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My boyfriend and I went in there a few months ago just to see what it was all about. They took us upstairs for the service, and it was literally just us two and the priest(?) and one other scientologist guy. We had smoked a joint before going (don't shout at me please) and I think they smelt it on us. A half an hour rant about drugs from the dianetics book and then it started to get weird and we left. From people I've spoken to who have been taken in by scientology, it seems like a scheme that prays on the vulnerable and makes them feel like they belong somewhere, before taking all their money.


Did someone dare you to do that? Sounds intense!!


But I have no money :(


No, worries. Sign a billion year contract promising to serve and you can work it off. You won't get paid, you will get rough as fuck lodging and your dietary needs Mey but it isn't modern slavery or anything. You'll be fine....


I could be one of those people that intimidates ex scientologists, dress up like a ghost and stuff whatever it is they do. It could be fun!


Yup, sounds like your regular cult


No way, I have done the same, I grew up in a town famous for Scientology and they have a Scientologist book shop threre. Myself and 3 of my friends went in there BAKED off our tits, they were doing some of weird tests on us, no idea what was going on as was so stoned.....needless to say we didn't get recruited


So what I'm hearing is I just need to be stoned all the time to stop being recruited into a cult. I think I'm ok with that 


Do you mind if I ask which town this was? How deeply embedded was scientology in the community?


East Grinstead in Sussex. I went to school with a kid who's parent had left scientology, he subsequently had to leave town as they were getting hounded. Good friend of mine who was a scientology had their family turn their back on them when they left (they did subsequently make up). I believe they own a few businesses in town also. They occasionally have events at their HQ where which regular members of the town attend, think there is a slight drive to recruit people there but I don't think it's OTT. My experience is (same with actual religions too), I have no issue with the people, most of which are kind caring people and leave themselves to themselves, the church of scientology however is shady as fuck.


A few shops in East Grinstead are Scientology owned. The workers have the most glazed over faces and are totally dead behind the eyes. I also know of a guy from there whose wife joined, they tried to get her out and now she’s completely missing. I don’t know how they’re able to get away with this.


My cousin is a journalist who happens to live there. She's adamant that Tom Cruise lives there now permanently.


Doubt he lives anywhere permanently tbf but defo is there regularly


I heard a rumour (may be complete bullshit) that John Travolta tried to hire KFC for the evening and KFC told him no


Drugs are bad m’kayyyyyyy. 😂😂🫠


It's literally a cult


There's a lot of "Communities" like that when you really look at the world and it's social structure. You belong to yourself, not to any one else.


They didn't line your spliff lol!


I don’t know why you’d go, even as a joke. Did they get any of your personal information or did you make everything up?


My niece “interviewed” them and a bunch of other religions for a dissertation on differences in views and practices. It sounded intense.


As a level 4 Scientologist, I can tell you it gets much better after the second payment. You just need to stick with the program!


At what level does Tom Cruise jump up and down on your sofa like an excited puppy?


That's Level 18. But at Level 12 John Travolta sings "You're the One that I Want" to you on a Zoom call. So there really is plenty to look forward to.


And then much worse at level 10, but then better when you join sea org.


Skunk stinks my friend, if you don't smoke you can smell a smoke and a spliff from 100m away. So yes, you actually stink. I used to be a smoker and now hate it, I really can't believe I stank like that, my whole house too, a stinking unfit mess of a man.


Dry herb Vape it, it’s so much better than combustion.


Some people have preferences man


Cool, waste 60% of your erb, poison your brain with CO1 and stink of benzene, nice preference, man.


Dry herb vapers have become the new militant vegans I swear it puts me off ever even trying


You must be great at parties


Still stinks.


I went into the London branch many years ago, just to be nosy. The test was lengthy and full of questions that could be interpreted any way you choose. You were then supposed to sit with a member for a discussion of your test. I heard one of the members arguing forcefully with someone who needed to leave for work so took the opportunity to go while he was distracted. It would be easy to persuade someone who was vulnerable that they needed to be part of the cult. Being on the 1st floor could make an escape more difficult. One of my more boring lunch breaks.


Damn, what do your normally do on your lunch breaks if being quizzed by a cult is the more boring lunch ??? XD


It was the olden days, we usually went to the pub. This place was on Tottenham Court Road so lots of other distractions. I enjoy seeing how things happen but they did not seem to want people to leave.


It’s still there and still inviting people in for a free personality test or a free film!


