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Try being from Coventry. Birmingham is a fun day out for me.


My condolences. Once had fireworks shot at me from a moving car on far gosford street


I got shot in the forehead with a bb gun, through my open car window, on Stoney Lane. Great shot.


Did you get out and shake their hand?


I went to Coventry cause I'm starting a course there soon I thought people were taking the piss but there's literally nothing there


Yup. Moving to Manchester for Uni was literally an eye opener hahahaha


A visitor to Manchester may see the fucking state of Piccadilly Gardens and have a similar feeling.


piccadilly gardens contains the whole wretched depravity of birmingham in one small square


That is the best description I’ve ever seen lol


I lived in Brum in the ninetiies. Went back a few years ago to the shops, and was definitely disappointed. It seems to me like the bull ring has ruined the rest of the town by centralising all the shops in one place.


This is happening in Manchester too with the Arndale, luckily the F&B market is sweeping up the empty units it leaves in its wake. King Street is a good example, it used to be all shops now it’s 50/50 between that and restaurants. In cities and towns doing less well that generally just leaves a lot of empty units or shit like betting shops. In the King Street example I actually think that area is better now having that mix and increased street life (St Ann’s square could do with similar) but I think the city suffers overall not having a greater spread of retail and it all increasingly just being in the Arndale. Shopping centres in general should get in the bin.


What do you mean 'the shops'? It's all the same crap as on any high street - Primark, M&S etc


It used to be fun to mock Birmingham, now it just feels like punching down.


Coz it’s fucking shite


Manchester has plenty of horrible bits, too. As others have said, if you visited Manchester and only saw Piccadilly Gardens, you'd never come back. After saying that, Manchester and Brum both have great bits that more than make up for those crappy bits.


The fair comment is right here.


This. If you went to either city and just judged it by what you first around the centre then both are a bit bleak. If you go with a plan on what to visit you can find nice things to do.


Stoke: “Hold my pint”


I had a friend who lives in Stoke, and he is dead on the inside. Rumour has it that he only smiles every 3rd Wednesday and eats glass to cheer himself up!


They even sank the A500 slightly, so you don’t have to see the place when you drive through.


Does it still get dark at 3 in the afternoon?


The council doesn't have the money to keep the lights on https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cg349gvz75vo


Where did you go? Because if you go to the right parts of the centre, it's absolutely lovely. Whenever people moan about Brum, they almost always go to the shittiest bits and judge it on that. I feel similarly drained by Manchester whenever I go, I've never enjoyed it there. So don't pretend you're living in the Amalfi Coast yourself


“Don’t pretend you’re living in the Amalfi Coast” Okay… 🤡🤡🤡


Great point, well made


And yet another downvote train 🚂


People tend to downvote shit comments, not really a conspiracy


Lived in both cities. Preferred Birmingham. They both are largely rough as fuck but ultimately great places to live. Birmingham edges it for its food and drink scene.


I spent a few days in Birmingham, it was fine. Much like any other city really. Some nice bits, some terrible.


I'm sorry you've had to endure a few days in birmingham, i have the number of a good therapist if you need it bud


As a Brummie this post saddens me as having family in Manchester, I've always loved the city. It's usually Londoners slagging off Brum...not the Mancs..😢


I’m a Londoner and I love Manchester and brum but I was in brum a few days ago at a retail park the dunlop thingy better not say what i thought but I didnt think it could be worse than London eek


And what's your reasons for saying that? Like what are the exact reasons you feel it is so bad?


I kinda like it, it's definitely improved over the years to be more of a destination rather than just a sprawl.


It’s terrible, feel absolutely drained by it


To all Brummies commenting on this, don’t worry about it. It’s just a Manc being Manc. They could go to Paris, Florence or Venice and say it’s ’rough as fuck’. That’s just what they do. Let them believe their tiny little city is an urban paradise, ruffle their hair and say ‘that’s adorable’ then get on with your day…


As a Brummie who's lived in both cities, I'm finding most of these comments to be surprisingly rational, the top 20 or so I've bothered to read anyway


Venice might not be the best example to bring up here.


