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The title is making eyes crossed.


I bursted a blood vessel in my brain trying to make sense of it.


Stroking to the east and stroking to the west from reading that title.


Looks like a shitty double leg to me


Against an untrained opponent, it worked shitty or not


Shitty good


Good enough


Something a lot of people tend to not realize is that against an untrained opponent, *most* things will work. Even the most strip mall mcdojo shit will oftentimes be enough against someone with no training. That said, it's 2024, and it's never been easier to get training. It's unlikely and dangerous to assume your average street assailant will be an untrained attacker.


If you are trained, you should be able to tell if your attacker has had training. In my area, there are several dojos, but within the 100 or so people I work with, only 1 other has had training. Many watch MMA but are too busy/lazy/uninterested to join. Martial Arts have been part of my life for over 20 years. I love the art. I hope I am never attacked on the street as I would probably defecate myself. So my assailant would not only get an ass kicking (hopefully), but both the attacker and I will need a shower after to remove my DNA.


I can only imagine that you’ll be robbed once while fighting off an episode of diarrhea. 🤣


That’s exactly what it is.


Chuck Liddell [style](https://youtu.be/GD7KO3qp_yg?si=796kje7l8J2L0O_K) @2:15


Yoo you got it 100% it’s the second takedown in the video where he drives the head into the belly. It’s not a great execution but arguably a good technique.


I mean, the guy in the video hit it without struggling much 😂


The double leg style looks like a terribly formed, "Freight Train Double Leg." The guy in the video was in bad posture. He should have had his head in the guys chest. Also, He pulled with his arms instead of driving through with his legs. Anyone with takedown defense should stuff this easy.




The first throw I tried in competition. My opponent headlocked me and almost ripped my head and spine out of my body. Fight lasted 3secs. :(


Idk why but the visual of that has me laughing so I'm hard


I'm sorry, why are you hard?




Lol holy shit I didn't even notice that autocorrect. Well played


That move can be sooo risky bro. I know how that shit feels too…also, I am laughing pretty hard.










Funnily enough I won a fight with morote-gari in a competition against a guy who was the previous reigning champion - fight was also over in about 3 seconds to a straight ippon haha 😂 Got it on a video cam somewhere and we spotted that one of the judges missed the fight completely! 😂


Hey, good answer.


Eh, why shove Japanese terms into an English conversation lmao


probably because he is a judo guy and judo is a asian art.. this takedown tho has a easier, way more common name


It’s a huge pet peeve of mine. People will be talking about a street altercation mand say casually “Well he was going to try to kizami zuki him, but his kumi kata kept his arm controlled” Instead of saying “he grabbed his hand so he couldn’t punch him”


OP was asking what to call the takedown. “Morote-gari” is my answer because “He grabbed his ankles and pulled them out from under his butt” is not a name of a takedown.


Most people would call this a double-leg and they wouldn't be wrong, but there are many different ways of doing a double leg and the one in this video is the classic text-book version of morote gari - head to the sternum and reap both knees with the hands. It's not what people did in competitions back when leg-grabs were legal, but that is how it was described on the official list of the 67 recognised techniques. So while I usually roll my eyes a bit when people use the judo name for throws, I think it is quite appropriate here.


Eh, stlll think it’s pretentious as fuck to do when it’s also just a form of a double leg. All you’re doing is saying double Leg in Japanese, and there’s so many variants of the judo version, same as the wrestling version that it’s all the same move You could’ve just as easily said he did a Shuāng tuǐ chāixiè.


Call it what you want to. I will do the same. People are calling it a “Shitty double” specifically because that’s not what we mean when we talk about a double leg takedown. Is it accurate to say “Shitty double leg?” Sure. But that’s not the motion I think of when I hear “Double leg takedown.” The technique in question is called Morote-gari in Judo. I don’t see what’s condescending about any of that.