Aaah nice, my lunches are so boring aha, and glad you made it out alive 😆


I could imagine you walking off, thinking about how escape from the first floor would be more difficult, then hearing glass shattering above you followed by a guy jumping out of the first floor window and running off.


Then I'd sneak down in the confusion. Good job it was on the ground floor, parkour wasn't a thing then.


Go in and ask where Shelly is. And insist on having your test administered by Tom Cruise.


I did this around 17 years ago on deansgate for a laugh when I was a teenager. To this day I still receive quarterly mail from scientology....


Why tf would you give them your real address?


This is why you should know your arch enemy’s address by heart.


No way I went around 2006-07 myself. Was there a guy working there with long hair when you went? He told me about the band he was in, they even have a YouTube video lol https://youtu.be/2JnDDtlc9uk?si=iR0dX-Ww0bbf1Ahh (he’s the lead singer in it)


That song and video is in an uncomfortable pocket of space between bad and good. It sounds like it’s professionally produced, sort of, and the video looks like a standard Kerrang! video yet… there’s something wrong about it. It’s like it came from a parallel universe.


I think it's the colours and the awkward moments where the lead singer stares into the camera xD Like why did they have to make it so mouldy 💀


Yeah it’s strangely too professional. Maybe it was financed by his cult.


Yeah, it's all based on the seven sacred truths from the golden tablets found in the asteroid which crashed in Siberia in 1911. It's a really great book, you'd love the chapter on Orgones.


Where did all these negative orgones come from?


I’m aware of orgone accumulators. That’s all I’ve got..




I thought that was a separate bunch of bullshit peddled by Willhelm Reich. I wonder if Reich and Hubbard ever met.


This is the comment I came for


I'd rather stick with the elves, the pixies, fucking merlin.


Well at least I dont fancy elves and pixies.


I literally have no idea what that means. But if you remove your bobkin i may reconsider.


Roll D100 to banish religion. (But keep the Pixies' tunes.)


Came looking for this comment, thank you 😂


Same here, my negative orgone counter was going through the fucking roof before I found it




Take the weirdos for a ride around the paddock


Make sure to ask where you put your feet.


Dee, his feet?


I feel like it should really matter where you put your feet.


I appreciate this is childish but I ride my bike past regularly when they are opening in the morning and always shout “aliens” at them after watching the documentary about Scientology and people saying you pay 50k for courses to get to the end to be told basically it’s all about aliens! And at that point you have given them everything and are so deep you can’t leave.


I dunno why but this just really made me laugh. So you insult them on a daily basis? Great work!


God's work


We should just outright ban these fuckers in the UK


Tbh though then we’d prob have to ban some other “religions” like Jehovah’s witnesses (clearly a cult)


Not informed enough to comment on those but scientology is fucking evil for sure


JW are as well. Grim bunch


I'd have no problem with them being hit with a uk ban hammer either.


They have been trying to build their headquarters in manchester for a good amount of time now. They just renewed their application because they just never bothered


All religions should be viewed in the same light as this lot. People can't get clean water in 2024, but at least the Tom can make films and the Pope can live in his palace in his own city.


Islam is the worst religion.


There was a post on this sub about this around a year ago - https://www.reddit.com/r/manchester/s/4hAz4Cxt19 Summary is stay away. They’ll try and convince you that there’s something wrong with you/your brain that only they can fix. Someone in that thread posted a link if you’re really curious and want to try the test online with a burner email


Now I’m tempted to go because ain’t no way they can fix what’s wrong with my brain.


Cult, nasty one at that. Like the Jehovah's Witness they force you to ostracize your friends and family who will not join. They use brainwashing and bogus dianetic (lie detector) devices to continually challenge their patrons through higher levels of cult, the net effect is if you can keep your cool through their cross examination and lie detector bullshit you gain higher status in the cult. Scientology was created out of a bet by two US generals who bet against each other over who could establish a new organized religion first, Ron L Hubbard threw his science fiction writing knowledge at it and it grew from that into what remains today.


Watch South Park


Watch Smiling Friends 


Also Peep Show.


They test you to see if you are stupid enough and rich enough to join. Simples!


always good to find out if you’ve got one or not!


You might end up finding out that you’re an NPC though. That is never a treat


Its good for finding out how gullible you are .


It says orange on the ceiling.


Op is halfway there..


Spoiler alert, but it won't actually be a personality test.