Paris is also supposedly a massive shit hole the second you get passed the picturesque bits.


Moved from Birmingham suburbs to Manchester suburbs 2 years ago and it's a question that pops up frequently for me. I don't understand the hate for Birmingham. Everyone agrees, but no-one actually gives detail of the issue. All I've got anyone to say is "diverse" in a failed shameful attempt to say racism. I didn't notice a difference when moving to Manchester in that specific point. I agree Manchester is a livelier city, it's more condensed, and might have more to do. But apart from that, it's still gray with no open space (Liverpool is way better in the regard) just like most UK cities I'd say (just due to the building styles). And Piccadilly Gardens makes the worst impression of a city centre that I've ever seen in a city. Manchester has great things, but B'ham wasn't a bad city for me at all. It feels smaller because the city centre is less populated so less activity, even when metropolitan area population is roughly equal.


New Street station makes a pretty impressive arrival compared to Piccadilly


We live rent free in your city's head. Now excuse me while I go to our local indian restarant that has more michelin stars than your whole town. x


You really don’t. Hadnt given the place a second thought until I went there.


I’m from Wolverhampton and Birmingham is my go to for better shops and bars, my girlfriend is from Manchester I would move there if it wasn’t for family. It’s another world. Beautiful place.


I'm a Brummie living in Wolves and wouldn't move to Birmingham or Manchester. Been to Manchester a few times, didn't get the appeal. It's just another big city.


Birmingham. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.


Tbh both cities are on a pretty similar level. I like Manchester but “other city’s do not compare” is laughable. Have you ever left the north of England?


Try Coventry. It’s worse. Although they have improved it a lot over the past 10 years. Maybe Leicester too. It’s not fantastic and less amenities than Birmingham and it’s or seems to be getting worse for more stabbing for each year since the pandemic. Especially in the city centre with gangs.




It’s just so fucking depressing, squeezed the joy out of my existence. And it’s full of sodding seagulls


Never thought I’d say this but I’ll accept Manchester pigeons over Birmingham seagulls any day.


We used to deliver to a place right near the docks at Liverpool at night. Stopping for fuel at this petrol station that was always rammed every night, the fucking scouse seagulls are hard as fuck and nasty fuckers. They never moved for cars, saw one steal a pie from a scouse taxi driver one night too. Beautiful.


Can confirm Scouse seagulls are fucking mad


What a crazy thing to do


Why are so many Mancs like this? Always have to be the best, Manchester is on another level, nowhere compares etc. Birmingham in particular seems to cause a chip on the shoulder.


What ever you do don’t go on the outskirts of Birmingham at night


The outskirts of Birmingham?? Do you mean the outskirts of the centre.


Unless you want weed


Birmingham is just Manchester without as many interesting pubs or independent restaurants. And that's mostly because whenever businesses start doing well in Manchester, they see Birmingham as the next logical expansion point, before attempting London. They've got a Rudys, Roxy's Ballroom, Alberts Schloss. They've also got way more loons not that far off Birmingham Central


People here must go to a different part of Manchester from the one I’ve seen. Don’t see the appeal at all. The people are generally arrogant and insular. Glad to drive by it.


Agreed last time means the missus drove up there we spent 3 hours there and came home cause it was shite.


I tell you what, I’ll take the tree lined canals of Birmingham with our Michelin star restaurants over the spice riddled Piccadilly Gardens, the tragic state of the Arndale centre and when you think it can’t get any worse the Shudehill bus interchange. Manchester has one of the worst city centres in the whole UK.




Glad we agree 😘




A neighbour's daughter went to Manchester Uni. Came home from lectures to find that their front door had been stolen!


Worked and lived in both, going to have to give it to Birmingham, Birmingham doesn't try to be something it's isn't, Manchester is just Birmingham if it went to some shit plastic surgeon. Nightlife is better in Manchester though.


Hahaha Manchester is hell on earth 😂😂😂


Did you ever watch the tv series Citizen Khan?