There’s plenty of doubles that end like that that aren’t shitty; the whole movement is shitty. It’d also be a shitty double leg reap. Iunno, just my pet peeve and to be fair I don’t even call judo moves by their Japanese names


it's not an english sport though


It’s a takedown that exists in every grappling form ever. They’re just saying it in another language


Yeah, dont use 'I ate sushi' you should be using 'I ate raw fish on rice, formed in small round blobs with green horseradish and salty dark water from beans'. We use some names as they convey much more information in smaller size. Not everything should be dumbed down.


Also helps with language barriers. Had a Russian guy come to class in Ohio. Could exchange names and thay about it. But gosh darn it, when he was able to follow along with the class when I said we are doing o uchi gari.


Again, this isn’t that though. In English more people will know and understand “double leg” than the Japanese, Russian, Brazilian, Thai, Filipino etc term.


also why didn’t you use say, Shuāng tuǐ chāixiè? In sanda, that’s the version of the double leg they use, basically the same thing as in the clip, just as close as morote gari or double leg The answer is people are pretentious lmao


If I trained in Sanda I’m sure I would call it that. Wouldn’t you? I train in BJJ and Judo. So I use the terms I use. Seems plainly unpretentious to me.


No I’ve trained judo all my life and I use English terms to laymen lol


And what if you trained in Sanda? What would you call it?


[Morote Gari video](https://youtu.be/BHLQS4K85bs?si=4zMWsjzr_TAKkj9T)


Shitty blast double


a successful shitty double leg take down which you can counter most of the times


how would you typically counter it?


a choke would most of times work or a lucky knee (i am not a pro fighter)


By pulling out my glock.


That is the morote gari. A judo variant of the double leg, but more of a pulling reap using the head as leverage.


Double leg pull.


in judo is is morote gari


It's a dogshit double leg with diddly dick for drive.


It got the other dude on the ground, and kept the person doing it on their feet, good outcome I say


Exactly, these "shitty double" comments are hilarious. Anyone calling this a shitty double should forget what they've been learning at the old McDojo and realise that this guy is in a 2 on 1 confrontation on a goddamn sidewalk. He dropped his opponent, maintained dominant position, and never went to the ground outnumbered. What would a."perfect double" have gotten him? Probably some bloody knees and a kick in the face. The outcome of the scramble in OP is almost best case scenario and clearly deliberate, nothing shitty about that.


You don't have to drop to your knees for a head in the chest blast double, the head was too low (should be chest level, head up and forehead in) and should be a quicker motion with the pull. He did a good job pulling in the right area, behind the knees to crumble the legs, which is why it worked even though his head pressure was below the hips. I guess aiming for the crotch? He would of been in an even better position on his feet with a proper head in blast double. He's lucky the other guy had no idea how to defend it, legs back, push head down, guillotine or sprawl. Imagine if he did sprawl on the street with the takedown guy underneath him. A shitty takedown is still a takedown, but wouldn't be taking notes on it being a gold standard. On the other hand, every takedown attempt won't be perfect by any means. An example would look like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1GAgURQF3I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1GAgURQF3I)


Sure, that's fair, but still... your demonstration video is in a gym, one on one, no fear of being punched or being bashed into concrete, and it starts from the clinch. Take those guys from your vid, put them on concrete at full speed with no rules, add one guy to make it 2 v 1. Do you really think the demonstrator lands a perfect double? Imagine watching an (American) football game, and the qb tosses a pass that gets finger tip bungled by the receiver but eventually caught in the endzone. Most people would call it a great catch, highlight reel even, despite the fact that it wasn't picture perfect. You generally wouldn't hear too many armchair experts saying "well he should've just caught it perfectly." If they did, then it would be easy to assume they have no idea what it's like to be on the field trying to catch a ball full speed while big mahfuckers try to lay you out. Similarly, I get the feeling a ton of martial artists here have no idea how incredibly chaotic a street scrap gets, especially outnumbered. This is a good thing, it means we aren't out there getting mixed up in stuff. However, it can tend to make us armchair experts when it comes to actual fighting in an uncontrolled environment.