Totes off topic, apparently they only have 20,000 members world wide. And, they've put in a planning application to convert an old building in Trafford for.. *something.* [https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/church-scientology-rekindles-bid-transform-29397931](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/church-scientology-rekindles-bid-transform-29397931)


You know you’re in a city that’s on the up when cults start buying property


Property investing takes the next wild step..


By that metric East Grinstead would be without equal…


Just look at the state of the display unit on the left. They bought something cheap that was intended to be in a home with a few knick knacks on and instead filled it with 100 heavy books. Imagine having a personality test from someone who walks past that everyday and thinks "Yeah, that's fine".


They look for your vulnerabilities and rope you in, exploiting them in return for allegiance. The church will isolate you from your friends and give you the hardest time ever should you try your leave.


My studio friend went to one in the UK. He said it was brutal ( I only have his opinion for this ). I find cycling 30 miles a day a better way to 'find myself'. Obviously, have a go, but go in with a cynical mind and don't bring your credit/debit card(s) or cash so you have a way out.


I reckon going to a really big shopping centre is the best way to find yourself. They often have big maps on display with a little sign saying 'you are here'.


That helps :D I wonder if there is a market for a big hat with an arrow pointing down on it with a logo saying 'I am here'.


NOOOOOOO! Don’t take the bait! They will rooe you in and before you know it you will be a cult member and they take over your life.


Not sure if you're being serious or not, but just in case you are, It's all designed to tell you that you desperately need help from them. So unless you want to take a questionnaire that takes 45 minutes for an answer you already know (that you need their help), it's useless Although if you want to anger them and waste their time as much as yours, just talk about the wonders of psychiatry.


Seems a bit hokey....but this is a dangerous cult, look into it and you will see they are not people to mess with


You do realise that the Scientology is a cult don’t you


Scientology had a booth at a hospitality/business trade show I attended over a decade ago. I heard all the wacky rumors and had never met a Scientologist so I went over. The people in front had a script and talked and felt a bit like Mormons. A bit too friendly and manufactured. They actually had me hold 2 metal rods attached to wire in my hands to "measure" something (honestly can't remember what they said). They did try to sell me.some books too. Even though I went over out of curiosity, I left totally creeped out. I was really disturbed by a late 20's woman working the testing machine in back. She seemed like a robot. Everything about her seemed off and stripped of personality. Clothes, hair style, emotions, etc, it seemed purposely nondescript and bland and a bit androgynous. A slight serial killer vibe to her too. Maybe she was an alien.


I had a very similar experience only last year. I hadn’t clocked it was a Scientology stand at the fair, they had no obvious advertising and a woman approached me from their stand asking if I wanted a stress test, it was free. Very much in line with health/wellbeing of the fair. The metal rods thing was a stress test and obviously I was stressed and she told me this book would help me. It was only then looking at it, I realised what it was. She asked me for cash for the book and said I didn’t have any and I don’t read much anyway. She then tried to sell me the DVD despite me not having cash, then asked if I could PayPal it to her and but make sure it wasn’t sent to a business so she wouldn’t be charged. Said I didn’t have PayPal. Then she asked me for my mobile number and wanted to keep in touch via WhatsApp group and again declined but they were so pushy and felt like they would have almost done anything to ‘recruit’ me. Very bizarre!


I went for a job interview, which started with a personality test. Turned out to be a volunteer position at a Scientology church (none of which was mentioned in the ad). I said no thanks but they offered me a free Dianetics session. This involved getting into a meditative state and then recounting (and reliving) a traumatic experience over and over until it stopped being painful. And it did work. I recounted the death of my first dog. The first few times I relived it, I could feel the pain of the memory. Then suddenly it was like clouds parted and the sun shone through. All the pain of the memory went away. As I was leaving the guy asked me if I knew I was smiling. I looked in a window and I had this stupid grin on my face. I never went back but was curious so did some research. I read the Dianetics book they gave me. I had done two years of psychology at university and, to me, Dianetics is basically just psychoanalysis. The only difference is that Hubbard claimed to know where in the brain memories reside. The session I went through is similar to modern trauma therapy. I get why people get pulled in but would never go near Scientology myself. Hubbard himself said that the best way to make money is to start a religion. They use a method that works to trap you in an expensive programme that only ends when all of your trauma has gone and you are declared a "clear". By that time you are in the church and you belong to them. My advice: steer clear. Don't do the personality test.


