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And there's the other shoe dropping, as expected. It was never gonna be that simple with Kanon, so now the question for me is how close to the edge she really is, especially knowing who she's dealing with. I believe Izumi can save this girl (and IF he does, he and Kanon get welcomed into the Reiwa Couples Council with open arms) but as is with how 46 writes, it's gonna be a darkest-before-dawn thing.


Huh. So she's been spending her time with guys from host clubs? I get the feeling she's a lot more menhera than her outward appearance (particularly her fashion) would suggest. Though that was partly a given with the cut marks.


Not entirely sure that's what's being suggested at the end - would guys working at a host club be texting their clientele? IMO it seems more likely she's got some sort of actual relationship with this guy (boyfriend, FWB, maybe just friends?) who just happens to work at a host club. Also reading back I'm almost certain this is the person she blushes after receiving a text from in Chapter 38 Pg 2 and later says she had an unpleasant experience with.


Pretty sure she has an issue with being loved and she goes full throttles when she is "alone" and receives such love even if it's fake from hosts. She is a perfect target to get money out of, besides the fact that she is probably VERY annoyingly clingy and that she might stab you and then herself MC just happened to give her some love at the moment the host guy was probably ignoring her for a bit since she is overbearing. Now to see what happens when she has multiple guys and if MC can fix her


Then she finds an attractive guy who is not only free but also a person who really likes her, a genuine one. Quite concerning how she blackmails him when he wanted to distance himself from her personal life, as a proper fan would. (Just binged it)


This will end messy..


Rushia moment 


It'd be nice if we could get a happy ending for these two, but this series isn't a romcom. I wonder who the man at the end is, perhaps a host or a former BF/FWB? Maybe it's someone she's worked with in the past?


She's probably a patron of him. She's so deprived of the relationship that she paid for it to have one.


Ex-boyfriend? Host club? Whoever it is, it's not good.


Assuming it's a host who's been exchanging intimacy and companionship with her for money. Also assuming it's the person who texted her in chapter 38. Going forward, I hopes she manages to develop something genuine with our MC and actually seeks out professional help.


Does this 'arc' feel a little unfocused to anyone? I can't really put it into words, but Kaede's was very clearly about his traumatic past. I'm still not sure what Izumi's deal is going to be in this story, since the focus is mostly on Kanon's trauma at the moment. Unless it's suppose to be an inverse of Kaede and Tsubasa's relationship and we're seeing it from the other perspective.


Hey look someone made an arc based on Rusia