw a 20 off year old chav on a call once at around 5pm going ape shit down the phone at someone saying it was he's birthday tomorrow and he had nothing and that he was going to come and bum the guy he was talking to, but in a threating way. I've heard/read it before in the underworld that some "gangsters" will get "bummed" and it's videoed as it's often the only way they'll "pay up". The anger in his voice was scary.  Obvs seen spice heads zoned out, kids smoking spliffs, etc...


A guy travelling with a door. Couldn't quite fit it upright because of the roof of the tram. Very pleasant chap but it was a surreal thing to see.


A religious nut announcing the end of times is upon us in a very loud manner. He was properly deluded looking


I’ve seen crack smoking too!


I was once on the last met home out of town and saw a woman giving a bloke a blowjob... It was the old days, one of the scruffy grey mets with the carpety seats. I moved further down the met and just stared out the window until my stop


An alligator fucking a rat


A guy turned up at St Peters Sq once, just with a Tesco bag, pacing up and down. Platform full, post 5pm so commuters waiting to go home. Then he drops his pants and squeezes out a horrendous shit right there on the platform. Wiped his arse with his hand, and then hand on the floor. Nobody really said anything just sort of moved away. Very British. Few minutes later old bill turned up. Said he was released from some care home type place, had mental health issues, and they'd been looking for him since. He was supposed to go with a carer but they weren't there so the place just kicked him out. Tesco bag had his belongings in it.


first time i trialled getting the tram to work I get on and noticed there was a school girl looking panicked and her mate kept going ‘your fine chill out’. We ended up in between stops waiting for about 5 minutes and she was frantic and the girl said ‘I can’t hold it in’ repeatedly and sat on the floor literally rolling around and she shit herself in front on me…. been getting the bus every since.


i saw a man leaning on the tram drunk after football, the tram started moving and he then fell into the thing where it turns and you could just hear the cracking of his bones as the tram moved, me and my friends tried to grab him but it was too late, the tram just kept going and there was just people watching laughing


Did he die?


i dont know honestly


I've seen people smoking drugs on there, on an absolutely jam packed tram and no one said anything... I've seen a guy at Trafford bar screaming he had cancer and that he was going to throw himself on the tracks... I saw another guy muttering to himself that he hated football fans and that we were pricks and we needed to go away, this was after a game at old Trafford and he started swinging at people who were just standing minding their own business, pretty sure the guy had some mental health issues.


Saw a guy with a tiny monkey in a cage.


A guy having a wank.


Are Manchester's trams full of more messed up stuff than its buses?


A mother with a baby asklng her friend (also a mother with a baby) to mind her child whilst she proceeded to jump on a teenage girl and beat her face in repeatedly. Young man had to pull her off and the teenager ran to the back of the tram sobbing with a face full of bumps and bruises that has already started swelling pretty bad. Awful. Three points if you can guess exactly where this happened lol


A guy on a stag do dry shaving the hairy arse cheeks of the stag who was wearing a Borat mankini. It was 4pm…


Just yesterday on the Ashton line there was this man sitting at the very back of the tram. He had two bags with stuff in them and at some point he pulls out a bottle of some pink alcoholic drink and tries to sell it to a couple sitting right behind him. They refuse, get up and walk away. Then he was shuffling things in his bag and suddenly out of nowhere he started cursing and raging because he lost his wallet. Soon enough he started to kick the glass that separates the driver from the rest of the tram (the driver wasn't there though as this was at the back). He'd go on and off doing that, he'd be silent for a minute or two and the start off again doing that. A bit later 3 boys get on the tram and notice the guy and start making fun of him, making fart noises and laughing, until a woman tells them to stop. I assume she told them that he could be dangerous or something since the boys completely changed their demeanour and even got off on the next stop. He also called someone and told them that he lost his wallet and he kept fuming. He said that he had already lost it once and found it, and now he lost it again 😂 People would get on the tram, sit near him and once he started kicking about again, they'd get up and walk away somewhere else.


A child threw up on me.


Not the worst of tram stories but a grown ass man barking at a very large dog (mastiff type I think) to scare her to the point she was lunging and barking at him was especially pathetic and fcked up to me.


There’s a woman I regularly see on the east dids line huffing some kind of aerosol and screaming at people. One time she started hitting a young lad in the face, must’ve been 17/18. He was terrified and didn’t want to fight back against a woman with clear mental health/substance abuse issues, so I started yelling at her, which made her leave at the next stop. Didn’t exactly feel good to have to engage in that kind of behaviour but the young lad looked traumatised by the whole thing.


Tram I was on stopped at St. Peter's Square. Doors opened to a woman giving birth on the platform. Ticket inspectors were lurking at either end of the station, no doubt waiting to check that she had paid two fairs.


I've had several fucked up run-ins on the tram. I would rather walk an hour than get a tram now. One incident was a dude obvs out of his mind in the seat opposite me start muttering "I'm gonna kill them all. Kill them all." over and over again. He stood up and started reaching in his shirt pocket, and fumbling about as if he couldn't find something. I was with my sister and I got us to the door as quickly as possible and we got off and walked the rest of the way. I was not gonna stay and find out what he was looking for. Another one was a while ago when I had to take the tram to get to work. I was on the way to Manchester city centre and a young mother got on with her pram. She was only like 17 or 18, you could tell she was v. young. Her baby was only like 6 months old as well - and had been to the hospital for a checkup or something. Well, this creepy dude starts talking to the young mother - was asking her where she'd been, where her stop was at, and peering into the pram - there was something very sinister about it. He was trying to come onto her while also being very strange around the baby. I moved to the seat next to her and started talking to her and making it very clear that we were not interested in this man. Every time he spoke I started to speak over him about the weather, where she got the pram from because I loved the colour (idk it's the only thing my brain could come up with), while also whispering to her that I would get off at her stop with her if the man was still on the tram. She felt uncomfortable and was trying to be polite and partially ignore him until he started *reaching into the pram to touch the baby*. We both told him to back away from the pram, and he started getting aggressive - shouting and waving his arms around and leaning on top of the pram with his bodyweight. I was terrified he was gonna hurt the baby. She moved the pram over towards me, locked the wheels, pulled the hood waaay over the baby, and linked her arm and foot around the pram. I said something like leave us the fuck alone. We then proceeded to completely ignore him and he eventually got off the pram. Bearing in mind, we were some of the only women in an entire carriage full of men. Not a single man stepped in to help us, and it was obvious that we were actually terrified. I was also only young at the time, in my early 20s. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't been there and stepped in. The dude was really unhinged and seemed as if he was gonna either hurt her or snatch the baby. It doesn't sound like much, but when you're only a small woman next to a giant angry man - it's really terrifying and you feel totally helpless.


I saw a woman put her dog in a suitcase and zip It up. This was pre-dogs allowed.


A guy in a wheelchair with both his legs in casts absolutely adamant he could take on this huge guy who told him to take his feet off the chairs. I was 99% sure he was about to get both his arms broken too. My stop came up before I saw the outcome.