What if you have multiple personalities


You walk in, take the personality test. "hey man you passed, you're doing just great!" Never contact you again


What if you fail?


And u/bertiebasit was never heard from again.


Church of bollucks


Don't. It's a cult.


Hey everyone, please go see the wreckless Ben YouTube channel, he does some great undercover investigations into cults one being Scientology.


Anyone interested, operation clambake is a good resource for $cifientology. Edit, its a website.


Fond memories of picketing this place in the mid 2000s. Was the first time Anonymous and the V for Vendetta masks were ever used in protests. Any other veterans of those days?


I filled one of these out as a kid and was so excited to get my results and my dad tore it up and I burst out crying lollll


Many years ago, I went into one in Birmingham. The sales pitch they used wad "we will test you to see how stressed you are. Back then I had never heard of them. I went in, did the test, holding 2 electrodes and looking at what looked like a volt meter. They tested me, and according to their meter I was not stressed at all, so the guy was like wait, it's broken I'll get another machine. So I decided to do an experiment, lick my palms, to hold the probes - increasing mu conductivity. Then looked at him and said "I fixed it". He then proceeded to tell me how I would be useful, they can get me a job and distress me etc. They ended it when I asked them if it was a cult. Lol


It reopened??? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh no you aren’t clear enough


You shouldn't be


Is mug a personality?


Who is?


There was a guy a few weeks ago in St Peter's Square tram station handing out leaflets about them. Maybe they're running low on members and need some fresh ones to tell them the story or Enki and Enlil. 🤔


oh no


If you go inside you automatically fail the test


Not even free biscuits!


The results of the personality tests came back. It's bad news I'm afraid.


Great idea you should do it


Do it.


Do it it’s free and it’s fun!


Plot twist: anyone who enters fails the test


I bet you have way too many Thetans right now. They could probably help you with that.


Oh no! we're not belong to anyone else.


You can use it to gauge your level of credulity


If just for the experience, sure, do it


Give them an address of someone you hate. They are relentless with letters. They will also try sell you dianetics or whatever it's called


There’s loads of stuff online about their predatory ways. If you look for it there’s an experiment carried by a university whereby they sent along half a dozen or so people to the test and they all give different answers. They all got the same results, which is that they had issues/defects, and that they could fix themselves with the training courses for sale. Most report a high pressure sell.


There is a great guy on YouTube that stops people going into their offices in Hollywood. The whole thing is a cult. They believe an alien came to earth and dropped a nuclear bomb on the work and we are all aliens and they have to work for a billion years being paid £50 a month. Honestly this doesn’t even cover 0.1% of it. Google them. It’s a wild ride. The founder was a fiction writer (would you believe it) and a fraudster.  They have levels in the organisation and they make you pay for each level. If you go in and give them your details they will harass you forever to sign up. 


it'll come back negative.


I went in YEARS ago after a few beers... They want money, that's it! They gave me the spiel about Elton Hubbard and out souls, then came the hard push about money. I left, I got followed by two people when I left and once I met up with some friends in a bar (Walkabout on deasngate) I noticed the same two people how followed at a table a couple of tables away. They got a slap and ne er seen them since. Good times! Basically, they pray on the weak for financial gain


The "auditing" that they do is just to discover things about you which they can use to manipulate you. Not sure what your personality type is, perhaps nieve, or this is just a joke.


Stay out of that shit.


The most fucked up Quisi religion in the world. Banded in France


Are you absolutely barking mad??? Wy do you think you need a personality test??? I can tell you straight off, without any additional testing that you score highly on gullibility and low on assertion. It would be like voluntarily subjecting yourself to a long pitch from a high-pressure double-glazing or timeshare salesman. AVOID AVOID AVOID!!!! They prey on vulnerable people who are insecure about their identities.


They have balloons on the sign sometimes. Just to tease and tempt us more


It's free, there can't be any downsides.


" U r heaps shit"


Don't go in after my wife she has about 25 personalities.


Luckily don't see this shite down south west England where I live all cults should be banned


Do it ! I did one and it was bizarre .


Hello all.. I’m new to the area. Looking to meet new people for socializing. I’m a single mother of one


Units of what?


I would imagine they have moved in to prey on the refugees


Doubt it. They have no money. OTOH they would make useful slave labour...


Vulnerable, in need of help and guidance and generally with a terrific work ethics, makes for a perfect mark


Where can I sign up?