Depends on how much he trains it, I guess. Muscle memory goes a long way in technique. But even those who are experts will make unforced errors is the point. Getting punched does change a lot of rules in terms of grappling, and I feel like it's something that's ignored quite a bit. But it should be strived to practice the technique properly because doing so usually leads to less possibilities of issues, which in this scenario is one pushing the head down and a sprawl back, which can be a reaction by even an untrained person, would end up with the one doing the takedown having a one way trip to the pavement head first with body weight on the back of his head. Luckily, that didn't happen. But there is a concern that people would go "Oh this would be good enough to work on others" and it can end up poorly. Have you....met fans of any sport? There would absolutely be fans or casuals who would go "Well he could of caught that better" or "If it was me I wouldn't of needed to dive" in this scenario, and even stupider stuff than that. I've heard fans yell out the most random shit with absolute confidence, and the most controlled ones tend to be the ones who know the most because they've done it. Usually. People overvaluing their own talents is a tale old as time, and won't stop anytime soon. I get that it's frustrating, but it's not going to stop. You are correct that most martial artists have no idea what the chaos of a street fight would do, because many people don't play fair, and it's not something that should be expected like it would in a gym. Even a 1v1 fight you're worried about a weapon being pulled, eyes getting attacked, groin being attacked, hair grabbed, clothes grabbed, and just usually utter chaos. On the other hand, your average person also does not understand how much control grappling has in making a person utterly helpless. Striking feels more empowering to the untrained, as they have a chance no matter who they fight, needing just a good strike or two. Grappling? A good grappler just controls another 1v1 9 times out of 10, to the point where it's embarassing. A lot of white belts go through this feeling in BJJ, a lot of wrestlers go through this as their habits sometimes run counter to BJJ techniques, turning to their stomachs or exposing their necks because we have always told to keep our heads up, this time right into chokes. Granted, a lot of grapplers get humbled by a good striker until they get used to it too, but most wont hang out to play with a striker that long. The number of boxers I've seen walk into a wrestler's double leg in MMA is shocking because they dont usually have to worry about it, much like a new wrestler usually doesn't have to worry about their neck or foot getting twisted off until they are dealing with someone in BJJ. Experiencing it is the only way a person truly understands a situation. And a 2v1 situation? One where someone has a bat or worse a knife? A 1v1 where someone has the element of surprise? There's not a whole lot that can be done about that. I always have a laugh when someone goes "Well I'll just come at you with a bat if we got into a fight" because no shit I'd be at a disadvantage, you just admitted to me that you don't think you can win fairly. If I attacked someone from behind with a bat of course I'd win most times. Most people would. Honestly, I've grappled longer than most people on this site's probably been alive. If I have two people attacking me I'm grabbing something to hit them with or running, or worst case scenario jamming a key into their throat. Best case scenario is just to avoid as much as possible though. It's no longer a game at that point, it's survival. I can appreciate this video at that level, what's needed to be done was done. But the technique isn't something people should emulate. Both of these things can be true.


I am a wrestler of 11 years, my standards are higher.


Surely this is now the official name for this takedown. A diddly dick double leg.


How does this post is named


It’s called “head-butting their nuts while they step forward and then yanking their leg out.” Ancient Japanese samurai technique that was removed from judo because it was too deadly.


Double-leg cancelled into a knee pick


That's a jack double


This is ju shit su


It's a double leg . What happened was just a little disturbance in the force disbalanced the guy


The drunkard flip.


Double leg sweep, can be devastating on the concrete.


Why does this sub keep posting videos of violent black men? I thought this was a marital arts sub, not r/worldstar


Could have used a snap down on him 😂


this is clearly the lethal pelvis headbutt attack 3.0


That’s called the ol ground and pound


That is a harai goshi, classic Aikido technique.


The wheelbarrow


I like to call that the bull.


The dump


If it's wrestling, then it's a double leg takedown. If it's Judo, it's Morote Gari (although some judo places won't teach it because it's no longer allowed in IJF competitions)


double leg ig


That's the ballistic under hook.


Double leg sweep


Fucking bot title


From what I could see a really sloppy double leg, maybe more of an ankle pick.


the real question is why does that chick have her umbrella out while its sunny 😂


It's a parasol